The Great Storm

Chapter 623: Tunka "Monster"

After Tianjizi left, Luo Xiaoyan quickly eased from the shocked state, and then began to try to study the knowledge about the inheritance technique "Yu Dao Jue" that exists in the sea of ​​knowledge.

When his consciousness touched the "Yu Dao Jue" exercise method, the system gave a reminder. Luo Xiaoyan ignored it for the time being. He tried to study the contents of the exercise method recorded in the secret book with his own ability, but was surprised to find that it was like reading a heavenly book and was optimistic for a long time. , It was all at a loss, and it was impossible to understand the meaning of the text in the secret book of "The Royal Path".

"Since there is a system to help, there is no need to make yourself so tired..." After reading the text on the cultivation of the first realm, Luo Xiaoyan was confused and confused, thinking and thinking for a while, but still unconscious. , I realized that this "Yu Dao Jue" can be cultivated to a higher level only by thinking and comprehending with one's own mind. It is indeed a bit difficult.

"Learning the secret skills of "The Royal Path" requires 10,000 Shenneng Card Spirit Cards. Does the host decide to learn it immediately?" This is the text prompt message given by the system when Luo Xiaoyan tries to contact the "Royal Path" again. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"In the past, when learning any skill, the number of cards of the corresponding level was one. Learning the secret skills of "The Royal Path" is just to learn, and it will cost me 10,000 cards of the highest quality **** card spirit that I have the most demand at the moment. ... Does this mean that in the future, if you want to improve the "Yu Dao Jue", just like practicing "Nine Tribulations of Life and Death", it will consume a lot of divine energy cards?"

After thinking about it, Luo Xiaoyan determined that the secret skills that consume more magical cards should be more useful in the future, so he was too lazy to think about it, and directly chose to answer, consuming 10,000 magical cards to learn "The Royal Path".

With the help of the system, Luo Xiaoyan learned the "Yu Dao Jue".

Close your eyes, carefully brewing in your mind the knowledge gained after learning the "Yu Dao Jue", and then understand that the cultivation of the "Yu Dao Jue" secret technique is too profound and mysterious, and you can only comprehend and understand it by yourself. There is no way to tell. If there is no system help, he wants to do just learning the "Royal Way Art", and he doesn't know how much time it will take to become a reality. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Until then, Luo Xiaoyan really believed that Tianjizi said that it took him 350 billion years to only cultivate the "Royal Dao Jue" to the 6th floor.

Putting all distractions aside, Luo Xiaoyan flipped through the personal attribute panel and found the option related to "Royal Dao Jue", moved the cross cursor to the "+" sign behind the "Yu Dao Jue" option, and saw the prompt message given: " To complete the first level, 10,000 divine power cards and profound cards need to be consumed!"

"Only 10,000 divine power card profound cards are needed to complete the first layer. This kind of consumption is acceptable..."

After understanding the relevant information, Luo Xiaoyan no longer hesitated, and directly consumed 10,000 Shenneng Card and Divine Cards, exchanged 10,000 Shenneng Card Profound Cards, and then quickly clicked the "+" button to increase the secret skill level of "The Royal Path" .

When the "Yu Dao Jue" is upgraded to the first level to complete, the prompt message given by the cross cursor is: "To complete the second level, it will consume 20,000 Divine Cards!"&1t;i>&1t;/ i>

"This "Yu Dao Jue" technique is really a beast of swallowing cards, and every time you raise a level, the level of the divine energy cards that you need to consume in the subsequent increases...It's really abnormal... the divine energy card cards I have now Although the number is less than 20,000, there are only more than 80,000, but you can exchange the Shenneng Card Sky Card for the land card, which can temporarily satisfy the need to raise the secret skills of "Royal Way" to the height of double perfection."

After calculating and confirming that the card in the hand can raise the "Yu Dao Jue" to the second level of Consummation, there is no hesitation, and click on the "+" after the "Yu Dao Jue" option.

"Yu Dao Jue" was upgraded to double perfection. The number of cards of all levels in Luo Xiaoyan's hand was greatly reduced. The number of land cards became o, the number of sky cards became 5o613, and the number of spirit cards became 10312.

To upgrade the "Royal Dao Jue" to the triple perfection, it needs to consume 30,000 divine power cards and sky cards. At this moment, even if Luo Xiaoyan is smashing the pot and selling iron, he can't get these cards, and he can only stop with depression. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"When I was practicing "Nine Tribulations of Life and Death", I thought that this secret technique was a behemoth of swallowing cards. Now it seems that this "Royal Way" secret technique seems to be more ruthless than "Nine Tribulations of Life and Death" and requires cards of all levels. There are more...I just hope that the secret technique of "The Royal Path" will be more useful to me, otherwise, it will really be a lot of magic cards for nothing..."

Turning back, Luo Xiaoyan checked the follow-up information about the "Yu Dao Jue", and then realized that "Yu Dao Jue" is a perverted secret skill that can control the power of the heavenly tribulations, and the killing power of the secret skill is also rising, and each level is increased. , Vaillant will want to improve.

Under normal circumstances, the first level of cultivation is complete, you have the power to control the number of calamities of the heavens, but the lethality is directly increased by one time on the basis of its own combat power, and the lethal power of the second layer is twice its own combat power.

After Luo Xiaoyan repaired one layer, he obtained the secret skill of the power of one layer of heaven and calamity is the "lightning strike technique." &1t;i>&1t;/i>

And the secret skill of the double heaven and the calamity is "Thunder Slash".

After understanding the information about "The Royal Path", Luo Xiaoyan simply put his mind on the various **** skills he had mastered, such as the secret method "Xinghui Refining God" to enhance spiritual power, as well as the yellow product combat skill "Earth and Rock Spike", Skills such as "Sky Fire Burning City", "Sky Crane Screaming", "Tian Ge Dance", and the "Mystery of Thieves" skills, directly through the way of consuming the magic card sky card, quickly pile it up to the twelfth floor , So that its basic attribute points have been raised a bit, reaching a new height.

After upgrading all the skills, Luo Xiaoyan saw that there are still some magical card days. After calculation, it is now enough to upgrade the secret skills of "Nine Tribulations of Life and Death" to the 3rd Tribulation Consummation, but the system prompts that after the upgrade to the 3rd Tribulation Consummation, After having to face the multiple attacks of the masters who are not inferior to the imperial consummation Luo Xiaoyan shook his head slightly and chose to give up temporarily.

Because he knew in his heart that his true cultivation level was still at the level of ground-level perfection, and that he was able to compete with heavenly rank, imperial level, and even early emperor-level masters, all of which were related to the various power amplification secret skills he had cultivated. , Rushing to choose to carry the emperor's calamity with the cultivation base of the land, the possibility of accidents is higher.

"I have to hurry up to improve my cultivation level and various auxiliary professional skills, and strive to achieve the baptism of the marrow pond before reaching the gate of the Shushan Sword Sect, and the cultivation level shall reach the highest level of perfection at the lowest level... I don't have a mysterious technique in my hand. Cheats, it’s time to think of a way, let’s get a secret code for a mysterious technique first..."

After deciding what to do next, Luo Xiaoyan left quickly and went all the way to Tokyu.

Luo Xiaoyan chose to drive east because he learned from fishermen that the Shushan Sword Sect was in the east of the Xuanhuang Universe.


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