The Great Storm

Chapter 855: Lietianfu's General Documents

The aura of tyrannical power released by the reinforcements of Hunting Tianfu was noticed by the nine-tailed ice foxes, gusty birds, flaming lions and golden turtles wandering outside the city gates of Hunting Tianfu.

As a result, these four immediately reported the intelligence information they had detected to Luo Xiaoyan who was not too far away from them, asking him to be careful, and asking him, what should he do now?

Is it an urgent need to stand firm and block the gate of Hunting Heaven Palace?

Or should you evacuate immediately and save your life first?

Not long after the message was sent, the Golden Tortoises received a new order from Luo Xiaoyan to order them to order the skeleton elf soldiers led by them to stick to their posts. The leaders of them can retreat first and return to the alien time and space to cultivate and improve their strength. , Waiting for his call again.

After receiving Luo Xiaoyan’s message, the Golden Tortoise left and entered the exotic time and space in the first time. The three leading creatures, the nine-tailed ice fox, the blasting bird, and the flaming lion, immediately used secret techniques to block the city gates. After the Skeleton Elf issued a guard order, he left the Xuanhuang universe and entered a foreign time and space.

Skeleton elves are creatures summoned by Luo Xiaoyan's spells. Their mission in this world is to fight until the end of their lives.

Therefore, after receiving the order to defend themselves, even though a few of the nine-tailed ice foxes had chosen to leave, they still did not have the slightest worry or fear, and they still clung to their posts and stood ready.

After about an hour after the departure of the heroes such as Haifeng Shenniao, the team of skeleton elf soldiers that blocked the three gates of the east, south, and west of Hunting Palace, ushered in the last battle in their lives, and finally the whole army Annihilated and ended, ending their mission.

In order to destroy the skeleton and elf soldiers that blocked the three city gates, Hunting Mansion had also paid a full 10,000 soldiers' lives. If it weren't for the leader of the army sent by the God General Mansion, it would be hard to stand to take action in person. If you want to destroy the team of skeleton elf soldiers who are not afraid of life and death, I am afraid that they will also suffer a lot of vitality, and it will only take several years to recover in the future.

After forcibly opening the gates, the morale of Hunter Tianfu soldiers was greatly boosted.

Then, Trust Palace Master Ao Qingfeng immediately began to issue orders to convey the will of the God General Mansion, ordering all forces in the Xuanhuang universe to surrender to the Lietian Mansion, and at the first time, it was drafted to require each faction to give it within ten days. The clear reply was sent to various schools of various sizes in the Xuanhuang universe.

Some small and medium-sized forces, after receiving the letter of approval issued by Lietian Mansion, immediately sent representatives to Lietian Mansion to express their willingness to surrender their heads.

The two forces, Tianmai Shenzong and Qianyetang, which formed an alliance with Tianluo Mansion, did not immediately respond after receiving the letter of communication. Instead, they immediately dispatched personnel to Tianluo Mansion in secret to It discusses countermeasures.

The Buddhist factions such as Tianyin Temple and Baoning Temple did not give a clear answer immediately.

In fact, they have their own reasons for not being able to surrender to a certain force at will, because they have their own beliefs, their backers behind them, and the power directly under the jurisdiction is the Shenting Buddha Realm.

Zhengqizong has the shadow of the Shenting Taoist faction, and it can be regarded as a backer.

Among the big sect factions, only the Tianshan Sect and the Shushan Sword Sect are the natives in this Xuanhuang universe.

The Tianshan sent sects learned from the documentary that the Hunting Heaven Palace had the background of the God’s General Mansion, and now the God General’s Mansion has sent a powerful master to sit in the Hunting Heaven Mansion, with the intention of unifying the Xuanhuang universe and using Haoxi’s God General Mansion’s influence on this world. After the jurisdiction, the head Mo Xianhong felt extremely anxious in his heart, and hurriedly went to the retreat of the three ancestors to seek advice from the three ancestors.

However, the answer given by the three ancestors is to stick to it and watch the changes.


The Shushan Sword Sect Zhengdao Peak.

Jiang Luzheng, who was patiently waiting for the time when the Tianluo Mansion, Tianmai Shenzong and other forces would send troops to deal with the Shushan Sword Sect, did not wait for the opportunity he wanted, but learned from the spies under the door that Hunting Heaven Mansion invited the masters of the Shenjiang Mansion to sit here. Supported, and sent out the confession documents to the various forces. Jiang Luzheng realized that this was an excellent time to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix and convert to orthodoxy, so he immediately used disguise and disguised himself as an ordinary Shushan Sword Sect disciple, and then quietly left. After arriving at Zhengdao Peak, he left the Shushan Sword Sect and headed straight to Hunting Heaven Palace.

Jiang Luzheng's words and deeds have long been under Zhao Hengtian's control.

Even if he turned to ashes, that couldn't hide from Zhao Hengtian's eyes.

After hearing the news from his disciples that Jiang Luzheng disguised himself as an ordinary disciple and left the Shushan Sword Sect, Zhao Hengtian just smiled indifferently, and did not immediately send someone to stop Jiang Luzheng.

This may be because Zhao Hengtian thought in his heart that no matter how much patience he was given, he would not be able to overcome the big waves. This was because he chose to observe his every move in secret, and did not immediately act on him.

In other words, Zhao Hengtian was fishing for a long time, hoping that only one big action would be able to wipe out all the rebels within the Shushan Sword Sect who were connected with Jiang Luzheng, and achieve the goal once and for all.

Zhao Hengtian just glanced at the letter issued by the hunter Tianfu, and threw it away in front of the elder who sent the letter to the hunter Tianfu, and directly gave a tough answer. The Shushan Sword Sect would not choose to belong to the hunting Tianfu.


Ao Qingfeng, the new Palace Lord of Hunting Heaven Mansion, learned from the elder who sent the documents about the direct disobedience of the head of the Shushan Sword Sect, a faint smile of excitement immediately appeared on his face: "I thought, this time. There will be no fun in the Xuanhuang universe... Now it seems that I really underestimate the resistance of the indigenous forces in this world... Since your bones are Then I am proud of the wind. Just have fun with you..."

"Do you want to do it to the Shushan Sword Sect immediately?" Zhu Nanqing, who had been following Ao Qingfeng and was always waiting for his dispatch after listening to Ao Qingfeng's words, quickly asked a little excitedly.

The Shushan Sword sent someone to give him food, which made him feel extremely depressed. If it hadn't been because of an incident that blocked the gate of Hunting Tianfu by the Shushan Sword Sect, he would not have become the Palace Lord directly now. The little guy who followed.

Therefore, Zhu Nanqing, who was eager to destroy the Shushan Sword Sect, heard that Aoqingfeng was going to deal with the Shushan Sword Sect, and his performance immediately became very positive.

"No hurry, take your time, have you ever seen a cat kill a mouse all at once? Play slowly, that's interesting... Kill it once, then it's not fun." Ao Qingfeng responded with a smile.

Zhu Nanqing was waiting to say something. A Hunter Tianfu soldier hurriedly entered the hall, and after saluting Aoqingfeng, he directly reported to him: "Report... Outside the hall, a monk named Jiang who claims to be the deputy head of the Shushan Sword Sect is visiting."


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