The Great Storm

Chapter 900: The girl is a great master

Hearing the mysterious girl's voice, Luo Xiaoyan heard the reputation, and was surprised to find that he could not see her true details.

Because at this moment, all the information about the mysterious girl that appeared in his sight was all big question marks.

"Even the masters sent by the God General's Mansion to support Hunting Heaven's Mansion, I can see their strengths at a glance, this girl, I can't see her strengths..."

"No wonder she can easily conceal the early warning system of the Shushan Sword Sect and came here quietly without being discovered by the Shushan Sword Sect sect..."

"This beautiful girl is by no means simple. It should not be a creature in this mysterious universe..."

"It is said that the carrying capacity of this Xuanhuang universe is limited, and a master whose strength has surpassed the immortal level cannot enter this universe at all, but this girl has clearly surpassed the immortal level... But how can she not be affected by this Xuanhuang universe? What about the squeeze out of the power of the universe?"

Keeping an eye on the mysterious girl, looking up and down, knowing that this mysterious girl has a long history, she didn't dare to neglect, got up and said to the mysterious girl politely: "Welcome to visit, but this is not my own. In private places, there are many places where you can’t go casually, and you can’t touch many things at will.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say..." The mysterious girl looked around at this alchemy, then looked at Luo Xiaoyan and smiled, "This alchemy is really simple, compared with my master's alchemy, it is a hundred and eighty different. Thousands of miles..."

After saying this, the girl clapped her hands and immediately changed the subject. She pointed her right finger at the cat-shaped Xiaobai on Luo Xiaoyan's shoulder, and asked Luo Xiaoyan, "This little thing is your spiritual pet?"

"It is not my spiritual pet, it is my partner." Luo Xiaoyan responded with a smile.

"Partner? It's so strange that you are using a spirit pet as a partner... and the contract with it is still an equal contract. This is the first time I have seen such a thing... No wonder this little guy is so dependent on you, yes You are very reluctant..." After listening to Luo Xiaoyan's words, the mysterious girl stared at Luo Xiaoyan and looked up and down for a while, and then said, "Leave it to me. No matter what you ask, I will satisfy you. "

"Big brother, you must not agree...If you agree to her, give me to her, I will be hit to death, so that you can't get anything." As soon as the mysterious girl's voice fell, Xiao Bai jumped up immediately. , Jumped onto the lid of the pill furnace, and shouted to Luo Xiaoyan as if he would directly hit the pill furnace at any time.

"You're anxious, did I promise her?" Luo Xiaoyan shook his head and looked at the mysterious girl. "It is my partner and has lived with me for many years. I treat it as a close relative. You want me to transfer it. Here you are, it is impossible... If you really want to get a similar spirit pet, I can find a way to help you capture another one... But it will take time, you have to wait a while..."

Luo Xiaoyan said so. He obviously hoped to keep this mysterious and powerful girl by his side. When the Hunter Tianfu suddenly attacked the Shushan Sword Sect, she might be able to help him a lot. , To deal with the crisis facing the Shushan Sword Sect together.

"Really?" the mysterious girl responded.

"Of course, I never break my word." Luo Xiaoyan smiled and finished this sentence, then introduced himself to the mysterious girl, "My name is Luo Xiaoyan, a little guy, the little guy in your mouth is called Xiaobai, I will take it. The name... If you really look at it cute and like it, I can let it accompany you every day and play with you..."

"My name is Qinglian." After the girl told Luo Xiaoyan her name, she glanced at the cute little Bai, and then looked back at Luo Xiaoyan with a smile.

"If it is willing, I will terminate the contract with it and let it go with you... If it is not willing, even if you give me a priceless treasure, I will not exchange it with you." Luo Xiaoyan frowned.

"Okay, that's what you said." Qinglian smiled mysteriously, turned her head back from the treasure bracelet space she wore on her wrist, took out a luminous pill, shook it to Xiaobai and said, "As long as you are willing As my spiritual pet, then I can limit the supply of this kind of spiritual pill to you and I, and let you use it as candy, how about?"

"Super God-level beast spirit pills, this is indeed a good thing, but the young master is not rare. The pill that my master gave me is a perfect-level good thing. This kind of thing is only needed by the young master, and the master will not Be stingy, take a moment, and you can refine a lot for me." Xiaobai jumped out, straddling the distance between him and Luo Xiaoyan, falling precisely on his shoulders, and then looked at the girl Qinglian and said .

"Just he... can he refine a super god-level pill of perfect quality?"

Qinglian was shocked by what Xiaobai said. As far as she can remember, she has heard people say that the quality of pill has four grades, low-grade, middle-grade, top-grade, perfect...

Except for the perfect pill that is extremely rare, the other three qualities of pill are common ones.

She heard that Luo Xiaoyan could easily refining a perfect-grade pill, and she was not surprised that it was really strange.

"Of course, refining the perfect grade pill, for my master, that is pediatrics..." Xiaobai responded proudly.

"I don't believe it." Qinglian replied, then looked at Luo Xiaoyan, as if confirming to him.

"Don't look at my host with such questioning eyes. You will know that I have not lied..." Xiaobai opened his mouth and spit out a bottle. After holding it in his mouth, he quickly shook his head and spit it out. Throw out the bottle and fly towards Qinglian.

Qinglian's eyesight is not bad, even if she doesn't touch the bottle, she can see at a glance that the quality of the medicine in the bottle is not low.

In order to confirm that what her eyes were seeing was true, she took the bottle, poured out the pills in it, and inspected the pills one by one, and she found that all the god-level pills were of perfect quality, and she immediately took it on her face. A surprised expression appeared: "There are so many perfect-quality This is the most perfect-quality pill I have ever seen, my God... on this big star , Unexpectedly came out such a pill refining wizard... If I study with him for a period of time, learn the method of refining perfect quality pill, return to the holy palace and show off the pill refining stunt. I will be able to amaze the four. impossible……"

"These pills are really made by you?" However, in order not to waste time in vain, Qinglian did not make a decision immediately. Instead, she chose to confirm with Luo Xiaoyan, hoping to confirm him from Luo Xiaoyan's mouth. Is it really capable of refining perfect-quality pill.

"No matter what I say, I believe you will not easily believe that I really have the ability to refine the perfect quality pill. Or stay here and observe it for a few days, let me talk about the facts and be more realistic. What do you think? "Luo Xiaoyan said with a smile.

"Okay, I just meant it." Qing Lian nodded.


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