The Great Storm

Chapter 913: Meet the Bull Demon Again

Luo Xiaoyan knew that the Bull Demon King had been to the Milky Way.

If the bull head demon appearing now is sent by the bull demon king to find the demon head of the galaxy, then let them search around the several star areas where they are now, and slowly explore, the galaxy hidden by the phantom array might really be found by them. .

In this way, they can find the foundation of the illusion that hides the Milky Way after exploration, and then destroy the foundation of the illusion. Then the entire galaxy, and even the earth they hope to find, will be clearly presented in theirs. In sight.

Once such a thing happens, not only the earth is in danger, but the entire God's Domain may be in danger.

The reason is simple, this is because the Earth is the closest transit point between the Demon Realm and the various important places in the God Realm.

However, there are not a few people in the Three Realms who know this secret.

The Bull Demon King looked for the Milky Way, probably because he got the clue that the earth is an important transit point for the Three Realms.

As for whether that powerful figure in Demon Realm knows this, whether the Bull Demon King told the great figure in Demon Realm the clues he discovered is not known for the time being.

Perhaps, the Bull Demon King wants to make a great contribution and is worried about telling the truth of the matter to his current loyal master, and then the master of the demon domain will definitely send a large number of masters to search for the Milky Way Earth. If others first find the earth as an important one in the three realms The transit point would make all the efforts he had done over the years to fall short. Only then did he choose to conceal the secrets he knew, slowly and secretly search for the earth, and take the credit.

Therefore, as soon as Luo Xiaoyan heard that the bullhead was searching for the Milky Way, he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and then quickly asked Genggu: "Where is the bullhead now? I want to go there for a while...if he It’s the one I’m familiar with... the first thing to do right now is to get rid of him."

"That bullhead is so powerful, it's better not to act rashly." Geng Gu reminded.

"Relax, I have my own measures." Luo Xiaoyan responded.

Seeing that Luo Xiaoyan is so sure, and through the strength shown by the two of them when they came to Geng Gu, knowing that they are better than the helpers sent by the Tauren Demon, it is only then that Geng Gu located the planet where the Tauren Demon is now located. The coordinates were told to Luo Xiaoyan.

Upon learning of the coordinate planet revealed by Geng Gu, Luo Xiaoyan was surprised to find that the planet where the Bull Head Demon was located was not too far away from the edge of the Milky Way. He immediately worried that the Bull Head Demon seemed to have gained something, so he did not stay at all. He immediately got up and Xiang Geng. Guci Xing, and then hurriedly left with Qinglian, rushing to the planet where the Bull Head Demon is located.

The bull head demon spoken by the monks in the world of the galaxy where Luo Xiaoyan is located is indeed a weaker incarnation of the bull demon king.

When Luo Xiaoyan and Qinglian rushed to the planet where the Bull Head Demon is located, Qinglian only glanced at the entire planet and locked the Bull Demon King’s avatar. A weird expression immediately appeared on her face, and she quickly turned her head and looked around. Luo Xiaoyan next to him asked: "This bullhead is not easy to provoke... Are you really planning to take action? If this bullhead is destroyed, it may cause you great trouble..."

"Did you recognize him?" Luo Xiaoyan frowned and asked, "Is this bullhead demon some very famous person in God's Domain?"

"He is a very famous Demon King... Shen Ting is not willing to provoke him at will." Qing Lian said.

"The people in the court did not dare to provoke him, but I am not afraid. What he is doing now is unforgivable to me. His clone must be destroyed..." Luo Xiaoyan said with a smile, "In fact , I have wiped out one of his clones, and the hatred with him has long since ended. Xiaobai, you know, it was captured by the Bull Demon King from a mysterious space in God’s Domain and trapped it in my home world. In the heart of a planet, I was rescued..."

"Since his clone is bound to die, please act on him as soon as he doesn't notice our arrival, lest he notices it and escapes..." Qing Lian said.

"His clone is weak and it's not difficult to kill him. However, the Bull Demon King is very cunning and must first completely block this small planet to prevent him from escaping. And I don't have the ability to block this planet. Please help." Luo Xiaoyan said.

"You have the ability to kill this clone of the Bull Demon King?" After hearing Luo Xiaoyan's words, Qinglian felt a little surprised, because she had already determined the strength of this clone of the Bull Demon King through investigation, and knew the combat power of his clone. Not lose to the middle-level monks of the general immortal level.

"You help me block the planet and kill him. I will do it." Luo Xiaoyan responded.

"Good." Qinglian nodded.

Qinglian also wanted to see how Luo Xiaoyan, a poorly weak fellow in her cultivation realm, had any means to deal with the clone of Bull Demon King.

So, after talking with Luo Xiaoyan, Qinglian didn't say much, she directly performed the operation, released her tyrannical power, quickly swept across a large area of ​​air, and instantly sealed off the uninhabited planet.

With the appearance of the blockade power, the Bull Demon clone who stayed on this planet immediately noticed it.

"I didn't even show up. How did those **** in God's Domain find Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu remembers that the Milky Way is nearby. Why did the Milky Way disappear out of thin air? If you can't find the Milky Way, you can't find that planet... I couldn’t find a way to refine that planet and determine if that planet was a transit point in the Three Realms... Now this planet is blocked, and Lao Tzu’s clone is likely to be destroyed... It ended in failure..."

The avatar of the Bull Demon King hiding in the heart of the earth shook his head helplessly. After a sigh, he flung out and left the earth's core space instantly and reached the surface of the planet.

Upon reaching the surface, Luo Xiaoyan and Qinglian immediately entered the sight of the avatar of the Bull Demon King.

"Damn boy, why are you again?" Seeing the familiar face, the Bull Demon shouted at Luo Xiaoyan with extreme anger.

"You demon, God's Domain treats you very well, why choose to betray God's Domain and be willing to be a slave to the Demon's Domain?" Luo Xiaoyan sneered.

"How did you know about Laozi's betrayal of God's Domain?" The Bull Demon King asked in surprise.

The Bull Demon King was surprised by what Luo Xiaoyan said, because even the people in God's Domain didn't know that he had betrayed. Although he was in God's Domain, he was working for the Demon's Domain behind his back.

"If you want people to know it, unless you do it yourself." Luo Xiaoyan smiled.

"Who is this next to you? Did you try to invite a helper from God's Domain to deal with me?" Niu Demon asked, pointing at Qinglian next to Luo Xiaoyan.

"You demon, you have good eyesight. She does come from God's Domain, but she is not my helper." Luo Xiaoyan replied.

"Isn't she sent by God's Domain to deal with me?" The Bull Demon confirmed really not. "Luo Xiaoyan answered.

"Then how do you want to destroy Lao Tzu? Did she do it, or did you kid do it yourself?" The Bull Demon asked.

"Of course I am here." Luo Xiaoyan sneered.

"Only you?" The Bull Demon sneered disdainfully.

"Could it be someone else who killed your clone last time?" Luo Xiaoyan replied.

"Last time... I was careless, I was fooled by you little thief." The Bull Demon replied loudly, "If you have the ability to let go... I wait..."

"I'm doing it, don't be as careless as last time..." Luo Xiaoyan sneered, then flew out, flew out like a sharp sword, and rushed straight to the Bull Demon King.

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