This kind of secular wedding, Ye Feng of course, is the first time to attend.

Ye Feng is quite puzzled about Hu San's wedding.

Because there are some clear words in the old saying, such as "men greet women when they are in a coma" and "the ceremony of getting a wife is for a period of time when they are in a coma".

The so-called "dusk time" is about six or seven o'clock in the evening, because "dusk time" is the time when the Yang Qi goes and the Yin Qi comes. It's just the time when the Yin and yang are in harmony. After three worships, the new couple is sent to the bridal chamber, and then they kiss each other in the bridal chamber!

Therefore, the ancients married at dusk, which is the origin of the word "marriage" in wedding.

And noon, in ancient times, was the time to execute prisoners, because noon was the most vigorous time.

Who knows, today's secular world has been changed to midday marriage.

The change of this custom really made ye Fengpo feel sad.

However, Ye Feng won't say much. After all, do as the Romans do.

"The best way to eat, the best way to dress and the best way to enjoy the customs" is to enter the world!

In particular, the three beautiful bridesmaids, big and small, were gorgeous, happy, chirping and laughing.

What's more, Ye Feng feels that such a lively life is the greatest pleasure in the secular world.

At this moment, people's destination, the main entrance of the Ocean View Park Hotel, is also full of joy.

Hu San hired an aunt drum band in advance, which is ready. The aunts rub their hands one by one, waiting for the newcomers to arrive.

Just at this time, a luxury Maserati car, but it is fast, with the roar of the wind, drove into the parking lot of the Sea View Park Hotel.

As soon as the car door opened, two men and two women came down from the car one after another. The men were elegant and the women were charming.

Two pairs of men and women, after parking the car, walked towards the gate of the hotel hand in hand.

If you look closely, it's not difficult to find that the two women are actually the two third - and fourth line little stars who show their faces in movies and TV plays from time to time.

Bearing extraordinary, well-dressed, four people along the way, it can be said that a good scenery.

However, as he walked along, the young man at the head pulled his mouth lightly, turned his head, turned his mouth to the young man behind him, and said, "jiechao, I don't mean cousin. You've been in Haicheng for a long time. It's so vulgar! Now rich people, who still eat in five-star hotel? Now it's popular to go to clubs and private restaurants. That's taste! "

The young man behind him is Zhuang jiechao, a dandy, who went to Xingyue island with Ye Feng and pretended to be rich all the way.

Hearing the speech, Zhuang jiechao said in a hurry: "cousin, this is the Bitong drink that you don't know. If you want to say that you have good taste, it's the first one created by haijingliyuan. This hotel, eating and drinking is absolutely superior! Not at all

"Yes? I've heard from you several times, but I really want to see that Bi! " The young man at the head said with a smile.

"Yes, we've heard of this kind of drink! I heard it was fun! " The two little star beauties beside her, with their mouths blazing, echoed.

"Hey, hey, if you want me to say, Bi, it's not as funny as you are!" The young man at the head touched the buttocks of the two beauties as if there were no one else. He said with a smile.

"Disgusting, how can Niu Da Shao say such vulgar words?" Two little star beauties with anger, chuckle, waist light swing, licentious.

"Ha ha, is Ben vulgar? I'm not vulgar, I'm only coarse! "

Two pairs of men and women, flirting, slang, finally walked to the hotel gate.

Just at the same time, Hu San's miscellaneous brand wedding car team arrived.

The drum band composed of more than a dozen aunts at the door of the hotel was shocked and began to practice immediately.

Niu Da Shao, the leader, shakes his head all the way, almost pinches his nose, walks past the aunts, turns his mouth and says, "why don't I come to such a place to eat? You see, you see, what are these things? Now there are some poor people. They really don't know how much they are, and they are very poor. However, when they get married, they have to spend several years of money to be fat in a five-star hotel. "

Zhuang jiechao, who was also Hu San's motorcade, widened his eyes and said with a sarcastic smile: "Oh, wocao, look, look, what kind of wedding motorcade is that? And there's a van? "

"Oh, my God, look, the bridegroom and bride get off the bus. They're dressed like dirt. Hee hee." Zhuang jiechao's two little star beauties also cover their mouths and sneer.

The first cousin Niu Dashao shook his head and said, "fuck, go in quickly, don't be attacked by these poor people's poverty!"

Four people while wantonly ridicule, side walked toward the door of the hotel.

Who knows, when I came to the door, I was stopped by two polite ushers."Excuse me, sir and madam. Are you four here to attend the wedding of Mr. Hu and Ms. Liu?" The waiter asked with a smile.

"What the hell, Mr. Hu, Ms. Liu? We're here for dinner! " Zhuang jiechao's cousin Niu Zhen, a stare, is very unhappy to say.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Our hotel has a formula. Today, it's not open to the public!" The waiter pointed to a notice board at the door of the hotel and said with a smile and a bow.

"No business? Why? Isn't it clear that there is still a wedding? How do you say no business Niu Zhen and Zhuang jiechao cried almost at the same time.

The waiter is not impatient, still politely said: "Sir, it is because of this wedding that our hotel is not open to the public."

"What are you talking about?" Niu's eyes are bigger than those of Niu.

Looking back in disbelief, Niu Zhen exclaimed, "because of this wedding, the whole hotel is closed to the public? Did I hear you right? You don't mean those poor people out there, do you? "

"Yes, sir, it's a private one! In a word, today, our Seaview Garden only undertakes Mr. Hu's wedding, and no other guests will be received. Please forgive me for the inconvenience caused to you! " The waiter said with a smile.

Zhuang jiechao's eyes widened when they heard the waiter's words. They couldn't believe their ears and couldn't accept the fact for a long time.

After more than ten seconds, Niu Zhen woke up like a dream and cried out, "you're kidding! Can you wrap up your entire five star hotel on the woodlouse that sits in a van? You're lying, aren't you? Do you know who Ben is? I'll call your manager and tell you that Ben must have lunch here this afternoon! "

Niu Zhen, with one hand in his trouser pocket and one hand pointing at the waiter, was furious!

PS: tomorrow is March, spring is coming! The plan of a year lies in spring. The air engine of spring is upward. I want to take advantage of the best season of inspiration in a year to write a good book. We should also make good use of the vitality of this spring, be determined, do our best and work hard! Today is still 8 chapters, next month will be more! I wish you a happy reading!

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