"What's more? My God, it's on the TV advertisement every day. In the hot summer, after sweating, gululu, let's have a cold drink. It's so enjoyable Is that not right? " Someone asked in a startled voice.

"Of course not! After sweating in midsummer, there are countless cases of sudden cold drinks leading to illness! What's more, there are direct sudden deaths! " Ye Feng said.

"What shall we do?"

"The more summer comes, the more you should drink some hot tea and sweat, the less hot it will be. Also, blow less air conditioning! Air conditioning, it is the number one culprit of modern people. As soon as I get to the middle-aged and old people, I'll find all the pain... " Ye Feng patiently explained to everyone.

A lot of truth is shocking to hear. It's a subversion of our usual ideas. However, what Ye Feng said is completely reasonable. Doesn't that mean that we have been running on the wrong road for a long time?

Ye Feng looked at the surprised expression of the crowd and shook his head secretly.

In ancient China, these truths were simple truths that the common people did not know.

However, in modern times, it has become enough to shock everyone.

Ye Feng's helplessness is beyond description.

"Dr. ye, I'm very lucky to meet you today! However, this kind of luck can't be found every day. Open your microblog! Send similar things to microblog frequently, so that we can listen to the instruction every day! " A middle-aged man with glasses, feeling a little excited, came up to Ye Feng and said.

"Open Weibo?" Ye Feng's heart moved slightly when he heard the words.

"Yes, Dr. ye, you can open Weibo. Now celebrities have Weibo! In the future, if we have any questions, we can go to Weibo to ask you! " They all cried out immediately in approval.

"But I can't drive!" Ye Feng said truthfully.

"Hi, super easy! I'll teach you! " Everyone is very enthusiastic.


When Ye Feng got off the train with Su Qingdai, he already had his own microblog!

Microblog user name, very simple, is called "Chinese medicine Ye Feng.". In addition, he released the first micro blog in his life: "petition in Beijing!"

In an instant, Ye Feng had hundreds of fans. Fans leave messages and forward them one after another. For a moment, they make Ye Feng's brand-new micro blog lively!

Ye Feng is also very happy to have a platform to publicize his TCM thoughts and communicate with you!

Shangyiguo, let's start from every drop!

As soon as he came out of the railway station, Ye Feng saw old professor Li Sanqi with gray hair and looking forward to it!

Li Sanqi was originally from Yanjing. This time, Li Sanqi was responsible for contacting people, and also made a little contribution to the friendship of the host.

An old, but still insist on personally to the railway station to meet Ye Feng.

When I saw Ye Feng, I was very happy!

"Ye Feng, good boy! The strange disease crisis of Yulong town in Guangxi is solved by you again. It's a fight for our traditional Chinese medicine! It's a timely rain for the petition we're going to hold As soon as Li Sanchi met him, he took Ye Feng's hand and talked a lot.

Obviously, Mr. Li has been holding on for a long time.

After a good exchange of greetings, Li Sanchi took Ye Feng by the hand and continued happily: "Ye Feng, those old professors are here too. I have already ordered a hotel for you. Let's go. We'll have a good chat when we get to the hotel. Just like last time in Haicheng, let's get drunk, ha ha ha

Deeply moved by Li's enthusiasm, Ye Feng immediately nods, greets Su Qingdai and walks to Li's car.

Li Sanqi didn't find Su Qingdai until now. He looked at her carefully, but scratched her head and said, "Oh, why isn't it Miss Xia?"

The last time Li Sanqi met Xia Bing in Haicheng, he always thought that Xia Bing was Ye Feng's girlfriend. Now, he is surprised to meet Su Qingdai.

Ye Feng smiles and introduces: "Mr. Li, this is Su Qingdai, a patient of mine."

The title of "a patient" surprised Li Sanqi, but also made Su Qingdai's star eyes squint.

"Oh, Ye Feng, I thought you came by yourself. I only ordered a room for you." Li Sanchi beat his palm and said, but after a moment, he continued, "Hey, it's OK. When you get to the hotel, just open another one."

Li Sanqi said that he took Ye Feng and Su Qingdai to the hotel where he stayed.

As Li Sanqi said, as soon as he entered the hotel lobby, he saw several familiar figures.

It is the old professors of traditional Chinese medicine who are meeting together in Haicheng that have arrived.

When they saw Ye Feng, they were all very happy. They surrounded Ye Feng, which was cold and warm.The red faced and warm-hearted old man Li Sanqi said with a smile: "you talk first, and I'll open a guest room for Miss Su."

But Su Qingdai said to Li Sanqi with a smile: "I'll go myself!"

"No matter what!" Mr. Li Sanqi, I just want to be like this.

Let Su Qingdai check in by herself. Together with other old professors, he can't wait to discuss the petition with Ye Feng.

"Petition has not been a simple matter since ancient times. I'm afraid it's hard for us to have a great influence. It's better to have more people. What's more, it's better to have people of high moral standing. Only in this way can we be more persuasive. " Several old professors, frowning slightly, spoke to the point as soon as they spoke.

Li Sanqi waved his hand and said, "of course, I have thought about this problem. During this time, I have no spare time. I have drafted a petition and found famous teachers and doctors in various universities to sign it. But, damn it, the effect is very little! In our circle, Mo Wenlan, a modernist, still accounts for the majority! One by one, they either sniffed or were scared to death. What the hell are you afraid of? For the sake of future generations, even if you lose your head, it's just a big scar! "

To be honest, Ye Feng is not at all surprised by this situation. If everyone agrees with Li Sanqi's idea, why petition?

However, Ye Feng is not very worried. He bows his hand to Li Sanqi and other old professors. Ye Feng says, "there are some old people who don't need to worry. How about this? I'm in Yanjing, and there are some old Chinese doctors I know. I'll contact them to see if I can invite them out of the mountain?"

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