It turns out that the pure Yin aura in this cave comes from this holy spring.

The whole Wuyu cave is a place of pure Yang, with magma surging under it. However, the so-called solitary Yang does not last long.

This holy spring, just like the Yin eye of yang fish in Taiji diagram, can interact with the magma below and form this magical cave.

However, to Ye Feng's surprise, just above Lingquan, a simple stone bed was built. A corpse was lying on its back.

Lingquan gushed out to Yin aura, it was the first eruption on the stone bed, nourishing the corpse.

This strange scene made Ye Feng frown, but he also stepped forward and looked at the corpse.

This is the body of a man, dressed in Qing Dynasty clothes, but with no age. His face is iron blue, the kind of iron blue that is exclusive to corpses.

A small sword with cold light and nimbleness was inserted in the chest of the corpse. A piece of yellow paper and cinnabar seal script is just above the tip of the sword! On the handle of the sword, there are two small words - Qingling!

"Qingling sword? It seems that this is the name of the sword! It should be at least a magic weapon Ye Feng thought in his heart, but he didn't see Bao Xinxi and didn't rush to move the sword.

Because, I don't know why, the corpse above the spirit spring always makes Ye Feng feel strange.

According to the truth, there should be vitality everywhere in the cave. However, this corpse is endowed with the extremely Yin Qi of Lingquan. The iron green face, the small sword and the seal script were all strange.

But, let Ye Feng say concretely, actually strange where, actually cannot say. It was just a feeling that this corpse should not belong to this cave.

Looking around again, I found that there was nothing special in the outer room of the cave.

It is that six dust, at the moment, has entered the inner room, and, for a long time, no sound.

This made Ye Feng a little surprised. He didn't take care of the corpse any more. He strode into the inner room.

However, I found that the inner room was even more simple. There was only an ancient bronze lamp and a futon. On the futon, there was an old monk sitting in a tray!

The old monk put his hands together, holding a string of crystal clear Buddhist beads in his hands!

Liu Chen, standing in front of the old monk, is staring at him in a daze.

Ye Feng was startled and looked closely, only to find that where is the living man? The old monk can't breathe. He has been sitting for many years.

However, his face was as fresh as life, his body was not rotten, and his whole body showed a kind of pale gold, with a faint smell of sandalwood.

When Ye Feng saw this scene, he suddenly moved in his heart and cried, "Buddha of the flesh!"

Yes, the old monk in front of him is clearly a Buddha with body!

In China, there are many legends about the flesh Buddha. Some eminent monks were vegetarians before they died, doing good deeds and accumulating virtues. After they died, sandalwood filled the room, and the flesh was exposed to the air. However, after thousands of years, they did not decay. They became "flesh Buddha" or "flesh Bodhisattva".

Many scientists all over the world have done a lot of experiments. Some experts have tried to explain this phenomenon from the aspects of eating habits, air and environment. However, there is no reasonable explanation.

This is one of the strange phenomena that science cannot explain. Just like the meridians of traditional Chinese medicine, modern science can't explain it, but it really exists!

However, the expression of little monk LIUCHEN at the moment makes Ye Feng a little puzzled.

But seeing the little monk looking at the old monk's body in front of him, he reached out and touched the old monk's face.

However, at the moment when LIUCHEN's little hand touched the old monk's body, the old monk's body slowly shrank, from the original size of ordinary people to the size of children, then to the size of babies, and finally turned into a golden light, scattered throughout the inner room, full of fragrance.

Where is the shadow of the old monk? Only left a string of crystal clear beads, quietly lying on the futon!

In Ye Feng's and Liu Chen's eyes of infinite surprise, the golden light of the room drips into Ye Feng's and Liu Chen's body.

As soon as the golden light enters the body, it will be as cool as water and dew, making people feel infinitely cool, and the body will become concise and strong!

"Ah..." Ye Feng's heart was shocked, but he knew that it was a golden opportunity. He immediately pulled the six dust, sat down with five hearts in the sky, and silently carried the book of medicine and the heart, just like absorbing the power of the stars, absorbing the golden light of the room

This golden light into the body, all over the skin, bones, meridians of Ye Feng and Liu Chen, Ye Feng and Liu Chen's body, from the inside to the outside, radiates a light golden light!

The physical strength of the two men immediately increased by a large margin

At this moment, just as Ye Feng and Liu Chen are trying their best to absorb the golden light and improve their body, there is another "Hua La" sound in the lake in the cave.A man, wearing a professional diving equipment, climbed to the shore.

A hand, pulled off the face of the diving mirror, revealing a very surprised face!

This man is the famous diver of the East - Tokugawa Jifeng!

Just now, Li Wei was attacked by the giant squid and died in the water. Zhang Han shot an arrow, causing the squid to release ink, and everyone fell into a dangerous situation.

Yoshifeng Tokugawa is in danger, but he is not in a panic, and he has no plan to save people. He is good at diving. He cleverly conceals his body shape by using the reef on the sea floor. He listens attentively and observes everything around him.

After the ink had dissipated, Tokugawa Jifeng found that the king squid was lying at the entrance of a water hole, beating his anger.

Tokugawa Jifeng thought that someone must have entered the water cave. And the people came down this time just to explore and find wonders.

This sudden appearance of the water hole, obviously can not be simple!

Tokugawa Jifeng repressed his inner excitement, did not act rashly, lurked in the dark, until the king squid, after some vent of anger, left helplessly.

Tokugawa yoshikura just moved quickly and swam into the water cave.

Rising slowly along the water cave, Tokugawa yoshifeng's eyes gradually widened. For nothing else, there are so many bright gems on the wall of the water cave.

Yoshifeng Tokugawa wanted to laugh wildly. In this expedition, all the others were acquaintances, and he was the only outsider. Although they lacked him, they always avoided him when they discussed the details.

Although he didn't show anything, his heart was full of hatred.

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