"Well When did you come back? I really fell asleep Xia Bing immediately got up and rubbed her sleepy eyes. She said in a heavy nasal voice.

Her unique body fragrance, in the early morning, seems to be particularly rich, from the quilt out, straight to Ye Feng's nostrils.

Accompanied by the fragrance, Ye Feng wakes up from his meditation and slowly opens his eyes.

In the eye, it is Xia Binggang's pretty appearance.

She was dressed in silk pajamas. Her hair was fluffy. Under the unique fabric of silk, the waves all over her could be seen

This morning, Ye Feng only looked at it, his heart suddenly moved, and he quickly looked away.

Xia Bing is aware of Ye Feng's strange eyes. She can't help but look down. In an instant, she blushes. She gently pulls the quilt and covers her chest a little, but she blushes and mumbles: "it's not like I haven't seen..."

"Cough..." Ye Feng a light cough, it is speechless.

However, just at this time, a sharp cry came from not far away from the outside, breaking the ambiguity in the room.

Xia Bing hears this burst of shrill call, immediately eyebrows move, mouth asks a way: "this is how?"

But Ye Feng didn't answer. He just got up and got out of bed, put on his shoes, and took the lead to go outside.

Xia Bing also changed clothes in a hurry, didn't even have time to wash her face, so she ran after her.

As soon as I got out of the gate, I found that there were many people in the village. They were so frightened by the scream that they walked out of the house. The street was already crowded.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Xia Bing pulls Xia Zhenhan standing at the gate and asks in a hurry.

"I don't know. It's like something happened to the village head's family! Let's go and have a look! Ye Feng is past! " Xia Zhenhan said as he went to the village head's house with his daughter.

Before I could get close, I saw that many villagers had gathered outside the yard of the village head's house, and pointed to the broad yard of the village head's house through the iron fence. There was a look of surprise, fear and disgust on everyone's face.

"What's the matter? What happened? " Xia Bing squeezed into the crowd and asked.

However, when I saw the scene in the village head's courtyard, Xia Bing's pretty face turned pale in an instant. With a disgusting sound, she turned around and almost vomited out on the spot!

Xia Zhenhan saw his daughter's strange appearance, and also stood on tiptoe. Through the gap of the crowd, he finally saw the scene!

But see the village head's house that row of foreign style under the small building, in that originally neat yard, unexpectedly densely gathered numerous dirty gray mice!

The mice, with fat intestines and big bare tails, slapped on the ground, huddled together, chirped, rounded their eyes, and looked at the crowd fearlessly.

The village head's family is trapped in a sea of mice, full of mice.

Moreover, these mice, one by one, were very unusual. When so many people came to watch, they did not run.

That scene, it's really astonishing, goose bumps fell on the ground.

Ordinary people, occasionally see a mouse, will be sick for a long time, at this moment, but thousands of mice, gathered at the village head's house, this scene, is really rare!

Women's homes like Xia Bing are so shocked that they lose their looks and retreat. Even some old men in the village were so scared that their faces were earth colored.

Don't mention the village head's family in the sea of mice!

One by one, the village head's family members stood on their own small buildings, looking at the dense mice downstairs, shivering and colorless!

Xia Zhenlong, the village head, was not feeling well in the past few days. At this moment, after seeing this scene, he was even more frightened and speechless.

In the end, Xia Zhenhu, the second younger brother of the village head, took the lead in reflecting. He took out his mobile phone and dialed 119!

Although the fire brigade receives numerous difficult situations every year, it is the first time that it encounters such a strange situation. Even the firefighters, who had been tested for a long time, turned green when they saw the thousands of mice!

It's been a long morning. I've been chasing and catching the mice, but I've finally got rid of them!

In the courtyard of the village head's house, there is a lot of rat excrement and urine on the ground, stinking!

The villagers, full of surprise, talked about it one by one and went back to their homes.

"How could that be? It's disgusting! Where do so many grey mice come from? I'm going to throw up! " Summer ice side repeatedly wash hands, side palpitation said. It seems that only washing hands can wash away some of the nausea.

"Yes, it's the first time I've seen such a miracle in sixty years of my life!" Xia Zhenhan is also very sorry.

Xia Laowu, an old face, but because of this matter, and showed the meaning of Jieqi, hate to say: "deserve it! It's a manifestation of Hugong. Their family should have been punished long ago! "This words a, summer ice heart micro motion, but turn a face to see to leaf abundant.

But see Ye Feng, has been calm face, as if nothing happened in general.

"Ah It can't be you... " Xia Bing covers her mouth and whispers to Ye Feng.

"Shh Ye Feng pulls Xia Bing into the room and reminds her in a low voice.

"Did you really do it? How is that possible? Can you summon mice? " Xia Bing grabs Ye Feng's arm, and his face is full of surprise. He widens his eyes, and asks in a low voice.

When Ye Feng heard the words, he laughed but said nothing.

"Tell me, tell me, how did you do it?" Xia Bing shakes Ye Feng's arm and asks in an urgent voice.

"Crab shell and lacquer mix, and then add a little special herbal powder, smash into mud, ignite, 10 miles around, rat smell out!" Ye Feng said with a smile.

"All the mice in a ten mile radius are here?" Summer ice's mouth, once again opened into an O-shape!

"Almost!" Ye Feng nodded.

"That's all you did last night? My God, where did you learn such a strange way? " Xia Bing looks at Ye Feng and asks in a startled voice.

"Recorded in compendium of Materia Medica!" Ye Feng replied with a smile.

"Oh, my God," compendium of Materia Medica "even has these contents?" Xia Bing reached out and stroked her forehead. However, she immediately put down her hand and asked, "but what's the use of attracting so many mice? What are you going to do? "

"Of course, I have attracted more than mice. Look, there will be a new play soon!" Ye Feng said confidently.

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