Between the cliffs, from time to time, there are several living creatures, such as scorpions, centipedes with chopsticks, colorful poisonous snakes, and boa constrictors with meters.

However, these animals are "people don't offend me, I don't offend me". Seeing Ye Feng and Shen Nanxing, they all quickly slip away, and there is no one who doesn't want to attack rashly!

Along the way, I did not encounter any danger, so I quickly fell to the bottom of the pit.

However, the air at the bottom of the pit is thick, humid and dark, and it seems that there are unknown risks everywhere.

Shen Nanxing unties the backpack on his back, finds out two powerful spotlights from inside, and hands one to Ye Feng.

However, at the moment when Ye Feng picked up the spotlight, he suddenly felt a sharp danger coming from the back of his head.

"Be careful!" Ye Feng's eyes grew behind his head. The Qingling sword was thrown out and hit the object with a "puff"!

"Squeak!" There was a short scream, and then there was no sound.

Shen Nanxing didn't even react to what happened. Until now, he subconsciously raised the spotlight and illuminated the place where he called.

At this moment, Shen Nanxing's face changed. In his eyes, it was a big toad, black.

At this moment, Ye Feng's Qingling sword is inserted in its triangular head, which has penetrated the whole head. A long bright red tongue, like a long snake, is now powerlessly drooping on the ground, covered with disgusting barbs.

Just now, it was this long tongue that quickly attacked Ye Feng's back brain.

"Such a big toad!" Shen Nanxing didn't give out a scream until now.

However, Ye Feng did not immediately respond to him. Instead, he took the spotlight in his hand and shone around.

But found that all over the ground are white bones, densely covered with the ground.

"Hiss What kind of bones are these? It seems that there are many human skeletons! " As soon as Shen Nanxing raised his foot, there was a click sound under the sole of his foot, which was the unique sound of the broken bones.

"It's really worthy of the reputation! Nanxing, cheer up, don't be careless! " Ye Feng's face became dignified and told Shen Nanxing.

"Yes, I understand!" Shen Nanxing took up 120000 spirit and looked around warily.

Since the last time when he got the elixir given by Ye Feng, Shen Nanxing's cultivation has also been greatly improved. Although he is not as good as Ye Feng's fusion realm, he is also a heaven level strong man just one step away from his innate realm. Though cautious, he was not afraid.

The brothers walked forward side by side, but suddenly they heard the sound of flapping their wings. The next moment, two shadows rushed to them.

It's Xiaozi and Qiuqiu. They've come back!

"Chirp, chirp!"

"Squeak! Squeak

Both of them look excited, but they can't consciously master human language and express their meaning clearly.

"What? It's a big discovery, isn't it? " Said Ye Feng, and the two animals immediately connected with each other

The next moment, Ye Feng and Shen Nanxing, just behind Xiao Zi and Qiu Qiu, walked carefully towards a place at the bottom of the pit.

Along the way, the air was mixed with the stench of corpses. Under the white bones, poisonous insects were everywhere

This total distance of more than ten meters is like walking through hell.

In front of a cliff, little purple and the ball stopped.

Ye Feng and Shen Nanxing look around, but they are both awe inspiring.

Because, just above the cliff, there is a black vortex visible to the naked eye!

The black whirlpool is like a huge eye and a mysterious door. In a word, with the inexpressible sense of strangeness, people have endless curiosity after the whirlpool!

"Forbidden! It's a prohibition. I didn't expect that there were such things under the ghost! " Shen Nanxing widened his eyes, looked at the black whirlpool and said.

"Yes, it is forbidden. After that, there must be another space!" Ye Feng's heart suddenly became thumping.

However, before looking at the whirlpool, I found that the closer to the whirlpool, the more bones and carrion on the ground.

Such a strange situation makes Ye Feng very alert.

As soon as the magic power shot, Ye Feng shot the dead toad in front of him, and then tentatively threw it into the whirlpool.

However, the next moment, but see the dark light in the whirlpool flash, and then look at the dead toad, suddenly turned into a canopy of white bones, spewed out by the whirlpool!

"The trough! What kind of prohibition is this? So vicious? " Shen Nanxing jumped up in shock.

"It seems that most of the bones on the ground come from this way! If you want to get into it, you have to find the right way! " Ye Feng also frowned tightly and said.Even the ball and small purple, are scared to call a non-stop, thanks to just did not rush into! Otherwise, it would have turned into two piles of bones at this moment!

"What's to be done?" Shen Nanxing scratched his head and asked.

Ye Feng pondered for a moment, but turned to the ball and said, "ball, try your Vajra flame!"

"Chirp!" As soon as the ball got the command, it immediately flapped its wings. Before it came to the vortex, the bird's beak opened, and the flame of Vajra just came to the sun spewed out, and all of it fell into the vortex.

What do you know, once the Vajra flame, which had been conquered, entered the whirlpool, the whirlpool was like a sleeping giant being awakened. It expanded rapidly in an instant. The dark light in it flashed rapidly, and the black clouds surged. It rolled towards the ball like countless black tentacles suddenly.

"Watch out for the ball Seeing this scene, Ye Feng knew that it was broken. The Vajra flame didn't work. On the contrary, it just backfired! Immediately, the mana surged out and took the ball away from the whirlpool.

"I'll go..." The ball was scared to death, flapping its wings and yelling. It had never been so frustrated since it followed Ye Feng. The King Kong flame, which it was always proud of, didn't work!

"To just to Yang, it won't work!" Ye Feng raised his chin, but his eyes suddenly brightened and said, "well, what about the most Yin and cold?"

"From Yin to cold?" When Shen Nanxing heard Ye Feng's words, he was also moved.

Ye Feng immediately released the five elements alchemy furnace, perturbed by the magic power, and shot a few drops of evil Qi condensate, which was from Yin to cold, and threw it into the vortex prohibition.

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