They hugged each other for a long time before they separated. Ye Feng took out the black velvet box from his close arms.

As soon as she saw the box, Su Qingdai's eyes lit up.

"Master Yulian asked me to give this back to you!"

"You went to see my mother?" Su Qingdai asked.

"Yes Ye Feng nodded with a smile.

Su Qingdai's eyes were even brighter when she heard the speech.

Although my mother has become a monk, it is my mother after all. Ye Feng, in his busy schedule, was able to visit his mother carefully. This is enough to see that Ye Feng has also regarded his mother as a relative!

A warm current, in Su Qingdai's heart, flows slowly!

Ye Feng opened the box, took out the "Sweet Princess" necklace and put it on Su Qingdai's neck. He stepped back and said, "it's beautiful!"

I don't know whether he said the diamond is beautiful or Su Qingdai is beautiful! Or, are they beautiful!

Su Qingdai stroked the sweet princess, walked to the mirror and looked at the remains of her father that she had finally worn around her neck. For a moment, her eyes were red!

With her lover on her side, Su Qingdai held back her tears, but she looked at herself in the mirror and said softly, "it seems that I don't have a dress to match this pink diamond..."

"If not, buy it! I'll go with you Ye Feng said without thinking.

"Really?" Su Qingdai asked unexpectedly, with her eyebrows slightly narrowed.

"Of course! Isn't it natural to go shopping with your girlfriend? " Ye Feng looked directly at Su Qingdai and said.

"Girlfriend" three words, this is the first time from Ye Feng's mouth officially said.

At the moment when she heard these three words, Su Qingdai didn't say "who promised to be your girlfriend" like a mean girl, and she didn't feel like crying.

She just laughed! Extremely happy smile! Then, he reached out, took Ye Feng's arm and walked out directly.

"He's my boyfriend, I'm his girlfriend!" The beautiful throb of first love filled Su Qingdai's heart. She is eager to tell the world at this moment, "Ye Feng, he is mine, and I am his!"

Two people out of the house, hand in hand all the way, take the bus subway, like any pair of children in love with men and women in general, all the way, like conjoined twins, hands did not separate, finally came to a shopping mall!

Ye Feng personally selects clothes for Su Qingdai, and all the clothes he chooses are bright colors.

Su Qingdai sat there with the most satisfied smile on her face. Ye Feng would buy whatever she pointed out. Although she knows that, with her aesthetic taste and preference, she may not wear that dress in her life. However, as long as Ye Feng is optimistic about it, she will buy it all!

After a while, they had already carried a lot of bags with clothes in their hands.

It's a bit of a puzzle for Ye Feng to get everything done so smoothly. He always sees some jokes about shopping with his girlfriend on the Internet. It seems that the men who go shopping with his girlfriend are all punished. Why do I have no such feeling with Su Qingdai?

Both of them have achieved brilliant results. They are happy all the way. They are very satisfied to go out of the mall door hand in hand.

Just walking, Su Qingdai's steps suddenly become a meal, the whole person is also obviously a stiff.

Ye Feng turns to Su Qingdai curiously, but sees that Su Qingdai looks different and her eyes are looking in a certain direction.

Ye Feng can't help but follow her eyes to see, who knows, unexpectedly saw a touch of familiar beautiful shadow!

An exquisite dress, elegant and soft chestnut brown wavy hair, expensive and elegant red soled shoes, gorgeous face, plump and exquisite body

It's Xia Bing!

Women are really sensitive. Su Qingdai found Xia Bing earlier than Ye Feng!

And Xia Bing, at the moment, has obviously seen Ye Feng and Su Qingdai holding hands!

For a moment, Ye Feng felt at a loss. This scene was completely unexpected to him.

Ye Feng can hardly imagine Xia Bing's next reaction. If she cries, what should she do?

Zheng Zheng Zheng stands in the original place, only to see that Xia Bing has already stepped on her high-heeled shoes and walked towards them!

Ye Feng's eyes twinkled, and there was a feeling that he did not dare to see her. Not for anything else, just for fear of hurting her!

"Ye Feng!" Xia Bing has already gone to the front of the two, and the unique fragrance goes straight to Ye Feng's nostrils.

However, to Ye Feng's surprise, her voice, as usual, at least on the surface, sounds like this.

Before Ye Feng could say anything, Su Qingdai took the shopping bag from Ye Feng and said to him, "I'll go outside Smoke a cigarette

With that, Su Qingdai didn't look at Xia Bing or wait for Ye Feng to answer, so she strode to the door.

Smart as she, know that they are not convenient to be present at the moment!And usually in front of outsiders, just like the queen, at this moment, she did not release her strong aura, just left silently!

"Xia Bing..." Ye Feng, but still did not feel relaxed, difficult to say hello.

"I didn't expect to meet you here! When did you come back from Yanjing? " Xia Bing is looking at Ye Feng and asks with a smile.

"Ah? oh I just came back today! " Ye Feng did not expect that Xia Bing asked such a question, and finally gathered a little courage to look at Xia Bing!

In the face of any strong enemy, Ye Feng has never been like this, but in the face of such a weak woman, Ye Feng is extremely worried.

But Xia Bing continued: "Why are you so nervous? Can't have a girlfriend, can't with me With our friends, right

"Ah? No, What's the matter... " Ye Feng scratched his head and stammered. At this moment, he suddenly felt that his words were so scarce!

"Come on! Let's go! When you go to school, call me in advance and I'll pick you up! " Xia Bing is still smiling and says to Ye Feng.

"Oh Good Ye Feng nodded in amazement, but he finally asked, "are you OK recently? Is it all right with Uncle Xia and aunt? "

"Well! Don't worry at all! Let's go! I'm leaving, too! Goodbye Xia Bing immediately waved to Ye Feng. Then, she turned around and walked away with high heels!

Ye Feng looks at Xia Bing's back when she turns around and leaves. He doesn't know why. He doesn't feel relaxed at all. Instead, he feels stuffed in his heart, but he doesn't know what to say!

Silently pursed her lips, seeing that Xia Bing was far away, Ye Feng had to turn around and walk in the opposite direction of Xia Bing!

Xia Bing straightened her back and finally came to a quiet place. Slowly leaning against the wall, her body shook into a ball, and tears poured down silently

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