"Well That time When I see you in duanwangzhuchi, you're just practicing in the period of refining Qi. How come after a short time, you're in the late period of building foundation? " Ye Fengzhong summoned up the courage to ask this question that has been bothering him.

Two people, finally mentioned "Duanwang pearl pond" thing, Lei Wanqing's face, irresistible red up. But he also said, "aren't you, too?"

"Me? I got some Adventures... " Ye Feng explained.

"I have no adventure! However, after that time, I, I was very angry in my heart, so I asked my mother for a treasure of leimen. With the help of that treasure, my accomplishments could be improved quickly! Because of this, my father scolded me a lot! " Lei Wanqing mentioned the family affairs and couldn't help laughing again.

"So it is!" Ye Feng finally realized that, but he also felt that Lei Wanqing's condition was really unique compared with his poor self-cultivation!

Two people sat in silence for a while, Lei Wanqing finally took the lead to stand up, patted the dust on his body, and said to Ye Feng: "let's go! Since the two of us can be transmitted so close, it is estimated that Xiao Huan and them are nearby. Find them

Ye Feng nodded and stood up. However, he called Lei Wanqing from behind: "elder martial sister Wanqing, wait a minute!"

"What's the matter?" Lei Wanqing looks back puzzled.

"On my head And cobwebs Ye Feng pointed to Lei Wanqing's hair and said.

Lei Wanqing's pretty face turned red. The next moment, he lowered his head slightly and naturally approached Ye Feng.

Ye Feng quickly reached out and carefully removed the cobweb from her hair!

It's a rare moment when two people breathe and smell each other, so warm and not embarrassed!

As Lei Wanqing and Ye Feng continue to move along the river, thrilling scenes are unfolding everywhere in yuxu cave.

Although they are in the same cave, the environment of each place in the cave is quite different.

The sky was covered with snow and clouds, and the door was covered with snow.

Cloud Yi just walked a few steps, then met a group of fierce ice bee attack.

Fortunately, Yun Yi's cultivation is advanced, and the group of ice bees are soon defeated by him. Yunyi got a rare snow lotus under the protection of ice bee.

However, only a few minutes after the joy of obtaining the most precious treasure, Yun Yi is full of grief to see that not far away, a disciple of Yunmen, whose head is in a different place, has been dead on the spot for a long time!

A bright space crack is floating over the body of the Cloud Gate disciple

This is experience! There are both opportunities and fatal dangers!

Full of grief, he buried the Yunmen disciple in the ice and snow. Yunyi wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, cleaned up his mood, carefully bypassed the fatal space crack, and set out on the road again!

In a swamp, two young friars are fighting with swords and a group of crocodiles. From their clothes, we can see that they are disciples of Yimen. One of them was Sanchi of the wing gate.

As soon as sang Qi came in, he met his younger martial brother. Obviously, he was lucky. It's just that the group of giants in front of them are obviously not easy to deal with. The two of them have a good combination of swords, but for a while, it's hard to win

Yuxu cave in the misty mountain is like a wasteland. There are innumerable undeveloped treasures in it. However, the monsters here are extremely ferocious after many years of reproduction.

In another tropical rainforest like landscape, Zhao Wanshan of wanhumen stood firm and looked around with vigilance. He did not find any obvious crisis.

Zhao Wanshan breathed a sigh of relief and was about to move forward. However, he suddenly felt that the bottom of his feet was thick and nearly tripped him over.

Zhao Wanshan looked down, only to find that he was standing in the middle of a huge pile of wet earth.

However, after sniffing, Zhao Wanshan felt that there was something wrong with the mound. He couldn't help reaching out and picking up a little bit of "soil" and smelling it at the end of his nose!

Gee, it stinks!

looked around as like as two peas. There were several piles of earth mound that were almost the same. They looked everywhere and looked at the shape. What the hell was it? It's a huge piece of shit.

"Bah..." Zhao Wanshan quickly smeared the "soil" on his hands onto his trousers, and his whole body was full of magic power. He finally got away from this pile of excrement!

"Damn, I've been sent to a piece of shit. What kind of shit is this?" Zhao Wanshan hurled his boots and swore.

However, the curse is not absolute, Zhao Wanshan himself on the alert up, what is this shit? What's the size of this thing?

No! It's dangerous here. Don't stay long!

As soon as Zhao Wanshan's figure is vertical, he will leave here.

Just, less than to start, but saw not far ahead, a figure, healthy and quickly from a huge pile of excrement climbed out.That guy, worse than Zhao Wanshan, was dizzy when he was sent to this place. He landed on the ground with his face first, and had a close contact with this feces.

Zhao Wanshan is gloating at the disaster, but there are still people worse off than him. Who knows, the next moment, but found, damn, that person is not his apprentice, Ma Liu!

"Ma Liu?" Zhao Wanshan immediately called out and swept toward Ma Liu.

"Master?" Ma Liu looked up, also full of surprise, immediately ran to Zhao Wanshan.

"Eh, you stink too much..." Zhao Wanshan waved and looked at Ma Liu in disgust.

Ma Liu put out his hand to wipe the filth on his body, and his face was full of shame. He said in a loud voice, "master, what the hell is this place? How come there are so many stools? What kind of paradise is this

"Shh, keep your voice down. There must be a huge high-level monster here. It's dangerous here. Let's go first. Fortunately, our master and apprentice were lucky. As soon as they came in, they found each other. In this way, the chance of killing Ye Feng and snatching the treasure is even greater. Let's go and find Ye Feng... " Zhao Wanshan said with a sinister face.

However, before he could finish his words, he saw Ma Liu in front of him. He widened his eyes in horror, raised his head, opened his mouth, trembled all over, raised his hand and pointed to Zhao Wanshan's back.

Zhao Wanshan is full of excitement and turns around quickly. However, he is seeing a torrential rain pouring on his face. Strangely, the rain is still full of fishy smell.

Zhao Wanshan quickly moved away from the rain.

Just, the next moment, but found that where is what rain? It was the saliva of a huge monster!

And the monster, yellow and green, a few feet long, like a hill, is shaking his head, drooling and looking at Zhao Wanshan's master and apprentice!

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