The Greatest Performer on the Football Field

Chapter 800: Surprising starter

On November 23, the Emirates Stadium.

Half an hour before the start of the game, the stands were full of dangling, the following Manchester United players were absently warming up, turning their heads from time to time to see the performances of the gunmen fans on the stage.

The other half of the Arsenal players warmed up silently, all with their heads down, and Sanchez, who came only this season, curiously looked around.

"Thank you, Wenger, but it's time to say goodbye!"

"For Arsenal, please leave."

This kind of slogan is still quite mild. More slogans Chi/Naked/Naked express the anger of the fans...Hey, Wenger this season made quite a lot of tactical changes for the record, although the back line did not lead Aid, but tactically more defensive.

This is the key to Arsenal's ability to tie Manchester City, but the fans who used to watch the Gunners attack like Mercury for more than a decade are very dissatisfied.

Even more dissatisfied with the fans is that although there are not many goals conceded by Arsenal, they only have 17 points in 11 rounds, 14 points away from Manchester United at the top of the list, and this loss is exactly double!

The transfer between Arsenal and Manchester United was a scene in the Premier League. In the previous seasons, both teams fell, and fans were sad and disappointed. However, since last season, the mood of the fans of the two teams has been different.

Gunners fans can only think of it this way...Fortunately, they fell together, why are you secretly working hard!

When Manchester United visited the Emirates Stadium with a lead of 14 points, the Gunners fans were generous this time... rented three planes and continued to fly over the stadium with a banner. What the banner says is that most people actually Not clear, but everyone knows...

"Yang, be careful today." Sun Wu Xiaosheng said to Professor Yang: "That Spanish right back is very fast."

"A small assist range?" Ashley Yang asked. Now that he and Sun Wu are getting closer and closer, the execution of their tactical details is also very high.

Sun Wu hesitated and glanced at the young boy across from him. Sun Wu had not been in contact with Bellerin in La Masia, but now he is famous in the Premier League.

According to London's "Subway", Bellerin's 40-meter sprint is faster than the trapeze Bolt...I don't believe it, so I can blow it!

"No." Sun Wuyan pursed his lips, "but if there is a gap on this side, pay attention to inserting his back row and wipe it with speed."

In the previous life, Bellerin started a high-speed steal in the backcourt against Bayern Munich, and went all the way into the penalty area to assist Ozil to break the goal. This ball impressed Sun Wu.

After the warm-up, the players of the two teams walked towards the player channel in twos and threes. Sun Wu was thinking about the starting lineup that Wenger discharged today, and suddenly Sanchez came together.

"Best, don't make small moves in this game."

"You just look at me like this?" Sun Wu snorted, "You are not weak legs!"

"You'll know later!" Sanchez smiled. "Azar said, beat you, he treats."

Sanchez and Hazard were the golden wings of Tottenham two years ago, and the personal relationship is very good.

Sun Wu scoffed, "In the words of The Sun, you are all squeezed out!"

Just this morning, the media reported that Sanchez’s recent poor condition was due to indulgence/excessiveness, and also published a photo of Sanchez’s girlfriend, a hot blonde.

"You also know that the "Sun" reporter said!" Sanchez pouted, "they also rumored that you and Josep had a fight in the office!"

Sun Wu didn't have anything to say... "The Sun"'s ability to make rumors without incident is so powerful that he dare to say anything.

After the Spurs disintegrated that year, Sun Wu and most of his friends kept in touch, such as Walker, Ross, Modric, Hazard, Harvey Martinez and Wilton, but had little contact with Sanchez.

That summer, Sun Wu persuaded Sanchez not to go to Barcelona... well, just one season later, the Chilean returned to the Premier League.

Sandezi once had the idea of ​​playing Sanchez after a deadlock in the acquisition of Di Maria, but the latter and Arsenal have agreed to sign soon.

The two walked slightly to the intersection awkwardly, and smiled at each other before turning back into their respective dressing rooms.


"This is the highlight of the 12th round of the Premier League. Manchester United challenged Arsenal away."

Zhan Jun made a comment before the game in the live broadcast room. Today he is fighting alone. Zhang Lu is too old to stay up late every week.

"This is also the last game to start in this round. Chelsea, Manchester City and Liverpool have all successfully scored 3 points. Liverpool will temporarily narrow the difference between Manchester United and 2 points."

"Let's look at the starting list of both sides. Manchester United's back line is a bit unexpected. De Gea guards the goal. The back line Valencia, Alder Vereld, Phil Jones and Rojo were originally on the starting list. Ashley Yang warmed up and was injured, Roho replaced."

"Midfielder is Herrera, Schneiderlin and Sun Wu, frontcourt trident is Thomas Mueller, Griezmann and Mane, who finished the fourth round of the last round, and Lukaku, who recovered from injury, is temporarily sitting on the bench. On the table."

"On Arsenal's side, goalkeeper Shichensny, back line Chambers and Koscielny, Mertesacker sat on the bench, and Vermaelen was injured again."

In the midfield, the double-back combination of Alta and Coquilin was enabled. It is a bit surprising that Wilshere, who has been performing well before this season, took the bench, and the remaining seat in the midfield belongs to Yaya. · Touré, he scored more than 20 goals in the league last season. "

"The front line of attack is that Ozil and Sanchez are separated from each other, and Giroud is at the front. Of course, the actual position still needs to be observed during the game." Zhan Jun Rao You said with interest: "The key lies in Yaya. Toure’s position is forward in terms of formation, but he has a strong defensive ability and has even played half-season as a central defender in Barcelona."

"On the other hand, the key is whether the double back team sent by Wenger can suppress Sun Wu's play. This lineup appeared in Arsenal against Manchester City more than a month ago. Both Alta and Coquilin It became a purely defensive midfielder, and the midfield organization was basically handed over to Yaya Touré and Ozil, who came in."


In the process of walking out of the player channel, Sun Wu sensitively noticed the slight maliciousness in the eyes of the Arsenal players next to him, especially Coquilin...what do you want to do?

Just one minute into the opening, Sun Wu saw what they wanted to do.

Receiving the forward pass from Valencia, Sun Wu took the ball laterally and passed the Alteta, but Koquilin threw it up and blocked it in front of him, Yaya Tu behind him Lei quickly moved over and hit his son Wu Wu with his body, and Ke Kuilin immediately kicked the ball with his foot.

"Best lost the ball...Arsenal fight back!"

" Ozil obliquely plugged... a beautiful running position, Sanchez... shot!"

Mortson said regretfully: "It's just a little bit, Sanchez's toe shot and wiped the far post to the bottom line!"

Sun Wu, who was intercepted by Yaya Touré and Coquilin, was a bit dazed. He turned to look at the Arsenal midfield position.

It is said to be a 433 formation, but it is actually 4231, and it can even be said to be 4321 or 4312.

Arteta and Coquilin form a double midfielder. Yaya Toure will choose a position based on the situation on the field. Although Ozil stands on the left, he will actually organize the attack by running and receiving the ball. Although Sanchez is a winger, he will often run into the penalty area to find opportunities.

In this case, Arsenal organized a very good blocking line in the middle of the midfield. Once the ball was broken, Ozil's pass and Sanchez's breakthrough could create a threat.

Of course, the key to Wenger's choice is that he thinks Alta and Kokulin and Yaya Touré can resist Sun Wu who seems to be in a state of decline.

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