In a cooking building.

Fang Lin and Mito Yumei slowly entered the end of the beef rice bowl this time.

Naturally, Erina, who saw the whole operation of the two, said slowly, “Crimson Sand, who do you think will win the final victory in this competition.” ”

“This.” Shinto Scarlet looked at the two and guessed, “It should be Lin-kun, his cooking skills are really very powerful, although Mito-san is an expert in meat cooking, but Linjun will not be weak in this area.” ”

“Scarlet, do you know what supports Mito’s meat cooking path?” Erina, Hirina said.

“It’s the mastery of meat.” Shinto Scarlet said.

“That’s kind of right.” Erina, who shook her head, “Mito’s greatest skill is her fineness, her lips are the most sensitive to heat in the human organs, but even so, only she can discern the correct temperature through her lips, and you return her hands, as well as her calm kindness to flesh, like a pianist playing a smooth musical score.” ”

“So it is.” Shinto Scarlet nodded.

“Although Mito is very proficient in this area, the stinky rogue is even more terrifying.” Erina’s face changed slightly, “You can see that the stinky rogue handles the ingredients very quickly.” ”

“Yes.” Crimson nodded.

“This is that stinky rogue’s accurate grasp of ingredients, which is the ability to combine experience, talent, and technology.” Rina said unwillingly, “Even if I couldn’t do this, that stinky scoundrel could do it.” ”

How could Erina, who was able to think that Fang Lin still had this virtual kitchen, could constantly increase his cooking skills and constantly improve himself.

“That means Mito-san.” Shinto Scarlet said hesitantly.

“That’s right, Mito’s so-called slenderness is like a newborn child under Fang Lin’s strength, and there is no strength to resist at all.” Erina, Hirina said.

While Erina, Rina and Scarlet commented on the skills of the two, Fang Lin and Mito Yumei also completed their own dishes.

“I’m done.” Mito Yumei brought out a dish of her own and placed it on the table, and the beef on this dish bloomed like flowers, which was full of impact.

“This is my A5 wagyu beef yakiniku donburi.” Mito Yumei said.

“I’m also done, regular beef donburi.” Fang Lin also served his own share of donburi, and in the bowl was a whole piece of beef placed on it, as if it had not been processed at all.

“This is your donburi dish, unremarkable, sure enough, it’s an ordinary beef donburi.” Mito Yumei looked at Fang Lin’s dish and said.

“Erina, you can try these two donburi and see who eats it.” Fang Lin said with a smile.

“Please, Miss Erina.” Mito said.

“I’ll take a look.” Erina, who first came to Mito Yumei’s dish, was afraid that if she ate the dish of the smelly rogue, then she would not have the slightest interest in Mito Yumei’s dish.

Although the smelly rogue’s cuisine looks unremarkable, Erina, who watched the whole process, will not think that it is just that.

“As a top-quality A5 beef in your cooking, it does not damage its taste, and the angle of the fire is also noticed when grilling the meat, so that the gravy inside is more even, and the rice stir-fried with butter and cream is also very good.” Erina, who picked up a piece of beef and put it in her mouth, commented.

Miss Erina’s compliment made Mito feel confident, after all, she is very good at meat cooking.

“Then try the dish of the smelly rogue.” Erina, Rina looked at the dish in front of her, “Is the secret of this dish on the meat?” ”

Taking a deep breath, Erina, who followed the grain of the meat, gently pinched it, and the beef melted like a stream of water, and countless gravies gushed out, and a white and misty heat appeared.

“This smell.” Erina, who was holding the cooking counter with one hand, and this smelly rogue’s dish was the same as before, which made Erina, who unconsciously showed shame-shame.

“The whole gravy is locked in the whole beef, and the aroma of the gravy is completely transformed at this moment.” Erina, Hirina put down her chopsticks and gently scooped a little with a spoon into her mouth.

“What.” Erina’s eyes widened.

At this moment, the fresh aroma of the gravy completely burst out in the mouth, and the tender beef melted in the mouth, as if eating ice cream, the ice cream of the meat.

A large amount of gravy splashes in the taste buds, the soup overflows, and this warm gravy flows directly into the mouth and into the stomach canal, and a warm sense of satisfaction rises from the stomach.

“It’s rice.” Erina, who continued to scoop a spoonful into her mouth, just chewed the corner of her mouth, and the whole piece of meat wrapped in rice turned into gravy, and the aroma of this gravy directly changed the divisive cognition of diners.

It makes people think that the beef rice bowl in your mouth is like drinking a top-quality beef dish.

Can’t stop at all.

Each grain of rice is also wrapped in the aroma and mellowness of beef gravy, which is rice, this is beef.

At this moment, beef and rice are like one, and Erina, who eats this dish, has a great sense of satisfaction in both her spirit and stomach.

It’s a double enjoyment of the physical and the spiritual.

The taste is as if Erina, who has come to the kingdom of beef, and she lies freely on her back on the ground formed by beef, which is the taste of happiness.

Without a doubt, this is the perfect beef donburi.

“Whew.” Erina’s face flushed, and this dish made her gaffe again, but why is this smelly rogue’s cuisine so delicious.

“Although it has been admitted that the stinky hooligans are very powerful, but…” Rina looked at the smiling Fang Lin, “Why, every time it brings something new.” ”

“Is this your belief in becoming king?” Erina, who shimmered unwillingly.

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