"General, I have a solution."

Nightingale thought about it left and right, and suddenly came up with an idea.

"What's your idea, tell me now!"

Liu Rui heard that Nightingale had noticed something in her heart, and quickly asked her to express her thoughts.

"General, this method is good, but it can only be wronged by the general."

Although Yeying's method was good, she didn't know in her heart whether a young general like Liu Rui would be willing to do it.

"Let's talk, Nightingale, as long as it's for the princess, what if you risk your life!"

Liu Rui is not only a hero, but also a passionate person. Therefore, for the sake of his beloved, he is willing to do anything!

"The general's affection for the princess is called Yeingying's real emotion. In fact, the servant suddenly remembered that some young adults were being recruited in the nearest palace to apply for the handyman.

If you, General, can condescend to pretend to be a chorus, then you can easily sneak into the palace. When the time comes, it will be much easier to find a way to approach the princess when you enter the palace. "

Nightingale told Liu Rui her idea, and she wondered whether Liu Rui would agree.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Nightingale, I thought it was something so difficult to do that made you worry so much? It turned out to be just pretending to be a "little handyman,

Not to mention pretending to be a handyman, if it's for the princess, what if he really is a handyman! "

In Liu Rui's heart at this time, everything was already on Honglian's body, how could he care about these meaningless things?

"Nightingale, then we'll have a good rest in the inn tonight, and when it's dawn tomorrow, we'll go to apply for handyman."

After Liu Rui finished speaking, he walked out of the house and entered his room.

"Everything is ready, I just owe it to be able to sneak into the palace smoothly tomorrow. After seeing Red Lotus, we will discuss how to bring Red Lotus back to Huaicheng smoothly!"

Liu Rui knew that sneaking into the palace was only the first step to rescue Red Lotus, and it was not so easy to get Red Lotus back to his territory smoothly.

"It's useless to think so much. Now that you're here, Red Lotus, wait for me. Even if the capital is turned upside down in the end, I will definitely bring you back!"

The Invincible Summoning of the Three Kingdoms

1271: Application

The night passed quickly, and with the sound of roosters, the people in the capital started their busy day again.

The hawkers on both sides of the street were shouting hard, and they were all trying to compare whose voice was louder.

"Sure enough, the scene of the capital is more prosperous than the scene of the border!"

Perhaps it was because he stayed at the border for too long, and Liu Rui began to miss such stable and peaceful days!

"Nightingale, it seems that she never said anything about her background?!"

Nightingale had been by her side for the past few days, and she never said anything about her background. Liu Rui only knew that she had been placed by the princess' side by King Han since she was a child, that's all.

"Why is the general suddenly interested in the life experience of slaves?!"

Nightingale didn't know why Liu Rui suddenly asked about his background.

"From the few days you and I have been together, I have found that your relationship with Red Lotus is not only a relationship between master and servant, but I feel that you have regarded the princess as your closest person. ,

For the sake of your dearest person, you are willing to do anything for her, even at the cost of your own life.

So I really want to know why? ! "

Liu Rui admired Nightingale's loyalty to Red Lotus, so he wanted to know more about this woman.

"Actually, it's nothing. I vaguely remember that my home was on the border of South Korea. An enemy invasion caused our small village to be razed to the ground in an instant.

My parents also died in this war, so I remember being a war orphan.

In the war-torn era, most of the orphans left by the war did not live long.

I just remember that I was taken back to the barracks by the Han army who came to the rescue. One day, the king of Han sent someone to pick a few girls and bring them back to the palace.

After training day and night, he finally developed his skills. Since then, King Han has arranged for the princess by his side, and has served as the princess' security ever since. "

Nightingale slowly revealed her background.

"Because I saw my parents killed since I was a child, and I was sent to the palace for cruel training, it can be said that I basically had no childhood.

I basically didn't speak anymore, basically I just did what the master asked me to do,

But until I got to the princess, the princess used her delicate love to make me feel alive for the first time.

Therefore, as long as it is for the princess, I will do whatever it takes! "

At this time, Nightingale's eyes were unusually firm.

"So, General, you must promise Nightingale, no matter what, you must take the princess back,

Because the slaves know that the princess has only you in the heart of the princess, and only you can keep the princess's face with a smile all the time! "

"Well! Don't worry! We will definitely be able to bring the princess back!"

Liu Rui's heart is full of confidence now, because he knows that no matter what the process is, they will definitely win!

The two walked steadily to the palace at this time, and were beginning the most important step of sneaking into the palace.

Success or failure is here!

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