Uncle Zhang and the others were still very proud just now, but now they are silent, watching the game in stunned eyes, and have prepared for the worst.

Liu Rui didn't intend to waste more time, knowing that the current state of Zhao could be destroyed at any time.

Seeing Shuying rushing towards him, Liu Rui dodged and avoided Shuying's attack, then quickly came behind Shuying, grabbed Shuying's shoulders with both hands, and pulled back sharply, and Shuying was released. to the ground.

When the soldiers in the audience saw that Shu Ying was placed, they burst into applause: "General Shu Ying was actually placed, I really didn't expect that someone in this world would be able to beat General Shu Ying in terms of strength!"

Uncle Zhang heard someone in the audience praising Liu Rui, and shouted angrily to the soldiers in the audience: "What's it called, you all shut up!"

The audience returned to calm.

Liu Rui put Shu Ying to the ground, Shu Ying wanted to stand up immediately, but how could Liu Rui give him a chance.

Liu Rui slammed a stack of his feet and directly broke Shu Ying's right leg, making Shu Ying unable to stand.

Uncle Zhang and the others saw that the situation was not good, and immediately said to Liu Rui, "General Liu, stop quickly, and don't kill General Shuying."

After hearing this, Liu Rui stopped, thinking that the war was about to take place, and he couldn't lose any more generals, but his current situation is not much better than that, so let him go for the time being.

The three soldiers saw that Liu Rui had stopped and ran up to lift Shu Ying down.

Standing on the ring, Liu Rui shouted to the soldiers below, "Are you still dissatisfied? If there are any, let's go together, don't waste your time!"

Someone in the audience shouted: "General Zhang, go and destroy his prestige. He really thinks he is invincible in the world? Let him see the power of our Wei Kingdom."

"Yeah, General Zhang, let's go together, we can definitely knock him down." Someone shouted.

Liu Rui looked at Uncle Zhang calmly, and he also wanted to solve the game as soon as possible, because this match was so boring, and there was no one who could fight.

Uncle Zhang and others counted each other, and then led by Uncle Zhang, seven people went up at one time, and these seven people were the people who wanted to take Liu Rui at the Jinbi account in the morning.

When Liu Rui saw the seven of them go up, he smiled and said, "Seven people? No need to add a few more people?"

Uncle Zhang and the others were enraged by Liu Rui's words, and one of them directly shouted: "Liu Rui, you were not born when I was marching to fight, so don't be presumptuous here."

Liu Rui laughed even more arrogantly, and then said to Uncle Zhang and the others: "You old man is really long-winded, let's go together, I'm going to go back to sleep after I beat you!" After that, he yawned. Action, and then stretched out his right hand, signaling Uncle Zhang and the others to come together.

The people behind Uncle Zhang couldn't bear Liu Rui's arrogant attitude for a long time, but Uncle Zhang knew that when he was lifted up by Liu Rui in the morning, he knew that he and Liu Rui were not on the same level at all. Now I can only let others come forward, and I am looking for opportunities, and then kill Liu Rui with one blow.

Uncle Zhang stood still, and the other six rushed up together.

(.) The Invincible Summoning of the Three Kingdoms

1309 The Three Brothers of the Jade Brothers

The six did not go up to fight Liu Rui directly like Shu Ying did, but surrounded Liu Rui, and then none of the six dared to act rashly, all of them were looking for opportunities, preparing to take advantage of Liu Rui's unpreparedness, and then attack Liu Rui.

Liu Rui saw that he was surrounded, but he didn't feel nervous. Instead, he shook his body very easily, and then mocked the six people: "Why don't you guys do it? Are you scared? Haha."

The six heard Liu Rui's ridicule, and the man standing behind Liu Rui felt that his opportunity was coming, and kicked a flying kick, ready to kick Liu Rui's back of the head, causing Liu Rui to lose his balance.

When the man behind him just lifted his foot, Liu Rui immediately turned his head and kicked the man in the abdomen.

I saw the man fly out, and then toss and turn on the ground. Tong's face was distorted. Uncle Zhang saw that one person fell down, but he still did not step forward to help. He still stood there, ready to find an opportunity to destroy Liu Rui.

The other five still surrounded Liu Rui in the center.

The three of them made eye contact with each other and immediately understood what the other meant.

These three are three brothers, namely Yulong, Yuhu, and Yubao.

The three formed a triangular tactic, each of them could take the initiative to attack Liu Rui, and they could all help their teammates defend against Liu Rui's attack.

Among them, Yuhu raised his foot to attack Liu Rui's bottom lane. Liu Rui was not prepared to defend at all. It took less than a blink of an eye from raising his foot to hitting Liu Rui. In the eyes of the soldiers in the audience , is really amazing.

However, for Liu Rui, it was really too slow.

When Yuhu saw that his whip leg hit Liu Rui, he immediately thought that Liu Rui was about to fall, and the two beside him also thought that Liu Rui was about to fall to the ground, and they were all ready to give Liu Rui the final blow.

But when Yuhu kicked Liu Rui, the three of them were stunned.

Liu Rui still stood there steadily, as if nothing had happened.

Yuhu couldn't believe that someone was kicked into the bottom lane without falling to the ground!The kick just now had the strength to directly kick an ordinary person to death, but why was Liu Rui unscathed?

Liu Rui laughed and said to Yuhu, "Why, you just wanted to test me, so you didn't use all your strength, right?"

Yuhu was furious and was about to attack Liu Rui again, but was stopped by Yulong.

Yulong said to Liu Rui, "Wait a minute, you can't just rely on brute force to deal with this person!"

Yuhu fell into thinking after hearing Yulong's words, his strength was definitely enough just now, but he was unscathed, then attacking him from the outside would definitely not be able to defeat him!

Jade Leopard was quietly waiting for the results of the two brothers' discussion.

A thought flashed through Yulong's brain in an instant, and then he said to Yubao: "Third, you attack Liu Rui's head, and Huzi and I will find an opportunity to attack."

"Okay," Yubao agreed.

Jade Leopard's speed was the fastest among the three. In the blink of an eye, Jade Leopard left the spot and flew straight into the air, ready to hit Liu Rui's forehead with his fist.

This time, Liu Rui did not fail to defend, but raised his hands, ready to meet the attack of the Jade Leopard.

Seeing that Liu Rui raised his hands to reveal the internal test of his ribs, Yulong shouted, "Huzi, hit him in the ribs."

Yuhu understood what Yulong meant, and instantly punched both sides of Liu Rui's ribs.

Liu Rui saw Yuhu's two punches against him, and it was too late to guard, so he could only take it hard.

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