Cao Cao smiled and said: "Liu Xuande has great ambitions, but he is wandering. To put it bluntly, he has dreams and ambitions, but he can't use them. Previously, I thought that this person would be a great person, but now it seems that it is no more than me. ."

Xi Zhicai wondered, "How can you see it?"

"That Lu Bu is arrogant and arrogant, and has been repeatedly humiliated and frustrated by Liu Rui. When Liu Xuande subdued Lu Bu, it was the time when Lu Bu was at his worst. Originally, he could control this fierce general with only a little favor. If you divide Xuzhou with Lu Bu, you say, is he stupid?" Cao Cao sneered, and said: "Lu Bu is born with a rebellious character. Go to heaven, and there will be calamity in the future!"

Xi Zhicai nodded, Cao Cao's words, in a few words, actually made Lu Bu and Liu Bei clear.

"By the way, Zhicai, in the current situation, do you have any ideas?" Cao Cao sat down and asked Xi Zhicai.

"My lord, our army has an advantage in numbers, so we should take advantage of this." Xi Zhicai said.Qiankun Tingshu Network

"That's right!" Cao Cao nodded, signaling Xi Zhicai to continue.

"Liu Rui's army is [-] people, and Ma Teng's army is [-] people. We only need to use our army's [-] people to drag Liu Rui out, and the rest of Ma Teng will be fish on the chopping block..." Zhicai smiled and said, "Liu Bei, Lu Bu, [-] horses, Yuan Shu's [-] horses, nearly twice as many troops and horses from the three sides attacked Ma Teng together. Even if his Xiliang iron cavalry is brave, I am afraid that he will not be able to return to the sky!"

"Haha, that's how it should be!" Cao Cao said with a big smile.

However, Guo Jia was a little worried: "It's a pity that Liu Bei and Lu Bu have a dispute with Yuan Shu now, otherwise..."

"What's so difficult about this!" Cao Cao laughed, "Zhicai, you are good at scheming, but this skill is my forte. You sent someone to tell Yuan Shu, saying that the first battle is very important. , he needs to lead Liu Bei Lu Bu to encircle and suppress Ma Teng. You are going to tell Liu Bei Lu Bu that if you want to kill Liu Rui, you must kill Ma Teng first. In this way, the three of them must agree."

Xi Zhicai's eyes lit up and sighed, "My lord is indeed wise!"

When Xi Zhi arrived in Yuan Shao's army, and repeated Cao Cao's words, Yuan Shu really smiled, and he was very shy.

Later, Xi Zhicai went to Liu Bei's army again, and also informed that Liu Bei, Lu Bu hated Liu Rui to the core, and naturally agreed.

By this time, Cao Cao, Yuan Shu, Liu Bei, and Lü Bu, with a total of [-] troops and horses, have all completed their deployment. Only when Cao Cao's army drags Liu Rui out, the other three can join forces to surround and kill Ma Teng.

As for the [-] soldiers and horses that Zhang Lu dispatched to Yang Ren, no one cared at all... With such a number of soldiers and horses, even a fraction of others is not enough, so are they used to stuff them between their teeth?

Both sides have been prepared, and the scouts from both sides are also constantly spying on each other's intelligence, and finally they are gathered on the desks of Liu Rui and Cao Cao.

"Master! Everything is ready!" Guo Jia stepped forward to report.

"Let's go then!" Liu Rui waved his hand, and countless soldiers walked out of the camp in an orderly manner.

Liu Rui and Ma Teng walked side by side, and said as they walked, "Brother Shoucheng, you have been through hundreds of battles in the past and have a great reputation. This time, you will be wronged."

Ma Teng smiled and said: "It's just a fake name, it's okay to lose it. As long as my army can win, it's worth losing my old face."

Liu Rui laughed and said sternly: "Then please ask Brother Shoucheng. After the matter is completed, I will report to the court and give Brother Shoucheng a satisfactory explanation."

Ma Teng waved his hand and said, "I'm old, I just hope that Haosheng will not forget our friendship today."

Liu Rui nodded heavily and said loudly, "Liu Rui will never forget it."

While speaking, the army was already lined up, and on the opposite side was the coalition army of Cao Cao and others. , , .

330: Battle in front

The two armies are fighting, and the first look is the momentum.

In terms of numbers, it is natural that Cao Cao's army was numerous.

It's just that in terms of mentality, Liu Rui's side is strictly disciplined and morale is like a rainbow. Although the number of people is small, they are not afraid at all.

"Brother Shoucheng, let's go, let's chat with that Cao Mengde." Liu Rui patted the war horse and walked forward slowly.

"Haha, speaking of which, Cao Mengde and I haven't seen each other for a long time." Ma Teng laughed and followed suit.

It was just the two of them, and more people came out of Cao Cao's side.

Cao Mengde's left side was Yuan Shu Yuan Gonggong, while his right side were Liu Bei, Lu Bu, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei.

In addition, there are dozens of elite soldiers behind several people.

From a distance, Liu Rui and Ma Teng were both riding, while the other party had dozens of people.This invisible contest made Cao Cao and the others dwarfed by one head.

Liu Rui is the most famous general in the world. Not only is he resourceful, but he is also born with divine power.Don't you see the flying general Lu Bu, who was beaten by Liu Rui over and over again.

Although Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others were on the side, Cao Cao and Yuan Shu were still worried. If Liu Rui suddenly attacked, how could they be able to stop him.That's why he only brought a few personal soldiers. Even if he couldn't beat Liu Rui, he could at least give several coaches time to fight for escape.

In the distance, Liu Rui heard Cao Cao's voice.

"Brother Haosheng, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you so much!" Cao Cao laughed.

"Brother Meng De, we attacked Dong Zhuo together, but I didn't expect you and I to be in this situation today!" Liu Rui also laughed. Speaking of which, he has always admired Cao Cao as a traitor.

"Haha, Brother Haosheng, do you regret not killing me Cao Mengde in Chang'an?" Cao Cao and the others stopped and asked from a distance.

"How could I, Liu Haosheng, do such a shameless thing?" Liu Rui chuckled, "Brother Meng De is a traitor. Naturally, he needs to wrap his body in horse leather and die in battle to be worthy of this name."

"Well said!" Cao Cao praised, "If the world is at peace, you and I will definitely be friends and confidants. It's a pity! It's a pity!" After a pause, Cao Cao said loudly: "Brother Haosheng, if you let go of your military power, Let the Son of Heaven be free, and we will not meet in life and death today, what do you think?"

Liu Rui did not answer, but instead asked: "Brother Meng De, the emperor was furious when he heard that a few of you did not obey the edict. Why don't you disarm and return to the fields, and I will ask the emperor to protect your wealth for the rest of your life, what do you think? "Xiaoshuowa novel network

In fact, both of them knew that the other party could not give up, but after the words were said, the old friendship even came to an end, and the next two armies fought, naturally they would not be thinking about their old feelings.

"Brother Highway! Stay safe..." Liu Rui handed over and smiled at Yuan Shu. "In the past, our nineteen-way princes gathered together, but now Brother Gongguang's style is even better than before!"

"Haha, Haosheng!" Yuan Shu couldn't help being elated when he heard Liu Rui's compliment to him, and said happily, "Haosheng has achieved this at a young age, which is admirable!"

"The highway has been lifted! I met the emperor a few days ago, and the emperor sighed when he mentioned the fourth and third princes of the Yuan clan. He also said that if brother highway is willing to turn back, it would be a great achievement, so what's the harm in honoring the prince?" Liu Rui Yaoyao cupped his hands and smiled.

Yuan Shu was stunned for a moment, and his heart burst into flames.Their Yuan clan has produced many talents from generation to generation. If there is a prince and prime minister, wouldn't it be even more powerful?However, Yuan Shu also knew in his heart that he was already in Cao Ying, and it was too late to turn back now.

Liu Rui looked at him and pondered slightly, without urging him, just waiting quietly.

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