Cao Cao was speechless for a while as he watched the military intelligence reports being sent to the table. All the information showed that Liu Rui's army was unscathed!how can that be!This is absolutely impossible!

Cao Cao's army had to pay hundreds of thousands of losses every day, but the number of Liu Rui's army did not change at all.

"Could it be reinforcements?" Cao Cao couldn't help but wonder, and his heart kept screaming, it must be reinforcements, otherwise how could there be no downsizing?

Xi Zhicai on the side smiled bitterly: "My lord, I am afraid that Liu Rui's army has some amazing craftsmen. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen!"

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment. Since he fought against Liu Rui, all the big and small wars have surfaced. Lu Bu also mentioned the subtle mechanism in the trench under Chang'an City, and the perverted catapults and ballistas in Liu Rui's camp. There are also the simple trebuchets that Yuan Shu made with the help of the geographical advantage when he lured the enemy... These countless evidences really prove this!

But how could Cao Cao want to believe it?How can there be such an exquisite mechanism in this world?

After a long time, Cao Cao sat down dejectedly, but still muttered: "This is impossible, this is impossible!"

Xi Zhicai was also silent, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this time they are probably going to lose, and they are going to lose completely!Xiaoshuowa novel network

It wasn't until the generals from outside came in to ask for battle that Cao Cao recovered and said with a normal expression: "The order goes on, and the three camps will stick to the camp according to the previously discussed plan!"

Only then did many generals go back to urge their own soldiers to prepare to meet the enemy, but many of Cao Jun's generals and soldiers are all lazy, not because they are not strong, it is the recent ghost weather, which makes these hundreds of thousands of horses feel The body is hollowed out.

When Liu Rui's army arrived at Cao Jun's camp, they only saw crooked Cao Jun soldiers everywhere on the defense line, which made Liu Rui laugh... , can we still fight?"

Li Jing glanced at Cao Jun indifferently, and then said: "A strong crossbow is like a dead end!"

Liu Rui laughed, Li Jing's two adjectives are really appropriate.

Liu Rui was about to order the army to start an attack, but when he saw Cao Cao's army marching out of the camp, he took a closer look and saw that it was Cao Cao and Cao Mengde.

This is the rhythm of shouting before the battle!Liu Rui laughed. Cao Cao had been repeatedly scolded by himself for being drenched in blood. Could it be that he liked this feeling?Thinking of this, Liu Bei couldn't help shivering!When I think of Cao Cao's flowing beard, I feel a chill!

Cao Cao was planned with malicious speculation in his heart, but Liu Rui still urged Yan Yunzhao from his crotch to walk up. From a distance, he cupped his hands and smiled and said, "Brother Meng De, have you been safe and sound recently?"

Cao Cao laughed, but his laughter was a little hollow, but he still said loudly: "Too Haosheng's blessing, my body is not bad, I'm afraid Haosheng will be disappointed!"

Liu Rui also smiled and said, "Brother Meng De, you need to pay attention. Don't think about it in a few days. Without you, wouldn't my life be boring!"

Cao Cao smiled bitterly and said, "Hao Sheng, you cursed me to the death since you met me. You are as sharp as ever!"

Liu Rui said happily, "Brother Meng De will be able to see that I not only have sharp teeth, but I also have this capital!"

Cao Cao looked at the army behind Liu Rui. The lineup was neat, the troops and horses were excellent, and the number was large.Thinking of the large number of dead corpses in the camp these days, I only felt a trance in my mind.

"Haosheng!" Cao Cao sighed, but he still couldn't hold back his curiosity and said, "Don't lie to me. During this period of heavy snow, how many troops did your army lose?"

Liu Rui smiled slightly, and instantly knew that his chance to pretend was coming, so he mustered up his inner strength and said loudly: "My army of [-] people has killed and injured many brothers recently! It's really heart-wrenching!"

"How much?" Cao Cao asked again.

"Hundreds of people, almost a thousand!" Liu Rui said uncertainly.

As soon as this statement came out, Cao Jun was in an uproar! , , .

375: Siege of Cao Ying

Liu Rui's invisible coercion made Cao Cao feel hot, and a mouthful of old blood almost spurted out.If the spray can kill Liu Rui, then Cao Cao will definitely choose without hesitation!

But obviously, no matter how angry Cao Cao is, it is impossible to do anything to Liu Rui.You must know that Liu Rui is the number one military general in the world. He is as strong as Lu Bu, but under Liu Rui, he is only tyrannical, let alone Cao Cao, a half-hearted general.

Having obtained Liu Rui's actual number of casualties, Cao Cao was unwilling, and at this moment there was no way out.

Liu Rui's army had already forced them to the main camp. If they abandoned the camp at this moment, it would be freezing cold, and Liu Rui would be able to freeze half of Cao Cao's men to death without chasing them.

After chatting a little with Liu Rui again, Cao Cao turned around and returned to the camp. As soon as he arrived at the gate of the camp, he shouted loudly: "In this battle, the winner will live, the loser will die! Life and death, are you afraid?"

The soldiers of Cao's army were originally looking at Liu Rui, who was on the opposite side, but now, when they heard Cao Cao's words, the longing for survival buried in their hearts was instantly aroused.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" There was no redundant answer, only this roar filled with the desire to survive could vent Cao Jun's heart at the moment.

It's just that Liu Rui's words immediately dispelled more than half of Cao Cao's momentum.

Liu Rui puffed up his true anger and shouted at the Cao Jun opposite: "The descendants will not be killed, but they will also be given severance pay! Whoever takes down Cao Cao's head will be rewarded [-] taels, and will be sealed as Marquis of Wan Shi!"

These two short sentences made countless Cao Jun soldiers heartbroken.Cao Cao straddled the horse and walked in the camp, and many looked at Cao Cao with eyes full of enthusiasm.Unfortunately, this fanaticism is not loyalty to Cao Cao, but the desire for money and titles.

Seeing this scene, Cao Cao couldn't help his scalp go numb. He also shouted at Liu Rui's army, "If anyone takes Liu Rui's head, the reward is one million, and the beauties are three thousand, and he will be awarded the title of Marquis of the World!"

After these words, the entire army of Liu Rui was silent.There were even many soldiers showing contemptuous smiles, and that smile seemed to be saying, "Who is it? Even if you really give it, we won't kill our master!"

This scene made Cao Cao's heart even more angry, but at this moment his army had too many casualties, and he was unable to leave the camp to fight Liu Rui. On the contrary, he had to defend the main camp to prevent Liu Rui from breaking it.

When Cao Cao returned to the Chinese army tent, he immediately issued an order to defend the camp.At the same time, Liu Rui's army also turned into three torrents, rushing towards Cao Cao's three camps.

As for Liu Rui himself, he was in the rear, always paying attention to the dynamics on the battlefield. As long as any of the battalions showed a flaw, Liu Rui's rear would forcefully enter the middle of the three battalions, breaking through the defense of Cao's army in one fell swoop. .

Among these three armies, the army led by Zhao Yun faced Cao Cao's camp, the army led by Xiang Yu faced Liu Bei's camp, and the army led by Ma Teng and Li Cunxiao faced Lü Bu's camp.

At this time, the war has just started, and it has entered a white-hot moment in an instant.Peerless Tangmen

Even Liu Rui couldn't believe it. After he issued the death order, the ordinary soldiers in the army suddenly burst into such a brave style!It is simply a savage attack on the enemy army!

Liu Rui thought about it, but he could only attribute it to the great increase in the loyalty of many ordinary soldiers to him.

The three-way army, this sturdy style instantly made Cao Jun's three camps feel pressure.You must know that it is too slow, but it is based on the side that is defending the camp. If this is a dignified confrontation between the two armies, I am afraid that this first round of charge will completely overwhelm Cao Jun.

"Stand up! Hold fast! No one is allowed to take a half step back without my order!" Cao Cao stepped on his horse and avoided the swords in the hands of his subordinates, urging the soldiers to block Zhao Yun, who was like a storm!

Zhao Yun saw Cao Cao at a glance, and shouted: "Whoever takes down Cao Cao's head will be rewarded with a reward of ten thousand taels, and he will be awarded the title of Marquis of Ten Thousand Households!"

The words came out again, and the soldiers around him all screamed more fiercely, and they tore several openings in Cao's defense line in an instant.

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