Zhuge Liang's words immediately caused everyone present to fall into silence.

"This must be the plan of the poisonous slayer Jia Xu! The viciousness of this scorpion should really be broken into thousands of pieces!" Guo Jia gritted his teeth, then raised his red eyes, and said bitterly: "My lord, it is now In late autumn, the weather will turn cold soon, and if these hundreds of thousands of refugees are handled improperly, I am afraid it will be no less than a Yellow Turban Rebellion!"

650: Nanyang Dilemma

Guo Jia's words immediately caused everyone present to fall into silence.

If it is not late autumn and winter, then Liu Rui only needs to prepare a place for these refugees to eat and live, and he can easily solve this problem by providing food.

You must know that Liu Rui has [-] men and horses, and the food and grass hoarded in Nanyang City this time is enough for these [-] people to use for several months.At that time, it is only necessary to control the amount of food the refugees eat, and then seize the time to transport food and grass from the rear. For Liu Rui, it is just a matter of spending some energy.

"If the weather turns cold, I'm afraid that just providing meals will not solve the problem!" Zhuge Liang frowned and said solemnly, looking at the people present, then shook his head and said: "If there is a wind and snow, these common people have no clothes to cover. Body, I am afraid that even if we set up tents, there is no way to ensure the safety of these people's lives."

Liu Rui also nodded, and then said coldly: "If we catch Jia Xu in the future, we must let him experience all the pain in the world, even if his bones and ashes are smashed, it will not be enough to make up for the crimes he committed in the past. sin!"

Everyone at the scene agreed. Although Jia Xu did not have many strategies, he was extremely vicious every time. The last time when the five-way princes joined forces, Jia Xu once suggested that Cao Cao go to the rear to slaughter the village. Cun Xiao and Li Jing cracked.

But this time, Jia Xu's plan was even more vicious than Zhi Tu Village.If Jia Xu asked Cao Cao to slaughter the village, then it would be Cao Cao who would be scolded by people all over the world.

But now, Jia Xu didn't do anything to the common people, he just drove the other party out of his home and rushed to Liu Rui's territory. In this way, even if the world talked about it, Jia Xu didn't kill him.

But these refugees ended up on Liu Rui's territory. If they were on Liu Rui's territory, because of Liu Rui's improper handling, large-scale deaths or other things happened, I am afraid that Liu Rui's reputation would be affected by then. .

"Master, this time the matter is very important, we must get along in a good way, if there are some omissions, I am afraid that time will cause more disasters." Guo Jia bowed his hands with a heavy face.

Liu Rui also nodded, then looked at everyone present, and said in a low voice, "How much food do we have in Nanyang?"

Zhuge Liang looked at the people present, and said, "My lord, Nanyang's food and grass are enough for our army to shrink for three months!"

Hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Liu Rui was a little surprised. You must know that Liu Rui's routine is to keep a month's supply of food and grass at all times when the war starts, so the amount is neither too much nor enough to call.Seeing Liu Rui's expression, Guo Jia on the side explained: "Kong Ming was worried that the mountains would be covered by heavy snow after the winter, and he was afraid that the transportation of grain and grass would be delayed, so he deliberately prepared two more months. Come on, it's really a useful place!"

Liu Rui nodded heavily, and then he showed a smile, and said, "Okay, as long as there is enough food and grass, when the time comes, those civilians who are in distress will be able to stutter, at least half of the hidden dangers can be eliminated!" .lanren9.com

Everyone nodded silently, and Liu Rui looked at Guo Jia again and asked, "Fengxiao, if the refugees need clothes and bedding and other supplies, can we squeeze some out of our army's provisions?"

"My lord, I'm afraid this matter is not optimistic. Although we have some reserves of food, grass and bedding, it is far from enough to be used by so many refugees. Moreover, the number of refugees is still increasing. One set, when it snows or frosts and other cold weather, I am afraid it will not be able to keep out the cold!"

Guo Jia's words made Liu Rui unable to help frown and think hard. This is one of the problems they are currently encountering.However, what Guo Jia said next made everyone present even more helpless.

"My lord, the real intention of Jia Xu's plan is to throw the many problems of these refugees to us. As long as we do not handle any point properly, these people will suffer heavy casualties. At that time, the lord has worked so hard to accumulate The reputation that comes, I am afraid that it will be destroyed! Moreover, if the people are cold and starving, then I am afraid that even if our army suppresses, there is no way to make these people obey the management. At that time, I am afraid it will be another There is a chaos of the Yellow Turbans!" Guo Jia opened his mouth and looked at the people present.

Liu Rui is naturally clear about the Yellow Turban Rebellion. If these refugees don't get effective help, they will eventually become urban refugees. By that time, hundreds of thousands of refugees will be wandering around, and no grass will grow anywhere they pass. , will inevitably lead to more civilians suffering.The original Yellow Turban Rebellion, like this snowball, engulfed countless people, and finally completely shook the foundation of the Han Dynasty.

"This Jia Xu is really vicious!" Liu Rui gritted his teeth, then looked at Guo Jia and asked, "Fengxiao, immediately order the rear to buy food, bedding and clothing, as well as the common people to bring it in winter. We also need a lot of preparations to keep warm, in short, we must seize all the time and strive for the most reserves before winter."

Guo Jia nodded and then left first to send many people to the rear to prepare supplies.

Liu Rui, on the other hand, put his eyes back on everyone in the field and asked, "Everyone, this time the refugee issue is very important. If you have any good ideas, just say it. Our current main task is to think The way to keep these people, keep them fed and clothed, only by stabilizing these people, can we deal with the princes and take back the people's homes!"

"My lord, we are now not far from Nanyang City, and we have encountered many refugees along the way. I have an idea in my mind, but it still requires the cooperation of Master Lu Ban to implement it!" Zhuge Liang handed over, and then Look at Liu Rui.

Liu Rui nodded, and immediately ordered someone to call Lu Ban. After Master Lu Ban arrived, Zhuge Liang took Lu Ban and the two to write and draw, as if they were discussing something.

And Mei Changsu also stood up, bowed his hands to Liu Rui, and then said: "My lord, the most urgent task is to stabilize the people, and don't let the people feel uneasy. These people only When I was just kicked out of my homeland, when I felt uneasy, my subordinates suggested that the generals could divide the refugees into several parts in a unified way, so that it would be easier to manage!"

"Okay, since this is Changsu's proposal, I'll leave it to you. All generals including me must obey Changsu's orders unconditionally!" Liu Rui nodded in agreement, and then looked at the crowd. The general opened his mouth and said, "Everyone, I know you hate Jia Xu and Cao Cao. After this matter, we are going to find them and avenge today's revenge!"

All the generals promised with a bang, and then began to assign their respective tasks under the arrangement of Mei Changsu, and Liu Rui's entire army began to operate rapidly like a precision machine. , , .

651: Zhuge Building a House

Mei Changsu explained the assignment to the generals, but Guo Jia, who had previously sent orders, had already left and returned.

Just after returning to the tent, Guo Jia said, "My lord, there was an important issue that I didn't have time to talk about earlier. I'm afraid this matter also involves the safety of Nanyang!"

Zhuge Liang, who was on the side, had also finished discussing with Lu Ban, and when he heard Guo Jia's words, he immediately said: "Fengxiao's words are very true, I am afraid that among those refugees, there are a lot of Cao Jun spies, otherwise they were in Zhenping City at that time. In the middle, General Cheng Yin will not throw away the gate so easily!"

Liu Rui nodded heavily. Everyone present was well aware of this kind of thing, but at the moment, it seemed that there was no good way. They could only wait for Liu Rui to lead the army back to Nanyang. distinguish the matter.

But now that Guo Jia mentioned this matter, Liu Rui knew that Guo Jia should have a solution in his mind, and even asked with a smile, "Is there any good plan for Feng Xiao?"

Guo Jia nodded slightly, but just said with a smile: "My lord, after you arrive in Nanyang, you can just wait for my good results!"

Seeing Guo Jia like this, Liu Rui laughed, and then said: "Okay! Now the two major problems of food and spies have been solved, we just need to prepare the people for the winter, We can get through this smoothly.”

Guo Jia also nodded and said, "My lord is wise, but the number of people in distress this time is large, I am afraid that the winter supplies needed are also astronomical. If we prepare in advance, there is still some hope, but now even if we expedited transportation , I am afraid that it will be difficult to gather such a huge number in a period of time."

Liu Rui nodded heavily, and then said helplessly: "This is the end, we can only do our best, as long as we can help the people get through this period of time, and when the supplies are ready, these people will not have to suffer. !"

Having said that, Liu Rui and Guo Jia both fell into contemplation, and they both racked their brains to find a way to help the people fight against the cold.

It was also in this matter that Zhuge Liang, who was on the side, said with a smile: "My lord, there is a solution here, maybe it can solve the accommodation problem of the people in distress!"

Zhuge Liang's words immediately made Liu Rui and Guo Jia look over, and Zhuge Liang pointed at Lu Ban with a smile on his face: "Master Lu Ban and I have already drawn a rough shape, and we will let Master Lu Ban make one first. Model, try it if it works!"

At this moment, there were still many people in the tent, and when they heard Zhuge Liang's words, they couldn't help but come over, but they saw that on the blueprint, there were many triangular rooms drawn.

Liu Rui glanced at it a few times, and then asked a little puzzled: "Kong Ming, what are you drawing on this drawing?"

Liu Rui's voice just fell, but Guo Jia, who was beside him, clapped his hands and praised: "Wonderful! If you build houses in this way, you can build the most rooms in the shortest time!"

Hearing Guo Jia's words, Liu Rui came to understand that the lines outlined were the walls, and the triangular spaces were naturally rooms.

In this way, Liu Rui also understood what Guo Jia meant.This shape, if neatly arranged together, can separate the most rooms with the fewest walls.

"But Kong Ming, these houses of yours are all linked together, so what should I do with the roof?" Guo Jia looked at it for a while, and then said with some doubts.Qiankun Tingshu Network www.qktsw.com

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly and said, "Fengxiao used to live in seclusion at home in the past, so he should know about the construction of thatched cottages!"

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