"Besides, we still need people to lure Liu Rui to approach our Xinye City, and we also need to let Liu Rui know the news and movements of the rebel army!" Jia Xu spoke again.

"What Wen He said is very true, Bo Fu, who do you think is the most suitable person for this matter?" Liu Bei asked, looking at Sun Ce beside him.

However, Sun Ce smiled and said, "This matter is very important, why don't I go out in person!"

Both Liu Bei and Jia Xu nodded and sighed: "With Bo Fu's personal presence, this matter must be foolproof."

Sun Ce did this, not to grab a mission, but to express his position on the matter.Now they are a coalition of four princes. If they don't do their best, they will inevitably be criticized when they divide the territory in the future.

Lu Bu naturally did not understand this reasoning, but Lu Bu's military advisor Chen Gong knew it clearly, and even whispered in Lu Bu's ear while everyone was leading the mission.

After hearing Chen Gong's explanation, Lu Bu hurriedly said, "Wenhe, what other tasks do you have, let me do it!"

Jia Xu was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly looked at Lu Bu, and after thinking for a long time, he said, "General Lu, your bravery is extraordinary, and the defense of this Xinye City will be handed over to you and the generals."

Lu Bu was stunned for a moment, but he could only open his mouth and said with a smile: "Okay, don't worry, with me, Lu Bu, I won't let that Liu Rui overstep the thunder pool!"

Up to now, Jia Xu has already arranged many things here, and with the continuous issuance of these orders, people from all walks of life have begun to dispatch with a bang.

The first to leave was naturally Cao Cao preparing to attack Gao Shun's many cavalry. It was already afternoon, and this time Cao Cao was preparing to rush forward overnight, leaving Gao Shun's army in the preset ambush location.

Afterwards, Sun Ce also ordered his troops to leave, but Jia Xu was worried that Sun Ce alone would not be enough to resist Liu Rui's army, but he transferred both Liu Bei and Lu Bu. In this way, it became Liu Bei, Sun Ce and Lu Bu. The three of them sent troops together to lure Liu Rui's army.

Afterwards, Jia Xu personally sent troops to excavate the Yushui River and the Bishui River, ready to release the flood to drown Liu Rui's army.

The entire Xinye City, under the joint efforts of the four princes, has become an incomparably precise machine. Many arrangements and preparations have been launched at the same time, and countless troops have also been mobilized to prepare for the final decisive battle. .

With the constant movements of the princes, Liu Rui and Gao Shun also encountered enemies sent by Xinye City one after another.

It's just that the situation on both sides is exactly the opposite. On Liu Rui's side, it was Sun Ce, Liu Bei and Lu Bu who attacked together. They had just fought a round, and Liu Bei and others' troops were inexplicably attacked by Li Cunxiao in one round. 's flight.

On the other side of Gao Shun, the original countless confident rebels suddenly encountered Cao Cao's cavalry army!For a time, the entire battlefield was shouting to kill the sky!

It's just that those rebels were horrified to discover that their tactics and methods, which were always unfavorable in the past, had no effect at all in front of Cao Cao's army.No matter how they attacked, there was no way to break through Cao Cao's defense.And Cao Cao's cavalry only needed a simple charge, and they were often able to take away the heads of a large number of insurgents. , , .

693: Sudden change

Naturally, Cao Cao did not dare to smash the insurgent army all at once, and it is precisely because of this that the cavalry under Cao Cao's command was extremely aggrieved this time.

Sometimes, the cavalry had just rushed to kill before being summoned back by Cao Cao.And then, the rebels would stick around like annoying flies.

Only at this time can the soldiers of the rebel army take the opportunity to capture the heads of a few Cao Cao cavalrymen to satisfy the wounded heart.

Only in this way, the previous rumors are self-defeating.

In the past, in the rumors spread by spies and spies, the soldiers and horses of the princes were all vulnerable. It seemed that you could scare the other party's shit out of you if you stood by and yelled.

In fact, in the various towns that the rebel army attacked, many old, weak, sick and disabled people left by Liu Biao in the past are indeed such a virtue.It is precisely because of this that many soldiers of the rebel army have a arrogant mentality.

Most of these soldiers were farmers in the fields, and they had never even seen a knife, gun, or stick in their entire life. Now that they are picking up their weapons, they naturally need to lie in this way to deceive themselves of how talented they are.

But now, all these illusions have been shattered.Although Cao Cao's army refrained from launching a large-scale attack, the mere small-scale battle had already made the insurgents miserable and suffered unprecedented losses.

However, those generals and generals have all been carried away, thinking that this is the case with Cao Cao's men, and they even think that they have dragged Cao Cao's army to the same place by their own abilities.

Regarding these matters, generals such as Liu Yuan can clearly see their foreheads. These generals have been instructed by Gao Shun. Now they are also following Gao Shun's previous instructions to find loyal troops in the army and keep them secretly. power in your own hands.

And the traitorous generals or spies such as Liu Qingchenghu are now once again spreading rumors that if he persists, Cao Cao will be crushed to death, and it is even more so that Liu Rui is about to break through Xinye City, and he will come to support soon, etc. .

These rumors, with the support of the current situation of the rebel army, have become particularly convincing. It didn't take long for the soldiers of the rebel army to devote themselves to a new round of comfort and self-inflation.

In Xinye City, Jia Xu also kept a close eye on all the developments. Under the lure of Sun Ce, Liu Bei and Lu Bu, Liu Rui's army was chasing after Xinye City step by step.

It's just that when they were about to approach Xinye City, Liu Rui's army feinted a shot, and went around from Xinye City, turning towards Cao Cao, who was attacking the rebel army.

Seeing that, he was about to swallow Cao Cao's cavalry army in one bite.

And Cao Cao also quickly received Jia Xu's order, leaving behind a group of troops, Cao Cao himself led the remaining soldiers back to Xinye City.

It's just that Cao Cao just returned to Xinye City when he received a message that made him desperate!

"My lord, the big thing is bad. The water in the Yushui River has been cut off for no reason recently!" Jia Xu's words immediately made Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Ce, Lu Bu and others stand up!

All their arrangements and plans this time are all around the last great flood!Peerless Tangmen www.jueshitangmen.info

When Cao Cao fought against the rebel army, he also deliberately chose an underground place. Now Liu Rui's army is rushing there. It only takes a monstrous flood to disperse Liu Rui's army. The remaining soldiers are defeated, and the princes can easily slaughter them.

But now, Jia Xu said that the Yushui River was cut off!

"Impossible! Impossible!" Cao Cao's eyes were splitting, he rushed forward two steps, grabbed Jia Xu's neck tightly, and roared, "How did the water stop! Why did the water stop?"

Seeing Cao Cao like this, Pang Tong sighed, "Meng Degong, it's really not Wen He's fault for this!"

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, looked at Pang Tong with red eyes, and asked, "What is all this for?"

"When Liu Rui was in Nanyang before, in order to give local agricultural support, he built countless ditches to divert water from the Yushui River. Originally, the water potential of the Yushui River was not small. The ditch has been completely built, and recently there is a good time for hi watering..." Pang Tong sighed, and then said: "I am afraid that after the farmers have finished watering the fields in a few days, the water in the Yushui River will recover. !"

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment, and let go of Ze Jia Xu's hand weakly. After a while, he looked at Liu Bei and said, "Xuande, what should I do now?"

Today's Cao Cao is already disheartened, Pang Tong is right, Jia Xu cannot be blamed for this matter!

If Jia Xu's plan could be implemented, Liu Rui would have no chance of surviving, but now, with the water cut of the Yushui River, all of Cao Cao's beautiful dreams have been shattered.

It wasn't just Cao Cao, Liu Bei was also dazed, Cao Cao asked him just now, but Liu Bei didn't hear it at all, he just looked at the distance in a daze, and after a long time, he jumped up suddenly: "Let's There is also the Bishui River! As long as the Bishui River is excavated, Liu Rui will be killed here!"

Looking at Liu Bei, who was violently violent, Jia Xu, Pang Tong and the others all shook their heads helplessly.Sima Yi on the side explained in a low voice: "My lord, although the water potential of Bishuihe is not small, it is not enough to drown the whole territory of Xinye. At that time, I am afraid that we will fall into a bad name, and we may not be able to kill Liu Rui!"

"This..." Sun Ce was also speechless, stunned for a while, before he said helplessly: "Meng De, your cavalry is still with Gao Shun, hurry up and bring those cavalry back!"

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