It's just that Cao Cao's cavalry army has not come, but Liu Rui's cavalry army is waiting.This also made Liu Bei extremely angry. That Cao Cao was also a man who had led the army for many years. He had made such a big change in suppressing the rebel army in the rear that he didn't even send a letter.If Cao Cao could report the letter earlier, even if Liu Bei and others had nothing to do with Liu Rui's current troops, they could at least prevent this from happening.

"Xuande, what should we do now?" Lu Bu had already rushed back from the front, and he hurriedly asked Liu Bei.

Liu Bei looked helplessly at the five strategists next to him, and then sighed: "Fengxian, we can't retreat now. If we retreat rashly, I'm afraid we will be torn apart by Liu Rui's army and completely defeated!"

Liu Bei's words also made Lu Bu nodded. Speaking of which, Lu Bu had failed countless times under Liu Rui's hands, and he was deeply touched by the collapse of the army.

Now the number of troops they lead is not small, and it is precisely because of this that Pang Tong, Zhou Yu and others had the confidence to destroy Zhao Yun's troops in one fell swoop.It's a pity that their encirclement was just formed, and the cavalry team that Liu Rui drove back was scattered, and up to now, it can only be supported.

These things were clearly understood by everyone present, and Liu Bei sighed again: "Alas, when Zhao Yun was hesitating outside the valley, we should have withdrawn, but now, it will be even more difficult to withdraw. ."

"Xuande, who would have thought that Liu Rui was so cunning at that time, and let Zhao Yun pretend to be himself." Sun Ce, who was on the side, also retreated, and said bitterly: "Now we have to resist desperately, looking for opportunities to withdraw!"

With the joint decision of the three, the five advisors quickly began to adjust their combat plans. They had already formed an encirclement on Zhao Yun's army, but now, if this encirclement is to continue, I am afraid that sooner or later they will be defeated by Liu. Rui's army tore apart.

It is precisely for this reason that under the constant orders of Pang Tong, Zhou Yu and others, the troops and horses of the entire princes began to gather at the mouth of a valley.I want to pass here and slowly withdraw from the valley.

When Liu Rui attacked the valley earlier, he and Li Cunxiao and Xiang Yu divided their forces into three routes, and did not block all the exits of the valley. The purpose of this was naturally to drive out the army of Liu Bei and other princes.

Although this valley is beneficial to the infantry, it limits the cavalry to a certain extent. It is for this reason that Liu Rui decided to slowly force the army of Liu Bei and others out of the valley, to the plain outside, where his own The cavalry can also play more advantages.

This point, although Liu Bei, Sun Ce, Lu Bu and the others are aware of it, but they are helpless. They are still surrounded by Zhao Yun's army, but their backs are constantly being attacked by Liu Rui. , sooner or later, those who suffer are the feudal lords.

"My lord, after we withdraw from the valley, we still need to form a long spear formation to guard against Liu Rui's cavalry!" Pang Tong, Zhou Yu and others discussed how to withdraw their troops, and they asked Liu Bei and others.

Liu Bei nodded and said in a low voice, "Shi Yuan, you just need to arrange, no matter what, you must protect our soldiers and horses to the greatest extent possible!"

"Don't worry, lord, just now we were only suddenly attacked by Liu Rui, which would cause the army's heart to be shaken. As long as we concentrate on defense, then Liu Rui will have nothing to do with us." Pang Tong cupped his hands.

Zhou Yu next to him also nodded and said, "Duke Xuande, when we stabilize our position, we are trying to find a way to fight against Liu Rui. If Liu Rui is the cavalry of Duke Meng De who went to sneak attack, then his cavalry army must have attacked overnight. , by now, these cavalrymen are already exhausted, and although they look fierce now, as long as we hold on firmly, Liu Rui's army will sooner or later reveal its flaws."

Zhou Yu's words also made Liu Bei, Sun Ce and Lu Bu feel at ease. Liu Bei looked at Sun Ce and Lu Bu again and said, "Fengxian, Bo Fu, how are your two injuries?"

"Xuande, don't worry, my body is just a little wound, it's fine!" Sun Ce waved his hand, and then sighed: "Since we have decided to evacuate slowly, I will still fight later. Otherwise, with those fierce generals in Liu Rui's army, I'm afraid that time will break through our defense!"

Liu Bei nodded and looked at Lu Bu again.At this moment, the blood on Lu Bu's whole body began to dry up, leaving large black blood stains on the armor, and even dyed the originally bright armor to a dark red, which looked a little shocking.

Seeing this, Liu Bei was a little worried: "Fengxian, you should cultivate first!"

Lu Bu shook his head and said: "Xuande don't have to worry, before Liu Rui didn't come, our generals suffered a loss in the hands of Zhao Yun, now with Liu Rui, Li Cunxiao and Xiang Yu, I'm afraid we are even more unmatched. Now, I still go with Bo Fu to look around, we can't safely withdraw from the province!"

Hearing Lu Bu's words, Liu Bei was also secretly relieved, and sighed again: "If Jia Wenhe's plan could be implemented, why should we worry about the current predicament!"

This sentence also caused everyone present to fall into silence.Jia Xu's poisonous scheme was said to be the only way that the princes could threaten Liu Rui. However, at the most critical moment, Liu Rui cracked it without knowing it.

Not to mention how Liu Rui felt, at least in the hearts of the princes, they all agreed that this plan was the will of God.

Several people have agreed on many details of the retreat here, and they are also ready to let the army retreat. On the other side, Liu Rui is also leading the cavalry to continuously tear apart the defenses of the lords' troops and horses, and wants to take Liu Bei and others' troops and horses again. Cut it once.

It's just that under the command of Pang Tong, Zhou Yu and others, the entire army of princes began to get closer and closer, and they gradually retreated towards the periphery in a slow and firm way.

Seeing the reaction of Liu Bei and others, Liu Rui did not deliberately block it, but instead ordered Li Cunxiao to let go of the containment of Liu Bei's army, but followed Liu Bei's army and continued to harvest through the charge of cavalry. The head of Liu Bei's army.

In the inner circle, Zhao Yun and the others are also sprinting hard, trying to break through the defense of the lords' army and tear the opponent's army apart.

It's just that although there are many people and horses on both sides, and the battlefield is constantly fighting to the death, the situation of the entire battlefield is no longer as fast as it was at the beginning. moving slowly in the direction.

It was also at this time that Liu Rui urged his horse to arrive in front of Liu Bei's army and shouted loudly: "Liu Xuande, Sun Bofu, Lu Fengxian, come out and die!" , . . .

718: The oath before the battle

Liu Rui's shout was instantly heard clearly by everyone present.You must know this sound, but it contains the inner strength that Liu Rui mustered, and only in this way can such an effect be achieved.

This sound naturally caused Liu Bei, Sun Ce and Lu Bu to hear it really well.It's just that the three of them looked at each other and saw each other shaking their heads slightly.

Under the watchful eyes of these hundreds of thousands of troops, if Liu Bei, Sun Ce and Lu Bu did not dare to show their faces under such circumstances, the blow to the morale of the entire vassal army would probably be devastating.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Bei, Sun Ce and Lu Bu are [-] people who are unwilling to meet Liu Rui, but now if the three of them as the head coaches are holding back, those ordinary soldiers will naturally have no courage to fight. .

When Liu Bei and others were at an advantage, the morale of the entire ambush army was still extremely strong.But now, following Liu Rui's cry, countless soldiers of the lords hurriedly looked at Liu Bei and the others.

"Bofu, Fengxian, I'm afraid we can only go to confront that Liu Rui for a while!" Liu Bei sighed helplessly, and what he said made Lu Bu and Sun Ce feel a little helpless.

"Hey! If Meng De sent us a message, it wouldn't be like this!" Sun Ce said helplessly, and looked at the countless army of Liu Rui's cavalry outside, even with a wry smile: " Even if Meng De is no match for Liu Rui's army, he won't be able to get a single message out!"

"How could Meng De's [-] cavalry not be able to pass the news to us?" Lu Bu sneered, and then said in a low voice, "I'm afraid someone wants to kill us in this ambush. Strength, so that he can lay down all of us more easily in the future!"

Lu Bu's words made both Liu Bei and Sun Ce abruptly silent. Lu Bu's thinking was very simple. He was Lu Bu's side only Chen Gong, but Chen Gong could see that the princes would inevitably have disputes in the future, and Cao Cao had Xi Zhicai beside him. How could the two counselors and Jia Xu not know these things.

So Lu Bu thought subconsciously that Cao Cao wanted to use Liu Rui's hand to consume the power of the three of them.

"Fengxian, don't talk nonsense. When we return to Xinye in the coming day, ask him why Cao Cao didn't come to support us. If there is no valid reason, then the three of us will settle accounts with him!" Liu Bei After pondering for a long time, he spoke.

Sun Ce also hurriedly nodded and said, "What Xuande said is very true. Now we don't have any evidence. Liu Rui came from the direction where Meng De and the rebel army were fighting. No matter what, I'm afraid Meng De is in trouble!"

Sun Ce and Liu Bei's words also made Lu Bu's face a little calmer. After a pause, Lu Bu nodded and said, "Okay! Let's go meet Liu Rui for a while!"

After the three people's discussion, when even led the generals under his command out of the battle, they confronted Liu Rui from a distance.

Lu Bu was impatient, and just stood still, he suddenly asked, "Liu Haosheng, what about Cao Mengde's men? But they were defeated in your hands?"

Hearing Lu Bu's words, Liu Rui laughed and said: "Cao Mengde was chased and killed by me for [-] miles. I'm afraid he has fled back to Gunzhou now!"

Lu Bu was taken aback for a moment, and then he said angrily: "Xuande, did you hear that, then Cao Mengde has already run away!"

Liu Bei shook his head helplessly and said, "Fengxian, that Liu Haosheng lied to you!" After a while, Liu Bei whispered again: "I'm afraid Meng De is defeated, but it is absolutely impossible for that Liu Rui to chase him down. Baili, otherwise how could Liu Rui return at this time?"

"That's right, Feng Xianmo wanted to fall for Liu Rui's alienation scheme, he probably just wanted to see you and Meng De turn against each other." Sun Ce also sighed.

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