"Order the Blood Killing Camp to attack!"


The failure of the right-wing offensive made the Qin army's commander-in-chief, Gong Gong, very unhappy, and immediately ordered the Blood Killing Battalion to fight.

The next moment, the [-]-blooded battalion soldiers followed the Qin Army's Chinese infantry and began to move slowly!

Dozens of elite infantry phalanxes of the Qin army, who were the real main force, were overwhelmingly pressing on the right wing of the Wei army!

The dense array of spears shone coldly in the sun, and at the forefront of them were more than ten soldiers of the Blood Killing Battalion holding standard Qin swords!

They showed a pair of murderous eyes, and they pressed bloodthirsty towards the Wei army formation!

"Kill all Qin Kou! Protect me, Dawei!"

The Wei army's reserve force, who had just seized the initiative, saw the few remaining Qin army halberd soldiers flee. They recaptured their positions with high cheers, completely unaware of the approach of the Qin army's main infantry and the bloody killing camp...

The victory just now made these Wei army reserve troops, who had not fought many battles, have high morale and arrogance.

Facing the ever-approaching elite troops of the Qin army, these Wei army reserve troops not only did not immediately organize an effective defensive formation, but were overwhelmed by the victory and made a bold counter-charge against the Qin army!

Nearly [-] soldiers rushed forward in a rush, still wanting to repeat their old tricks and overwhelm the enemy in front of them with their superior numbers!

But soon they paid a heavy price for their underestimation and ignorance...


"Come on!"

As soon as the two armies made contact, the elite infantrymen of the Qin Army who were hiding behind their shields shouted in unison, and the spears stabbed straightly forward!

As for the dead soldiers of the Qin army in the outermost bloody killing camp, they used their own standard Qin swords to easily dislodge the dense spears stabbed by the soldiers of the Wei army. The big sword swiftly cut off the heads of the Wei army spearmen...

The Wei army soldiers who had just replaced their positions were pierced through the abdomen with a sword by the Qin army, and then slashed again...

The soldiers of the Wei army held their stomachs in pain, and the blood mixed with the internal organs poured out, and the sword and shield of the Qin army at the forefront cut his throat beautifully with a knife...

This is the perfect cooperation between the different arms of the Qin army. The most elite troops in the infantry arms of the Qin army, in front of this kind of mixed army with superb combat skills, even the heavy cavalry may not be able to obtain benefits...

Although there were enough soldiers in the Wei army, there was no room for counterattack in the face of the seamless cooperation of the Qin army with such a superb mix of arms.

The ghosts and wolves they were killed were screaming and screaming.

The elite soldiers of the Qin army are like moving killing machines. As long as the queue passes by, a large piece of Wei Jun's body is often left behind. The bloody footprints are so dense that people feel their scalp tingling...

Regardless of whether they faced a large army or a few enemies, the Qin army's constantly advancing army never dispersed.

Always so compact and neatly advancing steadily, they came unhurriedly with terrifying blood pressure, and under the bronze helmet, those bloodthirsty red eyes made people shudder.

1096: Tiger and Leopard Camp

"Run!" I don't know who called first. Facing the despairing killing machine of the Qin army, the Wei army's reserve force that rushed up just now had an uncontrollable panic, and the tendency to flee was out of control. ...

Countless Wei army soldiers ran back desperately with fearful expressions on their faces. This not only broke up the formation that the Wei army generals had managed to organize, but also made the Wei army bowmen cast their weapons and dare not launch large-scale projectiles. Countless defeated soldiers were like waves. Swept over, the entire Wei army camp is now on the verge of collapse...

Wei Jun's coach Wu Qing looked at the rotten battlefield situation, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Order the archers and catapult troops to suppress the Qin army's charge across the board, and order the Tiger and Leopard Battalion to attack my entire army!"


As soon as the order was given, the huge boulders and arrows rained down to the front of the Qin army!

The Wei army crossbowmen who were in the main line still had a distance of [-] to [-] meters, so they started to shoot from their feet. Every arrow made an elite soldier of the Qin army fall down...

The boulders in the sky fell one after another, and the vanguard of the Qin army burst into tears, screaming and screaming...

However, in order to delay the Qin army's attack, many Wei soldiers were inevitably injured by mistake.

This round of violent blows from boulders and arrows effectively slowed down the advance of the Qin army and gave the Wei army in the rear a chance to rearrange their formation.

The ground that had turned blood red under their feet became muddy under the stampede of the soldiers on both sides. The flying crossbow arrows and the precise sniping of the Wei army longbowmen made the Qin army's elite infantry only hide behind the shield wall, but they were still there. Steady progress in the rain of arrows...

And at this very moment, [-] soldiers from the Tiger and Leopard Battalion of the Wei Army had already roared to the forefront of the battle between the two sides!

The Wei army in front of us is obviously different from other Wei army troops. Each of them is equipped with excellent chain armor, and some weapons are spears, some large shields and machetes!

Their faces had an irresistible murderous aura, and their eyes flashed with awe-inspiring ruthlessness and madness. That is the temperament that can only be possessed by dead men who have experienced countless mortal fights...

As soon as this troop appeared, it rushed into the Qin army's army formation, and immediately stirred up a bloody storm among the elite infantry of the Qin army!

"Wow! Ah ah ah..."

The elite infantry of the Qin Army, who were originally invincible, were beaten into a dread by the sudden appearance of the Wei army.

"Huh? Where did this unit come from?"

Liu Rui looked at the new Wei army who suddenly appeared on the battlefield from a distance, and asked Liu Cheng suspiciously.

This well-equipped Wei army unit, its sturdy combat style beats the Qin army's elite infantry in disorientation, and even the Qin army's chief general on the mound, Gong Gong, cast a surprised look at this time!

Liu Cheng hurriedly replied to Liu Rui: "General Hui, this is our first army of the Great Wei, the invincible Tiger and Leopard Battalion!" The direct descendants of Wei Wuzun in those days, although there are no more Wei Wuzuns, but the Tiger Leopard Battalion has completely inherited everything from the Wei Wuzun in the past, from the training methods and combat strategies are the same as the Wei Wuzun's practice, some aspects even more than Wei Wu's pawn back then!"

"I see, no wonder the combat power is so strong!" Liu Rui nodded and said admiringly, thinking about this tiger and leopard battalion in his heart.

An army of [-] people withstood most of the enemy's attack of tens of thousands of people. The fierce attack wave of the Qin army was like hitting a solid cliff, and it couldn't shake a single cent!

After all, the soldiers of the Wei Jun Tiger and Leopard Battalion were outnumbered and died heroically one by one, but their defense line was still as stable as Mount Tai, as solid as a rock!

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