It was indeed Lord Xinling who came on behalf of the army. When he came to the city, he saw peace. He passed the Qin army camp before, and there was no one there. He came here in a hurry, thinking that the city had lost his hand. 's flag, and suddenly his face was full of disbelief.

Zhuge Liang came to greet Lord Xinling and said that the city lord's mansion was temporarily unable to live in people, so he had to receive them at the military camp. Lord Xinling didn't care. He saw the people singing and dancing on the way, with a cheerful look, and occasionally he was still talking to a man named "Liu Rui". "Thanks to Dade for the name, he had heard of this name, it was the defender of Huaicheng.

Lord Xinling wondered in his heart, this guy is so powerful, with the strength of a mere city, he repelled the Qin army, I heard that Meng Wu was captured alive?

This is a top priority, a great contribution to protecting the country!

Wei Wuji was very confused at the moment, and his mood was very complicated. He didn't know whether to be happy or not. I heard that this Liu Rui had also defeated the Duke of Qin before. The consolation prize, now that it has made such a big contribution, the two credits can't be given up again.

This credit, in the past, Wu Qing is dead, no matter what, he has to be a great general, but the court will definitely be excited, and countless people are staring at that position.

Moreover, this person has never been heard of before, as if it appeared out of thin air. As a member of the Wei royal family, Xinling Jun Wei Wuji's mood is really complicated at the moment. What should the world say?If you give the reward vigorously, but you don't know if you can control it...

"Uh, please come to General Liu Rui." Wei Wuji touched his head, and suddenly realized that it was not a happy thing to fight off the Qin army brought by Meng Wu and keep the city.

When Liu Rui came to Wei Wuji, they both looked at each other and had to say that Lord Xinling was very handsome and looked like a modest gentleman. However, Liu Rui was not fooled by appearances. There is no such thing as a gentleman in the world. Even if there is, he will not admit that he is a gentleman...

And the four young masters, which one is not willing to accept this mere name?

"You are Liu Rui, General Rui?" Xinlingjun never thought that Liu Rui was so young, if he hadn't stood in front of him, Zhuge Liang and others were beside him, he would have thought it was someone else impostor.

"Your Majesty, it's Liu Rui." Liu Rui is neither humble nor arrogant, and a little proud in his heart, what's the matter, isn't this old man very surprised and envious, I'm younger than you, handsomer than you? ?

Lord Xinling took a deep breath and said, "Hurry up and take a seat. I didn't expect that the hero of Huaicheng, who defeated Meng Wu alive in the third victory and defeated [-] Qin troops with more than [-] people, turned out to be such a young and handsome man!"

Lord Xinling thought that Huaicheng Shou would be an old and stable person from outside the world. After all, there is no such person, but this kind of person is not easy to control, and he may run to other countries one day. Going to play, or suddenly retreating into the mountains.

Unexpectedly, it was a young and handsome man, even more handsome than Lao Tzu.

Appearance is the first impression. In the eyes of Lord Xinling, Liu Rui is completely different from what he thought before. Now he feels that this young man can earn money under his command and contribute to the good life of Wei. , the best one can bring the army, destroy the country of Han, and take back Hedong.

If Liu Rui knew that Lord Xinling was so black-bellied, he didn't know what he would think, but he still said humbly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, I'm just doing a little bit of help..."

Still weak?Lord Xinling rolled his eyes and looked at Liu Rui's eyes more eagerly. Liu Rui began to doubt whether it was Lord Longyang or Lord Xinling sent by King Wei...

Xinlingjun was very satisfied with Liu Rui, showing his talent, and felt that if there was a chance, he could train Liu Rui to be a pillar of the country, and then fight for the Wei country.

If a young handsome man could defeat the mighty Meng Wu and capture him alive, it would be amazing.

Lord Xinling praised Liu Rui, and then said, "Little General, I heard that you captured Meng Wu alive?"

The matter of capturing Mengwu alive is very important, and it may cause great reactions from the two countries. Regardless of whether it is handled properly, it may change the fate of the two countries, especially Wei.

In other words, the incident of Mengwu may become the fuse of a full-scale war between the two countries. In fact, neither Qin nor Wei is willing to go to war, and Qin has not recovered from the state after Changping. After coming here, almost all the troops of the whole country have been exhausted, the land has been abandoned for several years, and the production has been greatly affected.

And Wei State, even more dare not face Qin State's edge.

Liu Rui wasn't going to hide it. Lord Xinling could find out about letting Meng Wu go with just a little investigation. It would be bad if he concealed it.

"Returning to Your Majesty, to be honest, Meng Wu has already been released by me." Liu Rui chuckled.

Lord Xinling was stunned. In fact, his original purpose was to call Liu Rui. In addition to comforting and complimenting him, he came to this Meng Wu, but now Liu Rui said that he had let him go, and he couldn't help being a little annoyed.

But no matter how angry you are, it is not easy to make a big deal. Lord Xinling paced, and then asked, "Hey! Why did you let it go!"

The pity and regret on his face did not hide at all, he murmured, "Hey, Liu Rui, ah Liu Rui. How could you let someone go!"

Liu Rui said stunned: "Your Majesty, what's wrong with this matter?"

Lord Xinling sighed and said: "Little General Liu Rui, if Mengwu was in hand, my Wei could make countless demands on Qin, and even shake the country's prestige. Now you let him go, why would you? no?"

After speaking, he sighed again, then frowned and paced the meeting.

"Your Majesty doesn't know something." Liu Rui thought what was going on, and said quickly, "Does your Majesty know that if Mengwu stayed in Wei for one more day, Wei would be in danger for one more day?"

Lord Xinling was stunned: "How do you say this?". ,,.

1153: Provocation

Meng Wu was an excellent hostage in Wei State, and it was more significant than a prince in Qin State being a hostage here. How could it be said that in Wei State, it would bring danger to Wei State?

Liu Rui knew that Lord Xinling was on the cusp of bullshit, and only saw the immediate benefits, so he quickly explained: "Your Majesty, General Mengwu is the first general of the Qin state, besides Bai Qi, whether it is prestige or His ability is highly valued by all the people of Qin."

Lord Xinling nodded, that's true, so if Meng Wu was taken hostage in Wei State, he could make Qin State passive.

"However, Meng Wu still has his father Meng Ao, Qin State and Wang Jian and others. Without Meng Wu, although the loss is huge, it is still enough to bear. For some benefits, even generals like Bai Qi can be abandoned, and even more so. Not to mention Mengwu." Liu Rui stood in the same place, as if he had turned into a scholar, not the bloody warrior, at this moment, his mouth was full of eloquence, and he covered everything.

Jun Xinling was startled and said in a daze, "What does the general mean?"

"That's right." Liu Rui nodded and continued, "If this matter is used as an article to damage Qin's reputation, then Qin is no longer afraid of any country in the east after Changping. If you are in a hurry, I'm afraid something unexpected will happen."

"If Mengwu died in Wei, then there would be a reason to send troops, while other countries would not have any excuse to intervene." Liu Rui said, and he was amazed by his own analysis. If this is the case, the Qin state is really scary.

If the Chaotang of Wei State was as deep as a snake cave to Liu Rui, which made his back feel cold and had to develop himself, then Qin State was to him a Longtan Tiger Cave, or even a bottomless pit.

Xinling-Jun took a deep breath and looked up to the west. He seemed to be able to see a beast staring at him, and it might swallow him at any time, and in the end not even bones were left.

"The country of Qin is indeed dangerous!" Lord Xinling sighed.

In fact, if the Qin state is not strong, it will be fine. Once it becomes strong, the ruler and ministers will always be thinking about calculating people, calculating the use value of their own people, and calculating the enemy.

During the Mu Gong period, the Qin state was once a small tyrant in the Spring and Autumn Period. Every time it sent troops, it would accompany the small state's demise.

Although absurd, but people can not pick fault.

That was the case with the Qin State at that time, not to mention the more powerful Qin State now.

"The country of Qin is a tiger and a wolf." Lord Xinling let out a breath, and then praised, "I didn't expect that the little general not only led his troops to fight fiercely, but also had such a lofty vision. He is a rare all-rounder in both civil and military affairs!"

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