"Liu Rui, the last general Huaicheng, waited for the general for a long time!" Liu Rui continued to shout loudly.

Everyone heard that this Huaicheng Liu Rui was like a thunderous existence now, and every time he mentioned this name, no one was in awe. . ,,.

1183: Can you beat Meng Wu?

Hearing that it was Liu Rui, Pang Lin was relieved. He thought it was the outpost set up by the Qin army here. Given the distance between Liu Rui and Lu Jun, it was not impossible for him to come first.

After Liu Rui opened the camp, Pang Lin examined Liu Rui and found that this man was so young, so he couldn't help but say, "You say you are Liu Rui, but what evidence do you have?"

Liu Rui was stunned, so he had to smile bitterly, took out his seal from his arms, and said, "If the general still doesn't believe it, please look here."

Pang Lin led the crowd and followed Liu Rui to a small hill not far away. He was born tall and heroic, and he saw the corpses as soon as he stepped on his feet. There were thousands of corpses at a glance. Then Liu Rui laid out countless seized materials, and he was suddenly surprised:

"General Liu Rui has a hand with Qin Jun?"

Everyone was shocked. There were only [-] people here, and they dared to fight against Qin Jun?

Liu Rui said quickly: "It's not really a fight, but it's just annihilating a single Qin army. There are only two thousand people. It's not worth mentioning."

Liu Rui was actually a little smug when he said it wasn't worth talking about, but he pretended to not care, which made everyone admire it. This Liu Rui was as powerful as the rumors!

"I don't know if General Pangpai is satisfied with this small gift from the end general?" Liu Rui continued to ask.

"Very satisfied!" Pang Lin laughed. Two thousand lives, so many supplies, was it a small gift?

If it is said that tens of thousands of troops annihilated a thousand or two thousand people, it does not feel anything, it is only a small victory, but Liu Rui is only a mere five thousand people, this can be said to be a victory in the first battle, a big victory!

"Hahahaha, General Liu Rui gave me a good start. It's to inspire the morale of the army!" When everyone came to the tent, Pang Lin hadn't come out of the excitement just now. He kept complimenting, "The pillar of the Wei Kingdom!"

Although some generals were sour, they found that they did not have the ability of Liu Rui, so they could only hold back and dare not speak.

Liu Rui smiled and said, "The general is wrong, Liu Rui is just a little credit, and it can't be on the table, or the giant general is really a role model for my generation, and I should be ashamed of myself at the end!"

Although it was some bullshit, Pang Lin didn't think there was anything wrong with it, because Liu Rui was no better than others. He was a person with real skills. Such a person would make him feel very happy to flatter him.

There is still a big difference between a mouse and a tiger flattering. Obviously, the latter makes me happier and feels a sense of accomplishment, while the former even feels disgusting.

"General, now Qin Jun probably knows what we're doing, what should we do now."

Pang Lin patted his head and almost forgot his business, so he asked, "What advice do you have?"

The crowd didn't speak, and Liu Rui didn't start. Instead, he was bored to the side.

After a while, a person said: "General, Qin's army has a total of [-] people. The last general believes that harassment tactics should be adopted. If they confront them head-on, I am afraid they will suffer."

[-] people against [-] people, and they completely ignored the Han state. If the Qin state attacked the Wei state's army with all their strength, then the Han state's [-] men's army would be of no use at all.

Therefore, it is true that they spread out, use cavalry to harass Qin's food supply, and then stick to the camp.

"Safety is safe, but don't forget the purpose of my trip." Pang Lin nodded first, then shook his head, and decisively refused, "I am here to support Han and repel the Qin army. If you play like this, what if Qin State captures Lu County?"

"Even though we are in the territory of Han, but we are hundreds of miles away from the city of Lu, how can we communicate with the defenders of Han?" a scribe dressed in linen suddenly said.

"General, I think that no matter how you play this time, you should first think about who to appoint as the vanguard," said a big man.

This person is sturdy and sturdy. At first glance, he is a brave general. He can fight and fight, but Liu Rui knows that this person belongs to the type without brains. It is okay to be a brave general, but he Not General.

Not even a side general.

But his words reminded Pang Lin that the appointment of a pioneer in battle is the top priority, so he said, "I have long considered this role as a pioneer."

The big man showed expectations. He thought that as the generals present, he was the most capable of fighting and the most capable of rushing. This pioneering position was set.

But he never thought that Pang Lin turned his attention to Liu Rui and smiled: "This person is General Liu Rui."

In fact, if there is no Liu Rui, he may think carefully. It is really too few generals that Wei can use. If Wu Qing hadn't died, it would be better, whoever of the two of them is the main general will be second, but there is no need to think about this pioneer. A job is vested.

Now there is a Liu Rui, who just meets the conditions. He decided this matter when he was on the road before.

Liu Rui was a little surprised. Although he was powerful, and he did have that ability, his qualifications were not as good as anyone in the room, let alone a newcomer. He couldn't help but think highly of this Pang Lin.

Talent is the best way to know people and make good use of them. If there were more people like this in Wei, how could it have fallen to this level?

The big guy just now was a little unhappy, and other people's faces were also resentful, but they didn't dare to say it.

Seeing that no one was talking, the big man had no choice but to say, "General, why let Liu Rui be the vanguard, my old iron is not convinced!"

When Liu Rui heard him calling himself an old iron, he almost laughed. You came to me to grab a seat like this, it really hurts, old iron.

Old Tie's real name is Tie Zheng, as his name suggests, he is a stern man, but he is too straight, and he has no emotional intelligence in his speech. In addition, fighting is only a brain, so it took ten years of military service to mix up to [-] people. will be the location.

Of course, he is also a direct descendant of Pang Lin, who is loyal and worthy of his name.

"Tie Zheng, why don't you agree?" Pang Lin felt a headache when he saw him speak. Every time this guy made a speech, he would always open his mouth and keep his mouth shut.

If it weren't for this place, he would be like a real soldier ruffian on weekdays, no, it should be a real soldier ruffian leader, and none of his subordinates are not thorns.

According to Tie Zheng's own words: "It's good to have a thorn, but I don't want a thorn."

However, his troops are indeed brave and good at fighting, and they have the title of "Iron Army" in Wei State. In the war with Chu State, they defeated [-] Chu troops who came across the river with a mere [-] people, and achieved brilliant results.

In fact, whether it is the military's Pang Lin, Wu Qing, or the political party's Xinlingjun, or even the King of Wei, they all like this iron Zheng. . ,,.

1184: What do children know

It's just that Tie Zheng is too impatient, he has to say anything he doesn't like. He has scolded a few nobles and villains in the court several times, so he was held grudges by those people and secretly stumbled.

This guy didn't pay attention either, and it was easy to get into the traps of those people. No one dared to fight him, but he was good at playing tricks and intrigues behind his back.

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