Chapter 120 Chapter 120

There is a saying, eating a Chinese meal, marrying a Japanese woman, living in a French villa, driving an American car, and wearing a famous German brand.

Li Feng expressed his understanding of eating Chinese food. After all, there is no Chinese in any country who pays attention to cooking. Not to mention how much food Li Feng ate in his life, he said that he now eats Chinese food carefully cooked by Kreacher every day. This conversation is deep. I think so.

It’s easy to understand if you live in a French villa. French people like to enjoy life. Look at the area of ​​other villas. A large family with several people can’t manage it. You have to hire a housekeeper to manage it, especially if some villas are extravagant. The gardens and the racecourse show that the French villas are so extravagant.

It’s easy to understand whether you drive an American car or wear a famous German brand. American cars perform well. Most of the world’s well-known brands are American.

German goods are also famous for their good quality, but the price is a bit expensive.

Whether it’s a villa or a car, or a German brand, Li Feng can see it in movies or shops. Anyway, it doesn’t cost money to look at it. Only the sushi country woman who is known as a good helper has never seen it. After all, this stuff shop It didn’t sell, Li Feng wanted to see it but couldn’t see it.

And even if this thing is sold in the store, you don’t know if you are good or not, even if you have the manual, you can’t believe it, unless you buy it and try it out for a period of time. Didn’t remind everyone if there is a return service, what should I do if I am not satisfied and cannot return the goods? Do you keep it at home every day? Is your mido or the bed bigger?

And the most important point is that now the country is only open to second children, and did not say to open second wives, how do you let Li Feng buy?

Therefore, Li Feng asked Zhao Zheng to occupy the sushi country. Apart from wanting to see the women and women in this country, as well as the women, he had no idea. After all, the rest of the sushi country, Li Feng looked upset everywhere, especially Yasukuni. Public toilets, why do you build such a big toilet? Is it possible that the country of sushi is too barren, so that everyone gathers to excrete in one place, so that it is convenient to collect everyone’s excrement and use it to moisturize the country?

Zhao Zheng thinks differently from Li Feng. He said that he was not interested in women before completing his grand plan. The reason for his interest in Sushi Country is simple. There are a lot of silver mines in that small place, enough to support his soldiers. After all, After the resurrection, the immortal soldiers simply possessed vigorous vitality. They were still ordinary people in essence, and they would die if they cut their heads off.

In other words, although it is difficult for these immortal soldiers to simply starve to death, they will also be hungry and unable to fight. So the first thing Zhao Zheng did after resurrecting the terracotta warriors and horses was to find a way to feed the army and think about it. Grab some arms, after all, the times are different, and swords have begun to withdraw from the stage of history.

At the table, after the two identified the country of Sushi as Zhao Zheng’s new country, Zhao Zheng began to complain about where to find guns.

Seeing this, Li Feng patted his chest and smiled: “Your Majesty, don’t look at me like wandering around, but I want to talk about military pay…” Li Feng turned his head and said to Kreacher: “Kreacher, take the box with gold. Bring it.”

In the beginning, Zhao Zheng didn’t care about the box of gold in Li Feng’s mouth. It was just one box, which was probably enough for the soldiers to eat for a few days.

It wasn’t until Kreacher opened the box and pinched a piece of gold jewelry with his fingers to take out the box. Zhao Zheng, who looked at the gold jewelry inexplicably magnified, realized how heavy a box of gold weighs. How could it be eaten for a few days? It is estimated to be replaced by food. Enough for a year and a half.

At this time, Zhao Zheng patted Li Feng’s shoulder with a ‘I’m so relieved’ expression. The problem of food and clothing for the soldiers he was worried about was solved by this box of gold, and by the way, he also solved the funds for the purchase of weapons.

Zhao Zheng looked at Li Feng with a smile, and asked, “If you have no merit, what do you want?”

Seeing Li Feng just smiled and cast his eyes on the magic book on the stone table, Zhao Zheng was stunned and nodded slightly, “I understand.”

After a pause, Zhao Zhenglue smiled enviously: “You haven’t tasted the worldly power, otherwise you will understand how great the temptation of power is. Back then, I could mobilize the power of a country with a single order. mine…..”

Halfway through the conversation, Zhao Zheng got up and walked to the edge of the cave, looking at the distant scenery with his back facing Li Feng, and said: “I am a little envious of your heart that pursues detachment, especially if you have already developed your skills and are not greedy for the world. ….I can not do it……”

Li Feng scratched his head a little embarrassedly. He didn’t want to be overwhelmingly powerful, but he was afraid of trouble.

Don’t look at those successful people who either eat or drink here every day or where they play. That’s what people have experienced before, sleep later than dogs, and work more than cows. Only after success can they have this kind of enjoyment. .

I really thought that by mixing in a variety of high-end wines and eating and drinking, I can become a big boss. That is called poisonous chicken soup.

Anyway, Li Feng said that he does not suffer from this hardship, nor does he admire those big men who are in front of others. He is still a rich man and he can be safe. It’s good to be a petty man with extraordinary power. What others can do with him, he has the ability. Come bite and see who has better teeth.

For a long time, Zhao Zheng turned his head and looked at Jin Jin, and said, “For half a year, during this half year, I will still learn modern art of war and drill soldiers who are familiar with modern weapon warfare. After that, there will be no free time for the military dispatch of sushi country, so I have only this half a year to spare time to guide you.”

Li Feng nodded happily, thinking: This time is stable. With this half a year, I have enough time to learn how to operate the exercises. Even if I return to the Marvel world, I don’t have to worry about the day when I practice Cha Qi and lead to confusion…

Dinner was over and it was time to go to bed in a blink of an eye. Li Feng, who had not rested for two days and one night, said that he was very tired. , And then a full snoring sound came from Zhao Zheng’s ear.

Zhao Zheng, who just wanted to wait quietly, turned his head and looked at the tent. If he didn’t remember the kindness of Li Feng’s resurrection, Zhao Zheng could not wait to lift the tent and kick Li Feng on the ground. It’s a cave, and snoring brings echoes…

No way, in this cave like listening to the thunder, Zhao Zheng, who has been asleep for 2,000 years, guesses that he wants to sleep but can’t sleep, so just find something to do.

After thinking about it, Zhao Zheng turned into a dragon and flew into the sky.

At noon the next day, Li Feng, who was still not awake, breathed and took a tooth cup towel to brush his teeth and wash his face with eternal spring water. After waking up, he began to try the practice exercises.

Just as Li Feng just walked out of the tent, he saw a girl in the distance who was wearing a single but tied up with a rag in her mouth. Li Feng was a little puzzled: When did he ever see someone wearing a single coat and dare to climb the icy Himalayas? This is not here to die…..

“She’s Lin, Ziyuan’s daughter. I went down the mountain and captured him here last night.”

Following the voice, Li Feng turned his head to look at Zhao Zheng, only to see that the other party did not know where to get a jug of wine. He was sitting cross-legged on a boulder with his mouth slightly raised. He looked at Lin with a disdainful expression and said: “I want Exchange her immortal Ability for the flesh and blood of the soldiers.”

Li Feng shrugged, indicating that it was a matter of his ass. He scooped up a spoonful of water from the immortal spring and began to brush his teeth and wash his face.

In the distance, Lin looked at Li Feng blankly, then turned to look at the pool full of eternal life spring water.

Zhao Zheng also didn’t expect that Li Feng would dare to brush his teeth with the immortal spring water, and he was shocked by the alcohol and coughed again and again.

What’s wrong with Li Feng? …. How many people change the seller’s product just to drink a sip of the immortal spring water and not get it, this buddy is good…..Is such a precious immortal spring water you can waste at will? Why vomit on the floor after gargle? ! Although nausea is a bit disgusting, but swallowing it will not only prevent death, but will make you healthier, you know? Also, I don’t know if you will be fined for spitting…No, don’t you know that this eternal spring water is a non-renewable resource, so use a little less…

Perceiving the strange gazes of the two, Li Feng turned his head and blinked at them. At first, he felt a little inexplicable. Then he thought that when Zhao Zheng was imprisoned in the Terra Cotta Warriors, the person who invented the toothbrush hadn’t even appeared, thinking that the master was curious about himself. Toothbrush in hand.

Li Feng shook the toothbrush in his hand, put the toothbrush in his mouth and raised his hands, indicating that he can brush his teeth without using his hands. He still vaguely explained: “This is called a toothbrush, or a toothbrush made into a magic weapon. , Can automatically help me brush my teeth.”

Li Feng also had no choice. Who would let the ordinary toothbrush go through the security check through the door? How could he go around without making some magic items himself? Li Feng can’t stand the days of not brushing his teeth every day, it’s just that…the two strange eyes are not for this reason!

Zhao Zheng held his forehead and shook his head slightly, for fear that he could not hold back the impulse, he fought with Li Feng in the cave, got up and jumped off the boulder, walked towards the box with gold, and said, “Tonight I will resurrect mine. Soldiers, stay here to practice the exercises yourself. When I arrange where the soldiers go, I will come back to explain what you still don’t understand.”

After speaking, Zhao Zhengbian, with a depressed expression, turned into a dragon, grabbed Lin and flew into the sky.

Li Feng looked at Kreacher in wonder and asked “What’s the situation?” Kreacher was also baffled, shrugged and turned around to prepare breakfast for Li Feng… Was it breakfast or lunch for Li Feng to wake up at noon?

After eating, Li Feng jumped into the eternal life spring and sat cross-legged, quietly condensing his mind, and immersed in the practice exercises. For a long time, Li Feng opened his eyes with joy.

Or say that Huaxia’s cultivation technique is a cow. Let’s see how many mortals slowly cultivate into immortals by relying on a technique.

Definitely, if the exercises are strong, it is not possible for Li Feng to become an immortal after only practicing for a while, but when Li Feng forms a cycle of not huge mana in his body, he is obviously perceptive that not only his mana becomes more pure, but also his spirit. The power is also inexplicably pure.

This made Li Feng feel that the biggest gain from coming to the mummy world is not to learn how many spells, but to find this practice!

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