Chapter 140 Chapter 139 Is there any magician to take refuge in S.H.I.E.L.D?

In the end, Fury and Li Feng had to take 3 drops of immortal spring water after intense discussions, as well as Li Feng’s other bargaining chip, the resurrection technique.

Regarding the resurrection technique, Fury initially thought of letting Li Feng be there on call, but Li Feng got up and prepared to leave: I am not your servant, so why should I listen to you… Believe it or not, Lao Tzu resurrected you? Dad, let him educate you in the middle of the night…

Although my resurrection technique is a fake and inferior product, its effect is not as good as the immortal spring water. If used well, the effect is even stronger than that of the immortal spring water…

It’s like a task to capture someone alive, and a task to kill someone directly. Which task causes the greater sacrifice?

For example, the agents were originally prepared to perform the task of catching someone alive, but seeing that there is a lot of security around the other party, it is impossible to complete the task easily.

There is world peace on the one hand and sacrifice on the other. What can the agents do? I definitely chose to ignore the sacrifice and finish the task with faith.

And it’s not bad to be able to complete the task. If you are unlucky enough to be run away by the other party, or simply burp, the agents will sacrifice for nothing. SHIELD has to spend a lot of money to comfort these sacrificed people. It’s all green money!

Now it’s different with the resurrection technique. When the agents see that there are many people in the opponent, they can simply turn the task of capturing alive into a more complete corpse preservation. At that time, they can directly carry Gatling and give the opponent to the group. Suddenly, anyway, trouble Li Feng afterwards and let him release a resurrection technique. SHIELD can still know the answer he wants from the resurrected opponent.

For this reason, Fury, who did not want to give up the resurrection technique and the immortal spring, discussed with Li Feng, and finally got Li Feng Chengruo to help S.H.I.E.L.D perform 10 resurrection techniques for free.

Although Fury was a little dissatisfied, there was nothing he could do. Who made Li Feng bit the bottom line.

But Li Feng, who paid for this, was forced to get only 6 days to understand the law of space.

After talking about the transaction, Li Feng waved at Fury and asked the other party to prepare a container for storing the immortal spring water like a fly. He still muttered: “A drop of immortal spring water is equal to two days’ rent. This is the same as your face. black……”

Fury smiled as fake as he might be. He stood up and walked to the office door and said, “Don’t get cheap and sell well. The immortal spring water is just a foreign object. It’s just a good healing potion for you. Improving my own strength, I still feel that I have lost, or…are we talking about it?”

“Go away~” Li Feng said with a distressed look: “The problem is that I don’t know if I can comprehend it.”

Who will believe this… Judging from the previous information, I know clearly how much you cherish your life, and you will try if you are not sure enough? …..

Fury rolled his eyes and left Li Feng with “Haha.”

Outside the office, Phil Coulson, who has been monitoring the conversation between Li Feng and Fury, took a group of scientific researchers with various instruments to wait outside the door early.

Seeing Fury open the office door, Phil Coulson walked up to Li Feng with a suspected freezer, and smiled gently: “Mr. Austin, please open the gourd.”

Li Feng picked up the green-skin gourd, glanced at the box in Phil Coulson’s hand, and reminded him thoughtfully: “I’ve said beforehand that the eternal spring water is tender. Freezing is not only ineffective to it, but will destroy its particularity. So you’d better study while it’s hot, if you delay your research for a while and discover that the immortal spring water can’t provide vitality, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

Phil Coulson was stunned, turned his head to look at Fury who squeezed his eyebrows into a ball, his eyes were full of “sir, you take a charter”.

Fury glanced at the green gourd engraved with’Lu En’, thought for a moment, and said, “What is the most appropriate way to store it?”

Li Feng looked at Fury with a faint smile, squinting his eyes and said, “If you can, you’d better find a magician who is proficient in time magic.”

“Time?” Phil Coulson glared at the protruding eyeballs, and subconsciously said: “You magician can still…”

Phil Coulson hasn’t said everything, Fury on the side gave a dry cough and stared sharply at Phil Coulson, signalling Phil Coulson to speak carefully. There are other people in the office.

Seeing several researchers around him looking at Li Feng with mentally retarded eyes, Phil Coulson realized that he almost committed the crime of leaking secrets. He smiled and said: “Mr. Austin, this joke is not funny at all, let’s talk about some practical methods. .”

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders indifferently. He didn’t care if anyone knew he was a magician. After all, he planned the future to be mixed with the Avengers, and these superheros had a lot of exposure. After wearing uniforms, they walked everywhere. The spotlight, so Li Feng’s magician identity will be known to the public sooner or later.

In addition, Li Feng consciously has the ability to protect himself now, and he is not afraid of trouble finding him. He grinned and said: “It’s not impossible for ordinary magicians, but they need to expend a lot of mana to maintain the effect of the immortal spring.”

Seeing Li Feng’s posture of’you persuade you, I only chant the eighth scripture’, Fury motioned to Phil Coulson with a dark face to take out a somewhat weird glass tube, turned his head and said to Li Feng, “I want to do research first. The next two drops are waiting for me to contact you when I need them.”

A drop? ….. Fury didn’t have guessed what I was testing, or did S.H.I.E.L.D actually didn’t find the magician. Before Fury said that the Chinese gourd was ‘run’ text, but it’s just that it’s just good luck to be guessed right? ….. But there is no reason, Fury is black everywhere, a proper non-chief…

Li Feng, who couldn’t guess the facts, joked: “I am not a bank, and there is no interest, so you deposit and return, but don’t let me pay you two and a half drops when the time comes. In addition, you should find and store eternal life earlier. The way of spring water, otherwise I accidentally drank these two drops of water one day, so don’t cry to me.”

While speaking, Li Feng scanned the faces of Fury and Phil Coulson back and forth.

Li Feng has made it very clear. If you want to preserve the immortal spring water, you must have magician help. If there is a magician in SHIELD, then the expressions of the two will definitely change slightly. Li Feng can use this to judge whether there is magician in SHIELD. For example, if there is a magician, the expressions of the two of them must be rejoicing and relieved. If not, they will naturally be frowning or disappointed.

It’s a pity that Li Feng underestimated the agent’s control over expressions. Phil Coulson still had a gentle smile, while Fury nodded blankly, indicating that he knew it. This made Li Feng a little helpless: I can’t see anything. what……

Forget it, whether he has magician by S.H.I.E.L.D Zhaoan, the big deal is that I will let the Wraiths be more careful, and even if necessary, I can give up the Wraiths, it’s great that I am making some…

After consoling himself, Li Feng opened the green gourd plug and floated a drop of immortal spring water into the weird glass tube under the control of the spell, and asked: “Phil Coulson, what is the virtue of your glass tube? It was deformed during production. Come on, is it possible that your SHIELD is already short of money to the point where it only sells defective products but not genuine products?”

Phil Coulson smiled, and when he put the test tube into the box, he said, “This is a test tube that can be kept in a vacuum at all times. It won’t do any harm to the eternal spring water, right?”

Li Feng thought about it for a while, and squinted his hands while observing everyone present: “I don’t know much about technology, so I can’t answer your question. I only know that the best way to save is to rely on spells.”

Li Feng mentioned spells several times. If Fury hadn’t discovered Li Feng’s intentions, then he would simply move his butt from the chief’s throne to the cat litter and continue playing with the cat.

Fury looked around for a week and found that several of the people in the office were worshipers of the Church of Science, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

For fear that Li Feng would make another moth, Fury said with a straight face: “The matter is over, I will ask Phil Coulson to send you away.”

Knowing that his little intention has been seen through by Fury and guarding himself, Li Feng curled his lips in disdain. He glanced at Phil Coulson, who was making a’get out’ pose to himself. Li Feng said with a smile: “Do you want to understand what it means to blink back? Home?”

This is when Li Feng wants to make some noise in front of several scientific believers. By the way, he darkens the color of Fury’s face: It must be very exciting…

Just when Li Feng hesitation performed the portal to open their eyes on the spot, or used the phantom migration to turn into a black mist to leave, shattering the three views of these researchers, Fury stared with warning eyes as if the corners of his eyes cramped. Looking at Li Feng, speechless and helpless, he took out his wallet from his pocket, took out a credit card and handed it to Phil Coulson to prepare to spend money to eliminate the disaster: “Take Mr. Austin to find a high-end restaurant, and I will treat you.”

Li Feng scratched his head: This is a bittern treat. Don’t miss it when you pass by…..

After thinking about it, Li Feng turned his eyes to the dim sky outside the window and walked towards the office door with a grin. Regardless of whether Fury agreed or not, he said directly to Fury behind him: “At night, I will have a one-stop service for eating, drinking, and having fun, and the bill is all charged to you. On the head.”

After speaking, Li Feng, carrying a shoulder bag, walked out of the office happily.

Phil Coulson looked at the blackmailed Fury silently, and gave Li Feng a thumbs up in his heart: Talent, courage…Are you not afraid that Fury will wear small shoes for you? …..

Seeing the official nodded slightly, Phil Coulson followed Li Feng with a stiff smile.

For a long time, Phil Coulson drove Li Feng directly to Manhattan.

Since Li Feng called for corruption with Fury’s money, Phil Coulson’s first thought was that Broadway Avenue, an important place for American drama and musicals, especially near the 42nd Street “Times Square” in the center, was surrounded by crowds. Dozens of theaters.

Presumably, Li Feng can watch an opera by the way after enjoying the food here, he should be satisfied…

It’s a pity that Phil Coulson, a good old man, doesn’t know what Li Feng wants. For Li Feng, a layman, it’s better to sit on the street and watch the beauties while watching an opera. What he wants is popcorn or potato chips, plus a big bottle. Happy fat house water, happily watch blockbuster movies in the theater.

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