Chapter 428 Chapter 427

By the lake.

A sturdy branch snaked out from the towering giant tree and extended to the center of the lake.

Li Feng lay sideways on a branch with a weed in his mouth, throwing peanuts into his mouth one after another.

Aside, Kreacher, who was fishing with a fishing rod in his hand, could see what Li Feng was thinking about. After all, he told Li Feng that Skye’s soul fragments had matured.

…I’m so worried, why there’s so much shit recently. In a few days, Pim’s quantum science classroom is about to start, and the study of air elves is also preparing in an orderly manner. Now it’s time for Soul Gem to be picked…..

…And the strength also meets the requirements for being promoted to a true god…Say there are two sets of plans for becoming a god, but I don’t know which way to choose to become a god, and which great god knows how to break it? …..

Happy troubles Yo…

For a long time, Li Feng grinned and scratched his head, grabbed a handful of peanuts, cast a spell to summon Skye’s soul, then opened the portal connecting with Vormil Star, and said: “Kreacher, I’ll go out for fun, you stay and watch the house. .. By the way, pay attention to Ben Parker’s safety in recent days.”

After thinking about it, Li Feng worried that Uncle Ben would not be able to hold the consciousness of the universe. In order to promote Peter’s rapid growth, he still left the nonsense of’the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility’, and then he belched, “Bring the Golden Fleece with you. In case of uncle Ben’s accident, bring him back to life in time.”

“Good boss,” Kreacher disappeared instantly, then appeared behind Ben Parker invisibly.


Warmier star.

Just as Li Feng got out of the portal, the Red Skull, who was waiting by the side, glanced at Skye’s soul, and said hoarsely: “Long time no see, Li Feng magician… It looks like he is well prepared, but I don’t know if it still looks like at the end. Same time, still reluctant to exchange soul for Soul Gem.”

This time, the cliff was willing…. Li Feng was too lazy to answer, shrugged and said nonsense: “I want to shit, but some people can’t pull it out, so please leave smoothly.”

…Is it amazing to be able to shit? Is there anything to show off in front of me? I curse you for not being able to pull it out and suffocating you…..Red Skull who hasn’t eaten food or shit for nearly a hundred years is full of resentment He stared at Li Feng as if he didn’t smile and said, “Please…”

Seeing the Red Skull drifting away, Li Feng grinned, turning into a black mist and flying thousands of meters away towards the west.

After confirming that there was not even a ghost nearby, Li Feng checked the time, took a potion from his shoulder bag and placed it on the ground, then returned to the Red Skull’s side.

“Lazy people have a lot of pooping…” Red Skull casually complained. Just as he pleased, he signaled Li Feng to follow. Li Feng suddenly clutched his stomach and shouted: “Oh~ my stomach hurts again, no, I have to be pulling Click it out…”

Before that, Li Feng turned into a black mist again, flew a kilometer toward the west, and returned to the place where the medicine was stored before.

Li Feng picked up the potion and heaved a sigh of relief: Soul Gem, I’ll take you…

It turned out that Li Feng didn’t know whether the soul cultivated by soul fragments alone could be exchanged for Soul Gem. In order not to consume Sky’s soul in vain, this man made preparations for the official sacrifice in case of accidents.

In the plan, Li Shengming left a potion in the distance and positioned it for a certain time. If the Soul Gem can be obtained smoothly in subsequent sacrifices, then the potion will still be there.

If the sacrifice fails, he will use the time converter to return to a specific time and take the potion away, reminding himself not to sacrifice in vain, and to return to Earth as soon as possible to drag Skye over to sacrifice.

definitely, even if you really take Skye’s sacrifice, the big deal is to stuff the cultivated soul into Skye’s body. As for memory and other issues, this is not a problem for Li Feng at all.

When Li Feng returned again, Red Skull apparently found that the goods were a little nervous before, and curiously asked: “Did you pick up money by shit? Why are you suddenly so happy.”

“Shit is always a pleasant thing. What’s wrong with me, what’s going on next to you,” said Li Feng whistling and swaying towards the altar.

The sacrifice process is very simple, simply and rudely throw the soul down the altar.


Watching Li Feng leave Skye without hesitation, even with a smile on his face, a big question mark rose on the Red Skull’s forehead: Didn’t it say that you can only sacrifice your beloved to change to Soul Gem? You are so relaxed. How does the cozy expression look like sacrificing your beloved? Or is it to say that the earth is now re-correcting the specific meaning of ‘beloved’. The so-called ‘beloved’ means loving the other person to death? …..

The earth now really knows how to play….. In the midst of defamation, Red Skull saw a burst of strong light from the towering altar stone behind Li Feng, and then Li Feng’s figure disappeared in front of his eyes.

As a slave of Soul Gem, Red Skull knows that Li Feng has obtained Soul Gem’s approval, but he is a little confused.

Can this be successful? ! … The Red Skull roared inwardly like a collapse.

On the other side, Li Feng closed his eyes subconsciously when the bright light exploded, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in a pool of water with his right hand clutching an orange gem.

It’s a success! ….. In an instant, joy spread across Li Feng.

It’s just that the good times didn’t last long. After a few seconds, Li Feng’s expression changed, and he quickly took out his mind, power, and reality gems from his portable space. Then he saw the three Infinite Gems that had been living in harmony with each other shining brightly, and then Soul Gem was not to be outdone. Like to join them.

Li Feng, who suddenly remembered something, only felt tired. He actually forgot that Infinite Gems needed to keep a distance.

Before, Mind Gem had the longest time to get it, and it was the one who knew the characteristics best, so he had the confidence and strength to suppress Mind Gem.

Later, when gaining power and reality, the strength was also improved, and with the superb sealing technique, it was naturally able to suppress 3 Infinite Gems.

But now the strength has not changed, but Infinite Gems has one more, so it can’t be suppressed.

Frustrated…Li Feng clutched his scalp without tears, his brain cells running at full capacity: It’s not impossible to conquer 4 Infinite Gems…..

Method one is to wear only Infinity Gauntlet. After all, Infinity Gauntlet is the device that controls Infinite Gems.

Definitely, anything that doesn’t look like a glove can be called Infinity Gauntlet.

Take the one created by Stark in Avengers Alliance4. Hulk hasn’t used it after putting it on, and his face is convulsed to distortion. After using it, one arm is scrapped. The user experience is a good bad comment.

And the professional team builds gloves to control Infinite Gems is different.

For example, the one created by dwarf, Thanos will show a sour expression every time Thanos adds an Infinite Gems, especially the six Infinite Gems, the expression is called ecstasy.

Li Feng admitted that there is a gap in strength between Hulk and Thanos, but the gap between the two is not high enough to just wear the Infinity Gauntlet and roll all over the floor.

Obviously, the genuine Infinity Gauntlet plays a huge role in it.

It’s just…. Li Feng is still on Warmier Star, where to get Infinity Gauntlet?

“Sister Ni, I’m not prepared well…” Li Feng spit, and directly eliminated Method 1.

Method two is to be promoted to the true god on the spot, relying on strength to suppress Infinite Gems.

To be honest, Li Feng wanted to become a god, and he took all the necessary supplies with him. The only trouble was that he didn’t know how long it would take to become a god. If he could be promoted successfully in ten and a half months, then everything would be happy.

But if it’s a year or a half, I’m afraid it’s Stark and Strange who are eagerly posting people-seeking advertisements all over the world. There is no way, the air spirit is still with him.

Method three is also the most feasible solution that Li Feng thinks. The only trouble is how to seal the Soul Gem. Otherwise, if you can’t take the stuff, it’s a fart in the ideal solution.

“What’s wrong with this…” Li Feng reluctantly conquered Mind Gem, then sealed Power and Reality Gem in turn, and finally held Soul Gem to please: “Master, I know you have self-awareness, please take away the magical powers. , Let the little one show you the world of Huahua, how about?”

Soul Gem flashed, and Li Feng, who did not understand gem language, looked at a loss, tentatively took out the sealed items such as mirrors, dolls, scrolls, and said: “Master, the small Ability is limited, I am wronged…”

While talking, Li Feng cautiously tried to seal Soul Gem.

Seeing Soul Gem successfully sealed into the mirror, Li Feng’s heart was relieved: Sample, at Otherworld, see how much power you have to resist me, so wait to be tamed, haha, I’m such a genius…

There is an old saying that it is good, it is called’one who travels a hundred miles half and ninety’, which means that everything can’t be happy too early, just like Li Feng is now complacent, completely unaware of the Soul Gem who has the ability to steal, manipulate, modify, and create souls. It seemed to perceive malice, and a dazzling light instantly lit up.

I want to run, there is no way….. Li Feng’s face twitched, holding the Soul Gem tightly and returning to reality, he immediately opened the crossing door.

When Li Feng squeezed through the door, he immediately looked at the Soul Gem lying quietly in his hands.

It can’t cure you anymore… Li Feng, who was really ecstatic, poked Soul Gem hard, and said in a son-like tone: “Little devil, hurry up and have a chat, or grandpa will be so tender to you…. ”

While you go cool, you are a bastard who turns his face faster than a book… Soul Gem said that he was wronged, and now he just wants to be a quiet glamorous gem, and doesn’t want to talk to Li Feng.

Seeing that Soul Gem had no response, Li Feng scratched his head, put the gem into the free space and looked at the surrounding environment.

The first thing that caught your eye was a swamp, and then you found a temple not far behind.

Li Feng knew that the words on the door came from Egypt, and he could barely interpret the meaning of the “Tomb of Osiris”.

Osiris, one of the nine pillar gods of Heliopolis.

Heliopolis is also known as the ‘Hometown of the Gods’ and the ‘Sun City’. It is the center of the worship of the sun god in ancient Egypt and one of the most important holy places in ancient Egypt. Its status is equivalent to Mount Olympus.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, Osiris was a pharaoh and god of plants, agriculture and fertility.

However, this product was eventually killed by his own brother, Seth, the god of the desert, and then resurrected as a mummified by Anubis. Since then, he has ascended to the throne of the underworld and became the master and death judge of the underworld.

In short, this product belongs to open life in Li Feng’s eyes: especially whether life or death is a god, how can you make those gods who die and become ashes reasonable? ……

It’s just that Li Feng doesn’t understand, how could the temple of Osiris be built near the swamp?

Scratching his head, Li Feng walked to the two-wheeled carriage parked in front of the temple.

There, there was a beauty who had just burped, and Li Feng was about to revive her little sister, and asked what kind of ghost world it was.

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