Chapter 437 Chapter 436

In the desert, Li Feng wearing sunglasses felt that his brains were almost drying out. He raised his head and glanced at the slowly rising sun. Suddenly he folded his hands together and prayed: “Why? Brother’Pull’ is up, please pull the sun away. some….”

After a while, the sun is still the same sun, even as it rises gradually, the air will be slightly distorted.

no response? Is my prayer posture wrong? …. Li Feng scratched his head, made horns with both hands, and shouted Roar towards the sun: “Largo, don’t just hit the little monster (Apophis), look at me, look at me… A magician whose fire is as high as a mess, it’s almost cooked through~….”

With that, Li Feng pointed to the young couple (Horus and Hathor) who had a temper in the distance, and said: “Your grandson has sunburned his brain, and he is reasoned with a woman, afraid that he will have to sleep on the sofa at night. …For your great-grandson to come as soon as possible, and to cool down Horus’s overheated brain, can you keep the sun away and give us a cool cloudy day today?”

Baker covered his face, with a disgusting look that he didn’t know Li Feng, and he pulled Saya a few steps behind, and said in silence: What’s the matter, I will take care of you only if you pull the gods…..

As the sun gradually shined in the sky, the only hint of morning breeze that had been there was let go. Li Feng felt the heat wave that had steamed himself, and groaned without illness: “Oh, yes, brother is happy…”

With that said, Li Feng wiped his unnecessary sweat, and ordered the big white snake to plate into a tuft to block the sun. He tore a bite of the’cat food’ from the floating roasted snake meat and handed it to Baker and Saya, saying, “This stuff is expensive. Now, don’t swallow it, take a sip, and slowly aftertaste…Otherwise, you will boast about eating foods that contain divine nature but you can’t tell the specific taste. This face can be thrown into the bottom of the Nile, and you won’t be able to pick it up again. ”

Haha…. Baker took the snake meat with both hands and said thank you respectfully. When he was about to taste it carefully, he found that the big white snake had big eyes and kept the Harazi staring at himself and Saya.

No, to be precise, what the big white snake is staring at is the fragrant smell in the hands of the two of them… grilled snake meat?

What the hell? The big white snake wants to eat its own meat? This is probably a mentally retarded snake… As the absurd idea arose, Baker moved his steps to stop the big white snake from peeping at Saya, and then pulled up the sleeves of Li Feng who was mouthing open, Shanshan Begged: “Master Austin, can you please… uh… tell your pet to stop staring at Saya and see it as no. Its two lantern-like eyes made me panic. …”

“Me too…” Saya, who was hiding behind Baker, looked at the big white snake with half of his face, and said timidly at Li Feng.

Baker turned his head and smiled, pulling up Saya’s little hand, and said softly and relievedly: “Don’t be afraid, I am here…”

Li Feng raised his head and glanced at the dog men and women who were spreading dog food, and suddenly felt that the roast snake in his hand was not fragrant: Bah, you dog men and women, let them not eat…..

After spitting, Li Feng said in a huff: “I think the big eyeballs are pretty, especially when they are hung on the head of the bed, they are absolutely punctual.”

After all, Li Feng controlled the big white snake and turned his head to look away.

The dog food, the ghost knows if eating too much will make the big white snake suffer from rabies. If it kills Baker and Saya, Li Feng will make sense. You must know that Baker is the key figure in the Pyramids.

Hang the headboard? …. Baker shuddered inexplicably, he couldn’t imagine how it would feel to fall asleep staring at himself every night with huge amounts of vertical pupils.

I guess it’s either crazy or a heart attack. He hiccups…


On the other hand, Horus is already true that Hathor is not a hunter sent by Seth, and at the same time, he who is delusional to reason with women understands some truths.

For example, only women and villains are difficult to raise, and for example, there are too many words to talk about.

In particular, not only can I say that Hathor, but he became more and more angry, what the hell is this… Horus ended the emotional dialogue with anger, and walked on his long legs to Li Feng to ask for breakfast.

Li Feng patted his chubby belly, burped and passed the remaining roasted snake meat to Horus, and asked: “Man, what is the origin of this lady, and what does the Western hostess mean?”

“The West refers to the underworld, and Hathor once became the undead Asgardian as a living person. She is the eldest sister in Death God, so the underworld likes to call Roar her mistress.”

Horus, who took the snake meat, just finished speaking, and followed, Hathor took the snake meat unceremoniously, and said, “Aha, you are talking about me…”

Regardless of whether there is Horus’s saliva on the snake meat, Hathor took a big bite and looked at Li Feng with a variety of styles. He smiled and said, “Magician, if you want to know me, you must first know that the underworld belongs to the West. , But the West is more than just the underworld…”

Li Feng nodded. This is easy to understand, just like South Korea, Vietnam and many other countries belong to Asia, but when it comes to Asia, it doesn’t just refer to these countries.

Hathor continued: “The underworld is classified as a safe zone in the West because of the gods, but the rest…hehe, they are all entrenched by demons.”

“Magician, I know what you are thinking,” Hathor said without waiting for Li Feng to ask his doubts. You know the profession of magician, right?”

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and made a request to signal Hathor to continue performing.

“Apophis is not only a snake in the underworld, but also a brainless demon. It can travel through layers of void to find Rashen to fight. Why can’t other demons go to other worlds to play?”

After eating the last bite of snake meat, Hattor grabbed Baker, borrowed the other party’s clothes to wipe the oil in his hands, and said: “And since I have Ability to fight for the identity of the hostess, how can I travel to other worlds without Ability?”

“Little magician, I may have seen more worlds than you know,”

After speaking, Hathor walked to the big white snake, his pupils flashed with divine power and commanded: “Little boy, you are a good mount.”

Compared to the world I have seen? you sure? …. Li Feng’s Nunu mouth disdainfully, Hathor rolled his eyes and jumped onto the white snake easily, and said to Horus: “Previously declare that I do not approve of domestic violence, but your mother-in-law is a bit too much. , You have to fight, or else you can go to the house and uncover the tiles in two days, you can stand it, and your house can’t stand it either.”

Horus didn’t say anything, Hathor snorted coldly, and said, “Come on, don’t look at me as a weak woman now, and even I will forcefully return to the West when I take off the bodyguard bracelet, but please think about it. At first glance, how can a weak and delicious woman survive in the West, where there are so many demons?”

Obviously, it won’t rely solely on beauty.

Hathor just said that the powerful Apophis Demon is actually a foolish guy with no brains.

Needless to say, those demons with little strength are obviously Tie Hanhan who ignores beauty and only knows how to eat, drink and sleep.

So, the truth is that Horus can’t beat you? …. Li Feng blinked blankly, and suddenly recalled that in some mythological versions, for some reason, Rashen bestowed Hathor with the ‘God Eye’, which symbolizes the majesty and burning power of the sun.

Hathor, who had obtained the ‘eye of God’, immediately became the tyrannical god of war Sekhmet.

Had it not been for Rashen to get drunk with Sekhmet in an emergency, and take the opportunity to restore it to the beautiful Hathor goddess, this master would almost confuse the world.

Whether it is Hathor, whose strength has been infinitely weakened by leaving the West, or the mythical god of war Sekhmet, it shows that the seemingly fragile Hathor is actually a sealed violent woman, a big boss hiding in the depths. ?

I can’t afford it….. Li Feng jumped up and patted Horus on the shoulder, and said sympathetically: “Poor baby, it’s not good to fall in love with… It’s really hard for you.”

With that said, Li Feng jumped on the back of the snake, and cast a spell to put Baker and Sayara on the back of the snake, who was holding back a smile, and asked, “Captain Horus, how do you sail next?”

You guys don’t know how much my Hathor would please me…

It’s a pity…Ah~ I’m all tears if I talk too much…

Horus shook his head, put away the good memories, jumped to the big white snake, stood beside Hathor, pointed in a certain direction and said: “Go to the swamp and find Thoth…”

Hathor raised his eyebrows and said with a little surprise: “I didn’t expect you to know how to find the God of Wisdom to make suggestions. I thought you would go straight to the door to find death with the fire full of revenge.”

“Do you think I’m like a fool?” Horus explained angrily: “I can’t even transform myself with only half of my supernatural power. How can I defeat Seth? … Only to extinguish Seth’s sacred fire , Weakening the opponent’s strength, I have the opportunity to pierce the spear into Set’s skull…”

“The plan is good, but how do you get into Pyramids?” Hathor asked.

“Baker has seen the Pyramids construction map and knows how to enter.” Horus replied.

Hathor looked at Baker in surprise, and suddenly nodded: “So you are looking for Thoth for the Sphinx riddle?”

Sphinx? What do you mean? … Horus was a little puzzled. He went to Thoth to prevent Li Feng from suddenly stabbing a knife. After all, this guy’s obsession with divinity seemed a bit crazy.

Look at the tauren before, this guy once clamored to eat beef blood, if the seasoning and pots and pans weren’t in place, everyone’s dinner last night might have been beef offal soup.

Looking at the big white snake that is fast walking underfoot, think about the healing technique that Li Feng released after tearing off the snake’s flesh. The poor big white snake is simply someone’s mobile granary, or the kind of inexhaustible inexhaustible.

Looking at himself and Hathor, who have a higher level of divinity, Horus didn’t know if Li Feng had thought about what kind of dishes they were suitable for.

Before he recovered his divine power, Horus always felt that Li Feng’s eyes were a little green, as if a wild wolf who had been hungry for several days in the wilderness would open his blood basin and bite him at any time.

There is no sense of security at all…

Horus’s confused expression made Hathor a little mad: You don’t know what to do with you, just like that, Roar Roar bravely rushes into Pyramids? ….

“It seems that some people still don’t know that Seth captured the Sphinx to guard the fire,” Hathor rolled his eyes and said, “A certain god, as always…..”

Horus was silent for a while, turned his head to look at Baker, and said suspiciously: “Have you really seen the construction diagram?”

“I swear that at the beginning, Ush, uh, was Set’s queen builder. I saw the Pyramids construction map in his library…” Baker affirmed.

“As for why the sphinx is not marked on the map…”

Baker speculated: “Maybe it’s a new insurance measure added by others?”

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