Chapter 445 Chapter 444

Is Li Feng a saint? Don’t make trouble, this saint can only be viewed from a distance, not close.

Even when a saint came to face him, his first reaction was how far he hid, so that he was accidentally infected.

Therefore, although I admire the saint’s words and deeds in my heart, he has become a saint-like selfless man who only pays and does not ask for anything in return… Sorry, I never thought about it.

It may be a bit exaggerated to say that he is a villain… Well, to be precise, he has the potential to be a villain.

In general, Li Feng has always been a mortal who only cared about firewood, rice, oil, salt and stomach.

Following the principle that’money’ is a partner at work, we must be brave to talk about salary, and that ordinary people should be paid to support their families when they work. Using Hathor to take care of the deal with Rashen, he can confidently consider the theory. How to learn from Toth Squeeze out the benefits as much as possible.

“Ah~” When he walked to Toth, Li Feng cleared his throat, holding a quill pen in one hand and a contract in the other, and said with a grin: “Now let’s talk about helping you…no, it’s the reward for helping you.”

Toth looked at each other with Hathor and smiled, as if he had already anticipated Li Feng’s ‘pay for asking’. Toth even reached out his hand to make a request, and asked in a flat tone: “What do you want?”

Li Feng said unceremoniously: “First, I want to isolate the magic from the outside world. There is no discussion on this point. If you refuse…”

“Kill me if you refuse?” Tot interrupted by embracing his left hand and rubbing his temple with his right hand.

I want to kill people and make more money, but unfortunately my teeth are not good, and I can’t bite your old bone…

Li Feng waved his hand again and again, indicating that he was not such a person, and said in a slightly aggrieved tone: “God pulls up, am I a bloodthirsty person in your eyes?”

Without waiting for Thoth to refute, Li Feng looked at Thoth’s…brain door like a rare treasure, raised his brow, and tactfully threatened: “No, I am a good person… Definitely, if you have to refuse, I can only reluctantly take back the’things’ that belonged to me, and then roll the ball sadly.”

Good guy? I am so special, the brain is bent by your turning…..Tort’s eyes twitched. The only thing that belongs to Li Feng is the brain. If this thing is taken back, he is not a god. Will die, but what about the rest of my life?

Like a vegetative, he can’t move and cannot receive information from the outside world.

Eating and drinking are okay, God’s physique is very hungry, enough for him to bigu for a long time, maybe he can survive Seth belching, and Horus can get back his blue brain.

But other problems are a big trouble…such as excretion. After all, no one can predict whether there will be a sudden situation like three urgency in the next second.

Do you wear diapers when you are’sleeping’? ….. Tot wiped the unnecessarily cold sweat on his forehead. Although he was younger in diapers, he said that he is better to be older: No, if you can, it is better to eat and drink spice lively, and beauties are better. ….

Especially a certain hot girl owes me a good night…Tot turned away the hot Hattor beside his eyes, nodded to agree to the first one, and asked, “The next condition.”

This is a promise… Li Feng’s eyes lighted up, two fingers were put up, and he said, “Second, I want duplication.”

This time Toth nodded and agreed: What can duplication do? It seems that it can’t do what you can do. What you eat is the first thing. Apart from using it when recording data, you can rest assured that there is almost nothing left. If you give it, you will give it… ..

“Third…” Li Feng scratched his head, appearing honest, and said: “Well, I didn’t think about the third one at first, but based on your attitude of always looking for me, it makes me feel extremely Not happy, so…”

“I decided to add a third item temporarily,” Li Feng shrugged innocently, trying his best to hide the greed in his eyes. When he looked around, he looked like a “nothing good to fish” and wrote lightly: “Allow me to check the library at any time. The privilege of collecting books is good.”

Toth’s face immediately sank. Compared with the divine art of isolating the outside world and the duplication technique of ‘useless’, he was more concerned about the knowledge brought by his own collection of books.

These are all the principles of the universe he collected bit by bit, all his treasures, and the foundation for him to become the god of wisdom.

Besides, some knowledge is not simple.

Take the knowledge of the birth of the world as an example. Under normal circumstances, the world has not yet formed. Everything in the world is not even a pool of liquid. There is no man, god, or camera to record the process of the world’s birth.


Unfortunately, Thoth’s library contains knowledge of how the world was born and evolved.

This knowledge may be meaningless to ordinary people, not even comparable to the reality of a piece of black bread, but to the magician who pursues truth and power?

He dared to guarantee that Li Feng had a way to transform knowledge into strength, and could even use it to seize the throne of the god of wisdom.

Refusing or agreeing to open the library? ….. At this moment, Toth seemed particularly troubled and embarrassed.

“Ah~” Li Feng coughed when he saw this, rubbing Mind Gem and Reality Gem, and whispered: “I saved you, but how did you treat me before? Disgust, disgust, disdain…”

After a pause, Li Feng vaguely activated two Infinite Gems, causing the slightly psychedelic spell fluctuations to fill the entire library silently, with a low voice: “Now, it’s time to compensate me…”

Although Li Feng’s words were plain, the hearts of Thoth, Hathor, and Horus were like being hit by a sledgehammer, and a sense of shame was vaguely rising.

Wait, ashamed? Why am I ashamed? ….. Toth, whose IQ suddenly reached the heights, was the first to notice something was wrong.


He realized that something was wrong not because he noticed the spell fluctuations, but because he wondered why he was ashamed.

After some memories, especially the scenes after the encounter with Li Feng, Toth vaguely felt that he was aware of a trace of ‘truth’.

In the beginning, apart from making some bad jokes, Li Feng was full of goodwill towards what Horus and others did, such as defeating the tauren and subduing the black and white evil spirits.

Although Li Feng has reaped a lot of benefits from this, he naturally has the right to deal with the spoils that belonged to others.

Even Li Feng lowered his posture when he saw him, but because of unknown origin and some misunderstandings, he directly blasted away the opponent.

Later, in the face of hostile talk and rejection, Li Feng still silently assumed the role of a babysitter, stepping forward in times of crisis to help them resolve the mortal situation.

…I, the God of Wisdom, misunderstood and hurt a good person with integrity and kindness? …I am a god, he is a mortal, I should make up for the other person, otherwise my conscience will not be able to pass…..

As soon as I thought of this, Thoth sighed heavily, and saw Horus, with his head down, said in shame: “Torth, we were wrong. Our arrogance and self-righteousness led to misunderstandings, and Austin helped us regardless of the past. We who are God should make up for him.

Todt believes it deeply and sincerely looks at Li Feng, saying: “Theoretically, I can open up all the books, but I want to remind you that some knowledge is not something you can read if you want, especially those huge and profound truths. It will make your brain burst on the spot, or drive you crazy.”

After being promoted to a god, he was checking…Li Feng grinned and showed his molars, while nodding his head as fast as a chicken pecking at rice, he wrote the previous conditions on the contract.

On the side, Hathor, who was already good at temptation, frowned and stared at Li Feng in a daze.

She always felt that something was wrong, but for a while, she didn’t understand what was wrong. After thinking for a long time, the low-powered girl could not detect the existence of spells, nor could she recall the fact that Li Feng had deliberately angered them to deepen their misunderstanding.

In the end, she can only summarize the guilt as the previous misunderstanding too deep.

As the saying goes, the deeper the love, the deeper the hatred…Uh, I am wrong, it should be the deeper the misunderstanding, the deeper the self-blame after the misunderstanding is solved, and the natural desire to compensate the other party.

This is like having someone with a wicked face, and everyone who leads contact with him instinctively guards him like a thief, and even pushes him back and slander him.

But in the end, one day, this guy who didn’t look like a good person turned the tide and saved the world and became a hero in people’s minds. Then the more people who hated and excluded him before, the more they could feel the condemnation of their conscience.

Especially those who think that their conscience is drastically good, such as…Horus.

Just as Hathor convinced himself, Li Feng, who had finished writing the contract, raised his hands respectfully and motioned to Thoth to check the contents of the contract.

“Wait~” Tot was about to accept the contract, when Hathor stopped with a disgusting tone.

Tot was stunned, and saw that the frowning Hattor snatched the contract and sniffed it on the tip of his nose.

“The breath of the devil… where did this thing come from?” Hathor asked.

Obviously, she, who once occupied a place in the West, recognized the nature of the contract, which made her feel more vigilant about Li Feng’s just released.

“Devil? What do you mean? There is a problem with the contract?” Tot asked with a look of ‘offline’.

“There is a ghost problem,” Li Feng shrugged indifferently: “But the way the contract is written is imitating’Fiend’s Covenant’.”

To be precise, this thing imitates the devil’s contract, and has nothing to do with the devil…Li Feng silently added.

“It’s just ‘just’? It’s so easy to say… hum,”

Hathor saw through the really similar sneers, rubbed the contract, and took an oil lamp from the side to illuminate it. While checking whether the content of the contract was hidden, he confronted the squishy Horus and Ruo. Thoth explained: “Regardless of the way the contract is written or the source of the parchment, there is a breath of top demon…similar to the breath of top demon like Apophis.”

Good eyesight…a ghost…the devil and the devil are indistinctly distinguished by the Western hostess…Li Feng vaguely rolled his eyes, and stood silently waiting for the results of everyone’s inspection.

After a while, Hathor threw the contract back to Li Feng and asked: “Why does the contract only state what Thoth should pay, but it doesn’t indicate how you want to help Horus?”

Madan, this is your salary to help you, not a deal, besides…

Li Feng pointed at Horus and said, “How to help him regain the throne, that’s me and him…”

Before he said the ‘things between’, Li Feng suddenly thought of something, touched his chin and looked at Toth, and said, “Perhaps Meghan can check and fill in the ‘Vengeance Plan’…”

“But the quality of the brain you gave me is too poor to allow me to think intensively,” Todt regretted.

Li Feng waved his hand and said nonchalantly: “Small problems.”

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