Mime private 502

With Shi Stark, Strange, and Li Feng’s firepower on fire, the breath of killing gradually spread to every corner of the lighthouse.

And fear overwhelmed every Cree silently.

It’s not that the Kerry people never thought about counterattack, nor did they never thought about taking hostages, but…the three of them relied on the resurrection technique, and often took the hostages first, and then went all the way to the end.

As long as the corpse is roughly intact, and a few minutes later it is a lively life, they are afraid of a ball.

On the other hand, the Cree, whose brains were all shaken by the trio’s decisive and violent methods, don’t let it go.

As for the survivors who were fortunate enough to witness everything in the corner, all of them were forced to face and their mentality collapsed:

…This is the magician who protects humans in the legend? I’ll hehe…it’s the killing of the Cree while cleaning the humans at the same time. These werewolves are demons in human skin…

More than half an hour later, the feast of killings gradually dissipated, and at the moment in the lighthouse, blue blood mixed with human blood, piled up like a mountain of Cree corpses, can be seen everywhere.

“Uh~ it seems to be killed by accident…”

Standing in a pool of viscous blood, smelling the nauseating smell of blood, Li Feng felt…there was still not enough.

Scratching his head, he urged Soul Gem to search the soul of the Cree.

Whenever he finds a panting Cree, his eyes will shine, and he will teleport happily.

It’s a pity that after the killing, let alone finding a Cree who can breathe, even the Oroni (alien mouse) sucked by Roar was clearly arranged.

From the old ancestor of Oroni to the young grandson of Oroni, the scene of a family of alien mice holding hands and rushing to Huangquan neatly is always shocking. All the survivors who watched bowed their heads and dared not look directly at Li Feng and the other three:

Several grandfathers of the killing god said that if the chickens and dogs are not kept, it is so special that they will not let the mice go, cowhide (broken sound)…

Nothing, Li Feng, who couldn’t find ‘fun’, sang ‘Invincible ~ How Lonely’, and returned to the banquet hall at the same pace that his six relatives did not recognize him.

Since there is nothing to play, then continue to poke the bastard, people, there must be a little hobby to relieve boredom.


Inside the banquet hall.

Stark and Strange sat carelessly around the dining table, gnawing apples slowly and exchanging tips on casting spells.

On the side, Melinda, Mike, Yo-Yo, and Simmons stretched their faces, wiped the assault rifle nervously, and looked at the door with some expectation from time to time.

Judging from the blue blood stained on the faces and corners of the clothes, the killing feast also had their share of credit.

In the corner, Daisy bowed her head like a kid who made a mistake, listening to Phil Coulson’s endless reprimands.

“Well,” Li Feng, who saw Daisy’s aggrieved goal as soon as he entered the door, went straight forward, grabbed Phil Coulson’s collar, lifted it up into the air like a chicken, and stretched the elder’s face:

“Well, you Phil Coulson, you seem to be honest, but in fact it is sloppy….Does it hurt to bully the child? What is it for me to bully my sister-in-law Liang. What kind of ability…”

“…” Phil Coulson was speechless for a while: Your family’s “Sister-in-law Liang” is really special. His hobby is to invade the Internet and hang out. His specialty is to use a gun or a knife to cut people…..

Now, as Daisy’s direct officer, what happened to her free time to teach her subordinates how to do things? Is anyone in the way?

Is it swollen to be taught by the parents halfway through?

How can he still establish prestige in front of his hands in the future? How to mix in the agent circle?

He wants to cut his face.

However, Phil Coulson can’t do much, except for the 18th generation of Li Feng’s ancestors in his heart. In reality, he can’t break the big hands like iron tongs on the collar.

In desperation, Phil Coulson could only blink his eyes and ask Daisy for help: girl, please let your uncle Panasonic do it, I can’t breathe…

“Uncle, stop making trouble, Phil Coulson’s lips are purple…”

After receiving the signal for help, Daisy helped Phil Coulson to make a relief immediately.

Phil Coulson is also her leader anyway, and she will have to mix with others in the future.

I really want to kill the chief tenderly. It is estimated that this is the end of my agent career.

“It’s okay, with me, this guy can’t die,”

Talking about talking and doing things, Daisy’s face still has to be lost.

Li Feng let go and was about to let Phil Coulson roll the ball, when she saw Daisy rubbing the corners of her clothes, crying and saying: “Uncle, I got into trouble…”

Then, Daisy vividly described how the earth was torn apart by her, and how human beings were killed by her and frozen into popsicles in a vacuum environment.

In short, all the black pots were firmly attached to her head with super glue.

At the beginning, Li Feng scratched his head when he heard it.

When he saw a smile flashing past Daisy’s eyes, he suddenly understood something.

The pot of the earth does belong to Daisy, but Daisy tears the cabbage in front of her…No, did she tear the earth?

It was another time and space. Another Daisy did a good job. What’s the matter with the tearful sister in front of her?

Besides, Li Feng didn’t know what kind of person Phil Coulson was, but he also knew that it was definitely not the person who blamed Daisy for something that hadn’t happened yet.

So…don’t look at Phil Coulson scolding Daisy in front of him, and Daisy’s face is full of grievances when she is being trained, but it is full of drama behind her back.

The two deliberately acted for him.

The purpose, let alone, is to let someone repair the earth, resurrect human beings for another Daisy, and complete the one-stop service of atonement.

After thinking through it, Li Feng raised his forehead to look at Phil Coulson and vomited: “No wonder sitting in the Mediterranean Sea at a young age… Hairstyle, it turns out to be too many ghosts… You deserve to be bald.”

“Uh~ the idea was not what I thought,” Phil Coulson touched the top of his head, then peeked at Daisy secretly, what he wanted to express is self-evident.

Li Feng rolled his eyes, rubbed Daisy’s head angrily, and said, “It’s just you…..”

“Hey,” Daisy rubbed her forehead embarrassedly, and she, who was worried about the lighthouse, asked with anticipation, “Uncle, can you help them?”


Li Feng said that he pulled Phil Coulson to the door, and said: “Slashing people, I am a professional player….to comfort and maintain order, that is your strength… Hurry up, organize the survivors to collect the corpses, and wait for me. Help them resurrect after repairing the earth.”

…Can really repair the earth? ! ! I don’t want to miss such a arrogant technique. I don’t want to miss it.

Phil Coulson saw the beauty like a pervert, and couldn’t walk for an instant. He followed Li Feng with a dead skin and lazy face, and said, “How can such a great feat be unrecorded.”

Speaking and patted his chest, he offered himself: “No one may believe it. I have won the Pulitzer Prize (one of the highest awards in the photography industry) and traveled in space. I am definitely the best candidate to shoot a space documentary. ..”

“Let me leave precious image materials for mankind.” Phil Coulson put his hands together and said sincerely.

“Haha,” Li Feng said speechlessly.

Obviously the original intention is to collect magician spelling materials, but the words are so high-sounding, it is really… taught.

But just shoot, he really doesn’t take it seriously. Anyway, there are only a handful of opportunities to see each other in the future, or simply never see again. It’s okay to keep some video records, it’s all evidence that you’ve been to the Marvel world.

On the side, the previous second was still exhausted. Stark heard the start of repairing the earth. The next second, he immediately put on the steel battle suit and said nothing, just winking at Li Feng with full expectation.

Don’t ask, this guy wants to know the scene of using 5 Infinite Gems.

It is probably Poland’s spectacular…

Seeing a guy who looks like a dog is full of interest, what else can Li Feng do besides rolling his eyes and raising his middle finger.

“All right, then a long insight,”

With a big wave of his hand, Li Feng put on shields for Phil Coulson and others, opened the portal to space.

Strange looked at Cassias, who was still thinking about turning over, and then at the portal: This is not taking the Cassias family seriously…..

However, I like… Strange got up slowly and finished casting the spell in the desperate eyes of Cassias.

Immediately, Strange crossed the portal, leaving a pool of human-shaped ashes floating in the wind.

…Will the Kerry trouble the Earth afterwards? Haha, come on, three larger and stronger holy places will be re-established after the earth is restored, and the two Level God Father magicians will be ready to go at any time…


Haohai under the stars.

Li Feng put on the Infinity Gauntlet, activated Time Gem and sat cross-legged.

When he was surrounded by the green light curtain, suddenly his whole body twitched like a goat, and his head swayed to the left and right… the kind of phantom.

Daisy suddenly raised Li Feng’s fate, and she was relieved to confess the illusion of her last words.

“This is… what’s the situation?” Shi Stark blinked thoughtfully, floated to Strange, and curiously said: “How come only the time energy is perceived, but the earth fragments are not moving… Is my perception wrong, or is Austin familiar with the power of Time Gem?”

Strange thought for a while, then shook his head slightly and said with confidence: “I am familiar with Time Gem, and I am also investigating…”

“Reconnaissance? What’s nearby?” Shi Stark didn’t know why.

Considering that’reconnaissance’ is usually linked to war and combat, Shi Stark ordered the drone to be controlled on Friday during the interrogation, and searched the neighborhood in and out.

Strange thought for a while, Transsion Kama Taj, while ordering magicians to prepare for battle, explained: “Based on Austin’s current physique, he will fall into weakness after using 5 Infinite Gems… if At At the moment someone came to snatch Infinite Gems, haha…”

“So he wants to check in advance if there are any invaders after the earth is repaired…. If not, there is nothing to say. Austin is tired, but the mission can be as usual… if there are enemies, It is estimated that the mission to repair the earth will be delayed…”

“What kind of enemies are there?” Phil Coulson, who was shooting with his mobile phone, felt very heartbroken.

I don’t know if it’s the bad birth of the earth, or the name “Earth” is too old, and it is always inexplicably missed.

If possible, he would like to convene the United Nations General Assembly to rename Mother Earth.

Do not seek to be tall, nor to be nice, but only for the peace of the earth.

“The universe is law, the weak eats the strong,” Strange said deeply.

The implication is that being backward is the original sin, and being backward…the vast universe is all enemies.

At the moment, Li Feng suddenly opened his eyes and raised his left hand.

As a majestic energy swept across, the nearby ‘meteorite’ seemed to be pulled by an invisible hand and re-spliced ​​into an earthy yellow planet.

Immediately afterwards, a green energy swept the world, and a large number of resources such as water and fish reappeared out of thin air. The frozen man floating in space gradually thawed and resumed his heartbeat.

After dozens of minutes, Li Feng, with sweat dripping on his face, supported his old waist and tremblingly said: “Nima, who is telling me to play like this, I must slob his face…”

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