Mime private 517

On the Black Pearl.

Sparrow sat alone at the captain’s desk, staring blankly at the keys on the desk in a daze.

This thing was something he got only under the guidance of the compass when he racked his brains to find a way to get rid of David Jones.

At present, I only know that the key is closely related to my life.

In addition, whether to use the key to stab David Jones to death, or to give the key to the other party, Sparrow said it was a headache.

Grabbing the hair like a chicken coop, Sparrow bit a quill pen in the corner of his mouth to think hard, and finally took out the paper and drew on the paper.

…The key’s job is to open the treasure chest, and the box’s job is to take care of the treasure, so…the treasure chest that this key can open contains the treasure that David Jones is interested in? …..

…Theoretically speaking, as long as I open the treasure chest and give the treasure to David Jones, I can do what I like and reap the favor of the other party…

…As long as you become friends with David Jones, can the debt problem be settled? If it doesn’t work, it’s okay to allow a few years of grace…..

Sparrow, who was devoting himself to thinking, didn’t notice at all, and there were no more figures in the room.

“What’s wrong? How do you feel like you are belching, or the kind of stubbornness…”

Hearing a sudden sound behind him, Sparrow’s hair stood upside down in shock, and immediately drew out his rapier to prepare to meet the enemy.

When I saw that the owner of the voice was Li Feng, he suddenly looked like a deflated ball, lay back to the table lazily, picked up the wine bottle weakly, and said nonchalantly:

“It’s you… something to do with me?”

“White Hat Bay has stayed for a long time and feels irritated and boring, so I made a special trip to you to have some fun… uh~ just ask the way…”

Li Feng’s attitude towards Sparrow is not surprising.

The great young man who was made by him is neither human nor ghost.

Just want the other party to treat him like a master?

Think too much, there is still no good thing in real pirates.

That is to say, Sparrow’s muscles are soft, but steel is no more than someone, otherwise…understand the air-dried human-shaped bacon on the bow.

While talking, Li Feng snatched the wine bottle in Sparrow’s hand, raised his head and drank it dry, and then he snorted like aftertaste.

Don’t say, the rum you snatched is delicious, don’t have a taste.

Seeing Sparrow looking at the empty wine bottle with bitter eyes, Li Feng grinned and patted the other side’s shoulder with a serious tone, and said:

“Little Jiejie, it’s not that I’m talking too much. What kind of wine do you drink like this? This stuff is like a fart to you… If you want to feel full, it’s better to stand on the bow and drink the northwest wind, that stuff. Pouring into the belly, the six-pack abdominal muscles swell into a whole body at a speed visible to the naked eye.”

Drinking Nimei’s northwest wind, I just want to drink your blood… Sparrow secretly spit to go to bad luck, and said with a sullen expression: “Say business…Where do you want to go and whose troubles .”

Can’t afford to provoke it, can’t hide? As long as he can send away the plague, Sparrow will not care about which hapless person is targeted by Li Feng.

Is the so-called dead Daoist not dead poor Dao?

May you rest in heaven… Sparrow puts his hands together and silently sends blessings to the ‘unsung hero’.

Li Feng asked straightforwardly: “Where does your old lover Tia Dalma live? I’ll ask him something.”

“Who?!” Sparrow jumped up, almost spraying Li Feng’s face with a mouthful of old blood.

Good guy, Li Feng is hard to say, but Dalma is not soft either.

They are serious witches, the kind who can divination and curse remotely.

I offended her, maybe when I got the box lunch inexplicably, it was unclear or unclear.

Sparrow felt wronged and feared the more he thought about it.

This is a blockage at both ends, and it will fix him to death.

Nothing, for the sake of his life, Sparrow immediately dropped his nose and tears at Li Feng’s feet, and shouted with a clearly exaggerated cry: “I’m going to be a big brother, no… I’m going to be a relative dad. Dalma has offended you, I will apologize to you on her behalf…”

“Huh?” Li Feng was startled, but at the same time a little confused.

What the hell, when did Sparrow have such a good relationship with Dalma?

Listening to this tone, it seems that he is even willing to work like topping the tank.

Isn’t the rumor that the two are just pure and innocent relationship?

It doesn’t look like…

Li Feng took a few steps back with a look of disgust to prevent the other party’s snot and tears from getting on his own clothes, and said: “First of all, I really just asked Dalma to ask a few questions. Do you know the true identity of Dalma?”

Don’t ask for trouble? ….. Sparrow retracted his tears and snot in seconds like his face changed, stood up and said blankly: “What identity?”

Li Feng also took such a live treasure on the stall.

She didn’t even know Dharma’s true identity, so she dared to go to bed with each other.

This courage is fathomless.

“Tia Dalma’s other name is… Calypso,”

Li Feng was about to look at a joke with his arms around him, winking his eyes and said: “If you don’t know who Calypso is, the goddess of the sea in Greek mythology always knows.”

“Haha,” Sparrow looked at Li Feng with an expression of “I believe you a ghost”.

Obviously, he would not accept any myth.

“Is it good to lie to you?” Li Feng shrugged, responding with a pair of “believe it or not” eyes.

Sparrow blinked, tilting his head to look at Li Feng for a long time.

It wasn’t until the confused brain signaled that “Li Feng really didn’t lie”, that he…opened his mouth wide and made unconscious words:

“Abba, Abba, Abba…”

I grinned… Sparrow took a deep breath, eased the splitting nerves, straightened his eyes, and said: “To be honest, I really didn’t see that Dalma was originally the goddess of the ocean…Look at It’s no different from an ordinary witch.”

“A god who has been sealed with divine power, what do you think of her?”

Li Feng scratched his head and asked, “Could it be possible to set off a huge wave even if she breathed out?”

seal? …. For some reason, Sparrow felt that the plot was a little bit bloody, and he was familiar with the thief.

After thinking about it, Sparrow suddenly felt that his life was worth it.

Just kidding, he was the male silver with the goddess of the ocean, so he asked who else had such a cowhide.

When he is too old to paddle, he can publish a book to support himself.

The title of the book is thought up, and it’s called “the years and those things with the goddess of the ocean”.

The name “Captain Jack Sparrow” is bound to spread all over the world, and maybe it can still be named in history.

Just think about it…

Seeing Sparrow grinning in his fantasy, Li Feng couldn’t help but lift his foot and kick him mercilessly, kicking the opponent back to the real world with contempt:

“Look at your promise, is Dalma the goddess of the ocean having a half-cent relationship with you? It’s over if you don’t feel so tired. I want to be so tired, not tired… Honestly, be a promising pirate. Fragrant…”

“Hey,” Spiro Shanshan smiled, pondered for a while, and said confidently: “You are looking for Dalma for the Aquaman Trident.”

On one side are Aquaman’s weapons, on the other side is the sea goddess, and both are characters in Greek mythology. It is not difficult to guess Li Feng’s purpose.


Before Li Feng nodded, Sparrow shook his head and said regretfully: “Unfortunately, Dalma doesn’t know the whereabouts of Aquaman’s trident.”

“Have you asked?”

Li Feng suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Sparrow nodded, and said a little bit embarrassed: “Your curse is uncomfortable. For this reason, I specifically looked for her, but… she said nothing.”

“Then I asked about Aquaman’s Trident again. I wanted to use the news to make a deal with you, but… She said that the ocean is so hot that the ghost knows where the Aquaman’s trident is soaking.”

“Definitely, Dalma is good at divination, so…”

Sparrow paused, picked up a bottle of rum, drank it dry in a courageous posture, and said: “I use my thoughts for a reduction of punishment…”

After speaking, Sparrow stared straight at the empty wine bottle.

It looked like a hungry wolf suffocating mad.

“What do you think,” Li Feng asked slowly.

He was not the one who was cursed, he panicked with a hammer.

Definitely, if Sparrow’s idea is reliable, he doesn’t mind lifting the curse and giving him a normal life.

“Think of a way to narrow the search range,” Sparrow took out the compass, tapped the pointer, and said: “The narrowing of the range means that the divination method has a greater chance of finding it.”

Li Feng probe glanced at the motionless pointer, and curiously asked, “How to zoom out?”

The corners of Sparrow’s mouth curled up slightly, a wicked smile appeared, and he said faintly: “David Jones’ duty is to extradite the undead at sea to the underworld. That is to say, this guy has already crossed every corner of the ocean for Deadman… On the contrary, the waters he hasn’t set foot in are just so little…”

Before Sparrow finished speaking, Li Feng already understood, and suddenly said, “You mean… but wherever David Jones has never been, is it possible to hide the Aquaman trident?”

Good guy, Li Feng is a good guy directly.

After a long quarrel, I still have to bargain with the Flying Dutchman.

Knowing this long ago, he refused Beckett’s egg.

Unfortunately… Li Feng rubbed his bloody chest and said, “The pointer points to David Jones?”

Sparrow nodded.

“Then what are you waiting for, hurry up, set sail, set sail, fish for seafood…”

With that, Li Feng grabbed Sparrow by the collar and kicked open the door violently.


As the door fell apart, the pirates on the deck looked at Li Feng and Sparrow, who was frowning.

The prestige that has finally been erected, you just ignore me and squeeze…

Inwardly, Sparrow turned his head and crossed his brow Vertical eye, and yelled at the bewildered pirates: “What are you looking at? Haven’t we seen our distinguished guests hurrying? Hurry up, put down the mainsail and move forward at full speed. ….”

Pirates, look at me, I look at you: What do you mean? The captain’s head is pumping again? …..

One of the pirates with a white beard smirked at Li Feng, turned his head to look at Sparrow, and asked, “Captain, which way to sail?”

“Uh~” Sparrow looked down at the compass, while his fingers drew a circle in the air, and finally pointed to the west, saying: “Over there…”

“Wait,” Li Feng suddenly perceived something, and grinned: “Boys, set up the grill, we…have a guest…”

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