Mime private 526

How to do? It’s definitely scrambled eggs with cold salad, delicious and beautiful…..

Inwardly, Li Feng waved his hand nonchalantly, signaled Kreacher not to panic, and calmly took out the’time converter’, saying: “Time is like being stripped out to me, just feel like it. Why are you…”

The “time converter” of the world of “Harry Potter”, you can go back to any time period.

The ‘doomsday clock’ of the ‘tick house’ world makes it easy to rewind the earth’s time like playing.

The time boulder fragments in the Marvel world have been verified by Stark personally, and he will also return to that time period if he wants to go back to that time period.

So Infinite Gems was destroyed, and it’s been cool from now on?


The ‘regret medicine’ in his pocket is as much as he wants, panicking.

Li Feng adjusted the ‘time converter’ and was about to press the switch to return to the past to save Infinite Gems. Suddenly, an energy wave composed of the three forces of time, space, and dimension came from the open space beside him.

What the hell? …..

Li Feng’s scared palm ‘Ziz’ sweated coldly, and the sickle almost fell off his hand.

Good guy, a big guy who mobilizes the power of time, space, and dimensions at the same time, who can afford it.

He can’t afford it anyway.

Aside, Kreacher, Britz and other five people also noticed the abnormality.

Kreacher opened his third eye for the first time, and a walker stood in front of Li Feng, as if saying: If you want to hurt my boss, step over Kreacher’s body and say…

Wangcai floated into the air, and ice cones with gleaming metallic luster gathered around him.

Brand is an incarnation of a skeleton man, rising into a sky of flames.

Britz was much simpler, and he took out Gatlin and it was done.

Fenris appeared as a wolf, snarled his teeth towards the energy source, and had a pretentious attitude of biting first.

When everyone was finished, an orange square light door appeared in the clearing as if it was long overdue.

A black man dressed as a suspected hippie in purple clothes walked out of the light with his big white teeth.

The black man glanced at Thanos, then at Li Feng, took out a green apple, and said as he chewed: “Outsiders, how are you…”

What do you mean? ….. Li Feng expressed his inability to move.

On the surface, black people look like ordinary humans everywhere.

But the question is, can ordinary people recognize that he is not a local at a glance

Can ordinary people control time, space, and dimensional energy?

Isn’t this nonsense?

“Are you… that one?” Li Feng asked as he hinted that everyone was ready to run away.

Risks cannot be predicted, running away is the correct survival strategy.

When his mind was hot, he couldn’t do the stupid thing of hard steel to the end.

“I…” Ignoring Li Feng and others, the black man sat on the rocks by the side of the road and said: “Many people have given me names, such as ruler, conqueror, and some call me a legacy or bastard. …”

“Never heard of it,” Li Feng shook his head blankly and gave Britz a look.

Britz understood in seconds, shook his head slightly, signaled that there was no other party’s data in the database, and silently turned on the scanning function to scan for black people.

“Boss, the opponent has flesh and blood, and the combat power is horribly low. The authentic five slags of the war…but the opponent’s watch has a high technology content, and it is definitely not a black technology that the earth can develop…”

When mentioning ‘black technology’, Britz unconsciously increased his tone.

He intended to remind Li Feng that the identity of the other party is unknown, and Xu is an alien disguised as a human being.

Who ever thought that the aggravated sound not only passed into Li Feng’s ears, but also passed into the ears of black people.

The black man grinned slightly, and gave Britz a look of “you don’t know the goods”, and said: “Previously declare that I am 100% a human being on the earth. Secondly…Don’t underestimate the wisdom of the people on the earth…”

The black man shook his watch, pointed at his smart brain, and said, “Definitely, this thing is really super-class at the moment, but in the future, technology will only be unexpected, there is nothing I can’t do…”

future? ….. Thinking back to the energy of time before, plus the expression of “I am proud” when the black mentioned the development of earth technology, Li Feng has nine levels of assurance that the black is a future man, and he is really a purebred earth man.

As for the previous orange square light door, don’t ask, it’s definitely a future technology.

This is interesting, a future NPC ran all the way to the Titans to find him chatting.

What are you asking for?

Seeing his long decay, did he make a special trip to record the “day of declining God”?

The black seemed to see Li Feng’s confusion and stretched out his hand to signal Li Feng and the others to be safe and restless, and then gnawed the green apple in twos or twos and threw away the apple core.

Somehow, Li Feng always feels that the apple core is not simple, but he can’t see where the ‘not easy’ is.

The black man fiddled with the watch, and a pool of black liquid flowed out of the watch, which gathered into a reduced version of human beings, saying: “I am a scientist, living on the earth in the 31st century… One day, I discovered that there is still The existence of multi-universe, at the same time, I also mean this in other parallel universes…”

“Naturally, I have exchanges with’we’, such as sharing knowledge and technology with each other, and learning from each other’s strengths…”

With the introduction of black people, the reduced version of humans began to stage plays to help Li Feng understand what a multi-universe is, and what is a ‘family’ who loves each other and communicates with each other.

When Li Feng watched, he only felt that he was unhappy.

Good guy, how much cowhide the scientists of the 31st century?

Forget it if you are aware of multi-universe, you can actually tear apart the crystal walls of the space, go to each other, chat and drink afternoon tea?

Why don’t you talk to God about 5 cents…

In Li Feng’s defamation, the black man’s expression changed, he sighed and said quietly, “But…not every parallel universe I think is so simple.”

Li Feng expressed his understanding that there are individual differences in parallel universes, which is all too normal.

Take a look at Spider-man, there are so many versions that are messed up, even female versions are available.

There is also Loki. Although Li Feng doesn’t know, they really have a female version and a crocodile version of Loki.

what is this? Narcissism to the extreme, okay.

What’s even more outrageous is that one version of Loki is so in love with the female version of himself.

Therefore, the black buddies found that their own thoughts in the parallel universe were not unified. In Li Feng’s view, the real numbers were sparse and common, and there was no need to make a fuss.

“For me in some parallel universes, the only meaning of the new world is… the new goal of conquering, and this also makes the short-lived peaceful coexistence instantly evolve into a full-scale war…”

The black man was silent for a while, and continued: “Every one of me is fighting for my own universe, and at the same time… racking my brains to destroy other parallel universes…”

“At that time, all parallel universes were almost doomsday…”

Speaking of this, the black man looked up at the starry sky, seeming to be lost in memory, and at the same time, a melancholy of compassion spread all over.

Li Feng scratched his head blankly, wondering: “Well, you told me these fucking eggs?…Do you want me to help kill ‘you’?”

He is familiar with this life.

The murder business is also familiar.

Except for helping to kill people and overstock, he couldn’t think of the purpose of black people coming to the door.

The black man who pulled back to reality from the memory rolled his eyes, and said in a low voice: “Later, I first encountered a creature called Irios, which was condensed from the grief in reality, able to swallow time and space by itself. ”

“I experimented and modified it, and finally drove it to end the multi-universe war…”

“After that, I isolated the timeline, rebuilt it into a’sacred timeline’, and managed its flow, so as to achieve the purpose of peaceful continuation.”

“But….. Accidents are everywhere. Some people will deviate from the set path due to some kind of accident, such as being late for work, etc…. Regardless of the reason, deviating from the path is deviating from the path, which will never cause related events.. .. If it is not dealt with in time, I am afraid that it will cause even greater chaos and even start another multi-universe war.”

“For this purpose, I created the Time Mutation Administration to ensure the normal flow of time while repairing errors, resetting the’accidents’ back to the predetermined path, so as to prevent accidents from branching in time.”

Li Feng understood this time, embracing his arms, and said with great interest: “Because I am not in the route you set, so I came here to kill me? …. Can you beat me? …. ”

“No,” the black man shrugged and said in a shocking voice: “but I can think of you trapped in the loop of time…the kind of infinite loop.”

What’s the matter with you…Li Feng’s mouth is disdainful, and he is about to summon ‘Time’ to educate the black guys how to behave, and suddenly realizes…the time energy is on strike, no matter how to cast the spell, the time energy just ignores him.

As if he had never learned time spells at all.

Li Feng was a little dumbfounded.

Britz noticed something, glanced around, pointed at the apple core, and said, “Boss, there are nanoworms in the air…the source is the apple core.”

Okay, Li Feng now understands that the apple core felt ‘not easy’ for Mao before.

The affection thing is a scam, and he can’t mobilize time and energy.

“You are not afraid that I will die you tenderly,” Li Feng said fiercely, waving his sickle.

The black man took out a green apple from nowhere, and gnawed at the same time, saying: “You can’t kill me… In fact, I have lived millions of times and experienced every possibility… So, I Know what you are thinking and what you are going to do…”

To put it simply, he turned the script through, and he was a master of the drama.

This scene is so familiar to Li Feng.

He is also able to reap huge benefits because he knows the plot.


This matter fell on him, how unhappy he was thinking.

Li Feng thought for a moment, and said: “I just want to get back my Infinite Gems…”

After getting the Infinite Gems back, he will turn around and leave.

There are pits everywhere in this broken universe, and it can’t afford to wave.

The black man smiled slightly and said, “You can leave, but now get your Infinite Gems back… Sorry, it can’t be done, that will disrupt the timeline.”

“Disturb the hair…”

Li Feng was about to make a furious retort. The black man pointed at Thanos and interrupted: “No matter which timeline, he will end up mortal. It seems that you kill or I kill you are fine… In fact, Only if Thor cuts him down is the established path.”

“Do you know why?” The black man asked and replied: “Tor feels guilty. Only by cutting off Thanos’ head can he get a little bit of comfort…. Without this bit of comfort, his temper will be like thunder. He is irritable and irritable, and often cuts people’s heads for fun.”

“Without metamorphosis on the go, how can the right concept be?…So, some things must happen, otherwise the related events will inevitably explode.”

The black man stood up and patted Li Feng on the shoulder, and said earnestly, “It’s not that I don’t help salvage your Infinite Gems, but…it’s too risky…Definitely, I can show you the way, just need some patience. …..”

Li Feng can’t wait to slap the black man’s face: metamorphosis a hair ball…

Teeth itching is itching, with a kind face on the surface, and said: “You said…”

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