Mime private 529


In the suburban Avengers base, a harsh alarm rang up the ceiling.

Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Steve and others who were about to wash their sleep heard the ringtone and rushed to the computer to check the monitoring.

Determine the alarm area, everyone took up their weapons and went straight to Potts’ room.

…Good guy, steal the tower when you steal the tower, so when everyone squats on the tower, they dare to be like this? …. This is not to lose the courage, but to insult the intelligence quotient…..

Full of anger and aggrieved, Thor, who rushed first, opened the door with an axe and shouted, “Thief Sun, eat me… eh???”

what’s the situation? ….. Halfway through, Thor, who held the axe high, felt a bit blocked in his throat, and swallowed the axe back into his stomach abruptly.

In the corner of the room, an alien woman dressed as a non-terrestrial woman, with an indifferent face that everyone owes her hundreds of millions, leisurely trimming her nails.

Thor noticed that the lady seemed to be honest, but her small eyes were a little wandering, and she glanced around from time to time.

The ladies don’t look like good people at first sight, so they are always vigilant…

Tol silently posted a’key observation’ on the forehead of Nebula, and then turned his gaze to a familiar light door.

There, there is a guy who is suspected of being an earthling, who is confessing something to the dwarf creature on the opposite side of the light gate.

He vaguely heard the words ‘handling…spaceship’ and ‘RV…landing in…the suburbs of New York…’ etc.

Is there a spacecraft coming to New York? ……

Ask Natasha Romanoff later…

Putting his doubts aside for a while, Thor turned his gaze to the most conspicuous part of the room.

There, Stark, who is on the list of missing persons, was gnawing at Potts.

It can be seen that the space travel of this guy just left has caused the window period to be too long, and now he has suffered internal injuries and is in urgent need of treatment.


Can the treatment plan be changed? …..

Is a house full of sour dog food swollen and fat? ……

Hiccup~…Tol silently hiccups, thinks for a moment, and asks with his axe: “Kama Taj’s magician, did you rescue Shi Stark?…”

“…” Li Feng rolled his eyes and motioned to Kreacher to close the portal. He said in a huff: “Tor Odinsen….You are the king of Asgard anyway, you just use the portal to draw me. To the Kama Taj camp?…is it really good to be so arbitrary?”

“Eh?” Don’t say if it’s Kama Taj’s magician, Thor noticed that Li Feng didn’t even look at him, and only by his voice, he insisted that he was the king of Asgard.

This unscientific……

Thor Shanshan asked, “We…know?”

“I know you, but you don’t know me… my name is Austin…”

Li Feng took out a USB flash drive from the portable space and said in a fatherly tone: “Your father and I have been friends for many years. This was given to me when he had a premonition of death. Let me find a chance to give it to you… Inside is the Asgard heritage…”

In order to increase the degree of persuasion, Li Feng walked to the computer while talking, inserted the U disk into the interface, and turned to the operating position, indicating Thor to do it himself.

To be honest, Thor initially expressed his disbelief and even suspected that Li Feng was a legendary liar.

I don’t want to think about what his father is.

The handle of the dignified nine worlds, Odin, who breaks Glass in the universe, is good.

Such a big shot has a premonition of death, and the first reaction is definitely to clear the mines in advance and wipe out all bad luck in the cradle.

How could it be possible to arrange the funeral early and wait for the burp?

Moreover, he also gave Asgard’s “Fire of Inheritance” to outsiders for safekeeping.

Isn’t this nonsense?

When he saw familiar text and familiar technology on the screen, Thor felt his face hurt and cried into a two-hundred-jin child in the blink of an eye.

what is this?

Odin is tired and doesn’t want to resist, waiting to be destroyed?

“Bang Dang~”

The tearful Thor dropped the thunder tomahawk, pulled out the USB flash drive with both hands like a pilgrimage, trembling at the corners of his lips, knelt down on one knee to Li Feng, choked and said: “Thank you, thank you…”

“Thanks, no need, who made you Odin’s cub…”

Li Feng tried his best to squeeze a smile, with a look of’I am pleased with my heart,’ he patted Thor on the shoulder, and said earnestly and earnestly: “Child, get up, lead well…Uh, lead the people of Asgard towards prosperity, democracy, and harmony… ..”

“???” Somehow, Thor felt that Li Feng’s pause when he said ‘lead well’ was a bit weird.

It is as if Li Feng blurted out subconsciously that it should have been ‘us’ instead of the thoughtful ‘Asgard people’.

Odin? Austin? Having said that, why are the names of these two people so similar? …..

hiss? ! ! ! Is Austin the illegitimate child of his father, or is it…brother? ? …..

The confused Thor looked at Li Feng with a weird look, trying to find the shadow of Odin in the opponent’s appearance.

Li Feng didn’t know, so he smiled slightly.

It’s because he didn’t know what Thor was thinking, otherwise he would have to laugh.

All he wanted was to get in touch with Thor to make things easier for the future.

Inexplicably, he became a little uncle.

This generation has grown up, so old and cool.

At the moment, Natasha Romanoff came in a hurry holding a small pistol, a donkey rolled into the room, and then…lied on the ground and looked up at everyone foolishly.

“Ah~hh…” Realizing that he had misunderstood something, Natasha Romanoff coughed a few times, got up and asked Thor with his eyes: What’s the situation? …..

Thor shrugged and replied: I don’t know…..

Yes, you shouldn’t ask the guy with the muscles in his head…

Natasha Romanoff rolled his eyes with amorous feelings, and glanced at Nebula and Li Feng.

It was initially judged that Nebula was a high-cold woman and it was not easy to deal with. She took the opportunity of using the computer to disarm the alarm and walked to Li Feng and asked: “Hello, it is you who rescued Mr. Tony·Shi Stark…”

Before Li Feng could speak, someone’s ecstatic voice suddenly came from outside the room.

“Tony? Is Tony back?…”

Before he could say anything, Steve, with a tired face, rushed into the room with his friends.

Steve saw that his eldest nephew was not only uninjured, but still a mental boy. He was very pleased to use his chin to nudge Nu Li Feng and Xingyun, and then looked at Natasha Romanoff.

The intention of the question in the eyes can be noticed by the blind.

On the side, Stark, who wanted to be treated for a period of time, saw the onlookers gather more and more, and Potts had suffocation, shyness and other reactions, so he had to stop the treatment and introduced Xingyun and Li Feng:

“This Blue Sister is Nebula…This is Interstellar Friend is Austin…”

Li Feng guessed that Shi Stark actually had a lot to say, such as being smashed in the face by Thanos with a planet, etc., he took out the small golden mound, and interrupted: “The kind words will be said… Come and do me a favor and exchange this gold for paper money…”

Speaking of money, Shi Stark said that all of them were younger brothers.

Isn’t it the number in the bank…

Buy gold? It’s just pocket money…..

Sprinkle water to pull…..

But when he turned his head and found that the gold to be purchased occupies half of the room, directly measured in tons, he realized that the so-called billionaire could not even count the ball in front of Li Feng.

Good guy, even if Li Feng sells cheaply, an ounce of gold will start at 1500 USD.

And one ton is approximately equal to 35,000 ounces.

In other words, a ton of gold is worth at least 50 million USD.

If it’s only 50 million, that’s fine, Shi Stark pays directly without biting his teeth.

But when the weight of gold is as high as hundreds of tons?

More than 5 billion, but also cash, how many people took it out?

Is it true that billionaires have billions of cash in their pockets?

Don’t make trouble, that is the value of all kinds of assets such as companies and luxury houses.

“Man, it’s too much. You are also my savior, how can I collect your gold…”

Stark resisted the desire to touch the gold, and motioned to Potts to take a credit card and hand it to Li Feng, saying: “Take this one, just swipe it, it’s not enough to ask me…”

Li Feng took the credit card with a smile, and said, “Spend your money to give me a sense of being nurtured…. How about I put gold on the market at a price of 1 ounce of 1,000 USD?”

Are you the devil? ….. Shi Stark’s eyelids jumped wildly.

Hundred tons of gold rushed into the market, or rushed into the American market, how many people would have to cry in the toilet?

In 2020, the United States, the world’s top gold reserves, accounted for about 5,000 tons, 2.5 times more than the second-placed Germany, and 3.3 times more than the third-placed Italy.

So American toilets…well, the picture is so beautiful, I don’t dare to think about it.

“Don’t tell me, although I don’t change it, I can exchange it for you, and it will be collected at the market price…”

For the normal use of the toilet, Shi Stark felt it was time to contact the Federal Reserve.

This is not only the voice of Shi Stark, but also the voice of everyone present except Nebula.

No way, half of the earth’s population has just died, and the economic system has long been shaky, and it cannot withstand the impact of a hundred tons of gold.

“I’m joking, what’s nervous…” Li Feng smiled evilly, cut 1 ton of gold from the small golden mound, and threw the credit card back to Stark, saying: “I want a piece of land… ”

While talking, Li Feng turned on the computer, zoomed in on the map of the suburbs of New York, and pointed to the familiar lakeside and said: “This is it….It doesn’t matter whose name is written on the land. Anyway, I just live temporarily, and I may leave someday…”

Shi Stark glanced at the map, pinched the tip of his nose, and said Shanshan: “This land… how come you look more and more familiar?”

“Because the land belongs to you… and you also built a wooden house by the lake,” Potts replied.

“Oh~” Shi Stark suddenly thought of something, he lowered his eyebrows, and said, “In my planning sheet, I am a retired retreat, um… it feels good to have an alien magician as a neighbor.. ..”

“Yours? That’s easy…” Li Feng waved his hand to open the portal connecting to the lake, hitting Hache and said: “I’m sleepy, I’ll go home and sleep first. I’m telling something…”

As soon as Li Feng left, he spotted the unusual Natasha Romanoff and asked, “Everyone, do you think Mr. Austin knows the earth too much… pure tone, proficient computer operation, and seems to understand the personalities of each of us? ….”

“He knows my father very well,” Thor Weng said angrily, turning to leave the room.

He is not an agent, so he can tell.

It is better to leave it to professionals for analysis.

Moreover, the most important thing at present is to hand over the USB flash drive to the people of the tribe.

“Leave Austin’s details to me, and I will be responsible for the people I bring back…”

Shi Stark was silent for a while, looked at Nebula, and asked, “Do you have anything you want to say?”

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