Zelin looked out the window.

Lightning illuminates the manor soaked in rain water, illuminates the puddles on the ground, and raindrops drip down the window edge, passing the reflection of the demon hunter on the window.

The twilight forest was immersed in the storm.

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-six chapters, the fourth passenger

The heavy rain lasted all night.

Accompanied by the wind in the forest, Zelin was accompanied by crawling, biting and joint rubbing almost all night. He sleeps very lightly, and any sound can wake him up. The draenei prayed for two hours before falling asleep. She thought her voice was very small, but it was very clear in the ears of the demon hunter. He turned his attention to the outside as much as possible. There was a certain creature crawling in the rain. He thought of his own world, the swamp witch who crawled out of the farmer's house at night and stole the child. There are more numbers than witches, lighter movements, and more rigidity. He likes to sleep with the sound of rain, but he feels worse when he thinks of a group of monsters and himself separated by a wall.

Malagan wrote a letter to someone in the night town. Is he doing this for the first time? Or has it been done several times without others noticing it? Who on earth is he in contact with? Is it an ordinary connection or is it related to the Demon Legion? Question after question lingered in the mind of the demon hunter.

McDowell did not know what dreams he was muttering. Zelin turned over, the rain hit the glass. The night watchmen in Yese Town have not patrolled the roads in recent days. They were originally responsible for guarding the streets around Yese Town to protect the safety of travelers and villagers. But now, they are all back in the town. What happened in the town of Nights, so that Commander Altea wanted to call the night watchmen back to the town? Zelin hated the word change, which meant changes beyond his grasp, and no one knew whether it was going for the better or getting worse.

In the middle of the night, Tobias walked to the fireplace with an oil lamp and a cane. Only smoldering charcoal remained in the fireplace. He took out the branches of the hay and put them in the fireplace. Warmth gradually replaced the cold that penetrated in the corners of the walls. The old gentleman raised the oil lamp and looked at the three guests. His eyes swept across McDowell and Oleja, and finally stopped on Zelin.

The demon hunter closed his eyes, he could almost feel the gaze from his back, and the fingers wearing the ring were slightly curled. He can draw the rune of the Kunen's Seal in an instant. Maybe the shield is strong enough, maybe not enough, but as long as he has time to draw out the sword hidden under the pillow.

The dim light shone on Tobias' angular face. After a while, he turned and left, extinguishing the oil lamp.

The next day, when Zelin opened his eyes again, he looked at the dark room, and after a while, he came back to his senses and realized that there was no day in the night town. Someone lights up the oil lamp in the living room of the villa. Residents in Yese Town prefer to use oil lamps instead of candles, because the latter tend to be extinguished in wind and rain.

Zelin sat up, covering his forehead with his hands.

"Zelin, are you awake?"

"What time is it now?" The demon hunter rubbed the corners of his eyes and put on his boots.

The rain outside stopped, and water droplets slid down the glass, leaving strange lines.

"Nine o'clock the next morning." McDowell looked much better. He was holding a piece of bread and using a spoon to scoop the hot soup in another bowl. "Blessed by the Holy Light, the torrential rain stopped so quickly. Thank you Mr. Tobias, who prepared a delicious breakfast for us."

Zelin raised his eyes, and he heard other meanings in the words.

"Where is Tobias?"

"Mr. said he was going to the road outside to check if there were any travelers, and wipe off the mud from the road signs, lest any travelers accidentally walk into the twilight forest." Oleja poked the blood sausage in the plate with a fork. , And there is a crispy spider leg on it. "This is really a good gentleman. May the Holy Light bless him with good health."

Zelin pulled out the ebony blade hidden under the pillow, passed the lace on the scabbard through the shoulder and side ribs, and finally tied it together on the chest.

"It sounds like the job a night watchman would do."

"Yes. However, some werewolves do too."

"Werewolves? I know werewolves, but aren't there many wild werewolves in this forest who have lost their minds?"

He sat down at the table, did not move the food on the plate in front of him, but asked McDowell.

"It is said to be west of the Twilight Forest. There was a cemetery there. Later, some werewolves and night elf druids from Gilneas established settlements there, trying to clear the curse of the Twilight Forest." McDowell shrugged. "They obviously did not succeed, but I heard that they succeeded in bringing some werewolves back to their senses."

"Can they restore the werewolves to their sanity?"

Zelin was curious. "How? Potion? Ritual? Magic? Or some kind of god."

In the world of demon hunters, there are many legends about the ways in which werewolves can be restored to humans. The woman who loves werewolves the most loved the werewolf woven into a shirt with celery and put it on the werewolf on the night of the full moon, and then asked him to drink the spirits mixed with five drops of virgin tears before transforming. But it turns out that these folk remedies didn’t work. Last year in Vizima, Captain Vincent’s wife knitted him a celery shirt, only to make Vincent look like a layer of leaves on his body. . Serious magicians firmly believe that the only way to get along with a werewolf is to determine its transformation time, and then chain it in a cave away from the crowd during this period of time, and wait until the transformation is over before unlocking it. .

If there is a way in this world to restore sanity to the cursed werewolf. Zelin didn't know if this would work for the werewolves in his world, but it was worth a try.

"I don't understand, maybe it has something to do with the night elves. When the Banshee King released the undead plague in Gilneas, the night elves rescued them and helped the werewolves control the wildness in the body. Are you interested in this?"

"Yes. But, just pure curiosity."

"This is a ritual for the night elf druids." A low voice came from the door, and Tobias put on a trench coat, opened the door and walked into the manor house. "The moon ritual is related to their druid artifact called the Moon God Scythe. If you want to learn about werewolves, you have to find a druid who is willing to tell you about it." After passing the living room, he changed into a gentle look again. "I guess, breakfast is to your taste."

"Yes, thank you for your hospitality, sir."

Allegar and McDowell expressed their gratitude to Tobias.

"Maybe you can take me a ride." Tobias took off his top hat. "I'm going to night town, but just after a rain, I suspect that leaning on two legs will waste more time than ever. Maybe there are free seats in your carriage?"

Allegar and McDowell looked at each other, then looked at Zelin.

"Of course there is no problem," said the demon hunter. "If there is no problem, let us go as soon as possible."

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven chapters of the night in the town

The muddy forest path was full of water, and the carriage swayed back and forth on the bumpy cobblestone path.

"The first time I came to Nightshine was after the Gilneas War."

Tobias was sitting in the trunk next to McDowell. "At that time, the war had just ended, and I received a letter from my brother. My brother, Stavin Mistmanto, lived in the town of Nights after the Second World War. As a result, when I came back, I found out that my brother was early He was already dead. He was cursed and turned into an undead. In the end, I could only choose to kill him and let him be completely free. Then, I stayed in Nightlight Town and took care of the family manor again. The curse of this land is more than any People expect it to be deep. There are almost no crops to grow. There are mutant creatures everywhere. The number of undead creatures under the tomb may be more than the living people in the forest."

"So, in your manor last night?" Zelin turned his head. The car blocked his vision, and he could only see the back necks of the two people sitting behind through the glass window. "I heard something moving in the farmland."

"Yes, the resurrected ghoul."


Oleg's eyes widened suddenly, as if choked by a mouthful of water. "Ghouls? Last night? It was in the manor? Holy Light, we didn't purify them!"

"Oh, is that really a ghoul?" McDowell was rather calm. "I did feel some breath of the undead last night, but compared with the undead in Northrend, they are scarce and very fragile. None of you responded. I thought you were used to it."

"Yes, pastor, we are used to it." Tobias' voice couldn't tell whether it was a low smile or a cough. According to him, Tobias has been fighting under the Lord of Gilneas, Darius Crowley, and has experienced at least three wars, the Gilneas Civil War, the battle against the wild werewolves, and the Forsaken. Invasion. His throat was wounded during the battle with the wild werewolf, and he also had several wounds on his body. When he was fighting with the Forsaken, he hit an arrow in the leg near Shadowfang Castle. Later, a druid helped him get rid of toxins, but he could no longer be as flexible as he used to be.

So, when Darius Crowley and Sylvanas Windrunner signed the armistice under the Wall of Greymane, he left Gilneas and joined the first group of werewolves who came to the Twilight Forest. , Arrived in Yese Town.

"How can you endure undead creatures wandering in the homeland?" Oregaard asked unclearly.

"They only get up at night, and there are no crops in my farmland, and I wrote a warning sign at the junction of the three forks, telling them not to go there at night. At least they will not actively attack the house. There are ghouls in the house. , I don’t need to worry about the wild werewolves and mutant monsters rushing into the manor after sleeping. More importantly, how many evil creatures do you think there are in this land?" Tobias asked rhetorically. "Night watchmen often hire adventurers to clean up the monsters in the wild. You can see the spider legs and wolf skins brought back by the adventurers at the Blood Raven Inn, but the monsters in the forest continue to flow, and the resurrected corpses in the cemetery fill the entire hillside. You kill a group of monsters, and soon a new group of monsters will join the previous ranks."

"Does it just do nothing?"

"The real solution is to find the source of all this." Tobias shook his head. "Before this, the best result is to keep the situation in a controllable and stable situation. If you want to understand the troubles of the night town, you can talk to Altea, or the battle master Calvin in the town, he is hunting. Monster experts have been teaching people how to face monsters, and selected young men who know how to fight among the townsfolk to join his hunting team."

Along the way, Zelin looked at the rewards given by the Wrynn family, and at the same time asked Tobias to find out how many abnormal incidents or seemingly strange signs were still in the town of Nights. The reward is a pair of bracers that allow the wearer to feel extra power. It just so happens that the demon hunter does not have a wristband. The way he used to protect his forearm was the hard leather extended from the long leather gloves and the iron sheet inlaid under the hard leather. So he put the wristband on this layer of leather, which can provide a better protection.

Very strange things have always happened in the Twilight Forest, and the resurrection of the dead and monster mutations are just the two most common. However, Tobias mentioned that he had witnessed a black knight riding a ghost horse near the manor some time ago. He told the patrolling night watchman about it, but the night watchman never brought back any feedback.

The carriage drove slowly through a bend, and not far away, several buildings that had been washed into a dark white by rain appeared in the dense forest. At the end of the road, rock-stacked stone pillars mark the entrance of Yese Town. Between the stone pillars, curved metal lines outline the vault, and the name of Yese Town is spelled out with dark black iron on the vault. A townsman with an oil lamp stood in front of the arch and noticed the carriage that was approaching. He raised his hand and motioned to the demon hunter to stop.

The townsfolk wore a black sweater coat and a pair of black rain boots under the dark brown leather pants. He was holding a lamp in one hand and a sword in the other. Under the windbreaker was a chain mail covering his whole body. On his solemn cheeks, a pair of vigilant eyes examined the carriage that appeared in front of him. Zelin took the reins and stopped the carriage five meters away from the guard.

"Who are you?" The night watchman raised his head and looked at the people sitting in the carriage. "Where are you from? What are you going to do?"

Oleg and McDowell told the night watchman their purpose and origin. Tobias knew the guard, and his name was Bacchus. Tobias asked the other party about the recent situation in the night town, and the latter was obviously reluctant to say anything, or that there was nothing to say. Everything is normal, monster attacks, mutant beasts, adventurers who come for a chance to make money, and supply merchants from Crow Ridge. Commander Altea lost his temper because a night watchman did not follow the order, and Sarah could not dissuade her from her anger. Master Carroll killed a huge mutant spider whose corpse was on display in the square in front of the town council.

Taking advantage of the small talk, Zelin's gaze crossed the shoulders of the night watchman and looked at the town behind him.

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