An agent dressed in black walked into the office and saluted Shaw.


"Take this letter to the king's messenger who is waiting in the basement. This is a letter from His Majesty the King to Yese Town, so he must deliver it as quickly as possible and safely."

A trace of doubt flashed across Hosier's face. He didn't understand why the king's messenger would stay in the basement of MI7, but the order was the order. As an agent, what he had to do was to execute the superior's order perfectly, not to question it. There are too many secrets involved in an intelligence organization, and not everyone understands the meaning of the superior order, because they have not yet reached the secret that allows them to understand the order. This is something that every agent must learn when they join.

Hosier took the letter, turned and walked out of the office, towards the stairs leading to the basement. Shaw also stood up, his gaze swept across the reports on the table. The demon invasion made intelligence from all over the world fly in like snowflakes, and he could receive dozens of secret reports from all over the world every day. Including demonic movements, reports of suspected demon spies, people witnessing the Acherus Fortress in the Plaguelands flying to Northrend, and the Silver Crusade recruiting soldiers on a large scale in the territory of the Alliance and the Horde, except for humans and dwarves, Many tauren sunwalkers and blood elf blood knights also joined them. Among them, the most numerous are reports of witnesses suspected of being traces of demons, and some spies found traces of fel pollution on the Deadwind Path.

Shaw reached out his hand, gathered all the reports together, and finally picked out two reports and stuffed them into his arms. One report was about witnessing a blood elf warlock of the tribe summoning demons in the Swamp of Sorrows, and another report was that passengers heard strange noises in the mine tunnel.

When Shaw walked out of the office and came to the lobby on the first floor, the agents in the lobby saluted him.

Everyone knows that the Shaw family controls all the intelligence sources of the alliance. Matthias’ grandmother Pasonia Shaw established the Stormwind Assassins before the opening of the Dark Portal, as the King of Lane at the time. Investigate information and protect Varian, who was still a prince, to escape from the city when Stormwind first fell. Later, Varian became king. After rebuilding Stormwind City, Pasonia reorganized the Stormwind Assassins into MI7, and gave the command to her grandson, allowing Matthias Shore to continue to serve as Wrynn. Family service. I am afraid that only the legendary Duke of Ravenhawk knows how many spies and agents the Shaw family has in the world.

"Frank, I'm going to meet with His Majesty the King in Stormwind Fortress and report to him the most important information of the past two days." Shaw looked at an agent who was watching at the door. "If any important information arrives, put it on my desk immediately. Before I come back, no one is allowed to view it, or make any decision without authorization, understand?"

"Yes, sir." The black agent straightened his chest. "Every piece of information will first be submitted to you for review."

"Very good." After saying that, Shaw looked around, and the others who looked at him bowed their heads before they met his gazes, refocusing their attention on the work at hand. "The invasion of the devil is imminent. I hope you understand the current secrecy regulations. Anyone can become a traitor to the Burning Legion. Stay vigilant, for the honor of the king."

Suddenly, an agent hurried over.

"Master Shaw, here is an information from the Wild West."

"What's the matter?" Shore asked, taking the letter at the same time. "Don't panic, tension will make your work flawed, ignore the details so that..."

The next moment, Shaw's words stopped.

The hall suddenly became quiet, and several agents exchanged glances, and they all saw curiosity in each other's eyes.

In the report, there is only a simple line of small print.

A woman suspected of Amber Gilney appeared on the east coast of the Westfall.

Shaw was silent for a few seconds, then folded the letter and put it in his pocket.

"Nothing important," he said loudly. "There are adventurers in the Westfall who have found some demon alone, and continue your work. I will report this to His Majesty the King."

Chapter 206 The War Conference

Shaw strode into the sloping stairs of Stormwind Fortress, and a thick red carpet spread from the front of the king's throne to the entrance of the fortress. There are two heavily armed guards on both sides every five steps. They guard the corridor leading to the Throne Hall like statues. If any intruder wants to attack Stormwind Fortress, they will be the last barrier in front of the king. . This is the palace and the fortress, although the number of guards in the palace may not be many, because the king they want to protect is more proficient in combat than every soldier present.

These soldiers knew Shaw. In fact, many people knew Shaw and knew what he did. For an intelligence officer, this is like drawing a circle on his forehead and attaching the word target. But in fact, Shaw always seems to be able to do everything behind the scenes when it is hard for others to notice.

Most of the time.

At the end of the corridor is the round throne room. The sun shines through the vault above and spreads on the lion throne at the deepest point. The throne was empty, and more than a dozen guards around were still doing their duty. This is not surprising. Since the invasion of the devil, it is difficult for anyone to see King Varian in the Throne Hall. He spends most of his time in the map room of the fortress with his advisers, and his most trusted advisers and The officers discussed war strategies, or negotiated cooperation with leaders of other races in the alliance.

Shaw walked straight into the map room. Varian Wrynn held the edge of the sand table with both hands. A topographic map of the Broken Isles was constructed on the sand table. Several consultants were based on the form of the Broken Isles reported by Shaw. Flags of different demonic forces and numbers are inserted in various directions. Opposite the sand table, Gene Greymane stretched out his finger and pointed at the edge.

"Your Majesty, look here. According to my idea, we must not send our army to the Broken Isles at once. The firepower of the devil is far beyond ours. I have discussed with the artisan before. It can be carried on a battleship to bombard the shore, but it is not as powerful or accurate as the demon’s fel artillery. The beach is wide and only forty meters deep. There is a raised hillside in front, and too many soldiers are piled up on the beach. It will only make us live targets. So, we'd better log in in batches."

"So, Genn, what are your specific plans?"

"According to Shaw’s intelligence, the main demon’s defensive force is in the south, which is the most spacious place. Let the most elite silver crusade land from the spacious right side of the beach, while the elite troops of the Alliance and the Horde are in The beach on the left opened the breach. Finally, the follow-up support troops, the adventurers, the Cenarion Circle, and the magicians of Dalaran, attacked from the beach just south, and defeated the demon through pincers in different directions. Finally, all the soldiers Gather on this high slope." Gene's finger pressed a raised mountain top. "This high **** can directly overlook the canyon where the Demon Portal is located...Shore?"

Suddenly, Gene noticed Shaw standing at the door.

Varian turned around following Genn's gaze.

"Shore, do you have anything to report?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Shaw stepped forward and took out a prepared information book. "My agents report that the Horde seems to be unable to control their warlocks. There are Horde warlocks summoning demons in Stonenard. I suggest strengthening the defenses of Swamp of Sorrows. Otherwise, I don't want to see demons invade Swamp of Sorrows. As a result, Stone Nader was unscathed, but we lost our contact post with Honor Hold."

"I believe Vol'jin understands what the most important thing is at this time." Varian took the report, looked at it a few times, and handed it to Gene. "We can't risk distributing our forces before the war begins. When I go to Dalaran and meet Vol'jin tomorrow, I will ask him in person."

"Maybe Vol'jin won't. But the tribe's actions in the Eastern Kingdom are more in charge of the Banshee King." Genn folded the report, and a trace of hatred flashed in his slightly narrowed eyes. Jean's son died in the hands of Sylvanas, and his country was shattered by the invasion of the Banshee King. "Nothing she does will surprise me."

"The Burning Legion won't care about the hatred between us and the tribe, Gene." Varian didn't say much on this topic. He couldn't persuade an elderly bereaved father to let go of the hatred. He could only hope that the hatred would not blind him. Gracious judgment. "Is there anything else, Shore?"

"In the Westfall, someone discovered another espionage method by the Burning Legion." Shore took out a second report. "The devil will pretend to be a missing person, perhaps a local resident, a soldier who went missing during the previous Legion’s invasion, or even my agent. In the Broken Isles, I saw Amber Gilney retreat in order to cover me, and died. In the hands of the devil. As a result, just last night, someone saw a human woman who claimed to be Amber Gilney appeared near the lighthouse in the Westfall, asking the locals about the alliance. I can’t tolerate the devil’s insulting by such inferior means A sacrificed agent, so I hope your majesty will order and authorize me to investigate this matter."

"Maybe she escaped from the devil?" Gene's voice was full of vigilance and suspicion. "I remember her, that sniper? She did great things in Pandaria and Draenor, and was once under Admiral Tyler? Since she can survive in Draenor, maybe the demon of the Broken Isles will be difficult. To her."

"If I didn't go to the Broken Isles, I would be very happy that my best agent survived, but I witnessed the devil cut off her head, even if the figure seen by the witness is indeed Anbo, then she must be controlled by the devil. The walking dead. The most important thing is that I am worried that the devil will infiltrate the Alliance in this way." Shaw looked serious. "Your Majesty, I suggest you order that when any missing persons appear again, the local garrison should immediately arrest them and send them to the nearest church for inspection."

"Just do what you said, Shaw, but don't cause too much panic, we have enough trouble."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will get to the bottom of the investigation of Anbo's affairs."

"Shore, when I leave Stormwind for Dalaran, Anduin will stay. To help him deal with some things, he is inexperienced. When he encounters difficult things, you can give him some more suggestions. "Varian withdrew his gaze from the sand table. "Since the Broken Beach Demon is weak, it is time for us to completely end the Legion."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Shaw bowed again. "Please allow me to leave."

Varian waved his hand, and Shaw stepped back and walked out of the map room. Several consultants seemed to want to say something to Shaw, but the latter did not stop and walked straight out of Stormwind Fortress.

There are more important plans to do, and he has got the order he wants.

Chapter 207 Amber Gilney

On the beach of the Western Wilderness, a human female clutched her abdomen and staggered up a high slope, leaving a long scratch behind her.

She is wearing a deep black tight leather jacket, and she outlines an exquisite figure. Anyone who knows about clothes or leather can tell that the leather used to make clothes is Kalimdor’s Kodo hide. This material is rare in the Eastern Kingdoms. Only the Blackrock Orcs retreated from the Burning Plains. Later, the Alliance seized a batch of Kodo beasts with consignments from their stalls. This hard leather can withstand many attacks and has a good warmth retention effect. But now, this expensive leather coat looked dilapidated, full of scratches and cracks left by swords, exposing the scarred skin underneath.

Amber Gilney never expected to return to the Westfall in this way.

After becoming an agent of MI7, her first mission was to go to the Westfall to investigate the people behind the dissemination of flyers against Stormwind among bankrupt farmers and homeless wanderers. Later, because of her good performance, when Pandaria was just discovered, she was transferred to the Jade Forest and cooperated with Admiral Taylor to fight against the tribe's Nazgrim. She had never thought that she would return to the Westfall in such embarrassment.

Lying on the beach, she slowly adjusted her breathing. A light green eye mask covered the blind right eye, and the left eye, which was intact, was bloodshot. The black hair was tied into a ponytail behind the head, and the hair on the forehead was wet and stuck to the cheek. She hadn't rested for several days, whether it was the devil who walked in the shadows or the waves of the endless sea, her nerves were strained to the limit. But she will not be defeated so easily. She is the best agent of MI7, a well-trained sniper. She always remembers what her mission and responsibilities are.

They were wiped out.

The poisonous sun in the sky burned An Bo dressed in black. She took a deep breath and forced the sore muscles all over her body to tighten again. Sitting up, throwing away the crab lying on his shoulders, Anbo staggered to his feet, and recalled the terrain of the West Wilderness in his mind.

Matthias Shore has always opposed the plan to send troops to the Broken Beach. To be more precise, he opposed the idea of ​​a direct beheading plan against Gul'dan. This is well known in MI7, and Shaw has a more gentle plan: first march to the archipelago area around Broken Beach, gradually clear the outer strength of the demon army, establish outposts and bases, and then teleport to the demon. The broken beach where the door is located is surrounded, and Gul'dan who summons the demon to reward the descending is finally eliminated.

But the fear caused by the devil made many people oppose this plan. The demons that have destroyed countless worlds descend on him, which is enough to overwhelm the sanity of many people. Few people can keep their heads sober when the end of the world is about to come, especially the demons came once more than 20 years ago. , The disaster of that year is still fresh in many people's memories. They petitioned to gather the world's most powerful warriors to directly attack the Broken Beach, cut off the portal and block the demons from the world before more demons descend along the portal.

So Shaw decided to lead the best agents to the Broken Beach to investigate the strength of the local demon army. If the power of the local demons is indeed as weak as the rumors say, then it is a good opportunity to launch a surprise attack. But if the devil's strength is strong, then consider the long-term plan. At the same time, Shaw is also sending people to investigate where the rumors of the weakening of the Broken Beach Demon Army began to appear.

They failed.

Broken Beach is a trap!

The number of demons there exceeds everyone's imagination, and all kinds of powerful demons have filled almost every corner of Broken Beach! Once the soldiers of the Alliance, the Horde, and the Silver Crusade attack the Broken Beach, they will head into the trap that the demon has already set!

Many agents were sacrificed under the attack of the devil, and Anbo might never forget that when they were about to evacuate, a powerful dreadlord descended from the sky. Shaw tried his best to cover her evacuation, but he was captured by the demon. Anbo doesn't know where Shaw is now, but she knows that she must pass the news out.

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