All around was the crackling and burning sound of dead wood.

The demon hunter ran up the steps in two steps, kicking open the door panel in front of him. The door panel on the left flew directly in and hit the propaganda platform inside. I don't know how long the propaganda platform fell backwards, falling to the ground and turning into a pile of fragments, pressed underneath by the door panel.


Still no response.

The demon hunter tightened his mouth, the white marble floor was stained with other colors, a touch of light blue blood splashed on the wall on the right, more red blood, a large pool of blood in front of the platform It became a pool of water, and there were blood-red footprints everywhere. Ze Lin took a deep breath, and thick pungent smoke lingered around the chapel, drifting in along the holes in the glass. He knew when to calm down. The eyes of the demon hunter carefully observed the situation in the chapel, and then walked to the entrance of the chapel to observe the traces in the cemetery outside.

Soon, he imagined what happened in his mind.

Two black knights appeared in the cemetery.

The demon hunter knelt down and stroked the horseshoe prints in the soil with his fingers. There are traces of burning around the hoof prints. This is not an ordinary horse.

Then the black knight attacked the chapel, the people in the chapel quickly closed the door, and the black knight hacked the door with a weapon.

Zelin looked at the sword marks on the door panel, the marks were deep, and the power of the black knight was far beyond ordinary people.

The door panel resisted for a while, but was chopped by an epee. Aurega resisted at the door, but she was hit by a sword, and blood splashed on the wall. She must have been badly injured, and Zelin felt worried and fortunate that he didn't see the draenei's body here. As long as there is no body, it is possible to be alive. He promised Tamra to send Olega to Nightlight Town safely, but he was absolutely unwilling to go back and tell Tamra that Olega had just arrived in Nightlight Town and died in the hands of the black knight.

Standing in the chapel, the demon hunter looked around. There was blood everywhere. Revere and McDowell fought with the black knight, were forced into a dead end, and finally wounded in the corner next to the preaching platform. There were traces of smoke bomb explosions on the ground nearby, and some people used smoke bombs. Maybe they escaped with the help of smoke?

Suddenly, under the wooden fragments of the preaching platform, an unusual color attracted the attention of the demon hunter. He walked quickly, removed the broken planks, and took out what was buried underneath.

A holy deed came into view.

Zellin knew the book, and Revere always took it with him.

Is he hiding the deed in the preaching platform?

Zelin quickly opened the book, and the pages of the book recording church stories and sacred hymns flashed before his eyes. Finally, he noticed a piece of paper sandwiched between the pages of the book. He took out the slip of paper. The handwriting on the slip was scribbled. The person writing must be very nervous at the time.

Only one line: The Black Knight is from Karazhan.


Looking back and forth to make sure there was nothing left behind, Zelin frowned. The black knight is from Karazhan, and he has heard of what happened in Karazhan during the past few days living in Yese Town. That was once the magic tower of Azeroth's most powerful spellcaster. Later, the mage was cursed by the devil, turning the tower and the nearby canyons and woodlands into a cursed place.

This may be a clue left by Revere. Did the Black Knight capture them to Karazhan? Or, the black knight is from Karazhan, who is in this place called Karazhan ordering and controlling the black knight to launch an attack? Or, do they hope Zelin will find them near Karazhan? He remembers that Dalaran is now above Karazhan, and below it is a small town built around the Karazhan Tower. Although it has long been abandoned, with the emergence of Dalaran, some residents have gradually appeared in the abandoned town, most of them Is a magician and researcher. What trouble did they have, so did they leave the chapel for Karazhan?

Suddenly, in the corner of the demon hunter's eyes, the firelight reflected the chill of the sword.

He stood up and walked to the entrance of the chapel. Amidst the flames and smoke, the resurrected skeletons staggered and approached the chapel step by step.

Zelin took a sip and drank a bottle of Hekna's decoction. He closed his eyes tightly, and the emerald green veins spread up his neck like vines, and finally reached the cheeks and disappeared. He opened his eyes, and the slender beast pupils glowed with golden light.

"...You have come to pick the wrong place!"

Chapter 2016 The Nightmare Comes

The Blood Raven Inn rarely has a quiet time, just as the sky outside the inn has never cleared.

With the help of the waiter, the drunk customer walked to the guest room on the second floor.

"Be careful, please go this way."

There are no candles lit in the corridor on the second floor. In order to create a restful atmosphere as much as possible, the hotel owner is full of candles in the lobby on the first floor. The lights are bright, but the second floor is extremely dark. Only an oil lamp provides a little light at the stairway to prevent anyone from being there. Fell on the steps. Perhaps this is the only place in Yese Town where you can experience the alternation of day and night. The customer was escorted to the door of a guest room, and the waiter knocked on the door.

"Madam, your husband is drunk, please open the door."

The waiter is as patient and smiling as possible, while staying away from the customer a little bit, so as not to throw up all on himself when the other person vomits. As an employee who has served in the Blood Crow Hotel for many years, he is familiar with dealing with such drunk passengers. In other words, only he can deal with it here. No wife would want to see a woman take her husband back to the room. Even if the distance from the drinking place to the room is less than 30 steps, counting the stairs. So as a male waiter, this matter fell on him.

After a few seconds, no one opened the door, and he knocked again.

"Are you already asleep, ma'am? If you are not asleep, please open the door, your husband needs a rest."


The door suddenly opened.

"Madam, your husband drank too much...erh."

A **** smell permeated.

It was not a customer who opened the door, but a man in black with his face covered. The tights outline the female figure, and the blood-soaked part is tightly attached to the body. The waiter subconsciously wanted to issue a warning, and wanted to warn customers, maids, and guards who were only one floor away from him. Some kind of viscous liquid blocked his throat, and the waiter exploded with severe pain. The man in black moved quickly, and he could hardly see what the other party did. His vision gradually blurred, he saw the customer who had lost his supporter sitting on the ground, the customer mumbled, struggling to get up. Alcohol numbs his nerves, making his attempts seem like a clown in a circus. He fell to the ground again, and the man in black walked over, waved his hand, blood splashed on the oil lamp, the light suddenly dimmed, and the customer fell backward with a dagger stuck in his neck.

There was a faint rubbing sound.

Two bodies were dragged into the room.

There are two beds in the guest room. The sheets of one bed were stained crimson with blood. The body of a woman fell on top with her head facing out and her eyes wide open. More blood flowed down the slit throat. Flow into the iron basin next to the bed. The man in black dragged the other corpse to the second bed and drew out the dagger.

"The blood of the innocent."

Harold was sitting by the door, his fat body seemed to sink into a wooden chair. "This woman doesn't have enough blood. To bleed another person, she must fill the entire basin to depict a strong enough summoning circle. Cut off that man's head, and the head of the innocent, and die in ignorance. His soul, he will become the best spellcasting material. Altea, hurry up and work. After the summoning ceremony is completed, you have to give a speech in the town council. This is the last step."

He tightly held the emerald green diamond crystal in his hand, and the shimmer of the crystal illuminated the lower half of Harold's face. He didn't realize that he was showing a dangerous smile.

The night watchman used to fight for the town of Nightlight. Harold lowered his eyes and looked at the spar in his hand. Under the light green gleam, a deep black wandered in it, like a small fish imprisoned in a glass. Putting its ears on the crystal, it seemed that the wailing and screaming of the soul in the crystal could be heard. Altea numbly handled the other two corpses with a scimitar. On the guest room floor, a circle drawn with blood occupies most of the space. Inside the circle, one after another weird symbols and patterns are depicted, and the patterns are layered and distributed. With the looming violet light.

The night watchmen have been fighting for the night town in the past, and they will continue to wield their weapons for the night town in the future, not for the corrupt and stupid nobles in Stormwind. Those advisers who only consider how to please the king every day are not qualified to do it. The night watchman gesticulates. He will not tolerate anyone who tries to betray the nightlight town, those who live in the nightlight town and want to retreat when the town encounters the pressure of Stormwind, but want to please the king. Yese Town raised them, and when the king tried to destroy the town, they actually chose to stand on the side of the king. Traitors are not worthy to live in the world!

The night watchman must first eliminate all the traitors in the town who have taken refuge in the king, as well as those who are unwilling to stand on the side of the night town. People who do not support freedom should not live at all.

Then, how could the decadent nobles of Stormwind imagine that they would suddenly launch an army from such a close place and attack Stormwind City? According to reliable information, Varian and Gene Greymane have set off for Dalaran. There is only Prince Anduin in the city, and they are not fighting alone.

Harold walked to the window, and only the rubbing of serrated daggers remained in the room. Outside the window, night watchmen gathered in twos and threes and walked to the abandoned farm outside the town. They talked with each other, with a little doubt on their faces, they didn't understand why they suddenly got the summoning order at this time. But the commander personally called, they must go to report. Harold didn't understand why so many people stood on the side of Stormwind, but it didn't matter anymore. After the magic ritual was completed, the people here would realize how stupid their previous thoughts were!

Those who are willing to provide protection deserve allegiance. If the king wants to kill them, then he will realize how serious a mistake he has committed. Any of the humblest farmers should stand up against the king who wants to **** away the last coin in their home and push them to death on the battlefield, just to protect the throne.

Many people don't understand this.

He wants to make these people smart, and he can't let the townsfolk continue to be deceived by the king's lies. This magic ritual can help them become more rational. The demon army is not here to destroy them, but to destroy the shackles on them. There is no need to die in order to protect the king's throne, the king is not worth it.

The flames burned only evil.

A skeleton waved a weapon, trying to chop the black shadow in front of him, but the blade only pierced the air, and then hit its waist with a strong force, breaking the gray bones to the ground. The other skeleton attacked from behind. The blade slashed on the other black blade. It withdrew its weapon and prepared to launch a new attack. But at this moment, it lost the right hand holding the weapon. Zelin swung the sword backhand and the skeleton He turned his head in mid-air for a few times, fell to the ground, and was stepped into the slime by the zombie coming up behind.

The knocked down skeletons stained the ground in front of the demon hunter a little bit of white, and the fallen corpses covered the ground. Zelin believed that all the corpses were spread together, and he could step on them all the way to the three forks outside.

The number of undead is endless and endless.

Ze Lin took a deep breath. The potion boiled in the blood vessels, the smoke filled, and a rotting corpse walked out of the smoke, reaching out his hands and approaching where he was. The demon hunter wielded a dark sword and made a sharp howling. These zombies moved slowly. Although they were stronger than normal humans, they were not worth mentioning in front of the mutated muscles. One body after another fell down and returned to the soil. The skeleton soldiers mixed in it attacked Zelin without any fear. One of them exited the cemetery. He swung a sword and the rusty machete broke into two pieces. In the next moment, the skeleton was struck by Alderfa’s seal and flew out. Collided with another skeleton soldier and turned into a pile of bone fragments.

The demon hunter wielded his sword while walking forward. The decoction made his body seem to be full of inexhaustible power. Ignatius's seal swept across, and the three zombies burned, and the zombies continued to move forward with the flames. The flames burned their arms, and the arms fell under their feet. The flame licked his calf, and the burning undead fell to the ground, twisting his body forward, like a group of spiders with severed legs, until it was completely ashes.

A skeleton was nailed to a tree trunk by its own weapon, twisting its body on the ground like a fish caught in a net. A zombie blocking Zelin’s road was chopped in the head. Zelin turned and kicked the second enemy down. When he made Alderfayin’s gesture, a gunshot sounded and the head of the third zombie was hammered. It exploded like a watermelon hit, and the foul-smelling mucus was scattered all over.

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