On the unguarded road, one after another resurrected undead warriors and zombies staggered towards the night town from all directions.

The ritual does not control everyone. In fact, some people must be sacrificed as soul fragments required for the ritual of summoning demons. Some people will not accept such sacrifices voluntarily, so they must rely on external forces.

This is the idea that the wizard uses rituals to deeply imprint each warrior's mind.

Now that the undead are close at hand, they only need to take the last step.

"Yes, their new life is close at hand, but unfortunately, I think someone defines a new life differently from yours."

Suddenly, there was a glimmer of light in Harold's pupils, and a figure came out of the fireplace of the town council. The demon hunter threw away the soot-covered fur coat, and removed the dust from the tips of his hair. "I have always wanted to know who is hiding in the shadow of this land. It's just that the place I originally expected to meet is not in the town council hall, but in your lair. Why do you want to control this corpse? Will you not come out and face me?"

Harold didn't open his mouth, another voice came from his body.

"Who are you?"

"A traveler, happened to be passing by." Zelin raised his head, frowned, his face indifferent, and placed his right hand on the hilt of the sword. "Who are you? Where is Oleja?!"

"That draenei? She is a good material, I will make a black knight that belongs to me!" Harold raised his hands, like a beast that just leaped over. "As for me? A wizard will send you to the grave soon!"

On the other side, Altaiya whizzed out the scimitar from her waist. Zelin raised the ebony blade and did not back down.

"Then give it a try, wizard!"

Chapter 2023: Turn the tide

The blades are staggered.

Altea is the commander of the Night Watch, and has fought various enemies in the Twilight Forest for nearly two decades. As the daughter of a duke who has received a good education since childhood, the enchanted scimitar flies up and down like a heron in her hand. She swings the knife with skill and skill. Compared with her, Harold's movements are too stiff and full of flaws. There are only simple punches, swings and uppercuts. The Demon Hunter has beaten similar boxers more than once in the tavern, but he has seen them before. Of all the boxers in, almost no one can be as powerful as this zombie manipulated by a necromancer.


Accompanied by a blast of noise and the sound of wood cracking and cracking, Harold grabbed the chair by the wall and slapped the large and improper furniture apart. Then he picked up the remaining leg of the chair in his hand and threw the remaining part towards the demon hunter.

The chair was crushed by Alderfa in midair. Zelin swung a fierce sword flower to force Altea back, and then dodged to the right. With the sound of breaking through the air, the leg of the chair swept over the side of the demon hunter. The power made Harold swing like lightning, and he attacked again, the legs of the chair blocked by the ebony blade. Feeling the strength from his arm, Zelin didn't choose to compete, but turned a half circle, deflecting the enemy's attack to the left.

Harold's body staggered, just blocking Altea's attack path, and the two collided. Taking advantage of the enemy's loss of balance, Zelin slammed his sword sharply, and the blade screamed, slashing the decent clothes and the skin underneath the Senator like cutting cheese. There is no blood flowing out, and the skin has long lost its blood color and moisture, and is dull and dry. This sword should have cut off Harold’s head directly, but Altea, who was blocking his way, pushed hard against the obstacle in front of him. As a result, the blade only hit his abdomen, drawing all the way up to the left from the lower right corner. The shoulder blade left a scary scar.

But this is not enough to kill dead spirits!

Zelin suddenly narrowed his eyes, and he saw an emerald green crystal inserted near Harold's chest. This is a magic item used by wizards to control councillors and then Altea. The demon hunter saw this in the vision of Blind Mary. He stretched out his hand to grab the crystal, Harold avoided, the injury made him awkward. Altea jumped up, with a scimitar in her hand shining coldly, and struck Zelin's outstretched arm.

Zelin quickly turned around and threw his arm away. Altea immediately caught the moment when the demon hunter's fighting rhythm was chaotic, and launched a series of fierce pursuits, wielding sabers and shouting. Zelin stepped back, swinging his sword left and right to block. Harold, who had recovered, approached again and attacked from Altea's right. Zelin bounced Altea's blow, took a step back, and avoided Harold's attack. Harold attacked again, and Zelin left a deep bone scar on his arm, then stepped back again, avoiding the shimmering scimitar. They began to cooperate, pushing the demon hunter to the corner of the town council little by little, restricting his roaming and maneuvering space.

Zelin stepped back three steps in a row, the oil lamp shined through the window, casting the shadow of the bookcase by the wall on his feet. Altea and Harold approached at the same time. But their cooperation went wrong. A gleam of purple light covered Altea, causing her movement to stop, but Harold didn't stop, he rushed straight to the target, and there was a three-meter gap between the two. Zelin grabbed the bookcase behind him, roared, and exhausted all his strength. The bookcase fell forward, and the books fell sparsely, and slammed on Harold's head together with the cabinet.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Zelin grabbed the leg of Harold's hand. The muscles and tendons were damaged, and his grip was severely reduced. The demon hunter easily avoided his weapon, then threw away the enemy in front of him, and rushed towards Altea. . The latter swings the sword, and the purple light is like a rope covering her limbs, making her original excellent combat skills appear full of flaws. The ebony blade bounced off the blow, Zelin waved his left hand, and the wooden stick slammed on Altea's forearm that was not protected by a wristband. In the crisp sound of fractures, the commander's forearm twisted into a strange angle, and the weapon was unable to drop to the ground. Altea wanted to pull out the dagger from her waist, and the chair legs hit her chin from bottom to top, causing her to lift her feet off the ground under the impact, and fell backwards, with blood and broken teeth spurting from her mouth.

Suddenly, an impact hit the back of the demon hunter, causing him to fall between the benches, smashing a chair, and Zelin fell on the broken wooden planks.

Harold's undamaged arm squeezed the demon hunter's throat tightly, and his other hand squeezed the wrist holding the ebony blade like iron tongs. Harold opened his mouth, his tarnished eyeballs as if they were about to fall out of their sockets.

"You will become my second black knight like that draenei!"

Zelin tightened his mouth, and he felt the pressure in his throat. He didn't hesitate or grabbed the hand that was holding his throat, and raised his only free arm against Harold's chin.

The sound of the sharp blade penetrating the muscles gave Harold's movements a sudden stop.

The pressure in the throat suddenly disappeared. Zelin took a few big breaths and retracted his arm. The protruding Hidden Blade left a neat cut on the Congressman's chin.

"You are still too tender, wizard." Zelin mocked himself. He knew that after losing control of the corpse, the necromancer could not hear his voice.

Pushing the corpse, the congressman fell sideways to the ground. But Zelin just stood up, and new changes have taken place in the congressman.

The body quickly began to decay. The disintegration of the corpse often takes several days, and this time, it only took a few seconds. The flesh and blood became gray and swollen, and pustules were propped up on the skin, and then burst open. A disgusting stench filled the air, and Zelin couldn't help covering the tip of his nose. Soon, juice appeared on the corpse, and the dead flesh gradually became soft and black, turning into sludge. When this process of corruption that deviated from the laws of nature finally began to slow down, only a pool of black sticky matter remained on the ground, clothes damaged in battle, and the spar sparkling with dark green fluorescence.

Zelin is very fortunate that in his world, the warlocks are very wise to forbid the study of necromantic spells, otherwise he believes that in his career, he will encounter more similar disgusting scenes. He took out a handkerchief, pinched the spar with two fingers, and picked it up from the sludge.

The dirty liquid dripped down the tip of the spar, and under the light green, a deep black floated on it, like a dead fish. Zelin sighed, he took two steps back, lifted the spar high, and then slammed to the ground.

When the spar broke, a ray of light rushed out. The soul inside regained freedom, and the dark gleam hovered a few times above the demon hunter's head, and then fell into Altea's body with a swish.

A few seconds later, Altea, who hadn't heard anything, let out a whimper in her throat. She took a deep breath and immediately covered her forehead with dense drops of sweat. She tried to raise her head and looked at her chest, arms, palms, and calves, as if to make sure they were still on her body. Then, she seemed to have lost all her strength. She lay back on the ground, tears, nasal mucus, and saliva flowing out uncontrollably. The sweat immediately soaked her clothes, and her short black hair was attached to her cheeks and forehead, as if her consciousness had finally returned. In the body, the pain accumulated for an unknown number of days broke out in the body at the same time.

"Altea?" Zelin held her shoulders. The latter immediately grabbed the back of the demon hunter's hand with his left hand intact, and his tight palm seemed to crush Zelin's hand bones in the next moment. "Altea?"

"...Kill me, please, kill me!" Altea cried and begged. "It hurts! I feel something is burning my soul! My soul! I can't stand it!"

"It has passed, Altea, it has passed." Zelin noticed that blood was leaking down the commander's abdomen. He lifted the hem of Altea's shirt, and the blood was flowing out of the wound in his abdomen. "Just bear with it for a while, it'll be fine soon. I'll stop the bleeding for you..."

Zelin rummaged through the package around his waist with one hand, looking for the bandage he was carrying with him. Altaiya whimpered, barely able to say a whole word.

"I can't take it anymore, no, no! I'm on fire!"

"You are not on fire, you are safe. No problem, this is just a sequelae. I understand this, trust me."

He doesn't understand, he can only say so.

"There are flames everywhere in the cage...I can't escape..."

"There are no more cages."

"How long have I been burned? How long?!"

"You are safe."

"Is my right hand still there? I can't feel it! It's burnt to ashes!"

"No, it's just... a little fracture."

"No, no, no..."

Zelin wrapped a bandage around Altea's lower abdomen and tied a knot in front of him. Althea lay on his arms, eyes filled with tears staring at the ceiling blankly. I didn't know what was whispering in his mouth.


"Evil fire... everywhere..."

"Altea!" Zelin pinched her cheek and forced her to turn to herself. "Look at me, okay? Look at me!"

As her mouth was pinched, her whisper turned into a meaningless huh.

"This is the last disaster in Yese Town. You are about to get out of the curse for more than twenty years. Your people need you, Altea, the undead is approaching, the devil is staring at you, you have stood by this land for twenty years. In 2017, you shouldn't fall on the eve of victory, or die in such a shameful appearance!" Zelin looked straight into Altea's eyes and said seriously. "They need a leader. You have led them to fight the evil for twenty years. You have never betrayed them. There was no in the past, no now, and there will be no in the future! They need you, they need you to lead them through this disaster , See the dawn, see the dawn! The enemy is approaching, they are going to ruin your 20 years of hard work and persistence, aren’t the night watchmen always watching the dawn? Haven’t they been defending the night? They are outside the hall, waiting for you Go and lead them to win this final battle!"

Zelin panted, he let go of his hand. Altea wiped her tears vigorously, and the tears poured out again. She swallowed and snorted.

"I failed..." she choked.

"Then hurry up and make up for the losses you have caused after your failure! While everything is still too late! You are their commander, the night watchman believes in you, everyone believes in you, more than three thousand lives in the town are in your hands If you don’t do something, this mistake will really be irreparable!"

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