Open the envelope, rows of beautiful circular fonts appear in front of you. There is no doubt that this must be the masterpiece of Tuvis's magic quill.

In the letter, the Ethereal merchant excitedly stated to Zelin that his business was a big success in Dalaran, and most of the first batch of goods he carried in the past has now been sold. Originally there were a lot of adventurers and wizards in Dalaran. In the past two days, due to the meetings between the Alliance and the tribal leaders, Dalaran’s prosperity has increased by a level. The magic hotel is overcrowded, and the shops in the commercial area are even more so. It's so crowded. Most of these adventurers hope to participate in the war against the devil, so many people choose to use their savings to buy some magic equipment that can increase their chances of survival before setting off.

Finally, Tuvis hopes that Zelin can find some cheaper magic equipment on his way. Of course, weapons and equipment that can be enchanted can also be used. He claims that he has a way to turn ordinary equipment into magic equipment. The price of Dalaran far exceeds the level of other places, the same magic equipment, transport to Dalaran is still profitable. The only difficulty is that few people can have a shop in the magic business district. In the letter, he vowed to say that if the demon hunter could bring a batch of new magic equipment to arrive as soon as possible, then he would definitely get the profit that satisfies both of them.

A rare piece of good news that makes the demon hunter happy.

Chapter 2028: The Third Person in the Shadows

"Buy magic equipment?"

Altea raised her head unexpectedly, and turned her attention from the document in front of her to the demon hunter. "Why do you suddenly have this idea?"

"Trade secrets, don't ask too much. Do you know any way to get some good magic equipment?" Zelin pressed his hands on the mayor's desk. "You are the mayor here, do you have any suggestions?"

If it is normal, Zelin will immediately return to the place where the portal is, and go back to find more magical equipment from Skyrim. If it weren't for the portal to appear in the shadow world, he believed that there would be more magic items from Saidas in his cargo at this time. But this time, in order to prevent the world of the Demon Hunter from being targeted by some dangerous creatures, he did not come to Azeroth through the portal, but through the Ethereal Node. He really didn't want to experience the encounter with Saidas again. That time, he was only against a very powerful ancient mage, but this time, he had to face not such a simple enemy.

"Magic equipment... Honestly speaking, any magic equipment is very valuable. At least one gold coin is the most expensive. This is the simplest bow and arrow. If it is enchanted armor and long sword, it is more expensive, maybe five to ten. Gold coins, after all, everyone is willing to wear a reliable armor." Altea shrugged. "As for the warriors who are famous for Azeroth, their armor and weapons are powerful equipment that will only appear in the epic. The value of one piece can even hire an army to work for you. I guess the magic equipment you want. It's definitely not of this type."

"Of course, all I want is some ordinary enchanting equipment. Ordinary, some magical power, that's enough."

Tuvis' sales strategy is to target ordinary adventurers and civilians who want some props to save their lives. The expectation of ordinary adventurers and civilians to purchase enchanted equipment is no less than that of powerful warriors. For those powerful adventurers, they look down on ordinary enchanted equipment. Many people are willing to sell them. Tuvis, who joined halfway through, can’t compete with other merchants if they don’t have any powerful equipment that can attract attention. Being able to sell powerful magic items at high prices, Zelin was also reluctant to sell them. Tuvis once asked the demon hunter if he would sell the ebony blade in his hand. He said that this sword could also be sold at a good price in Azeroth, but Zelin firmly refused.

"Isn't there a blood elven mage among your friends? No one can be better than these elves in magic skills. You can ask her."

"She has gone."

After the incident was over, Yamily left the night town immediately and went to Dalaran to catch up with her mentor. Zelin originally suggested that she stay and rest for a while. Looking at the dark circles around her eyes that are comparable to eyeshadows, the demon hunter wondered if she would pass out halfway and be picked up by the ogre and thrown into a cauldron, or mutated. The vulture took it away. But Yamily refused altogether. She thought that she would never be late again if she could not find what her mentor had lost. Her mentor gave her three days to find things back and meet them in Karazhan town under Dalaran.

So Zelin went to the Blood Raven Inn, bought a few bottles of drinks that were said to be refreshing, and gave them to the blood elves.

Others also left after the disaster ended. Tobias returned to his manor and left for almost a week. He had to clean the manor’s yard so that too many ghouls would chew his old mansion away. McDowell stayed in Nightlight to recover from his injuries, while Revere and Hisalie escorted Aurega back to Stormwind City. The latter had to receive treatment in Stormwind City. It might also be possible to return to the draenei’s Azuremyst Isle through the portal and enter them. Received treatment in a crashed spacecraft.

Before coming, Zelin went to Mrs. Iva's cabin to visit McDowell. The latter is in a good state of mind, especially after knowing that the necromancers who endangered this land have been eliminated, he can't wait to rebuild the chapel.

"Okay, but you want to talk about magic equipment... There used to be an enchanter in the night town, and then he left. However, I remember that he used to announce to the adventurers that he used to get some from the murlocs near the dark river beach in the north. Trinkets." Altea frowned slightly while holding the quill. "There are some shamans who can use magical power among the murlocs. Maybe some of them contain magic."

"Um...I see." Zelin nodded. "Altea, one more thing, I want to talk to you about rewards."

"What do you want? I'm not sure what I should award you, don't be so impatient." Altea covered her mouth and giggled twice. "Are you in a hurry to take the money and leave?"

"No, I want to use all the bonus money to order equipment in the smithy. Plate armor, chain mail, long sword, dagger, shield, everything is good, as long as it is exquisite and delicate."

"Why?" Such a request surprised Altea. "What do you want to do?"

"Trade secrets."

Zelin used the words he learned from Tuvis. "I think if the night watchman places an order, the blacksmith in the smithy will definitely come up with the best equipment, instead of using weapons recovered from other adventurers, putting it on a layer of wax and selling it to me as a good product."

"I can assure you that the merchants in Nightstown are honest businessmen... But if you ask, I will go to the blacksmith's shop in an hour. At least when I am the mayor, I can represent the night watchman. ."

At this time, Zelin noticed that the document in front of Altea was a resignation handed to Stormwind City.

"You want to resign?"

"Yes." Altea gave a dry smile. "I thought about it. Maybe I'm more suitable as a commander than a mayor. I...want to be a qualified mayor takes a while to learn, but, considering the current situation, Yese Town needs A qualified mayor, there is no time for me to learn and adapt. It happens that this can also be used as a link to reconnect Stormwind and Nightstown. Therefore, I will resign until Stormwind sends a better mayor. I believe that Deputy Mayor Jule will also be able to assist the new officer very well."

After a few seconds, Altea patted her hands. "By the way, the people from MI7 are here, do you want to meet them? They are in the abandoned manor by the mayor to investigate the clues left by the necromancer. I originally planned to look for them in half an hour You, tell you about this. Also, don't tell anyone else. I believe there are no more than two people here who know this."

Outside the town, a figure wearing a large windbreaker looked at a heavily guarded abandoned farm, An Bo moved the blindfold of his left eye and concealed into the shadowed bushes.

Chapter 2029 The Mission of Night Town

[The murloc tribe on the dark river beach has always been a hidden danger in Yese Town. Among them, the most threatening to humans is the murloc shaman who can use supernatural powers. Kill their spiritual leader, collect the murloc shaman's pendant, and give it to Zelin who lives in the Blood Raven Inn. 】

Using a hammer and nails to hang the commission on the sign, Zelin pondered for a while, then picked up the quill on the side, bent down and wrote a line of small characters under the commission.

【Collect seven intact pendants and reward two gold coins and thirty-five silver coins. 】

The demon hunter asked Altea about the rewards of the adventurers. As the commander of the night watch, many adventurers arrive in the town of Night, the first thing is to go to Altea to ask if there is an acceptable commission, and she will publish some hunting of wild wolves, spiders, undead and wild werewolves Task. In any case, her father is a Duke, even if he leaves Stormwind, he is also a Duke. It is easy to pay for the small commissions of ordinary adventurers with personal financial resources.

Therefore, before issuing the commission, Zelin asked Altea about the price designation and what price should prevail. He didn't want to set the price so low that no one was willing to accept the commission.

It's still early and most people are still resting at home. Zelin moved his shoulders, put down the borrowed hammer, walked out of the tavern, and walked towards the abandoned farm that Altea said.

On the high **** outside the town, An Bo was lying in the grass, holding a telescope in one hand, looking out at the town below. The Twilight Forest is always so dark, there is no sunshine, and there is no moonlight, which is why she chose to travel through the Twilight Forest to Dalaran instead of the Elwynn Forest. The shadow is the best shelter for the stalker. She believes that Elwynn Forest is already full of MI7 agents. As long as she shows up, within fifteen minutes, a trained agent will come to chase her. She never understood why she became a wanted criminal in MI7 or even the entire alliance, but she knew there was a place for her to find an explanation.

Dalaran-the uncrowned.

On the way to Broken Beach, Shaw revealed information about the uncrowned to the three most trusted and powerful agents around him. This is an organization composed of the best stalkers in Azeroth. They are hidden in the dark, no one knows, but they know what is happening in every corner of the world, with tentacles everywhere, whether it is Stormwind or Orgrimmar. So they claim to be uncrowned, kings in the shadows.

To Sara's surprise, the werewolf princess of the Gilneas Kingdom, Tess Greymane, was actually one of them. Shaw was worried about an accident in their investigation, so he told the three agents. If the situation changes, everyone will run away separately. If some incomprehensible change occurs within the alliance, Dalaran will look for the uncrowned, and use the power of the uncrowned to pass the information they have detected to the leaders of the alliance and the tribe.

Maybe these uncrowned ones can help them meet King Varian.

An Bo covered his bandaged thigh with his other hand. While crossing the river beach and leaving the Westfall into the Twilight Forest, she was ambushed by MI7. A shrewd stalker left a scar on her thigh with a dagger. Although she managed to escape, the result was that more MI7 agents appeared in the night town. Perhaps, they are here to hunt down themselves.

With the help of a telescope, An Bo carefully observed the wind and grass in the town.

Nightlight is blocking her only way to the Deadwind Path. During the three-hour observation period, she has noticed seven agents lurking in all corners of the town and in the shadow alleys, not to mention those men and women who are obviously not locals but wear night watchman uniforms-a year without sunshine. Where can there be a man with a tanned skin.

All aspects show that MI7 is strengthening the power of Dusk Forest. Have they mastered her destination through their own path? Maybe she made the illusion that she wanted to enter Stranglethorn Vale before that could come in handy, making the agent think she was going to Booty Bay. As a fugitive, the neutral city controlled by the Blackwater Pirates is indeed a good choice. However, she has already determined that their temporary base should be an abandoned farm on the edge of the town by following the routes of other agents.

Suddenly, An Bo noticed that a man who was obviously not part of MI7 appeared in front of the abandoned farm and was stopped by a man in black in front of the fence.

"Who are you?"

"Five hours ago, your leader asked me to come here and report what I know about necromancers." Zelin opened his hands. "I hope you don't have amnesia. I thought you should know me."

The demon hunter looked at the agent in front of him in confusion. He stayed in the headquarters of MI7 for several days. As an intelligence organization with spies all over the continent, how could they even come from outside the headquarters for several days? No one knows? He thought he could see an acquaintance this time, but in fact, he didn't know any of the agents here. Obviously, this investigation was not led by Prince Anduin.

MI7 decided to start investigating the connection between the necromancer and the legion demons, so they summoned Zelin, hoping that the demon hunters could provide clues for their investigation. Because now only the demon hunter has uncovered the plan of the necromancer. Most people in Nightlight Town either knew nothing about this matter, or had a vague memory, and no one could expect to be able to ask for valuable information among the people whose minds were affected by magic.

"Mr. Zelin?" An energetic man in black at the door looked up and down the demon hunter, and took out a piece of paper in his hand, as if to make a comparison.

"Unless there is a second person in the world named Zelin who happened to fight the necromancer yesterday."

"The first item is hard to say, but there should be only one second item."

Zelin wanted to take a peek at the file in the agent's hand, but the agent then stuffed it into his pocket.

"You can go in now."

After passing through the fence, the farm is almost undressed and still maintains the old abandoned appearance. If it were not for the light of the oil lamp, I am afraid that no one would have guessed that this is the stronghold of MI7.

"Are you sure that the Necromancer and the Legion Demon are in collusion?"

Zelin was stunned by the agent's first question. He thought about what questions the people from MI7 would ask him, such as how he fought with necromancers, how to discover the other party's conspiracy, and what he discovered when he fought with the black knight. But if the necromancer and the demon are not in collusion, what are they doing here?

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