She couldn't ask for the former because she knew that her talent and aptitude were the worst among the five apprentices. She only hopes to rely on her acquired hard work and diligence to make up the gap between her and other apprentices as much as possible. If possible, she would rather not rest for a moment, and devote all of her time to study, only to be able to condense the ice spear when others can perfectly release the Frostfire Arrow. But as long as you can work hard, maybe all of this is possible.

"Holy Vision? Is that what humans call Hawkeye..."

Jamily took a book that recorded the use of holy vision. Many wizards can quickly learn the magic that Zelin is looking for, but maybe many wizards have not paid attention to these outdated, ancient and meaningless spells. This is an opportunity for her. Generally speaking, commissions from the Council of the Kirin Tor will never find a low-level magic apprentice like her, but past commissions will never include what spells are required. If it's just eagle eye, illusion knowledge, and demonology, she can do it too! After hearing Zelin's words, Yamily seemed to have discovered a hidden treasure of Titan.

Everyone thinks that there may be very dangerous magic traps and powerful guardians in the Titan Treasure. But one person told her that there were only a few mana dragons inside.

She will never let go of this good opportunity!

Being able to work for the Kirin Tor Council, this will definitely allow her instructor to recognize her abilities. Maybe she can find some more efficient spell release techniques in the Kirin Tor Council’s rewards, or the arcane note hand left by the Archmage Transcript. Usually, the magic tutor will only teach these skills and experience to the best students, but after completing the commission of the Kirin Tor Council, maybe she can get such things.

"Miss Yamily, you have ten minutes of browsing time left." Suddenly, an arcane puppet appeared next to Yamily, and these mechanical puppets driven by arcane energy made a humming sound. "Please arrive at the library entrance within ten minutes and submit your loan permit to the administrator. At that time, if you do not show up, you will be considered a dangerous and provocative behavior."

The shadow completely covered the slender body, and Yamily swallowed. She doesn't want to provoke anyone, these puppets can smash her head with one fist.

"Ten minutes, ten minutes, then just take a few books of illusion and demon knowledge and go back." Yamily took out a few books and put them in her arms. Holding the list in the other hand. After leaving the simple enchanting shop, she immediately wrote down what Zelin had said so as not to omit anything. "Illusion, may fight the devil, do you want to find the book of exile...Huh?"

Suddenly, there was a hint of surprise on Yamily's face. Her footsteps paused, but then when the arcane puppet's footsteps sounded, she speeded up and trot.

She told Burns about the robbery the night she was separated from Zelin?

Yamily was sure that she had never encountered the orc warrior that night!

Chapter 2051 The Lonely Traveler

Dragging her tired body back to the Magic Hotel, Yamily smelled the aroma coming from the counter. The maid was holding a tray on which was placed a steak smeared with thick sauce, and the fragrance made Yamily swallow subconsciously. The palm of her hand was placed on the shriveled pocket, and the touch of the copper coin from it immediately made her throw away the extra thoughts. The tutor and other apprentices did not notice that the robe on her was replaced with another one. She concealed the incident, but she owed a lot of money, which was still a huge sum of money. Three gold coins, in the name of Nikko, how can she save so much money by eating frugally and drinking.

I can only put hope on Kirin Tor’s commission this time, so that she can earn a few gold coins, and the rest can be used as living expenses after paying back the money. Otherwise, she believes that she will definitely envy why she can't live on the sun like the little tree man in Yongge Forest.

"Hi, Yamily." Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared at the top of the stairs, and another apprentice smiled and raised his hand to say hello to her. "We have been looking for you just now, where have you been? Have you bought the materials? Hurry up, we can't wait."

"Hi, Hilda, I've already bought it." Yamily raised her hand and showed the perfect smile she could make. "There are fifty-three silver coins in total, and one person can give me ten."

"Don't separate the materials, we made a decision before." Hilda walked down the stairs and walked to Yamily. "We have just discussed that the instructor wants to live in the Sunreaver Temple. We went to find out at noon today. Only 50 gold coins are needed. The officials in Dalaran will allow us to stay in the hotel in the Sunreaver Temple. Yes, they have been cleaning the temple. It seems that the Kirin Tor Council seems to realize how wrong Proudmoore’s decision was. It’s just that if you want to move in early, you must spend a lot of money, so we decided to pool together a lot of money. One person only needs to share ten gold coins."

The smile on Yamily's face froze.

"Ah, haha, indeed... very cheap..."

"So, the tutor will be very happy. We went to discuss with you at the time, but you never came back, so we paid for you. Then you can give us the money together." Hilda said with a smile. , She lifted the white hair of the temples behind her ears, and the silver earrings shook slightly. "You will also like that place. Clean and beautiful. There is also a swimming pool in the back garden of the hotel. We will be the first batch of mages to stay in the Temple of the Sunreaver. Of course, in the future, each of us will be there. There is a mage tower of his own in the Temple of the Sunreaver."

"Yeah." Yamily swallowed. She felt a little soft in her legs, so she reached out to support the counter beside her. Mage’s studies have never been cheap, and only wealthy people, as well as people with a certain magical talent, have the ability to learn to become a mage. Many people who want to become adventurers can only embark on the road of warriors and hunters, and those who want to seek excitement and wealth may choose to become thieves and pirates. Most of the descendants of nobles will choose to be a priest or a knight. Yamily does not want to end her life with a monotonous, repetitive and busy life like ordinary people. The blood elf has a longer life span than normal races, and she has enough time to learn and exercise hard. She hopes to rely on her own efforts to bridge the gap with other people who are born with good conditions.

But now, she once again clearly felt how far this gap was.

"Um... I, I, I... I'm afraid I won't be able to live there recently. Uh, it's like this." Seeing the suspicious look on Hilda's face, Jamily Explain quickly. "I recently received a commission. An adventurer who lives in Karazhan hopes that I can provide him with some advice on magic knowledge. Therefore, I may first live in Karazhan town for a while."

"Oh~" Hilda made a long tone. "That's really hard for you. Karazhan is a dilapidated human town, full of spiders and mice. I heard that there are some huge bugs hiding in the mud that will eat people if they are not careful. ."

"Yes, it's really bad, but I can't help it. The human is begging me. I don't like to refuse." Yamily lifted the bangs on her forehead, her hair was stuck together with sweat, and she barely squeezed a smile. . "Maybe I have to wait a while before I can enjoy the fun of the pool and private garden with you. Remember to leave me a sun umbrella by the pool. It must be great to bask in the sun on Dalaran Island."

"Yes." Hilda also laughed.

That night, Yamily returned to her room, packed her bags and prepared to leave. Ten gold coins, no! Thirteen gold coins...

She kind of wants to cry.

But she must not show stinginess and perseverance. How can she object when other apprentices offer a gift to the tutor together?

In the past when she was in Yongge Forest, she could barely make a living relying on Silvermoon City's subsidies for the apprentice of the mage. But here, there are only dozens of silver coins left on her body. Perhaps in Dalaran, a few days of consumption can force her to leave the city. But she must come to Dalaran. This tutor is the only mage willing to accept her as an apprentice. Perhaps because Silvermoon City will provide some help and support for the number of apprentices taught by the mage, this mage will accept it. She is not such a talented student. But in any case, she must not give up this opportunity.

So her mentor Dala then, although she knew the prices of Dalaran, she had to follow her, otherwise she would lose her apprenticeship. And Dalaran would not accept beggars if they were driven out of the city. She didn't dare to imagine that kind of scene, but it was certain that the instructor would not continue to take in such an embarrassing apprentice.

Looking up, through the window, there are blooming flowers next to the balcony. The landscape oil painting by the window records the beauty of Thousand Needles Forest before the cataclysm. Standing up straight, he looked at the surrounding environment with nostalgia, as if to imprint the scene here in his mind. The single bed with three layers of soft mattresses exudes a refreshing fragrance, and a lavender curtain hangs from the four-corner bedpost, providing a certain hazy beauty to the room. Yamily sighed heavily, how longing she was to get a house like this and a life that matched it. It's a pity that she knows that this is not her place, let alone the world she can touch.

How much she hopes she has the opportunity to get such a life through her own efforts

If she can leave Dalaran temporarily for a few days in the name of an outgoing entrustment, she may be able to reduce her financial pressure a little bit. She wants to find a way to survive in this place.

On the cobblestone road outside the window, four apprentices and their mentors walked towards the Temple of the Sunreaver, talking and laughing. Yamily packed up the package, wiped the corners of her eyes sore from lack of sleep, and left the hotel that almost emptied her pockets.

Chapter 2052 Self-Recommendation


An Bo leaned back against a wall, holding his breath. The dead creeper concealed her, and on the other side of the wall, two men dressed as ordinary travelers were talking in a low voice in the corner of the collapsed house. The voice is very low, but it can't hide from the ears of an elite agent.

"The above thought she might be trying to contact a helper. Booty Bay is false information. We sent past agents to make sure that Amber Gilney had never entered there."

"Maybe she joined the Blackwater Pirates? Or Bloodsail Pirates? These pirates hid her?"

"It's also possible, but as long as she leaves Booty Bay, we can find her." The agent wore a light green traveler jacket and light brown leather pants. The soles of a pair of leather boots were almost flattened, almost every time. Individuals will believe that this must be a trace left after a long journey. However, Anbo knew that the warehouse of MI7 contained clothing that could help agents disguise themselves as various identities, from luxurious robes to patched linen jackets. "This time I am bringing a new order."

"I see the traces of contact you left."

Next to the broken wall, there is a mark painted in lime, where two daggers are intertwined. This is one of the liaison signals of MI7.

The second agent was wearing an apron, which was stained with light yellow oil stains. He has been selling drinks and pumpkin pie in the square in front of Karazhan. Maybe he is really a businessman, just a part-time agent. Sometimes, many agents who are planted in towns and villages do live like locals, and sometimes they may have been used to such a life for a long time. Except for summarizing what happened in the local area every month and placing it in a specific place, waiting for the commissioner to take it away, other times it is no different from ordinary people. After all, no one would suspect that the middle-aged man who got up one morning to sell pumpkin pie and bubble tea was an agent of MI7.

But precisely because of this, these agents did not respond so quickly to the call-up order that Anbokan discovered this sign before him.

"What's the order?"

An Bo held his breath, praying that the hunger in his abdomen would not cause trouble at this time.

"Master Shaw has given an order to authorize the Scarlet Sword Pirate to assist MI7 in hunting down Amber Gilney."

"Crimson Sword? Isn't that a group of vampire pirates? Shaw actually entrusted them."

"This is an order. If a vampire with the Scarlet Sword comes to you, you have to provide them with intelligence like MI7."

"Okay, I see." The middle-aged agent shrugged. "I don't like this group of vampires. These monsters are worse than the tribe. At least the orcs and trolls are still creatures. The tauren has a pretty good character. But vampires, they may be scarier than the Forsaken. I can only say, I Try to help them."

"This is an order, dear Guy." The messenger also sighed. "We must abide by the order, although I also hope that Master Shaw can reconsider his order. The people at MI7 suspect that Amber Gilney might have used false information to cover her escape to Karazhan. You can see here. Have you been to a similar-looking woman?"

"I haven't seen it. I'm at the entrance of the town. Anyone who comes in can't escape my eyes." Guy patted the dust off his shoulder. The land here is barren and dry, and a gust of wind can lift up a puff of dust. "Recently, most of the people who have come to Dalaran are adventurers. Besides, isn't there a checkpoint at the entrance of the Deadwind Trail?"

"Yes, that's why Shaw sent me to deliver the order instead of sending an agent directly to Karazhan to search." The messenger patted Gay on the shoulder. "Continue to pay attention to the entrance. I will go to the hotel to write an investigation report. By the way, you will give me this month's report directly and I will take it back."

"Wait, don't you hand it in once a month?!" Guy asked after the back of the messenger who turned away.

"The situation forced the devil even to destroy the night town, so the time for the report was revised to once every half a month." The messenger did not look back, just raised his hand and waved. "See you tomorrow. Hurry up and write out the report. I want to rush back to my life as soon as possible."

After the messenger left, the middle-aged agent waited for a while and walked away. After a while, he turned back and carefully checked whether there were traces left by the trace. After making sure that there were no footprints on the nearby dust, he sighed in relief and turned to leave the meeting place.

Ten minutes later, An Bo walked out of the hiding place.

"Crimson Sword Pirate..." She took off the dead leaves between her hair. "Shore? How is this possible?"

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