"....... I have already signed up for the Silver Crusade. If you don't come, I can only wait for the demon to be defeated before I come to relive with you."

The draenei carried a travel package, and the lavender-skinned elf walked in behind him, taking off the antler hat on his forehead, exposing Xisari's handsome cheeks.

"I'm so glad that you will stay here for a while. If you used to, you would have been standing in the port of Stormwind, waiting for the boat to attack." Xisali said with a smile. "It looks like you are in good shape? How are you recovering?"

"Very good, but not the best. I will not fight the devil with my injuries, otherwise it will only drag my comrades back. The Holy Light tells us that we must go all out to fight the devil..." Suddenly, Olei Jia noticed the demon hunter standing in the hall. She waved her hand. "Hey, Zelin! Xisali came to visit us!"

"Hisally." Zelin walked over and helped take the luggage parcel in his hand. "How did you come to Dalaran? Come to see Oleja?"

"May the Moon God bless you, Zelin," Hisalie said softly. "This is one of them, and more importantly, the archdruids of Moonglade arranged for me to Dalaran, hoping that I can assist the archdruids to establish a communication channel between the Kirin Tor Council. It is best to open it. A portal from Moonglade to Dalaran, this way, when fighting against demons, it can facilitate the exchange of information between the two sides."

"The druids will also go to the front?"

"Yes, on the islands northwest of Broken Beach, there is a world tree belonging to the Green Dragon Legion. The archdruids are worried that the world tree will be corrupted, so we will not only go with the army, but also go to Val'sharah. , Look after the World Tree. But there’s nothing to worry about. Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage and High Priestess Tyrande Windspeaker will go to the Broken Isles. These two are here, We must be able to defeat the demons. After all, they were on the front line against the demons when the demons first invaded."

Hisalie looked very optimistic. But at this time, it doesn't make any sense to be optimistic or pessimistic. This demonic invasion has turned everyone into soldiers, and the only thing they can do is wait for the leaders' orders, and then rush to the battlefield, victory or death.

"How is your business? This time Moonglade gave me part of the reward, enough for me to buy a practical enchanting ring."

"If you want, just go to the store with me to pick one. Whichever you choose, you don't need money." Zelin is very happy that none of the merchants he knows is here, otherwise they will definitely criticize the demon hunter. This kind of thinking is never suitable for business to make money. "Olega booked the room for you? Let's take a rest first, I'll help you get it up."

"I won't be polite then," Hisalie said half-jokingly. "I heard that you are still investigating the Black Knight? How's the situation? Last time we let him escape from Twilight Forest."

"Yes, but he didn't have to escape this time. And..." Zelin paused. "I think I should make progress."

Chapter 2054 The Whereabouts of the Orcs

"Burnes? Yes, that's the orc. Where did he go? Yes, I have Kirin Tor's commission. I want to know the whereabouts of the orc. He enters Karazhan from here, yes, this is the entrance. ."

When the guard of the Kirin Tor saw the letter of entrustment with the seal of Kirin Tor in Zelin's hand, he lowered his head and began to look for the registered list of warrior adventurers who had recently entered the town. Warriors and hunters are not like mages or knights. They originally had a well-known organization on the mainland. So when they want to communicate with each other as a separate organization, they sometimes need Dalaran's help. After all, these warriors as the leader often cooperated with Dalaran in the past, whether they were fighting against the Lich King, against the ancient gods, or facing the wings of death. Therefore, most of the warrior adventurers and excellent hunters and rangers who want to join them will choose to register in Dalaran.

"Orc warrior?" The Kirin Tor guard raised his head and asked tentatively.

"Yes, the orc warrior, carrying two two-handed swords, claims to be from the Thunder King clan. He has a hairstyle that looks like a comb." Zelin recalled the personal information that Burns revealed when he was talking on the road. "I don't know if the information is true or false. Is there any similar-looking orc record?"

Although Kirin Tor's commission was not to investigate this matter, Zelin could completely attribute this clue as part of the Black Knight investigation and would not violate any regulations. After seeing the badge, the guard immediately followed Zelin's request. They didn't check the content, and ordinary people sometimes couldn't understand the meaning of the mage's orders. All they had to do was to execute them immediately. Moreover, the survey list is not a questionable order.

The Guardian of the Kirin Tor looked for a while in the heavy roster before raising his head. "In the soldier's register, there is no orc named Burns."

"Oh?" Zelin frowned into Sichuan. He entered Karazhan with Burns, and he saw Burns come here to register. "Could it be the wrong list?"

"Please don't worry, sir. Although it is not in the soldier's register, there is indeed a record left by an orc named Burns." The Guardian of the Kirin Tor looked for the catalog in another book. . The words in the catalogue floated on the paper, glowing with a pale blue gleam. Maybe only magic can record so many people without confusion. "After he entered Karazhan, he went to the tavern north of the town. It was a tavern opened by a troll. Maybe you can go there to find it?"

"Troll's tavern? What's its name?"

"The name is here."

The place where the guard pointed was written with a line of small characters—Bonsandi Nosuke.

A cold wind carried a weird breath and rolled up the yellow leaves on the ground. Zelin stood in the open space in front of the hotel, looking at this island-like hotel. The hotel has no external walls. To be precise, this is like a place composed of five two-story watch towers. Orcs, tauren, trolls and pandamen of the Huojin faction drank in it, made loud noises, and laughed at the jokes. Even in a neutral town, there will be a clear distinction between the Alliance and the Horde. Just like in a neutral town, there must be two taverns, one for the Alliance and one for the Horde.

"Would you like to taste something, human?" a troll with three black feathers stuck in the back of his head asked Zelin. He was looking in the mirror and using three sturdy fingers to sort out the skeletal decorations on his body. "The best crocodile meat in Stranglethorn Vale, the delicious bat fin of Undercity? I recommend the colorful fin fish, which is the sweetest fish soup in the Barrens. Dig gopher stew is also good."

This troll has a good attitude. In fact, when the demons invaded, those who were thinking of infighting either had a broken head or a broken heart.

"Uh, please forgive me, I want to inquire about one thing." Ze Lin pondered his words. He didn't know much about Azeroth's folk customs. He was talking while observing this face with a pair of fangs, so as not to inadvertently offend the other party by some of his words. "Has an orc warrior named Burns come here?"

"Burns?" The troll boss touched his chin and rolled his eyes to recall. "I think about it, there are a lot of orcs here. They don't like the wine and food of humans and elves. The taste is too weak, as if they have never eaten salt..."

"Wait, Burns, I remember that young man!" At a round table, a chubby pandaman turned around, stretched out a finger, and the cups and plates on the table shook with his stomach upright, frightened. The orcs and blood elves who had to be at the same table quickly reached out to support them. "He has a good drinking capacity and a good man. He invited me to drink yesterday. Do you want to ask him for anything?"

"There is something." Zelin said. "He came to Karazhan with me, riding in my carriage. When he was leaving, he forgot a bone talisman. I found it when I was carrying goods yesterday, so I came here to look for him today. You know him Do you know where he is?"

"Oh, I know. Ha! I'll take you to find him, he will go to Dalaran after staying here for a day." The panda stood up, the tabletop and chair swayed again. He turned around, made a fist with his right hand and pressed his left hand on the back of his hand, bending over to his friend at the same table. "Sorry, guys, I want to leave first. I will ask next time."

The orc raised his glass to the panda, grinning, and the blood elves rolled their eyes in embarrassment, seeming not to like the panda's farewell.

"Go here." The panda patted Zelin on the shoulder. He is about the same height as a demon hunter, but no matter how he looks at it, he looks like a bear that can walk on its hind legs. It's just that the color is black and white. "Are you the carriage owner who came with Burns? Hahaha, he mentioned you to me while drinking. He said that you are a very bold traveler and defeated a necromancer in the Twilight Forest. Lorewalker I will definitely want to record your story."

"That's not just my credit."

Zelin took a deep breath. "Is it going to Dalaran?"

"No, come here first. Sometimes he is in Dalaran, and sometimes he may come to Karazhan." The Pandaren and Zelin crossed their backs and walked forward. "If he is not here, I will take you to Dalaran to find him."

"Then trouble you."

"It's okay, it's easy."

The demon hunter and the Pandaren walked out of the tavern.

Behind the abandoned house next to the tavern, two figures hiding behind the dead creeper escaped into the darkness and followed from the ruins on the side.

Chapter 2055: Shado-Pan

"Why go in a hurry? I told you, my friend, you should be patient and don't let irritability and anger control your mind. Emperor Shaohao once taught us to let our hearts go, calm our minds, and don't let negative emotions dominate. Your behavior."

The wind in Karazhan is always cold, mixed with the humidity of the swamp, it is definitely not a wise decision to build a magic tower and a town here. Just like when the people who wander around here will make people behave as fools behind their backs. Now, Zelin feels like he is doing something that a fool would do, only being pushed by a panda man who looks like a wooden barrel without any sense of sluggishness. By the way, this panda man is still teaching young people. Tell him that he should be patient and calm.

"Usually speaking, a person's heart is filled with impatience only when he has doubts but does not get answers." Zelin stopped and turned around. "I believe you and Burns are friends, but what I want to know is, what kind of friends are you? I'm very curious, so why don't you help me clear my inner anxiety and tell me the answer? I think already Go far enough, where are the friends hiding around?"

"How did you perceive us?"

The third low voice appeared among the uninhabited ruins.

In the alleys on the left and right, two other pandamen walked out. They wore dark black clothes, bamboo and wood wristbands and dark red leather leggings. The flat hat covered their eyes, and the red scarf wrapped their chins, but the demon hunter could still feel the pandaman's vigilance and scrutiny in the gap between the two. In terms of size, these two pandamen are both males. They are holding wooden sticks and carrying a recurve bow behind their backs.

"No, I didn't find you." Zelin carefully observed the three pandamen in front of him. "I guess you invited me here to blow the cold wind? I'm becoming more and more curious about who is Burns, and who are you?"

"We will take you to meet another group of people." The Pandaren who came here with the Demon Hunter said. He spread his hands. "They said that if someone inquires about a member, it’s best to take that person to see them. These people will decide what to do with you. If you are not malicious, you don’t have to use force to solve the problem. We will ensure that you are there. Safety on the road and make sure you are treated fairly."

"It sounds like I am a prisoner." Zelin did not see the traces he had noticed on these pandamen. "Is this some kind of taboo? For example, asking for someone's name will lead to arrest? If that's the case, it would be really bad."

"This is not an arrest, this is some kind of security measure." The Pandaren had no malice, but he looked like he was sure that he could subdue Zelin if he did anything. "This is a time when the world is falling apart. It is our duty to ensure that the danger does not affect ordinary people. Please go here, it will not delay you too long. If you think you are innocent, tell everything you know, You will have nothing to do."

Zelin didn't like this secret organization's behavior style at all, but he didn't plan to conflict with the locals. He wanted to know what was going on, whether it was Amber, Burns, or the strange sign. Zelin asked Hesally, that no organization in the night elves was marked by a fist holding a dagger blade.

"So, Burns is a member of your organization?"

"No." Pandaren, he didn't tell Zelin his name. "You don't need to ask anything from me. When the time comes, they think you can know, and you will know what you should know."

The three pandamen led Zelin to the valley to the right of Karazhan, the valley trail leading to the Swamp of Sorrows to the east. There is a territorial battle between the Alliance and the Horde, and there is also a goblin resort town. But this road is not popular because it leads to military fortresses or tourist attractions. When most people arrived in the Swamp of Sorrows by boat and teleportation, only the empty cave left by the ogres after they were cleared.

Along the way, the two pandamen walked about half of their body diagonally in front of the demon hunter, exposing their backs to Zelin. This is really not a mistake that a group of fighters who are proficient in fighting should make, it seems to be inviting the enemy to attack from behind. If possible, the demon hunter can draw a sword and chop one of the pandamen on the back before they recover. Or control the sound of footsteps and just slip away. They were walking forward. If the speed was fast enough, they would only notice the abnormality behind them when they took three steps. At that time, Zelin could be ten meters away from them.

Judging by the standards of the **** target, this is really stupid.

But Zelin didn't plan to leave. Never think that others are stupid. Maybe when you think like this, others will laugh at how stupid your arrogance is. Maybe the Pandaren have other preparations, and maybe there are more trackers hiding in the dark. You don't need to do any meaningless little actions at this time, it will not do anything except make your situation worse.

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