"Sir, the ritual for summoning illusions is ready. When do you plan to start?"

"Wait a minute, I'll be here soon, let's get started right away."

Chapter 2059: The Vision of the Guardian

"According to your record of the Black Knight in your notes, I think this should be able to directly summon the space-time fragments related to the Black Knight. I added cum-listening to the original eagle-eye structure of the magic ritual field. Little tricks that can increase hearing can enhance your perception in the illusion and prevent you from missing any clues."

Yamily introduced her magic circle design to Zelin enthusiastically.

"Then at the end of the structure, I added a little magic called sound reproduction. This makes it easier for you to hear the target’s voice in the illusion. You don’t need to be close, just keep your eyes on the target and you can hear it naturally. What the other person is talking about. But this may bring some dizziness, but you don’t need to worry, only people with a particularly keen sense of hearing and smell will feel uncomfortable...... Oh, please forgive me! Sir, I did not demean The meaning of your abilities."

"Don't worry, I'm not angry."

Zelin rubbed the corners of his eyes. This is in Yamily's room. Several books are scattered on the white sheets, and the opened pages are full of notes and tips. The room is very small, with only one bed, a towel stand, a chair and a wooden basin in the corner. Zelin told her that she could choose the room at will, and he would pay for it, but Yamily chose the cheapest house.

"Let's get started, are there any caveats?"

"No, uh, just relax, don't be nervous. For those who enter the illusion, tension is the easiest to cause damage to themselves. According to the book "Illusion and Reality" by Archmage Dunstan Kendy That is to say, compared with ordinary illusions, the illusion of space-time fragments is very deceptive, and sometimes it may really go back to the past and cause some impact. But the impact is usually limited to making others think that they see ghosts. After all, these fragments may come from Other time and space may also come from your own world...Uh, sorry!"

After noticing that she was talking again, Yamily bit her tongue quickly, closed her mouth, and bowed again.

"Nothing, then let's start."

After speaking, Zelin took a deep breath and walked to the middle of the six-pointed star magic circle. Its outer ring is surrounded by amethyst, and energetic quartz is used to pile the inner pattern of the magic circle. Outside the magic circle, Yamily reviewed the spells several times to make sure that every syllable she uttered was perfect, and then compared the book, put the runes representing different effects in the correct position to correct the magic circle.

"Talal rune, yes, the rune that enhances arcane spells should avoid corrosion and void magic so as not to cause inactivation. Talal rune, two runes should be placed in opposite positions, yes, there is nothing here Wrong. Then use a Delgera rune to protect against demons and absorb fel energy...Well, Delgera is like this..."

Zelin didn't urge, he waited until Amily confirmed that there were no flaws in the magic ritual, then stood up and wiped off the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

"Are you nervous?"

"One thing, sir. My instructor never allows me to do this kind of thing. He said that the magic circle is not accessible to apprentices of my level. But other apprentices have already learned this part, so, in Zhurijidao When I went there, I had been borrowing books to teach myself. But please rest assured, I will make sure that there are no problems with this ceremony!"

Yamily smiled dryly, holding the book tightly, her knuckles looked a little red because of her force. This is the time to test her abilities, it may be the first time, or it may be the last time. Once she failed here, she wouldn't want to become a true mage anymore. She really didn't dare to think about how big a stain it would leave her reputation in the future.

"Please hold this rune scroll, there is a Psyche rune on it, if you feel a little uncomfortable or encounter an accident, use it immediately. This rune can offset the arcane energy, and then it will be Rune absorption. It won't cause any harm to you."

"Okay, I understand." Zelin nodded. "Let's get started."

Yamily took a few steps back, took a deep breath, then raised her hand, made a special gesture, and said the astringent spell along with the gesture.

The magic circle emits a magnificent and soft light, and the powerful magic begins to work in the circle. It was like a rainbow on the water swaying gently with the waves, and then the waves condensed into a gentle sphere, enveloping Zelin.

"Bring an illusion!" Yamily said loudly. "Let me see Eredin before becoming the Black Knight!"

Zelin heard a crackling sound. The air bubbles that enveloped me gradually changed color, the ground turned into a soft forest path, and the night wind carried a little chill through the lush birch forest. Not far away, a village composed of seventeen thatched huts sits in a clearing by the edge of the forest. A two-story stone building stands out among the many low thatched huts. The village is extremely quiet and peaceful, bathed in bright moonlight.

This is different from what Zelin expected.

He thought he would appear in Karazhan, linking to the end of the last time-space fragmentation. He heard someone tell Eredin that the World Terminator Apocalypse belonged to him, but Eredin knew nothing about it. He remembered that it was the beginning of the legend of the Black Knight, and Eredin came to the Karazhan Tower with the goods. He wanted to know what happened next, but why did the illusion take him to a strange village?

Did the illusion fail?

Suddenly, he realized that something was wrong.

It's so quiet!

Maybe there is no sound in the village at night. From an environmental point of view, it is summer, but not only did he not hear the sound of domestic animals, nor did he even hear a bug in the grass.

Suddenly, he noticed what appeared behind him. Turning around, a tall woman came into view.

She was wearing a silver scale dress, a white hooded cloak clingingly behind her, and the green silk lining of the cloak could be vaguely seen. The cloak of the windbreaker was drooping behind her head, hidden by her beautiful blonde hair. The lower part of the body is light gold leather pants that are easy to move, and the bottom of the leather pants is tucked into black boots. The woman clenched her hands into fists, dropped her sides, and walked towards the village step by step. The emerald green pupils with the necklace on the chest contained suppressed anger, like dark clouds before a storm. She didn't notice Zelin, but she was walking in a direction that avoided where Zelin was standing. Maybe she saw it, but she didn't bother to distract her energy.

Zelin looked at the woman's back and looked left and right. After making sure that there were no other people around, he immediately followed, keeping a five-step distance from the other person.

What's this story again?

The woman walked to the entrance of the village step by step, then stopped, stood on the spot with her legs apart, folded her hands together on her chest, her brows were tightly knit together, and her angry eyes seemed to be moving the village at any time. The thatched huts burned to the ground.

A **** smell drifted into Zelin's nose. The demon hunter pursed his mouth. It was night, and the bright moonlight was enough to make him stand on the edge of the village and see everything inside: corpses lying all around on the ground. There are men, women, old people, and children. The entrance of the village is a clearing. There is a well in the clearing. Opposite the well is the stone building. The wooden sign on the door of the building has the name of the hotel written on it, but it splashes. His blood covered the first half. Killed villagers were everywhere around the well, and a corpse was leaning against the mouth of the well. It was obvious that someone had lifted him up. This made Zelin wonder if anyone tried to throw the body into the well water after slaughtering the village.

This is creating a plague!

"Enough, Les! You have nowhere to escape, this hide and seek ends here! Come out!"

The woman shouted angrily at the village clearing.

"Yes, this hide-and-seek has been too long. You have been trying to escape the council." A male mage wearing a lavender robe walked out from behind a corner of the house. "Now, I will implement the parliament's verdict against you, Aegwynn!"

The mage's eyes were filled with emerald green flames, and he held a large sword nearly two meters long in both hands. The blue veins of the arm holding the hilt stretched up, as if the tentacles on the hilt pierced into his palm, followed the blood vessels into the arm, and the lines propped up the skin went all the way to the neck under the right side of the cheek. But when Zelin looked at the appearance of the sword itself, he couldn't help holding his breath-he had never seen such a peculiar long sword.

The lower end of the hilt of the long sword is inlaid with a gem that emits green light, just like the eyes of the user. The iron-gray handguards were carved into long inwardly curved horns, connected to the skull at the joint with the hilt, like a demon's head, and the hilt of the long sword was spit out from the mouth of the devil's skull. The light white magic tentacles protruded from both sides of the sword hilt, like a crawling centipede, while the tip of the sword separates to the two sides, forming a curved arc, enveloping the core of burning green flames.

"Your power was given to you by the Council of Tirisfal, but you arrogantly think that it is your own power, and you can use it to violate the order of the Protest Society. Now, I want to take it back, together with your life, Guardian!"

"The council ordered you to slaughter the villagers to attract me out?" The expression of the female called Aegwynn was like eating a fly. "I'm more and more convinced that what I refused to order from the council was correct. They would stupidly unseal the magic sword like Apocalypse and hand it over to a fool like you?! Guardian Adilo was struggling to remove the magic sword. Seal, they dare to release it for personal ambition!"

"The council will clear the traitors. This is your doomsday, guardian!"

He cried out and pulled out the magic sword, but Aegwynn was faster than him. She stretched out four fingers, and an invisible force slammed into Les’s body like a heavy hammer. The latter slammed into a house like a doll thrown out, slammed into the wall, and Fly out of the window on the other side, and finally crashed into the second wall before stopping. The clay block fell, and Les was buried underneath.

Chapter 2060 The Legacy of Apocalypse

The village fell into silence again.

Aegwynn stared closely at the direction in which Les Schal had fallen. The sky was very dark, and only the shadow of dust floated in the hole that was knocked out. Seeing the thickness of the outer wall that was knocked open, Zelin estimated the impact in his mind. He believed that if an ordinary human being subjected to such an impact, he might have died of internal organ rupture and body fracture. This strength is enough to press a knight with a full body plate armor into a flat surface.

But the battle is not over yet.

Aegwynn still stared at the front warily.

The next moment, a corpse fell to the ground and climbed up with a hoarse roar. A trace of disgust flashed in Aegwynn's eyes, her red lips tightened, and she made a gesture and waved her hand vigorously. An air current rushed across the village like a wave, and the houses of the village, along with the resurrected zombies, turned into dust. In the blink of an eye, the village disappeared. Thatched houses, adobe houses, and stone inns were all turned into powder, spread on the ground, buried under the ankles.

Losing the cover, the figure of Les Shaar appeared within Zelin's line of sight. The robe on his body became tattered, revealing the chain mail worn on the inside, and the finely crafted inner lining exudes magical light, which was not shattered by the impact just now. The light in the mage's eyes was even worse, he raised the apocalypse in his hand, and the core of the sword tip aimed at the position where the guardian was standing.

"You are an idiot, Aegwynn, an arrogant idiot! Do you think that by defeating a few demons, you have mastered the most powerful force in the world? No, this divine sword has the ability to swallow you!"

"It has swallowed you, waste!"

A dazzling green light suddenly burst from the tip of the sword, and the core burned in the thick fel energy. Aegwynn raised his hand and made a short gesture, the violet arcane power gushing out, like an arrow from the string taking Leth's heart. The speed of the energy arrow is very fast. But this distance is too close, just seeing it is deadly. He didn't think that if he had a chance to avoid such a speed of attack, it might be that Biyanan's musket bullets were fast.

Les reacted.

No, it was not that he reacted, but the apocalypse in his hand led him to make an action.

The light of the magic sword collided heavily with the power of the guardian, and the dust on the ground rose like a whirlwind, covering the entire village in an instant. Zelin raised his hand subconsciously, and the dust and sand blew past him, straight away from his body. It was gloomy, and Zelin could only see the purple and green rays of light fighting each other. He overcomes the urge to close his eyes and stares at everything in front of him with his eyes wide open. He believes that he can stand here to observe this battle, just because he does not belong to this piece of time and space.

But the expected situation did not appear. The guardian's arcane power failed to sweep away the evil energy of the magic sword, but after the collision, it gradually forced the energy point toward the location of Aegwynn.

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