"Yes, yes, this was not what I did. They said they would put me in the jail! They said they would sentence me to 2,730 years in jail, in the jail! I didn't commit a crime! Kill me! I will become a disheartened person, I will become a lunatic! No, I..."

"Don't be nervous, Yamily, I believe they will figure out what is going on." Hilda reached out and pressed Yamily's shoulder. Yamily took a breath, and she quickly withdrew her hand. At this time, she noticed that Jamily also had mild burns on her shoulder. Since she walked in, Yamily has maintained a posture. Perhaps only in this way can the pain caused by the burn be reduced so that the wound does not touch the ground. "Did they not bandage you?"

"They said Dala, Dala, the Dalaran Hospital was overwhelmed with the wounded. We must first take care of the investigators and scouts working for the Kirin Tor Council, and then wait until tomorrow for the doctor to come over." Jamily licked her nose and wiped it off. Tears in the corners of the eyes. "The battle mage said it was to arrest me, so he used the flame blast to hit me into the pool, otherwise, she would rather burn me directly. She threw me into jail and said that the trial would be held in a week... .... In the name of Nikko, they are going to burn me to death! I really don’t know what’s going on. You believe me, don’t you, Hilda? Do you believe me?!"

"Of course I believe you. As I said, I believe you are innocent."

"Did the mentor let you come? The mentor will help me, right?" Yamily wiped the corner of her eye vigorously and asked expectantly. "Will the mentor come?"

Hilda was silent for a while.


"What's the matter?"

"The mentor sent me a letter to you." As he said, Hilda took out a letter from the inside of the collar. The smell of rose perfume still remained on the letter. "This is specifically for you."

"...... What's written in the letter?"

Hilda rolled her head, without any expression on her face, placed the letter in front of Yamily and stood up. There was a certain pity in her voice, and an insurmountable sense of distance: "Look at it for yourself. My visit time is running out. I hope they can prove that you are innocent, and you will be able to stay here in the future. Quel'Thalas sees you. Goodbye, Yamily."

Chapter 2069 Suicide

The next day, when the sun struggled through the thick clouds and spread on the gloomy brick roof of the hotel, Zelin had already woke up, walked down the hotel stairs, while adjusting his collar, walked towards the door, ready to go. Dalaran.

"Where are you going?"

Suddenly, in the deserted hall, a familiar voice came to my ears. Zelin looked at the voice, Xisalie was sitting at a table, her fingers holding a dark brown wooden cup. In the original bustling hall, only the owner of the tavern was sitting behind the counter, writing and drawing on the ledger. Except for the table where Hesally was, the other tables were full of upside-down chairs.

"Go to Dalaran." Zelin stopped. The tavern owner glanced at the demon hunter, then turned his attention to the ledger, and shook his head. "You woke up very early. What are you going to do today?"

"What can I do?" Xisali shrugged. She raised her head and took a sip of the drink. The soft leather clinging to her chest outlined a seductive curve. "I just want to ask you, do you have any plans after the Dalaran matter is resolved?"

"Plan...it's too early to consider these." Zelin smiled bitterly. "The situation has changed too fast. Half a month ago, I thought that Dalaran was only to ship the goods. More than a month ago, I thought that my only purpose was to make money. Besides, I don’t want to think about it now. Plan, and then throw it away after two days. You must have something, right?"

"Yeah, Allegar kept saying that after you get the blessing of the Holy Light and find the Demon Summoner of Karazhan, you will rush to Stormwind City to participate in the expedition of the Silver Crusade."

"The expedition of the Silver Crusade?"

"Yes, it is for the battle of Broken Beach. The Paladins of the Silver Crusade will set out as the vanguard. She has submitted an application, but the list of Paladins who participated in the expedition will be determined according to the assembled part." Lin explained, pouring himself another drink. "I think if you wait for you to resolve this matter, and there are other things to be busy with, she should also follow you around running around. Elune is on, look at what you have done during this time, Aurega has always wanted to be a Paladin hero who is praised by the people, and recognized by the Holy Light, she will definitely not give up the good opportunity to follow you to find the devil's conspiracy."

"Sounds like I am a troublesome attractor?"

"This is compliment."

"Well, I take it seriously." Zelin waved his hand. "But why do you think this way? Olegar's dream is to become a true Paladin. I thought you would support her."

"Because this fact is too dangerous." Xisali sighed softly. "Her personality is not suitable for the battlefield. I now understand why her brother Tamra keeps asking her to stay on Azuremyst Isle. Even if she must leave in the end, she must be by her side. Think about it, If she goes to the battlefield, what will she do? She will take the lead, rush to the forefront every time she charges, and stay behind every time she retreats. She will put herself in the most dangerous position to protect her teammates from attack. , Gave the rescue supplies to the other wounded, and did not hesitate when she needed to sacrifice... She never put herself in the main position. Even ordinary wars, but in the battle with the devil, There will be sacrifices, including the mission of sending death to the main force to win fighters. At that time, I bet she will be the first to stand up."

Hisalie took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "I'm really fed up with collecting corpses and sweeping graves for my friends. Do me a favor, Zelin, and let Oleja dispel the idea of ​​dying."

Zelin stretched out his hands helplessly. "I can't create a demon invasion artificially. I really don't know why I can encounter demon spies in two places, but I always think that the demon spies here and the spies trying to infiltrate the night town are the same people. Maybe I I can meet them in Karazhan, but it is impossible for me to go to other places and encounter demon spies, otherwise I will have to wonder what I am doing."

"Then think of a way..." Xisali lowered her eyes and stared at the liquid in the cup. "Well, I will also think of a way. If there is a reliable way, I will find you."

Zelin hasn't promised Hisalie yet. However, seeing her start to drink and drink again, Zelin just sighed, and walked to the gate again, preparing to go to Dalaran through the portal.

There are obviously fewer pedestrians on the streets of Karazhan.

But the number of fully armed adventurers and Kirin Tor guards has increased significantly. Mage investigators can be seen in the ruins of many houses. After the demons invaded, the Kirin Tor Council sealed off the ruins in the north of the town and the cemetery beside the lake in the south, and sent manpower to search for traces of fel, hoping to find more clues.

Go through the portal and enter the Krasus platform. On the edge of the platform, Zelin saw Kare again, who was talking with a female human mage with white hair. This female mage has a young face, but her white hair only has a hint of blonde hair on her forehead, and she looks very haggard. Zelin walked to the bench next to the platform and sat down, looking around. Many men and women dressed in uniforms and Kirin Tor robes replaced the travelers who had filled the platform before. Kirin Tor seemed to be busy sending spies and messengers around the world. The mages stepped out of the magic tower and executed Kirin Tor. Order of Parliament.

It didn't take long for Carly to finish the conversation with the female mage, who used teleporting spells to leave the platform and Carly sighed heavily. Turned around and walked to the demon hunter sitting aside. He had already noticed that Zelin had reached the Krasus platform by teleportation.

"I hope everything is well, Lord Carre." Zelin stood up and greeted the mage. "It looks like you have a dispute with your companion."

"Yeah, I had a dispute that I hoped I could avoid." Carly seemed a little troubled. "Jenna is against letting the Horde wizards return to Dalaran, but if Kirin Tor cannot gather spellcasters from all over the world, how can we better use magic power to fight the demon invasion? Among wizards, blood elves are a must The power of underestimation, although the number of races is not as good as that of humans, the proportion of mages is the highest among all races in Azeroth. Once, Aethas Sunreaver was the representative of the blood elves in the Kirin Tor Council. Because some blood elves violated Dalaran's neutral position and helped Garrosh steal the Holy Bell from Darnassus, Jenna used this as an excuse to expel them all and put them in the Violet Prison."

"It sounds like it was a few years ago."

"Yes, but Jenna has always been upset about it, that incident has hurt her too much. At that time, she was ready to forgive the tribe, thinking that Garrosh's killing of the city did not represent all of the tribe. I believe that at least there is something like it. Races like blood elves didn't support Garrosh, and as a result, it hit her in the face again." Carre looked at the location where the female mage teleported and disappeared.

"But if the demons win, I guess they are unlikely to distinguish the hatred between different races?" Zelin moved his shoulders. This may sound a bit uncomfortable, and in order to survive, you must fight shoulder to shoulder with the person you hate the most. Zelin didn't know if he and the person who hired Berhart back then were stuck in a corner by the female monster, whether he would fight side by side or kill each other first at all costs. "It's really hard to choose. By the way, Lord Carre, speaking of the Violet Prison, I have a request. I don't know if you can agree to it."

"You can just call me Kare, or Karek." Kare rolled his wrist. "You and your companions helped a lot in this invasion. If you didn't hold the Doomguard, I can't imagine the result of this demon's sudden appearance on Karazhan Square without anyone noticing it. The mages of Dalaran rushed to kill it, and it would definitely cause a lot of casualties. Everyone’s attention was drawn to the place where the demon summoner was. No one thought that the summoner and the demon would appear in the town separately. The southernmost point and the northernmost point of the two opposing places. This is a cunning enemy, probably even more cunning than the warlock in the Dalaran sewers."

"Dalaran also has warlocks?"

"Of course, studying the power of demons is also one of the ways to fight demons. But in Dalaran, we have a set of rules that warlocks must abide by. Warlocks must be registered in the Kirin Tor Council and conducted in designated places divided by the Council. Fel energy rituals. And before each demon summoning, an application must be submitted to the council. Two mages must watch the guards nearby, and finally record the summoned demons. Otherwise, any behavior of privately summoning demons will be convicted, any Any violation of the rules will be called to the Kirin Tor Council to be questioned and explain why."

"I understand." Zelin nodded. This is similar to Stormwind City, where the warlocks are divided into an area to perform their rituals, and it is near the gathering place where the wizards can subdue them. In the event of an accident, the mages can immediately control the situation. "Speaking of prison, I hope to visit a prisoner."


"Yamily, the demon summoner who was arrested yesterday. I know her, and I want to find out what is going on with her."

"At this time, admitting that the suspect with the Demon Summoner is a friend requires more than just courage." Carre joked. "I remember her, but you don't have to go to the prison to see her. She should be in the hospital in the magic business district now."

"What's the matter?"

"Last night, the prisoner bit his tongue and committed suicide in the prison. Thanks to Mage Rina knowing some simple treatments, she stayed in the hospital. She should now be in the intensive care unit of the hospital, under the care of a mage and guards."

Chapter 2070, Doubtful

The hospital in the magic business district is located close to the edge of Dalaran Island, not far from the Krasus platform. In the past, this was the most deserted place in the magic business district, with only a few medical apprentices entering and leaving. But now, the foot of the bed on the first floor of the hospital was almost full of wounded soldiers, scouts, and apprentices. Zelin didn’t know what tasks they performed for the Kirin Tor, but obviously it’s not easy to work for Dalaran. The corridors were full of priests and doctors in white robes. The wounded in bandages were lying on the hospital bed and could listen from time to time. To a depressed low moan.

Going up the stairs to the second floor, there are two guards guarding Jamily's ward.

With Kare's order, the guards opened the door directly and let Zelin in.

The room is very small, with only a narrow single bed, and the free space between the bed and the door can only allow one person to stand. Zelin doubted that perhaps only a double bed could completely fill this ward.

Yamily was lying on her back on the hospital bed. A metal bracket fixed her small mouth, which forced her to keep an open posture. A small tweezers were fixed on the bracket to clamp the broken tongue in the mouth, leaving the corners of the mouth. Blood and saliva. Under the white sheets, the body was covered with scars, and her limbs were fixed on the side and corner of the bed with iron to prevent her from doing any irrational behavior again. The apprentice in this case closed his eyes tightly, and his cheeks became pale due to pain and excessive blood loss. Compared with the apprentice who had offered himself to the demon hunter before, and was nervous with a little self-confidence, he was quite different.

Zelin sighed lightly, and sat down by the bed.


The blood elves did not respond.

"I believe you are innocent. You will not do things like summoning demons. But I have to figure out what happened to you that night, before I can find a way to prove your innocence."

Yamily still did not respond. Zelin's gaze shifted down. At this moment, he noticed a letter lying beside the bed with blood still on it. Obviously, the Guardian of the Kirin Tor had checked this letter, otherwise it would not have appeared here. The apprentice's little hand under the bed sheet was still holding the envelope tightly. Zelin gently broke her finger and took the envelope out. The letter paper was already ravaged and wrinkled, and blood and tears almost covered the entire envelope.

Opening the envelope, neat lines of handwriting were written on the letter paper.


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