Can the wooden box cover the trail? Zelin once again took out the magic props carried in Francesca's letter. After hesitating for a while, he put the wooden box back again, and then wrote a reply on the new letter paper.

[Dear Enid, I also want to talk to you recently and see what you look like. But the world is perilous, and I can’t risk it.........]

Zelin wrote a letter in his room, and Amber lay on the bed next door, letting out a painful dream. In the house next to Anbo, Oleja knelt on the bed, interlaced her fingers on her chest, praying to the Holy Light. On the other side of the bed, Jamily took a pillow and placed it on her head to block the continuous whispers.

Only Xisali did not return to her room.

She came to the simple enchantment shop with great thoughts, and saw that the door of the shop was closed and the wooden sign that was closed today was hung on it, and she sighed softly. She clearly remembered that the tavern maid had said that it was a virtual spirit merchant from a simple enchantment shop who came to Zelin with a letter. Obviously, this Ethereal Merchant clearly knew something. And the relationship must be good, otherwise such an important letter cannot be delivered to a stranger. She wanted to know what was going on. In the past, she wanted to know through Olegar, but it was obviously a wrong decision to pin her hopes on the draenei.

Maybe she should come again tomorrow.

Taking a deep breath, Xisally put her hand on her chest and exhaled slowly.

She has failed so many times, and now the demon invasion is imminent, if she gives up again, who knows if there are any new opportunities? The end of the world is coming soon, and no one can promise that he can live through it, so why should he leave regrets in his heart when he may die?

"Excuse me, ma'am, why are you here?" The two patrolling Kirin Tor guards noticed the druids wandering in front of the shop. The Kirin Tor Council announced that the situation was still under control, but it was still in Dalaran. Arranged more soldiers on patrol with Karazhan to prevent accidents. "This store has closed. If you want to shop, you can wait until tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. The commercial area opens at nine o'clock."

"No, I just...I want to know, is there a phantom merchant in this store?" Hisalie paused. "It's Tuvis. I know him. As far as I know, the Ethereals do not sleep and rest like us. Can you tell me where this Ethereal Merchant is active at night?"

The two guards looked at each other, and a man with a pointed helmet spoke. "I don't know who Tuvis is, but I know that most of the Ethereal spirits in Dalaran are gathered near the original Ruin Square, which is the corner of the Guardian Temple and the Krasus Platform, where there is a Teleportation Saint. Temple."

"Teleport Temple? Well, thank you. May Elune bless you." Xisali nodded and turned to the Teleport Temple.

Chapter 2082: Sleepless Tonight

The Teleportation Temple used to be the most lively place in Dalaran. When Dalaran was located above the Crystalsong Forest and was monitoring the Crown Glacier where the Lich King was located, the Teleportation Temple was the only way for outsiders to reach the city by teleporting magic. Until later, when the Krasus platform was established, the teleportation temple was only left to teach the mage and apprentices to learn teleportation spells.

Until the Burning Legion invaded, a portal to other worlds was opened here. For example, the portals leading to Outland and Draenor exude a soft gleam in the hall of the temple. More than a dozen virtual spirits gathered in the portal hall, enjoying the magic water and magic crystal, and using the empty fragments to exchange goods and information with each other.

In Hisalie's eyes, there was no difference in the appearance of these virtual spirits, only the color of the cloak and the bandage. She remembered more than once that some draenei said that their night elves seemed to be all the same, only the difference in hairstyle, hair color and face pattern. At that time, she also didn't understand. There were so many differences between her and the other night elf sisters that these draenei couldn't see it. But now, she also experienced the same feeling.

By the door, the three virtual spirits who were talking noticed the druid who walked in, and they fluttered a few meters to the side to get out of position. There are many Ethereals in the teleportation hall, but there are still some other races coming and going in the teleportation hall. Many people seem to think that they can hide in Outland, or Draenor to avoid the invasion of the Burning Legion, but because of the invasion of the Burning Legion, it has become more difficult to open the cross-world portal. It is said that near Broken Beach, due to the existence of the Demon Portal, all teleportation spells will be invalidated. Therefore, on the second floor of the Teleportation Temple, many Dalaran mages who are proficient in teleportation spells are trying to stabilize the portal, trying to seek assistance from Outland and Draenor as much as possible.

But no one wants to bet that after opening the portal, reinforcements appear on the other side, or the devil who intercepts the teleportation spell.

Xisali walked into the temple while searching for the target among the Ethereal Spirits. When she walked to the stairs leading to the upper floor on the left side of the hall, a voice called her attention.

"Hello, Druid." A human mage wearing a purple and light blue robe appeared in front of Hisalie. He was holding a light purple staff, under neatly groomed light golden curly hair, with a pinch of light golden curls. Short horoscope. "Excuse me, do you have anything to do? Except for the hall, the Teleportation Temple is not open to the public. If it is not necessary, please do not go up the stairs."

"May Elune bless you, human. I want to find a Ethereal Merchant." Xisari's gaze scanned the hall of the temple. Light blue magic lights illuminate the wide hall, on both sides of the hall are stairs leading to the second floor. Below the two steps, the door leading to the inside of the first floor is closed, with a violet pattern carved on it. About a dozen virtual spirits stayed inside the hall. They were dressed in cloaks, unlike the virtual spirits on the outside that only had bandages on their bodies. Obviously, the status of these virtual spirits is higher. "His name is Tuvis, from the Simple Enchanting Store."

"I heard someone calling my name, madam." Tuvis floated in from the open space by the door. "I guess you must have come to discuss business with me? Do you need to buy magic equipment? Practical and cheap enchanting equipment, cost-effective will definitely satisfy you. For a beautiful night elf lady like you, why not buy a beautiful moon What about the shape necklace? Believe me, even the most pious priest of the moon **** will praise the moon necklace sold in our store."

"Excuse me, sir. May the Moon God bless you. But I am not here to buy goods."

Xu Ling was silent for a few seconds: "It doesn't matter, madam, what do you need, I believe this shop has everything."

Seeing Xu Ling's voice became a little cold, Xisali rubbed the tip of her nose in embarrassment. The Ethereal concealed it well, but Xisali could still hear it. She has lived for almost four thousand years, and she can hardly remember how many years she has, but now, she can at least hear the feelings in many people's words.

"I'm sorry, I want to know that you and the werewolf warrior Zelin are friends, right?"

Xu Ling was silent for a few seconds again.

"Excuse me, if it is not convenient to answer..."

"No, no, no, no, there is absolutely no question that is inconvenient to answer." Xu Ling raised his arm, and the glove wrapped around the end of the arm stretched out a finger. "Come here, no matter what you want to know, as one of your cousins ​​said, everything in the world can be clearly priced. What do you want to know? His personal information? Family environment? Family and friends? Partners or subordinates. ?? Or my opinion of him? There is a table here, and when we came here, it was quiet and undisturbed."

Unknown, Xisali looked like the imaginary spirit who found a big deal, and subconsciously followed the imaginary spirit to the small round table in the corner. Xu Ling pulled the chair away, gestured to the druid to please sit down, and then floated to the other side of the round table and sat opposite Xisari.

"Please tell me, what question do you want to ask, ma'am?"

"Well... I want to know where is he from? Where does his family live?"

Xu Ling paused. "Excuse me, madam, this is the part that can't be said. I am an honest businessman. It is my professional ethics to keep some confidentiality for my clients. But you can change the question and ask it differently."

Xisali understood the suggestion of the virtual spirit.

"Well, I want to know that there is a lady in his family, a human lady, right?"

Xu Ling stretched out two bandages in front of Xisali. "Ten silver coins, thank you. May Elune bless you."

Xisali reached out in the pocket inside the collar and took out a large silver coin with a higher silver content and placed it in the hands of the Void Spirit. "Say it quickly."

The virtual spirit makes the coin disappear in the hand like a magic trick. "Yes, he has a mage wife."

"And there are several sisters, right? I saw four letters in his hand that day. The senders were all female names. Is that a letter from his sister?"

Another bandage floated out.

"Ten silver coins, thank you, and may Elune bless you."

The druid took a deep breath and took out another silver coin.

"No, he has no sisters, and the senders are not his sisters."

"That's a friend?"

"Ten silver coins, thank you, and may Elune bless you."

Xisali stared straight at the virtual spirit, who had no cheeks, but after making sure that he was not joking, he took out another silver coin.

"Those are not his friends, but the relationship is definitely closer than friends."

"Oh?" Hisalie showed an unexpected look. "Then his wife is the mage of Dalaran? She must know that her husband has some close friends, right. Can you tell me the name of this lady?"

New bandage.

"Ten silver coins, thank you, hope..."

"Here you are a gold coin, ten questions." Xisali impatiently stuffed a gold coin into the virtual spirit's hand. "Hurry up."

"Thank you for your patronage, madam, trust me, you will get a satisfactory answer."

Xu Ling did not conceal the joy in his words. "His mage's wife is named Virginia, but she is not Dalaran's mage. I can't reveal where she lives, but I can tell you that she knows that her husband has many close friends. Please tell me Next question..."

In a place that Xisali couldn't see, the other hand of the Ethereal hiding behind him wiggled his fingers, and the quill controlled by magic wrote a new one in the notebook.

Dalaran's night darkened gradually.

In the hotel, Zelin completed the reply and put the letter paper in the envelope. Next door, Oregaard was reviewing the contents of the Holy Light Classics. On the bed, Yamily stared at the ceiling blindly, completely giving up the idea of ​​quieting the draenei. In the Temple of the Sunreaver, Hilda Dawn's Blade wears a bright red and elegant robe, and the close-fitting dress perfectly sets off the beautiful body curve of the bleeding elf. The clean and white skin under the hollow patterns on both sides can not help but make people think about it. Standing in front of the vertical mirror, after carefully making sure that there was nothing inappropriate on her body, Hilda smiled what she thought was perfect and knocked on the door of her instructor.

On the other side of the corridor, the other three apprentices poked their heads out of the corner and stared at the students who accepted the invitation of the tutor to have dinner with their eyes full of envy.

No one can sleep tonight.

Chapter 2083: Druid's Invitation

Zelin felt that everything seemed strange the next day.

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