"Only humans will turn green after eating a bad stomach." Burns didn't seem to want to pay attention to Orega at all, he replied coldly, and returned his attention to Zelin. "Have you found their trail? You can rest assured to leave it to us, these two are masters who follow them secretly."

"It's not tracking, it's searching." Zelin stretched out a finger. "This is the situation. I am going to search the cemetery in Karazhan to see if I can find any clues. According to my druid friend, her rat pet has some trouble in the cemetery."


Tallilian Bloodblade tilted her head and frowned slightly. "What kind of clue is this?"

"Be patient, my friend." Zaraka said unhurriedly. "Any subtle clue may bring about a huge change. A faint light may reveal the shadows. There should be many rats in the cemetery. It stands to reason that Druid rats cannot have trouble inside unless there is infection inside. Illness and the dead, but no matter what the situation is, it’s not good news."

"Yes. And one more thing." Zelin stretched out a finger. "A friend of mine, she had a little trouble in the cemetery and she was arrested there, so after the bombing, the Kirin Tor Council did not search the cemetery area for the first time. As a result, the hotel where she escaped when the explosion occurred. The boss has not been caught. So I wonder if there is anything wrong with that cemetery. I heard that the scale of the cemetery is not small?"

"That's right, humans like to bury everyone together and build a large cemetery. As a result, when the undead invaded, these large cemeteries became the favorite places for the undead's natural disasters." The blood elves curled their lips. "If it weren't for the bad habits of the humans of Lordaeron, it would have been impossible for Alsace to have so many undead soldiers back then, so quickly attack Quel'Thalas."

"This is not the time to discuss the hatred of the past, Tallen," the troll persuaded the blood elves. "The devil is our common enemy, and mankind also paid a very heavy price in that disaster."

"Yes. Cemetery? Let's go." Burns waved his hand. "If there is a demon inside, we will cut off its head immediately!"

Chapter 2085: The Mystery of the Necropolis

The catacombs are never a safe place.

The humans of Lordaeron have the custom of building necropolis. For big cities, it is a good choice to build cemeteries on valleys, lakes and hills, which can keep the corpses away from the town area and create a good environment for the dead. , So that their families have a place to place their grief. As a result, cemeteries of different sizes have been established in various human countries for thousands of years. Just like the public fundraising by Lake Ovilia in Stormwind, the Crow Ridge Cemetery, and even every church and chapel underground will build tombs to bury the dead. It was not until the emergence of the undead natural disasters that the necromancers of the psychic school evoked tens of thousands of undead warriors in the necropolis and followed the Lich King to sweep the mainland, that this custom was abandoned by humans.

Karazhan’s tomb was built before the appearance of the Undead Scourge.

"I can hardly believe that this is a tomb." Zelin held the torch and looked at the entrance of the cave close to three meters high. The walls and the ground on both sides of the cave are covered with neat blue-gray stone bricks, and the neat arch tiles on the top are glued together with clay. Although it was in the cave by the lake, it was dry and refreshing, without cobwebs and stagnant water. "I bet that many people live in more upscale places after death than they lived before."

"The soul belongs to the **** of death, so why nostalgia for a decayed body." Zaraka's voice was sad. "The Sandfur clan will embalm the body of the deceased and store it in the desert in oil-soaked bandages. The Dakalai clan will do the same in the past, keeping the corpse in the Frost Land for immortality, but the deceased must belong to it. Grim Reaper, everyone will go where he wants to go. Forcibly breaking the rules will only increase suffering."

"Put away your fatalism, troll." Zelin thought that the blood elves had no direct evidence of the information he brought, so he had no patience with him. Now he realized that Talilian's dissatisfaction might be more about having to walk with a forest troll. "If your Grim Reaper can get the Burning Legion out of our world, I will immediately go back to Quel'Thalas and tell any Sin'dorei who can see them to turn to your Lord Loa."

"I remember you defeated a necromancer?" Burns held another torch, and the orc's eyes stared at the stone tunnel in front of him warily. "I've been to Northrend. There are **** who want to desecrate corpses. This kind of place is suitable for this group of mice. After the investigation, you have to tell the group of wizards to burn this place."

Zelin didn't speak, he looked at Olegar, who held the warhammer in both hands and shook his head, indicating that he had not felt the existence of evil power.

"Let's go down and take a look. The best result is that there is only a dead body inside."

Ten steps of the tunnel forward is the spiral staircase leading down. The stairs were covered with dust, and they walked down cautiously, leaving the footprints of a group of people on the dust. Zelin walked in the forefront, holding a torch, looking at this tomb that may not have been visited for many years. Oleja followed him, holding the warhammer in both hands and staring at the surroundings. Behind her were Zaraka and Tallen. Burns walked at the back, holding another torch behind the temple, lest there be monsters hiding in the shadows behind them.

The spiral staircase was narrow and long, and Zelin estimated the distance they descended in his mind. After walking down about seven meters, another narrow tunnel appeared at the end of the spiral staircase.

"The taste here is terrible." Tallylian frowned. "The devil must like it here, it can hide their stench."

The tunnel made of light brown clay bricks spread all the way to the end of the torch light, disappearing into the shadows in the distance. On both sides of the tunnel, there are fork roads on both sides every ten meters, turning to the left and right sides respectively. Zelin walked to the corner on the left hand side, held the torch, and looked inside.

It is the same tunnel again, but this tunnel only has rows of entrances on the left.

"What is this?" Zaraka narrowed his eyes slightly, and the troll snorted, palm-length fangs moving up and down with his mouth. "Like some kind of voodoo ceremony scene."

Zelin walked into the corner, stepped lightly, and walked slowly to the corner closest to him. Only the sound of leather shoes sticking to the fine gravel remained in the dead grave.

A burial chamber appeared in front of the demon hunter.

The demon hunter subconsciously thought of Mahakam's dwarf mountain tomb. On the wall of the tomb there are rectangular depressions that were manually excavated, and in each depression lies a corpse wrapped in white cloth. The shroud was covered with burnt yellow and dark black spots due to the erosion of the years. On each wall, there are three rows from bottom to top. Zelin's gaze swept across the tomb in front of him, and roughly estimated that there were about 27 corpses buried in one tomb.

"We seem to disturb the deceased's sleep." Oregaard held the warhammer in one hand and put the other hand on her chest, praying in a low voice. "May their souls be basked in the tranquility and peace of the Holy Light forever, away from the intrusion of evil and darkness...Zelin, what are you going to do?"

When the paladin saw the demon hunter walk to a tomb, he stretched out the ebony blade and gently made a gap in the shroud with the tip of the sword.

"Nothing, I'm more concerned... Well, it doesn't seem to be a problem here."

The Shroud is a withered corpse, which seems to have been buried here for some time. Zelin carefully checked the nearby tombs, and they were covered with a layer of dust, and no one had passed by here for a long time. Perhaps since the opening of the Dark Portal and the town of Karazhan was abandoned, almost no one has taken care of this tomb. Even if someone resettled here later, they would just build a new cemetery next to the lake in the town.

"No one has been here for at least ten years." Burns walked to the corner next to him, which was also the tomb. "But this is a good place for fugitives to hide. No one will go to this maze-like ghost place to hunt fugitives."

"But don't forget, there are only corpses here, unless the innkeeper of the alliance is a fake ghoul." Tallylian looked at the dusty ground and walls around him in disgust. "There is no drinking water, no food. The fugitive doesn't escape the town as soon as possible in the chaos, but hides in the grave? Before long, he will starve to death and join the corpse."

"Don't think about the devil's minions in the thinking of a normal intelligent race." Oleja shook his head. "The scale here is not small. It is best to conduct a thorough search, and then bless the souls wandering here with the Holy Light to ensure that the evil cannot defile them."

The scale of this tomb is huge. The demon hunter and others carefully checked the several tombs near the entrance, and they did not go too deep. In the center of the tomb is a wide tunnel, on both sides of the tunnel there are small tunnels leading to other tombs every ten steps, like a branch made up by a giant tree. The small tunnel connects the tomb where the corpse is buried, like branches and leaves on branches. Perhaps this is the so-called necropolis. On the walls around the tunnel, Zelin can still see the rusty metal brackets, and there is even an unburned torch on the bracket. However, the gray dust has long replaced the burnt marks. In the past, it was definitely not as dark and cold as this. It is said that when Lordaeron flourished, a gorgeous church would be built above the necropolis.

The group did not separate.

The scale of the necropolis allows anyone's whispering cry for help to be hidden in a deep tunnel. Searched several tombs along the main road. Without passing through a tomb, they will check whether there are traces of humans or other creatures in the tomb.

In the seventeenth tomb, Zelin inspects the buried body. Like the previous tomb, the shroud contains dry and withered corpses, without any trace of movement. From the surface, it can be judged that most of these corpses should be buried here before the dark gate was opened.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Zelin raised his head, and Oleja, who had checked the other tomb, appeared in front of the door. She cast an inquiring look at Zelin, and the demon hunter shook his head, indicating that there was no extra discovery.

"Olega, do you feel anything?"

"No." The Paladin shook his head. "But...it feels very strange, I always feel something is not right."

"What's wrong?"

"That's right..." Oleja stopped talking. "I feel like staying in Mistmanto Manor. There should be undead here, but I'm not sure because it feels too weak."

The second thousand and eighty-sixth chapter has no doubts

"Mistmanto Manor?"

"Yes. Holy Light, there are undead creatures in that manor. You have seen that when the time arrives late at night, ghouls will appear in the manor. At that time, I could feel the existence of these evil creatures, even if If they disappear, they will also leave traces in the manor. I can feel them." Olegar paused, and she rolled her eyes as if looking for words to describe. "Just like people with perfumes, they leave scents after they pass by. Naaru blesses us so that we can detect these evil scents and save us from being attacked by cunning enemies in battle."

"Do you think someone used to release undead magic here?"

Aureka nodded vigorously. "My feeling tells me this is the case."

"Then can you find the corresponding location?" Seeing Oregaard's confused look, Zelin explained patiently. "For example, find a ritual site using undead magic? Or a desecrated corpse? Evidence, we need evidence. Finding evidence can prove that Yamily is innocent, and that there are other demon minions."

"I can't find the location. Actually, it always feels like that sometimes." Olega's face was embarrassed, and she scratched the back of her head irritably. "I don't know why I feel this way...maybe after the battle with the Black Knight, the great priests infused me with holy light in Stormwind, healed my body, and allowed me to feel more precisely. To the existence of evil? I can’t be sure. All in all, it’s really strange."

"Well, wait a moment, I'll tell other people about this."

Burns, Zaraka and Talilian searched many tombs. In the beginning, everyone searched the tomb together to avoid being attacked by the undead, but as time went on, they found nothing, no clues, no doubts, and no danger. So they decided to search separately to speed up the search. However, Zelin insisted that everyone must search in adjacent tombs to facilitate mutual support and help when encountering danger.

"There are only corpses here, buddy." Tallylian slapped the dust on her arms. "Dust, decayed smell, corpse, dust, corpse, shroud. It seems that your information is wrong. Maybe we should search inside as soon as possible. If there is no problem, we will go back and tell the mages in Dalaran that they should Send a cleaner to deal with this underground building, if they don’t want to give up Karazhan. Or find the king of Stormwind, which is supposed to be his territory."

"It's better not to be careless, my friend." Zaraka's voice was soothing and calm, without a trace of anxiety or irritability. "Shadow will hide in unexpected places, shooting a dark arrow when your defenses are weakest."

"Who do you think will be here?" The blood elves pointed their thumbs to the tunnel behind them. Along the way, they lit the torches on the main road, and the light dispelled the shadow of the cause. "If someone is hiding in the large cemetery and seeing someone come to search the cemetery, he can't hide in place. The cemetery is very quiet, in the name of daylight! Except for the sound of our search, I didn't hear any extra sounds. Uncle. Ens, did you hear that?"

"No," the orc said honestly. "And it doesn't look like someone has appeared here. We may be the first group of outsiders to come here after the necropolis was abandoned. Judging by the dust here, no other living creatures have appeared in the cemetery for at least a year."

"What about you, Zaraka?"

"I didn't find a clue." The troll shook his head, and he looked at Olegar and Zelin. "Maybe our alliance friends have discovered something?"

"I don't have a clue, but my friend found it." Zelin stretched out a finger, and he turned to look at Olegar. "She is a Paladin blessed by the Holy Light, and can perceive undead creatures. According to her feelings, traces of undead magic remain in this cemetery."

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