"How is it possible? I have always been reliable, and I will never leave any flaws."

"Anyway, I have to leave." Zelin shook his head and stood up. "If you want, we can continue to cooperate. I will provide you with goods and you will sell them. You know how to find me, oh, yes, if someone comes to me... forget it, you Look at the explanation. If it's a night elf named Hisalie, I will leave a note, and you will hand it to her when the time comes. If she does not come within five days, just burn the note."

In terms of time, Hisalie will set off for Val'sharah in two days at the fastest and five days at the slowest.

"Don't write a letter?"

"I don't think there is time."

"Well, if you insist, I won't object. Come with me and I will take you to the nearest Ethereal Node." The bandage on Tuvis's body dropped, as if sighing. "Do you still need to pack anything? It seems that the letter you sent home does not need me to send it on behalf of me. It just so happens that you are here at the right time, otherwise I will be in your castle at this time tomorrow and give your gift The letter was sent to your wife."

"It looks like I'm still lucky?" Zelin said mockingly. "In the future, you will help me pay attention. I would like to know how much it will cost to buy a pair of griffins and a set of training tools and manuals."

"No problem. Maybe we can talk about the next cooperation method later, some parts need to be revised..."

Zelin and Tuvis walked to the hall of the teleportation temple. Tuvis is going to use the Ethereal Node located in Shattrath City. Compared to Azeroth, which is closely watched by the Burning Legion, the Outland, which has almost been abandoned by the Legion, is safer. Before, Zelin thought that Outland was part of Azeroth, but later he discovered that Azeroth had already stabilized the portal link with another world, and realized a large-scale movement of people. Although only the most powerful magician among them can make a stable cross-world portal, in the world of demon hunters, Zelin has not heard of any magician that can do this. Except for the sages in the Elven clan who have the blood of the elders, for the demon hunters, they also belong to a different world race.

"Well, where are you going?"

Suddenly, at the entrance of the Teleportation Temple, a familiar voice came into Zelin's ears. He paused, took a deep breath, and slowly turned around. Tess leaned against the porch, with a dagger flying between her fingers, staring at the demon hunter with a smile in her eyes.

"Why did the guests leave when they came? A night elf lady believes you will go back, and she is looking forward to a date with you tomorrow."

"...How long have you been here?"

"It's not long enough for me to hear the news that I shouldn't." Tess stood up straight and walked towards Zelin. She looked like a wolf that found its prey. "You have been away for so long, and everyone else wants to know when you will go back."

"This is a threat?" Zelin gave the Ethereal a look, and the Ethereal floated behind the Demon Hunter, ready to go to the Node Hall at any time. He didn't think he would fight Tess here. Tess's actions didn't seem to be an offensive, unless it was some kind of unique fighting technique of werewolves. "Or an invitation?"

Tess stopped five meters from Zelin, her hands folded across her chest. "A piece of advice. Don't worry, everyone has a secret. I will not share your secret with the uncrowned. But I believe my father and His Majesty Varian will be willing to talk to you."

Zelin heard Tess's voice. She will not report Zelin's matter to the uncrowned, but she will inform the highest level of the alliance. Obviously, she must have been hiding near the Teleportation Temple and eavesdropping shortly after Zelin arrived. Tess was not a fool, but those words were enough to make her guess the identity of Zelin, not to mention that he and the Ethereal stayed in the Teleportation Temple. As we all know, the portals of the Teleportation Temple are basically related to the Ethereal or Outland.

Zelin glanced at the closed node hall door, then looked at Tess.

He didn't know what would happen if he left now, but if he stayed, he might still be able to control the situation in his own hands. After all, they have to fight against the Burning Legion, it is impossible to go hostile to another world. Perhaps the northern countries did not have much combat power. The Nilfgaard Empire suffered severe damage in two consecutive northern wars, but Serekania, ruled by the Dragon Sect, still has a strong power. He can use this to bluff or do anything. It is best not to let any redundant people know about the existence of another world.

"Well, Her Royal Highness Princess Greymane." Zelin gestured to the Ethereal, motioning him to stop. "Then let us go back, don't make others wait in a hurry."

"Believe me, you made the right decision. Greymane's friend is Gilneas' friend, and is also a friend of the Alliance, and the Alliance never treats friends badly." Tess smiled slightly and turned and walked out of the temple.

"Maybe you should say this to workers who are owed wages."

Tess paused, turned around, frowning. "What did you just say?"

"No, it's nothing."

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ps: The computer has just been reinstalled, and it's a mess. I'm ready to add more tomorrow

The second thousand and forty-four chapters accumulate strength

"You hide from the uncrowned, isn't this a betrayal of the organization?"

"In extraordinary times, traitors and tribal eye lines will inevitably appear in a scattered organization. I believe you don’t want your people to be forced to deal with a group of barbarians or corpses crawling out of graves, or such important information leaks to Burning. Legion, eh? I think you have been trying to avoid this."

"I have dealt with the races of the Alliance and the Horde." Zelin said softly. He tried to control his voice, and he didn't want a third person who knew about it. "They all look normal."

"I thought you were a werewolf when I first saw you." Tess said blankly. "Don't you consider joining the alliance? What you do is consistent with the purpose of the alliance. The alliance welcomes people with common ideals to join."

Zelin wanted to say that people from the tribe would also say the same things to him in front of him. But he swallowed the sentence back into his stomach.

"Please allow me to refuse for the time being, Your Highness. My original purpose was to do business with the Ethereal, but I don’t want to see good and good people die due to demons, but it’s not okay to stay in Azeroth for the rest of my life. Please allow me to give you a reply after careful consideration."

Zelin couldn't agree, he had better delay it for a while. When everyone pays attention to fighting the Burning Legion, he can follow his previous plan and leave with Tuvis when the total war breaks out. It's dangerous here, and he absolutely can't bring the danger back to his world.

"I believe that with your wisdom, you can make correct judgments."

By the time Zelin returned to the headquarters of the Uncrowned, the confrontation had already come to an end, and only the exchange of information was left.

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Hessally turned her head.

"My dear, what did you do?"

"Nothing." Zelin walked to Xisali's side, Tess did not stop, walked straight past them, and walked to her own position. "It's just a small matter, it's related to Tuvis. I suddenly remembered that I had agreed with the Ethereal to talk about something, just tonight, but the troubles during this period of time made me forget about it. Princess Tess just now Remind me that the talks here are almost over. How is the situation?"

"Ms. Proudmoore believes that Miss Amber's intelligence is correct, and to Smith and Jones... it is the MI7 member who gave the order to the two men in black to have a problem." Xisali whispered to Ze Lin explained. "It is thought that their orders were directly issued by Shaw from MI7 Headquarters, and Shaw on Broken Beach covered Anbo's retreat under the attack of the Dreadlord, so the most likely fact is that they are now sitting in MI7 Headquarters. The Shaw who gave the order is a fake."

"Smart judgment." Zelin concluded. "It seems that mages are still very smart under normal circumstances. After all, they need a good brain to learn magic. Oh, I never look down on those weird magic books. I know every word in the book, but they are combined together. It has become something I don’t know."

"Have you learned magic?"

Carley, who had been standing by and watching the silence of the meeting place, walked over and asked Zelin. "How? Which magician did you study with?"

"As you can see." Zelin shrugged, silently ignoring Carley's last question. "No talent, nothing. So now I can only make a living by physical strength, not wisdom. Fortunately, I learned a little bit of swordsmanship, which allows me to do simple tasks. Although I can't face powerful demons like a hero, But you can also defend yourself when necessary."

"Sometimes, being too humble is hypocrisy," Carly said. "A friend of mine used to say that he was able to achieve later achievements only because of good luck. But luck also requires enough strength and wisdom to seize the opportunity to push it to you. This time you did a very good matchmaking job. Okay, let us take the rest. I can't imagine what the consequences would be if the Azeroth coalition forces crashed into the trap set by the devil."

"What are you going to do?" Zelin thought he needed to inquire. "If it is convenient to answer, can you tell me, what are your plans for the next step?"

"Notify the Azeroth coalition forces assembled in Tol Barad so that they will not attack. Then return to Stormwind City to capture the Dreadlord disguised as Shaw." Carly said. "Then we have to find a way to rescue the real Shaw, and then consider the next plan. The uncrowned have sources of intelligence, and they will find a way to conduct a reconnaissance of Broken Beach and the surrounding area, trying to determine that the Burning Legion will Where is Shaw imprisoned."

"Will the devil catch prisoners?" Zelin asked back. "It sounds like you are pretty sure that the devil will catch Shaw alive."

"According to previous experience, the demons will capture prisoners. Especially Shaw’s identity is very special. They are likely to want to get information from Shaw. I don’t know how long Shaw can hold on to them since he faked Shaw. It’s been a month and a half since Er appeared.” Carley looked serious. "This matter is very important. The Kirin Tor meeting will be held tonight. Jaina and I will discuss with Khadgar and Modra. If necessary, Dalaran City will be teleported to the Broken Isles to meet the demon. Fight to the death."

"Um..." Zelin hesitated for a while before speaking, "Can I make a suggestion?"

"Please speak freely."

"If the assumption is correct, then Shaw, who is currently in MI7, is posing as a dreadlord. As far as I know, the dreadlord is good at bewitching people and has great power."

Zelin recalled the information he had learned about the Dreadlord when he talked to Allegar in Stormwind City. "His Majesty Varian has left Stormwind for some time. I think what I need to worry about is not only how long the real Master Shaw has been imprisoned, but also what kind of layout can a Dreadlord complete in such a long time? I personally think that Shaw should not be treated as a prisoner and arrested at will, just like Shaw will be panicked after the Kirin Tor guard enters Stormwind, and will be caught with his hands."

Zelin looked at Carley, who gestured to please continue.

"He is not an ordinary prisoner, he is the dreadlord, maybe he can already do things that surprised many of us, for example...Have you ever thought of Kirin Tor’s The question of the conflict between the soldiers and the defense forces of Stormwind?"

"A conflict?"

"I previously discovered with Prince Anduin that Captain Marragan of Stormwind's defense forces is taking refuge in the Burning Legion. So, are there any more people occupying important positions in Stormwind who have joined the demon's camp under the bewitching of the Dreadlord? What? I don’t think this matter should be made public, sir, if the army of Stormwind and the mercenaries of Dalaran clashed openly, what kind of rumors would it lead to? To what extent can this be used by the demons?" Ze Lin Qing coughed twice and cleared his throat. "If I were the dreadlord, I would declare that Dalaran has been infiltrated by demons, and the wizards have taken refuge in the Burning Legion. Therefore, in Karazhan, there will be so many demon attacks one after another. It is Dalaran who has taken refuge in the demon. The mage in secretly seized power and succeeded with the help of demons who pretended to be Anbo. It was only because MI7 agents Smith and Jones found out in time and sent the news back at the cost of their lives to prevent Stormwind from falling into the demon. Hands."

Carre was silent.

"Some things, as long as a part of it actually happened is enough to turn a lie into the truth."

"So do you have a countermeasure?"

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