"Oh, that's it." The werewolf nodded slowly. "But I really haven't seen it. You must say similar people, maybe I am dazzled, there is a werewolf warrior on a ship going to Northrend. But I can't be sure, because when that ship set sail, I As soon as I walked here, I only saw a werewolf warrior boarding the ship, possibly an adventurer or a caravan's guard."

Upon hearing the news, the agent took a deep breath.

"Very well, thank you for your information, Joseph, and hope you continue to work hard."

Then, the agent beckoned his companions. Joseph looked at the back of the other agents leaving, snorted, whistled, and continued his patrol mission.

Chapter 2161: Olega's Past

It wasn't until the harbor of Stormwind disappeared from the skyline that Zelin sighed in the stern of the ship.

"It doesn't look like there is any problem?" Altea came over from behind, and she wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. "I didn't see the boat coming up."

"Neither did I." Zelin shook his head. "Damn, I really don't want to have this experience again. If Fake Shore realizes that he may have been exposed, I don't know what he will do with Stormwind."

This really shocked Zelin.

Fortunately, he figured out a way to solve this problem. The original plan was almost over. He had prepared a backup plan to make mistakes in various links, but he did not expect that he would meet Oregaard in the church square, and Oregaard would see him first and call directly. Name it. If he saw Oregaard first, he would definitely hide first to avoid being discovered. He believed that the fake Shaw would send someone to stare at Allegar's every move. Originally, he planned to let Oregaard divert his attention so as to cover himself from sneaking into Stormwind City. He didn't tell Oregaard about this, because based on what he knew about Oregaard, if the draenei knew that she had a secret on her shoulders, she would not have acted so easily. Fake Shaw might have seen something. .

"We are heading to Booty Bay, but this is a cruise ship. I have never set it out so far from the port of Stormwind. I plan to go along the coastline of Westfall. Don’t worry, we will be able to see it at sunset tomorrow. The huge statue outside Booty Bay."

"Trouble you, Altea."

"When you were in Night Town, you never said that it was troublesome. Remember what we did behind the smithy?"

Altea raised her head, her red lips lightly opened, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

After a while, seeing that Zelin didn't respond, the Duchess frowned unhappy.

"What are you hesitating?"

"Altea, I told you I have a wife." Zelin rubbed his forehead helplessly. "In Azer..." He pursed his mouth and quickly changed his words: "After leaving, I made mistakes. Sometimes I can't control myself, but when I can control..."

"Are you using excuses to prevaricate me again?"

"This is not an excuse, this is..."

Altea stood on tiptoe and kissed the demon hunter's side on his own initiative. Then, she shook her hand: "I'm going to the captain's room first. We can talk later."

Seeing Altea's back, Zelin raised his head and looked at the clouds in the sky. A few seabirds flew past singing, leaving only the sound of waves around. After sighing, Zelin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

The cruise ship has two cabins, one is located at the stern with the rudder disc above it, and the other is located at the bow, but the scale is small and can only pile up some debris. Zellin found the armor that Altea ordered the servant to transport. The armor was wiped out, and the shoulder armor and breast armor were also coated with wax.

Finally, until sunset, there was no chasing ship on the sea, and Zelin left the deck safely and returned to the cabin. The cabin is very short, Zelin can touch the ceiling with his arms raised, but it is very spacious, with a wooden table fixed on the floor and four chairs inside. Inside the cabin are three rooms divided by wooden boards. There is only a wooden bed fixed on the ground. The sea breeze had been blowing for a long time, and Zelin couldn't wait to find some water to drink.

"Olega is causing you trouble." Tamra sitting in a chair and reading a book put down the book in her hand. "The Holy Light is on, can you tell me what happened?"

"You may not believe this." Zelin shrugged. "I hope that after you disembark, you will not talk about this until everything is over."

Zelin told Tamra roughly what happened in Dalaran. He omitted the part about the uncrowned, and attributed most of the things to Carre and Jaina of the Kirin Tor Council. The uncrowned do not want their organization to be exposed at will, so Zelin will not take the initiative to tell others about them. After listening, the defense officer took a deep breath with a solemn expression.

"I understand why you are so nervous when you hear Oregaard calling your name." The vindicator scratched the tentacles under his cheek. "A dreadlord, with the holy light above, he is equivalent to taking the entire citizen of Stormwind as a hostage."

"Yes, so the plan is to mobilize people as much as possible to solve it secretly without disturbing it."

"Why don't you directly find the leaders of the coalition forces and let them lead the guards back to Stormwind City by teleporting spells?"

"The coalition forces set off only half a month after Fake Shaw arrived in Stormwind." Zelin tapped his fingers on the table. "Do you believe that there is no fake Shaw's eyeliner in Tol Barad? If the next action is frustrated, then this is the final plan. But for now, I have not found any other actions by Shaw, except in the palace. Stop sow discord, release rumors, and plant the tribe. This means that he hasn't realized that there is a problem with his plan."

"I should let Oregaard come to apologize to you."

"No need." Zelin waved his hand and sat down on the chair opposite Tamra and took a sip of water. "I'm to blame for this. I didn't tell her the detailed plan. What was Oleja doing just now? I haven't seen her."

"She feels that she has made a mistake, so she has been helping Miss Eberlock to drive this ship. The Holy Light is on, and I should teach her to be more cautious in doing things." Tamra held his forehead and sighed. "That's why I don't worry about her leaving Azuremyst Isle. If possible, I would rather send her to a world where the Burning Legion has lost interest, such as Outland."

"Escape is not a good way, Tamra." Zelin put down his water glass. "You can't protect her all the time. Sooner or later, she must make a decision alone, face the risk and take responsibility alone. To be honest, you have protected her too much. Together, I almost thought I was dealing with a teenage child. I think her life is definitely not just a teenager."

According to Hisalie’s previous statement, she was already an adult when she met Oregaard for the first time in Oberding, and she came to Azeroth on the Exodar spacecraft, which was in the void. It has been flying in China for almost ten years. Zelin predicted that Oregaard's age should be close to forty years old, but the life span of the draenei is obviously very long, possibly longer than that of the night elves.

"By this year, she has experienced forty-five years of life." Tamra took a deep breath and looked forward, not knowing what she was reminiscing. "But her actual life may be only ten years."

Zelin raised his eyebrows.

"Olegar and I are not brothers and sisters in the sense of blood relationship." Tamra closed the book. "Forty years ago, when we draenei were still settled in Outland, we fought a war with the orcs. Our draenei’s homeland is Argus, and the demons have been chasing us, and then we arrived. The Outland was hidden, but I didn’t expect the demon to chase that remote place. The demon tempted the orcs to drink their blood, made them violent, and then launched an attack on our city... We were defeated. At the time I was A paladin who is responsible for guarding Shattrath."

"I know about it." Zelin nodded.

"It was a massacre. The orcs corrupted by the devil killed all the creatures they saw. The Prophet Velen decided to retreat and used the Exodar spacecraft to lead the remaining survivors to escape. I was ordered to cover the retreat of the villagers in Zangar Marsh. A refugee team of more than one hundred villagers should retreat to Shattrath with the assistance of the local garrison officer, but we have not seen them at the scheduled meeting point...I decided to join the other two The Paladins took the initiative together. As a result, when we walked about an hour away, we happened to see a massacre."

The waves pushed the ship slightly, and there was only an uncomfortable creak in the cabin.

"A group of orcs discovered this refugee group. The number of them is about one hundred. There are only ten village guards and soldiers. I saw other orcs chasing and killing refugees. There were floating bodies everywhere in the swamp by the road. Seeing a little girl run away by the arm by her mother, before I had time to help her, an orc chased after her and chopped off the woman’s head. The girl’s body was full of blood, and her mother’s head hit herself. She was stunned. The orc focused on her and did not notice me, but another orc rushed up and stopped me. After I ended up with the enemy in front of me, guess what I saw? I saw the girl There was no hesitation. She threw herself at the tall orc who was heavily armed, and hit the orc’s legs with her clenched fists. Then she was kicked away by the orc. But that gave me time, and I rushed forward with it. The hammer of the Holy Light smashed the enemy's head."

Tamra pursed her mouth and rubbed the tip of her nose.

"You know who I am talking about."

Zelin did not speak.

"When she returned to the evacuation site, she remained stiff and stiff. I took her by the hand to let her follow. After getting on the spacecraft, she fell into a coma. She had a high fever for several days, talked in sleep, and was caught. Nightmares entangled, frantic dreams. At that time, the Exodar was full of wounded people. We were surrounded by Zangar Marsh and had to take off. The priest on the ship had been busy taking care of the wounded, but they said that she could not survive. The strength of the orc is very strong. Her internal organs may have been injured. The priests helped to treat her with the Holy Light, but it seemed ineffective. I had been taking care of her during that time. Later, maybe the Holy Light blessed her and she woke up, but... ..... She is crazy."

Zelin looked at the exit of the cabin, and through the door, he saw Olega's figure rummaging among the debris in the bow compartment, leaving only one back: "But then she recovered."

"It took a long time. Sometimes she yelled, sometimes started to cry suddenly, or sat motionless for a while, talking to herself in the air, and sometimes laughing constantly." Towers Mla sighed. "While flying in the Twisting Void, when I have very important things to deal with, I can only lock her in the room so as not to run around and hurt myself. There are many wounded on the ship. At the beginning, I I couldn’t even find a woman to help take care of her. Until later, our spacecraft encountered a problem and made a forced landing on Azeroth and crashed onto the island of Exodar. At that time, I originally fixed her on a pillar. In case she was injured in the impact of the emergency landing, but that impact still injured many people, and so did she. She fainted and didn't wake up until half a day later."

"Then she recovered?"

"Yes, but she has a complete amnesia. She doesn't even remember her name or what happened in the past. She behaves like a newborn child. I am glad that she at least remembers how to walk." Tamra exhaled slowly. "I was by her side when she opened her eyes. She asked who I was and who she was. So I told her that I was her brother, and her name was Orega, my sister. I told She we were on a flight, but the spacecraft had a problem and fell. She hit her head and would recover after a while."

Zelin now understands why in the catacombs of Karazhan, Oleja did not respond when Burns talked about Outland.

She has no previous memories.

"Later I have been teaching her and telling her what to do. But Azeroth’s years of continuous wars gave me no chance to stay on Azuremyst Isle. Whether it was an expedition to Outland or the Northern Expedition to the Lich King, I later assumed After fulfilling his military obligations to the Alliance, he joined the Aegis Expeditionary Force and went to Pandaria. Aurega told me some of the things you did in Dalaran. If there is peace in the future, I might still have the opportunity to teach her. But the premise is that we can defeat the Burning Legion this time, and if the devil wins... the holy light is on, I pray that this kind of thing will never happen."

The cabin fell silent for a while.

After a while, Tamra spoke.

"Anyway, I am very grateful to you for your help and tolerance to Oleja during this time." Tamra reopened the book and rubbed the corner of his eye. "If the Broken Beach Expedition begins, I might go to Broken Beach as a reinforcement or march towards Azsuna. If I don't have a chance to come back...Can you continue to tolerate her? Honestly, Olega is not bad-hearted. , She doesn’t think badly about anyone, but she doesn’t understand human sophistication at all. It’s okay when we were in Azuremyst Isle. We are all people of the Holy Light. Other draenei will not embarrass her, but I really don’t. Don't worry about her living alone. If she bores you before, please allow me to apologize to you on her behalf."

"I have never been angry with her." Zelin shook his head and said seriously. Maybe Oleja will delay things and cause trouble sometimes, but for a good person who has only kindness in his heart and never has any bad thoughts towards others, it is difficult for a demon hunter to feel bored: "Moreover, our destiny will not Put an end to this war, Tamra, trust me, absolutely not."

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ps: Three shifts today

Chapter 2162: Arriving at Booty Bay

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