"Mistress Cordana will be glad to see your head!"

Chapter 2171: Changes in the Body

Moonblade brushed in front of the demon hunter, Zelin could almost feel the coldness above the tip of his nose. When he dodges the blow sideways, Zelin swung his sword backhand and slashed at the exposed shoulder of the watchman. When the dark blade hit the moon wheel on the enemy's back, it paused for a while, and then cut a crack in the upper ring, pressing down on the shoulder of the guard, but it was blocked by the moon blade. Noting the enemy turning his wrist, Zelin quickly drew his weapon back to avoid being caught by the barb on the moonblade. But the watchman bent down and flicked the cloak behind him.

Ding Ding Ding-

Zelin stretched his hand forward, and the moment the Kunen Fayin active shield was formed, the whirlwind formed by the blade crackled on it, and the surface of the shield immediately showed dense ripples. The moment the cloak was thrown out, the watcher turned around and aimed at the demon hunter's head with a kick, and a cold light flashed from the sharp top corner of the iron boot. Zelin stepped back subconsciously, but crashed into the canoe, almost losing his balance.

The watchman took the opportunity to jump up, and the curved blade in his hand took the demon hunter's head straight. The next moment, a sudden burst of biting cold wind hit her body heavily, causing her to fly back in the opposite direction, hitting a rock, and rolling out a few more times before stopping. Zelin jumped out of the canoe and landed on the reef where the watcher was standing. He threw a small package under his feet and stretched out his hand again as the enemy stood up.

The flames swept across the reef like waves, Zelin took a deep breath, and an uncontrollable feeling of exhaustion struck, as if this was the first time he used the seal, his legs were weakened by the physical strength drawn away by the spell, almost Could not stand firm. The effect of Igni's Seal has never been as violent as this time, and the consumption of chaotic magic in the body can't help but make him think that this is the first time he has released the Seal. Maybe there is something wrong with his body, but he absolutely cannot be divided in battle. God. When the fire wave hit, the watchman grabbed the corner of the cloak and turned, like a crow closing its wings. The next moment, the flames engulfed the reef, covering up the figure of the watchman.

Zelin frowned slightly, and suddenly, the sound of breaking through the air from his ear made him subconsciously swung his sword out.


In the crisp metal collision sound, a flying knife was hit by an ebony blade, spinning in midair and falling into the sea. The moment the poisonous above came into contact with the sea water, a cloud of white smoke immediately rose.

Looking in the direction where the flying knife was thrown, Zelin did not see the figure of the watcher. After a moment of stunned, he squatted down, suddenly bursting with dazzling purple light around him, and the runes of Arden's seal were distributed on the reef. The next moment, he rushed forward, the Moon Blade clinging to his back, and the watchman had appeared behind him for some time.

Falling down on another reef, before standing up, Zelin first supported the shield of Kunen's Fayin to avoid being caught off guard by the opponent's attack. For a moment, he almost thought that his physical strength was emptied by the seal, and the orange shield was more solid than ever. This situation is completely different from what he expected. He understands that Fa Yin consumes a lot of his own magic power, but it is definitely not that much. He believes that his current performance must be like a newbie who has just become a demon hunter. He has not been defeated by the enemy, but is exhausted by his own mana.

The new attack had not yet landed on him. He slowly stood up and turned his head. The watchman was looking at the purple light covering his body in confusion.

"You are a mage? Oh! I understand, Dalaran sent you to investigate." The watchman shook his arm hard, and the eyes in the helmet narrowed into a gap, shining dangerously. "This is the new spell made by the waste to fight the Legion? Don't worry, the letter for help will be delivered to your master, along with your head, telling them that it is useless to resist the Legion!"

"No, I don't think you can send that letter away. After all, the letter is not in your hand." Zelin took a deep breath, and shook a piece of letter paper from his waist with his left hand. "The real letter is here."

The watchman was stunned for a moment. She lowered her head and looked at the letter in her hand.

The sentence of the exile in Suramar City came into view.

"I just tore off the verdict when I got up from the boat. I'm curious, for what reason did you let the exile out? I guess it wasn't sympathy." Zelin squinted his eyes slightly, he could. I felt the tingling sensation on my arm gradually subside. He was caught off guard by the incident of the Fa Yin just now, and the body he was familiar with suddenly became unfamiliar, so that he was a little embarrassed when he was beaten in front of the sensitive watcher. "Who are you arresting, or tracking her, trying to figure out where she is hiding? Since your owner is the Burning Legion. You let her go but didn't help. You want to track the exiles to find The camp of those rebels? In that case, the city of Suramar, which announced that the elf was exiled...has surrendered to the Burning Legion? That's why they live without incident until now."

"Your soul must be able to provide fuel for the fel engine for several days, Mage!"

The watchman raised the moon blade. But Zelin did not raise the ebony blade to respond.

The reason Zelin and her talked about this is definitely not just for her to answer her own questions. Even if a Burning Legion minion tells him the answer, the demon hunter may have to consider the credibility of the answer. He can take the opportunity to regroup, and he has roughly figured out the opponent's moves and fighting skills, and even if he continues to fight next, he will not fall into a disadvantage.

"I like flames, watchman, but the premise is not to burn on me."

As he said, Zelin snapped his fingers.

Suddenly a squeaking sound came from the package that was dropped on the reef.

The watchman seemed to be aware of something and jumped up immediately. But the flames of five bombs swallowed her completely in an instant.

Zelin raised his hand to block the blast of air. After realizing that the opponent had flashing skills, he dropped a tarpaulin bag with five bombs under his feet, and used the Yaden's seal to delay the enemy and attract the opponent's attention. Such people who are good at flashing often use their mobility to go around behind the enemy to attack. In this case, instead of dancing in the enemy's rhythm on the inconvenient reef, Zelin is more willing to set a trap and wait for the enemy to step in.

When the fire dissipated, Zelin stood up. He saw the watchman, whose armor was scorched by the fire, lay face down on a rock, his left hand drooping next to the rock, his palm weakly open. The right arm holding the moonblade was blown off, and Beng flew to the beach, and the broken section was still scorched with black smoke.

Zelin did not approach rashly. He held his breath and listened. For a while, only the sound of the waves crashed around him.

After a while, Zelin sighed lightly. He raised the crossbow and shot two arrows at the gap between the watchman's helmet and shoulder armor. The body of the watcher who was shot by the crossbow shook abruptly, and the golden electric current slammed through her body. There was a gurgling noise in her throat, and she slowly tried to lift her head, but eventually fell down, her left hand hanging down, revealing the pointed cone hidden inside.

A group of dangerous fighters.

Zelin can only comment on the Catcher like this. This should be one of them who rebelled. He doesn’t know what’s going on inside the Watchers, but he hopes that the number of such outstanding fighters will betray as few as possible, otherwise when the Azeroth coalition forces attack the Broken Isles, they It will be a very tricky group of enemies.

But Zelin found at least some clues in the other party's words. There is a huge dungeon underground on this island called Watcher Island. According to the letter of help, the island has been occupied, so he had better leave here as soon as possible. It is very likely that this warden traitor was aware of the situation last night, so he came to the ground to investigate. Their leader, Kodana, would soon find out that the investigator sent out did not return, and Zelin would definitely not stay here, otherwise he would be discovered by the demon minions sooner or later.

Zelin walked to the side of the canoe, slowly pushed the canoe out of the range of the reef, and then jumped on it. He can use this canoe to leave the island and go to Azsuna. If the ruler here has taken refuge in the Burning Legion, it would be a good thing for Zelin to be reluctant. Relatively speaking, the devil will focus on the Broken Beach instead of the area that has surrendered. As for the rest, we can only consider after Azsuna.

Chapter 2172: The Valley Walker Farodin

The canoe is advancing along the coastline of Azsuna.

Zelin didn't dare to be too far from the coastline. There were undead pirates and fel bats everywhere outside. He sat on the wooden boat, observing the seaside situation, trying to find some traces and clues from it.

It stands to reason that the Uncrowned has sent at least four people to the Broken Isles. But now Zelin not only hasn't contacted Valeira and Tao Shi, he has even lost contact with Vanessa. Now he has only one person left, and I am afraid there are not many people here to believe. There were people who took refuge in the Burning Legion. He didn't know whether the exiles in Suramar could be trusted. If they were rebelling against the leader of the Burning Legion, Zelin thought he had better contact them first.

He urgently needs local intelligence, and the time limit of the rescue mission prevents him from slowly investigating the local environment.

Holding the ship's side with one hand, Zelin stared at the coast not far away with the light of dusk. This exiled ship was not damaged after leaving Suramar. Maybe the Burning Legion would not care what the local ruler did. This ship might help him avoid the demon's eyeliner. Of course, this is more likely to be just his self-deception and self-comfort.

Suddenly, the demon hunter narrowed his eyes slightly, and found a familiar purple figure on the shallows between Watcher Island and Azsuna.

The exiled person squatted, and the water on the shallows washed her legs like dry wood, as if she would be thrown to the ground in the next moment and washed away by the water.

Zelin controlled the boat and rowed towards the shoal. The current was not too turbulent here. He knew that the other party couldn't hear his words and was immersed in his thoughts all the time, so Zelin paddled directly onto the shallows and jumped off the canoe.

"You are an exile, are you? I saw the verdict on the ship, you..."

Before Zelin could finish speaking, the exile suddenly grinned, rushing towards Zelin like a beast that saw its prey. Its limbs grabbed the demon hunter's body, and kept scratching and biting with its teeth and fingers, leaving traces on the armor. It bit on the shoulder of the demon hunter, then blood leaked from its mouth, and a broken tooth leaked from the corner of its mouth.

"Wait, I am not hostile to you!"

Zelin tried to push the opponent away, but the exile opened his mouth again and bit on his glove. Touched the neck of the demon hunter with both hands, and began to pinch Zelin's neck forcefully.

"Can you hear my voice? Damn!" Zelin shook his arm vigorously. Zelin immediately grabbed its hands and broke it away little by little. The opponent is as thin as wood, but the strength is far from what it looks like on the surface. He didn't know what happened to the exile, but he didn't want to do anything with it yet. If he wants to get in touch with these exiles, he must not become their enemy because of his reckless behavior. He must find a way to subdue it, and not hurt it, otherwise...


The exile lying on the demon hunter's body tightened, then lost his strength, fell softly and fell to the ground.

This was not done by Zelin.

He raised his head, and a night elf holding a wooden cane appeared in front of him, still holding the posture of waving the wooden cane.

This is a male elf with a forest-like emerald green hair. His broad beard almost reaches his chest, reflecting the same green carved robe. His figure looked very strong, and his powerful arms made the demon hunter doubt whether his blow would kill the exile. With a light sigh, the night elf raised his head, a pair of amber eyes filled with scrutiny and curiosity, and a bit of fatigue caused by the years.

"It's dangerous to be attacked by the Withered, human."

"Thank you for your help. You..." While the male night elf was watching him, Zelin was also watching him. "I don't think you are a watchman, are you?"

"Of course not. Only the best combat female priests of the ancient Sisterhood of Elune can become watchmen. They never recruit men. I know what your doubts are, don’t worry, I am not a betrayer. You can call me a betrayer. Farodin, my former colleagues called me Valley Walker because I used to walk in the mountains of Suramar." Farodin bent down, squatted beside the Withered, and took out one from the package around his waist. The crystal emitting light blue fluorescence was stuffed into the mouth of the comatose withered. "I hope this will last for a while."

"What are you doing?"

Zelin never thought that his luck would be so good. If all of this was arranged by Mephala, he would definitely be grateful to her, although he knew that Mephala's help generally meant greater trouble. "Are you the night elf druid of Val'sharah?"

Farodin was silent for a while and shook his head: "Not anymore. You look confused, human. But you can help me and take her to a safe place. Her friend in Suraman entrusted me Find her and save her. I can only hope to send her back to the city before her body is completely destroyed. Come with me, I know a safe way. Maybe I can explain your confusion on the road."

"Okay, but before that, I must ask you one thing first." Zelin took a deep breath. "Have you seen a human being? Wearing heavy shoulder armor, wearing a veil, and black hair. The whole body is flaming red. There are only boots on the lower part of the body, showing the thighs. I am looking for her, she came with me, But we were attacked on the road and were forced to disperse."

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