"Don't worry, I told them to take a rest in the courtyard of the back garden. I set up an illusion. Naga is still attacking the Nar'Thalas Academy. Alise will not focus on the palace for the time being." Farodi. Prince Si seemed to sigh. "I always wanted to help them fight against Naga, but Elise didn't want to believe me. They thought I wanted to take the opportunity to surrender to Queen Azshara. But I won't do that. I was against her ten thousand years ago. I won't bow to her in ten thousand years."

Azshara was the last queen of the ancient elven kingdom. She tried to cooperate with the Burning Legion to open the portal to Azeroth for the demons. So that after the well of eternity where the portal was located exploded, she and the elves who followed her were submerged by the sea and mutated into Naga under the curse. During the reign of Azshara, Farodis was the elven prince of Azsuna.

"Farodin told me your story, Your Highness, because you failed against Queen Azshara, you caused the inhabitants of Azsuna to become ghosts. They don’t seem to like Queen Azshara either, I thought After the naga loyal to Azshara attacked the land, you will continue to lead them to fight against the naga." Zelin didn't understand the thoughts of these people, but in the ghost state without any sense of touch, taste, and smell, It is difficult for Zelin to say how long he can maintain his sanity. "I don't think that a prince who is willing to fight his enemy with his life will return to the enemy after ten thousand years."

"Because... outsiders, are the overseas races ready to fight the Burning Legion and Azshara?" Pharodis suddenly asked. "I am bound by the curse and unable to leave Azsuna. Elise never tells me the situation outside."

"We have been fighting with the Burning Legion, Your Highness." Zelin looked at the beach in the distance. Several naga seemed to notice the flashing light here. They led more than a dozen murlocs towards the direction of the demon hunter. "We have to go, Naga will find us soon."

"You are right...but the Naga camp is in this direction, why are you going to the other side?" Farodis asked Zelin, pointing in the direction of the beach. "Aren't you looking for someone in the sea giant's slave enclosure?"

Zelin stopped, looked at the ghost prince, and then at the Naga Guards who were approaching. He suddenly doubted whether His Royal Highness's sanity was sound.

How could a normal person break into the enemy camp without any outside help? Even in the Lonely Mountain, Zelin decided to break into Azog's command post alone when he had the speed of the ghost horse and the orc army stormed the valley city and the fortress of Irubb.

"I have a plan, Your Highness. I'll explain it to you later."

He walked quickly to the other side of the hillside, after two steps, he turned his head again. "His Royal Highness, for safety reasons, I suggest you better return to the palace as soon as possible. Enemies are everywhere here."

"I'm here to deal with them." Prince Farodis flashed, he was still five meters away from the demon hunter the moment before, and appeared next to Zelin the next moment. "In that case, let's go. I originally had a plan. Maybe you can think about it and help you rescue your companion."

Chapter 2177 The Slave Fence

Farodis' plan is very simple and straightforward.

Zelin could pretend that the captive was caught by the naga, so that he could enter the fence where the slaves were held. Then after he found the target, Prince Farodis rushed in and rescued him and his companions.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness." Ze Lin stood under the hillside and looked up at this slightly steep mountain. The mountain is a natural barrier, but for Zelin, climbing is not difficult. His eyes quickly find branches, cracks, raised stones and layers of lines on the cliffs that can be used. Based on the traces he observed, he planned a route in his mind that he could climb up. "But I don't like to hand over weapons to the enemy without any resistance. I don't like to give more to the enemy the success or failure of the plan whether to do it according to my ideas."

"Well, what you said makes sense, so what are you going to do?"

"Their camp is near the beach. The naga, murlocs, and sea giants are all water races. I guess they will not arrange sentries on the top of the mountains near the camp." Zelin stretched out his hand and grabbed it with his leather gloved fingers. Staying in a crack in the rock, pull yourself upwards forcefully. "So I'm going to climb up, bypass their troops, and go to the beach at the other end. Your sentry said that the sea giants built a arena on the beach on the other side of the cave with the shipwrecks they sunk. That is to say, on the hillside, I can observe the situation inside. After determining whether the target is inside, I will prepare for the next action."

"Good idea, maybe the leader of the sea giant is also there." Farodis nodded. "If he can find his position and defeat the leader of the sea giant, the remaining sea giants will not dare to go further inland and attack the Na'Thalas Academy."

"Beat the leader? No, my plan is to save people, not to assassinate. Of course, if I can, I don't mind doing this, but the premise is to make sure the people I find get out of it safely."

"Are you sure your friend is being held here?"

Zelin fell silent, and he continued to climb upward. The rocks near the sea were slippery, and the sea fog raised by the naga's magic covered the sea, like a huge octopus or sea monster, extending its tentacles to the shore from time to time.

"I can't be sure. But if she survives, this is where she is most likely to appear. Maybe she died after falling into the sea, maybe she was washed elsewhere by the sea, but before going on other missions, I think I It is necessary to try to find it." Zelin grabbed the edge of a rock platform and pulled himself up. There was no trace of Naga above, only the biting cold sea breeze. "Thanks to your sentry, I can save a lot of investigation time."

The devil’s camp in Azsuna is located in Farodir, an island connected to Azsuna by a shallow. It was originally part of Azsuna. Later, the sea washed up the stone road connecting Farodir and flooded the low-lying areas. Land, turning it into an island isolated from the mainland. The secret agent of the Uncrowned reported that the devil was transporting prisoners in Azsuna. The Burning Legion had only two large camps close to Azsuna, one was the camp of Farodir and the other was located at the junction of Azsuna and Suramar. Evil Soul Fortress at the place. The Burning Legion is likely to imprison Shaw in these two places.

He plans to use it to investigate the slave fence today to determine if Vanessa is here, and then rush to Faronaar camp before sunset. After investigating the camp for a day, if Shaw is not in the Fel Camp, he will go directly to the Evil Soul Fortress. He didn't intend to waste time looking for Valeera and Tao Shi's trail. Perhaps the two uncrowned men had already begun investigating the demon camp, and the stalkers were not suitable for team operations. Maybe they have already discovered Shaw's trail and are about to embark on a rescue.

Climbing to the top of the mountain, Zelin lay on the edge of the cliff, observing the camp on the beach below. Prince Farodis followed up with magic and saw Zelin take out his clairvoyance.

"You can try this." Prince Farodis stretched out his hand, and a cloud of white light gradually converged in the palm of his hand and condensed into a sphere. "It's very close, I have some magic that can help."

Zelin retracted his gaze, and the scene of the slave enclosure gradually emerged in the ball of light in Farodis's hand.

"Ah, thank you so much, Your Highness." Zelin closed his clairvoyance and walked to Farodis. The mirror image shows the scene on the beach. Two sea giants guard both sides of the cave. There are about a dozen sea giants scattered on the wide sandy beach. These giant beasts over seven meters tall have an angular cheek. The head and body seem to be connected together, showing the whole body. The skin is cyan, the back is covered with a dark brown hard shell, and the thick arms are similar to humans, but the legs are like two stone pillars with webbed feet. The sea giant guards dragged heavy anchors and patrolled the beach, leaving scratches behind them. "I don't think they will put their slaves on the beach and be able to move them inside the cave?"

Farodis didn't say anything, the image began to change, and the beach gradually became the inside of the cave. The sea breeze kept pouring into the gloomy cave. The cave was huge, with a height of more than fifteen meters. The giants of the sea could move freely in it, let alone slaves in shackles. The only sound in the cave was the clink of a shovel on the rock, sometimes accompanied by painful and heavy breathing. Humans, blood elves, orcs, trolls, and sailors of different races were treated as slaves, digging for rocks and ore for the sea giants. The slaves were hungry, wearing only shabby underwear, or those hard-to-cover fabrics could also be called clothes. The most robust orcs looked exhausted in such an environment, let alone those slender blood. Elves, the few blood elves swung their iron pickaxes laboriously, but the movements were very slow, and the overseer Naga's whip was drawn on them from time to time.

The sea giants obviously did not treat slaves as intelligent creatures, but these slaves could only lower their heads and numbly wave their shovels. The sea giants' huge size and weapons were enough to smash a person's head in an instant.

"Is your friend here?"

Zelin carefully observed the appearance of the female human slave and shook his head slowly.

"No, it's not here...wait, that sea giant." Suddenly, the demon hunter noticed a sea giant walking towards the right side of the cave, holding a rope in his hand, and the other end of the rope was tied up. An orc with some armor still on his body was dragged along, leaving a drag mark on the ground. "Can you follow this sea giant?"

The sea giant dragged the stunned orc to a corner on the right side of the ore cave. Inside the low cave there was a simple wooden door made of ship boards. The wooden door is low and the sea giant needs to bend down to pass through. After passing through the gate, the biting sea breeze blew between the rocks and turned into a sharp howling. Oncoming was the rough sea. The turbid sea water screamed in the squally wind, slapped fiercely on the dense reefs.

But even the sound of the waves could not overwhelm the cheers of the sea giant and Naga.

The bay is like the bones of a giant beast with an open mouth. The sharp reefs along the coast are the teeth of the giant beast. The wreckage of six destroyed ships surrounds the white sandy beach in the middle of the bay, forming a fence around the wreckage. , The audience of sea giants, naga and murlocs sat on the surrounding rocks of varying heights and yelled at the figures in the slave enclosure.

The sea giant dragging the orc threw the captured slave warrior into the slave enclosure. The two murlocs ran up and hit the orc's face with bubbles filled with cold water, and the cold water was immediately spilled on the slave warrior's face. The orc suddenly widened its eyes, it stood up suddenly, looked at the murloc beside him, wanted to reach out and grab him, but realized that his hands were tied behind him. He shook his body vigorously, and could do nothing but rub the gravel.

"You kill and survive, you die and eat!"

The sea giant yelled at the orc in lame language. But this was enough to make this slave warrior understand what the sea giant meant. He must fight with someone, and he will survive if he wins, otherwise the corpse will become the sea giant's dinner today.

The two murlocs walked around behind the orc and cut the rope with a stone knife. The orc slowly retracted his hand and moved his strangled wrist. A murloc threw a thick wooden stick in front of the orc, but the orc did not pick it up directly. It stared at the sea giant in the slave enclosure. The sea giant seemed indifferent to the threatening eyes of the orcs. He waved to the naga on the other side of the fence. The Naga guards turned around. After a few seconds, another sea giant walked to the fence and grabbed the one from his hand. The figure was thrown in directly.

"Yes, it's her!"

Zelin took a deep breath, raised his head, and said to Prince Farodis. "I have to find a way to get her out."

"Need my help? I suggest adopting my plan." Prince Farodis said seriously. "You already know where your companion is, we can just go straight in and save the person. If you can, maybe you can attract the sea giant prince out."

"That's too dangerous, Your Highness, we can never kill an enemy in a camp with three people." Zelin wiped his chin. "My plan is like this. I tried to sneak in. The cave is very wide and there are no torches inside. The shadows are enough to hide my figure. When I lead my companions to escape, you may be able to create some confusion with magic. At that time, Vanessa and I met you at the place where you sent you earlier."

"No problem, I will try my best to solve the enemies who are chasing you." Farodis did not object. "To make trouble for the naga is to help my people. But if my people ask, don't tell them, this is what I did."

"No problem, Your Highness."

Chapter 2178: Prison Break Action

Vanessa supported the beach with her hands, propped up her body, took a few bites, and spit out the sand she ate in her mouth when she fell to the ground. But how bad can this be? She wiped the cracked corners of her mouth. The sea giant never understood gentleness and kindness, but how bad can this be? These two adjectives have nothing to do with her.

Standing staggeringly, Vanessa stared at the sea giant in the slave enclosure with dangerous eyes. She knows where she is now. When the aircraft lost power due to the siege of the Fel Bat and fell into the sea, she jumped into the sea. The wind and waves were so strong that the waves almost swept her into the bottom of the sea. She struggled upstream, but just when she was about to swim to the surface, a force caught her and pulled her back into the sea. Later, when she came back to her senses, she found herself trapped in a bubble. The nearby coral and seaweed were surrounded by Naga guards, and there were more troubles like her in the nearby corals. Crew.

Moving her wrists, Vanessa stared warily at the orcs and sea giants in the enclosure.

"Fight or die!"

"Wow wow wow wow wow wow~!"

The murloc screamed and ran to Vanessa and dropped two short wooden sticks. For slaves without any protection, these two sticks are deadly, but they are only for slave warriors. It is estimated that this kind of weapon is unlikely to cause damage to the naga, let alone the sea giant, and may only be used to attack the weak murloc.

She must find a way to get out. While observing the surrounding environment quietly, Vanessa bent down and picked up two wooden sticks. She didn't know where her weapons went, and when she was in custody, she tried to communicate with the slaves here. But they were all scared by the sea giants. Even without naga and murlocs, these powerful sea giants alone can make everyone else give up the idea of ​​resistance.

Suddenly, Vanessa's face was startled.

She noticed a familiar figure appearing among the reefs. I am very familiar with it. In the past few years, no one has beaten her so badly, making her guess that she will never want to eat noodles again in her life.

"Fight! Quick!"

The sea giant in the middle of the fence slammed the anchor down in his hand, and the ground seemed to sway along with it.

Vanessa retracted her gaze, and the orc warrior on the opposite side also focused on her. After all, compared with the humans in front of him, the sea giants around him are like monsters that cannot be defeated. In any case, at least you have to live before you can consider other things. She didn't know why the other party appeared here, her mood was very complicated. If the uncrowned show up, it means they might want to do something about this camp.

But it also means that she must follow the promise of serving the uncrowned, to investigate the demon camp for them. But the other party deliberately exposed his figure while sneaking, is this reminding himself? Still a warning? Is he playing for Tess, or is he a friend of Tethys?

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