"In the past, when the Burning Legion descended and the demon's fel artillery bombarded the Suramar barrier, I searched for the answer in the flow of time, looking for a way to defeat them." Elisande said quietly: "I look for thousands of them. Time, the only ending I saw was the destruction of Azeroth, and only in the time of surrendering to the devil, Xia'dorei could survive. But today, I see a possibility that has never appeared in the past. A new path of time. In this time, I saw a planet with continuous wars, fortresses toppled, and corpses everywhere. But that is the planet of the devil, and Azeroth survived the war, the devil’s The fortress collapsed under the siege of the Azeroth race."

"Your Excellency?"

"A timeline for defeating the devil is getting clearer... Aluriel."

"Awaiting your order, ma'am."

"The news is blocked, and I am ready to summon the night fortress guards and the loyal magic swordsman at any time, and I want to choose a new advisor." Elisand stared at the flow of magic power in front of him, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes: " Call Lilith Moon County to be my new advisor."

Lightning flashed across the clouds, pattered raindrops hit the cobblestone path, and flowers bent over and bowed their heads under the impact of the rain.

Entering the porch of Stormwind Fortress, Altea took off his hood, and the rain dripped down the oiled paper cloth on the red carpet under her feet.

"You are here."

The sound on the right hand attracted her attention. Looking in the direction of the sound, Altea quickly bent over and bowed: "Good afternoon, Your Royal Highness."

Tess Greymane, in a tight leather armor, leaned back, leaning back in the corner of the inside of the porch, and the shadow just blocked half of her body.

"Good afternoon." She stood up straight, walked to the porch, raised her head and narrowed her eyes to stare at the gray sky. "This spooky weather reminds me of the bad clouds on the Gilneas Peninsula. The coastal reefs and the Greymane Wall have isolated us from the world. Gilneas rarely sees the sun. I dare say that there are at least three in a year. It rained for a quarter of the time, and a third of it was cloudy. So my subjects almost almost forgot, what kind of greeting is good afternoon."

"The clouds are only temporary, because the sun will always hang in the sky, waiting for the clouds to pass." Altea replied in a satisfactory manner: "Please forgive me, princess. His Royal Highness summoned me, and I must enter the storm fortress as soon as possible."

"No, I'm the one who summoned you." At Althea's surprised eyes, Tess added: "Don't worry, Anduin knows about it."

"Do you have any questions, Your Royal Highness?" Altea frowned slightly. She is the nobleman of Stormwind. Although the human blood and the title will be recognized among the nations, she must show respect to Tess, but the princess of Gilneas has no right to summon the duke of Stormwind. After noticing that her question was a bit rude, Altea stepped back and bowed to Tess: "I am waiting for the opportunity to serve you."

"In the past, my father decided to build the Greymane Wall to isolate the kingdom from the world, and also divide and abandon the Darius family's territory. It wasn't until the Werewolf Disaster broke out that we realized that some disasters were no longer a kingdom. Can bear it alone. Without allies, we must die."

Tess walked up to Altea, her arms crossed across her chest. "The same is true for the Alliance. In the past, there were only humans, dwarves, and gnomes. After the Holy War in Hyjal, the night elves joined us, giving the Alliance a foothold in Kalimdor. Then the draenei, let us get in touch with Outland. , And then we are the werewolves of Gilneas, and the pandamen of the Water and Soil faction. If there were not so many races working together, the alliance would have collapsed in successive disasters. The tribe is also doing the same thing as us, recruiting manpower and allies, and expanding Strength."

"Forming alliances with like-minded people is exactly what the Alliance has been doing, Your Royal Highness." Altea was a little inexplicable: "Is there anything questionable about this?"

"In the past, whenever a new continent or a new world was discovered, the tribe would always compete with the Alliance for the allied races." Tess narrowed his eyes: "If only the Alliance had discovered the Wandering Island and Pandaria, Pandaria's pandas. If people join the alliance instead of choosing neutrality, what is the difference between the power ratio between the alliance and the tribe, eh?"

Altea's breathing was a little short. She could hear what Tess was saying. Someone in the Alliance had discovered a new world inhabited by a wise race, but the tribe knew nothing about it. However, this level of confidentiality is definitely not something she, a duke who does not have much real power now, should know: "Your Royal Highness, what do you mean...?"

"I heard that in Yesetown, a brave soldier broke the Burning Legion's conspiracy and saved you and everyone in Yesetown. You sent him to Booty Bay that day." Tess suddenly laughed in a low voice: "Originally I thought you were just friends, or you were paying back his favor. But maybe I was wrong? After all, a good, strong, well-connected man who has got the attention of His Royal Highness and has a promising future and good looks. How many women don't like it?"

"I don't understand, Your Royal Highness." Altea frowned: "This is my personal business."

"But if I tell you." Tess's mouth formed a sly arc: "He is from a race outside of Azeroth, like the Ethereal, would you still think this is a private matter?"

Chapter 2215: Broken Sun

The fleet is getting closer and closer to Broken Beach.

"My child, a terrible dark force, has returned to our world."

Sitting in the command cabin of the Airship Breaking Sky, Varian Wrynn struggled to write a book, writing on a piece of parchment the words left to Anduin before the expedition.

"They still want to destroy everything we cherish, and in order to stop it, I might also sacrifice."

The ship swayed continuously, the artillery fire roared, and the vanguard fleet was already in a confrontation with the devil. The air was filled with a pungent smell of gunpowder, mixed with the salty and wet seawater. The soldiers' orders and slogans echoed outside the cabin. Before the expedition, countless people thought about the difficulties they would encounter, but when all this happened, all that was left was to move on until victory or death. On the beach, the wreckage of the sunken frigates and destroyers were scattered among the rocks, and the bodies of trolls and night elves remained among the blazing flames. But more landing boats crossed the reef and washed up on the beach. Allied soldiers with weapons passed over the bodies of their companions and killed the demons who still had the blood of their victims.

There is no way out!

"I have spent my whole life in the army and have fought countless battles. I have seen countries turn into a sea of ​​flames, and countless heroes have died in vain." In the cabin, there seemed to be only the rustle of the pen across the parchment: "After losing so much, it is difficult for me. Trust others. But in you, I see patience, tolerance and trust."

"Devil!" The soldier's scream broke the peace: "They are here!"

"Now, I hold the same faith as you. Peace is the most lofty ideal." Varian quickly wrote this paragraph on the parchment, his eyes scanned the traces left by him, and he couldn't help but be in a trance. . If he had such an idea back then, would there be so many quarrels with Anduin? Can he find more time to spend with his children instead of thinking about how to deal with the tribe? Perhaps only at such a moment will you discover how trivial the quarrel with your family is and how little time you spend with your family. "If you want to realize your ideals, you must fight for them."

After writing the last paragraph, Varian put fire paint on the envelope. The sidestring volley of the spacecraft shook the ship suddenly, the pocket watch on the table slipped, and Varian stretched out his hand to catch it. The pointer of the pocket watch turned crazily, and the fel pollution destroyed all the order and rules around the Broken Isles. His eyes were on the portrait of the pocket watch, and the young Anduin seemed to be smiling at his father.

With a chuckle, Varian stuffed the sheepskin roll into the waterproof leather tube.

If I can't go back, can Anduin live a better life?

He walked out of the cabin, and the Supreme King of the Alliance stood on the deck, observing the battle below. On the opposite side, the tribal airship broke through the dark clouds and followed. Sylvanas Windrunner stood at the bow of the ship, and she nodded to meet Varian's gaze.

Below, a huge fleet docked on the beach, battleship artillery bombarded the demon on the beach one after another, assault boats rushed to the beach, humans, orcs, undead, night elves, blood elves, draenei, werewolves, dwarves, trolls. A coalition of countless races rushed into the demon's position. The beach was almost covered with corpses, and the blood had already dyed the sea and sand red.

In the eastern outskirts logging field outside Stormwind, a middle-aged woman held her sore waist and looked at the gray sky in the distance. Her child died in Delano, and his husband went to Broken Shore as a soldier. Can he come back, she doesn't know.

On Bloodclaw Beach in the Echo Islands, a female troll kneeled before the idol and prayed to Loa. Her husband died in the battle against Zara Zane, and her only child was called up to the Broken Beach as an excellent hunter. She prayed that Bonsandi would not take away this last relative. Or, take her soul away and reunite with her husband and children in the underworld.

In the distance, the sun on the horizon seemed to be dyed red with blood.

In the sky, dwarf helicopters and fel bats in a battle queue are entangled. From time to time, you can see the killed fel bats falling from the sky, or burning aircraft crashing into the sea. The Alliance infantry advances inland under the cover of the siege tank. The trebuchet throws enchanted ammunition that burns on top of the devil's head. The orcs and tauren slam into the devil's battlefield side by side, and successive explosions leave the rocky ground remaining. Scorching flames. The goblin shredder collided with the hellguard, and the short green leather manipulating the mecha, the serrations almost curled in the cutting.

The huge demon battleship slid across the sky, and the fel artillery bombarded the canine tooth front fiercely. Countless souls screamed and turned to ashes in the evil fire. A **** guard rushed to the landing craft, raised his axe with both hands and hit the soldiers in front of him fiercely!


Yamily screamed and sat up. She held her neck subconsciously, and patted her body with her hands down the neck, as if looking for a wound to make sure that her head was still there. She panted, and kept looking around, her eyes horrified.

The oil paintings hung on the walls of the Magic Hotel room came into view, which was the Thousand Needles Forest before the cataclysm.

Staring at the oil painting in a daze, memories flooded into my mind again. Yesterday she returned to Dala and Zelin helped her arrange a room in the Magic Hotel. Mrs. Sunrena said that she would come to ask her about demons the next day. She was very tired, so she almost fell asleep when she returned to the room, without even earnestly thanking Zelin.

She was safe, it was just a nightmare.

Thinking about this, she lay heavily back on the soft bed, sinking her head into the pillow, and slowly exhaling, not caring about the thin nightdress wet with cold sweat.

After a while, she got up and put on a new flaming red dress with golden silk threads on the edges. She likes clothes of this color very much. Although this dress is not hers, since it was folded and placed next to her bed, it was probably left by the hotel owner? It has been a long time since she bought a new dress by herself. The beautiful robe she put on last time turned into a cloth strip in the Broken Isles, and she couldn't wear it again.

Tie her blonde hair into a ponytail and look in the mirror to make sure that there is no disgusting place on her body, or an inappropriate dress, Yamily opened the door gently, looked left and right, and walked down with her skirt. Stairs.

"You are dressed beautifully today." As soon as he walked down the stairs, a slightly mocking voice came into his ears. Valtoy was sitting on the sofa in the living room and flipping through a book. There were many emptied magic water bottles in front of him: "The beautiful ones don't look like mages anymore."

"To look beautiful, why do you have to be ugly on purpose?" Jamily didn't care about Valtoy's insinuations. She walked to the other seat: "Sir, where did he go last night? "

"What's the matter?"

"I want to thank him in person. He helped me so much, I can't do nothing." Yamily held her cheeks, her eyes turned upwards, with a smirk: "I can't say, I owe Your favor. He saved me twice. If I just said that I owe others a favor, I would not forgive myself. If he needs any magical help next, I can be his entourage mage and stay with me. By his side, help him deal with enemies with magic."

Valtoy tilted his head and turned his eyes from the book to Jamily. These night children arrived in Dara and were well received. The Kirin Tor Council regarded them as guests. Talissa stayed in Violet Castle and discussed with the leader Khadgar about the Burning Legion. .

"Just follow the mage?"

Yamily retracted her gaze and asked unexpectedly: "Of course, what else can it be?"

"Huh, I thought you were going to recommend yourself." Valtoy snorted coldly and looked back: "Follow the mage, the descendant of the dignified upper elf, and serve as a servant for a human with a civilization of only a few thousand years."

A little disappointed, Yamily climbed onto the table, her chin plunged into her elbow, her eyes drooping at the reflection of herself on the smooth table top. "I'm not good enough..."


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