The navigator turned his head abruptly and stared at Nilaris. The latter has always been concerned that Laetisa was the first to die in the battle under the hanged ghost tree so that they were defeated by the demon hunter after losing the magic cover. The navigator's mouth twitched, and his drooping arm slowly formed a fist. "I will find that human woman sooner or later, and she will know then that death is a kind of supreme kindness to her!"

In the snow-covered mountain road, Virginia sneezed.

"Snee!" She rubbed the tip of her nose and sniffed hard.

"Virginia." Suddenly, a voice from behind made Virginia turn around. Yusevka squinted in the cold wind and walked up step by step.

"Joseph, why are you here?"

"Is it cold?" Yusevka smiled slightly. She was dressed in a heavy cashmere trench coat with a pale white wool skirt exposed at the bottom of the trench coat. "I remembered after I cleaned the snow in the courtyard today. You told me that Zelin will be back today. I brought him a piece of clothing." The doctor took out two heavy woolen cloaks in his arms. A gray-blue one was handed to Virginia. "You too, came out in a hurry, I saw your windbreaker is still hanging by the fireplace. It's already dried, Siris said you are here waiting for him, I will bring it for you, and put it on. It’s getting colder recently."

The snow from yesterday evening remains on the slopes, and the snow-capped peaks in the distance add a chill to the desolate mountains. It was the end of February, but the weather did not get warmer at all.

"Thanks for your hard work, Joseph." Virginia hurriedly draped the windbreaker over the robe, she held it in her hands, and let out a sigh of heat in front of her mouth. "I thought I could welcome Zelin as soon as possible, and then go back, who knows how long I waited."

"Maybe it was a delay on the road." Yousefka helped Zelin explained. She looked at the mountains in the distance, and subconsciously stroked the earring of her right earlobe: "I used to go from Yanan to Church Town. For a long way, he has to travel from one world to another, and there will be several different worlds in between. It may take more time. Oh, I also brought a bag of hot water, and drink a little."

With that, Yusevka reached into her trench coat and looked for the silver water bottle hidden in her inner pocket.

"Hmph, maybe he's already here, he just doesn't want to come back so soon." Virginia rolled her head and snorted: "Who knows what kind of woman he is addicted to during this time."

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ps: Speaking of it, the fall of the kingship is so difficult. The hard players in card games are too anxious. Up to now, the single player has not cleared the first chapter of General Nilfgard.....

Chapter 227 Two-handed Business


Yusevka froze for a moment, then chuckled lightly, and handed the canteen to Virginia. "I guess he must be delayed on the road because of some very important things. In the past, as long as he came back, he would never stay on the road. I have prepared the ingredients and will make lunch when he comes back. Today you are going to go. Eritusa Academy? If you don’t go, just stay. Miss Frid has always been reluctant to sit with us to dine. Hillis thinks she shouldn’t sit at the same height to dine with us. I Don't force her. Now Hawke and Gnaiya are in Novigrad. If you go too, the castle will be empty again."

"I shouldn't go during this time." Virginia stared at the mountain road in the distance, and said absently: "There are soldiers and armies everywhere. God, the scale of the war here is much larger than the sky. Humans, why do they hate each other like the imperials and the high elves? Teacher Tishaya told me that during this time the teleportation may be interrupted by the imperial warlocks, so it is best not to go to Eritusa through the portal. She gave me a paid vacation, and I refused. I can’t do nothing and ask others to pay me a salary. However, Joseph.” The mage girl smiled bitterly: “When Zelin returns, the castle may be better than You think it’s more crowded."

"Huh?" Yusevka looked suspicious. "I don't understand... You mean, are you sure that many friends from another world will visit the castle this time?"

Virginia didn't make it clear, she changed the subject.

"Joseph, don't you just...are not angry with him at all?"

"Angry? Why do you want to be angry?" Yusevka was even more puzzled. She wore leather gloves as a gift from Azeroth. This not only prevents the hands from swelling when washing clothes, but also keeps warm. "I never quarreled with him...Have you quarreled with Zelin?"

"No, it's not." Virginia sighed heavily. "He always has so many, so many female friends. I'm just a little curious, Joseph, are you really angry?"

Yusufka smiled, and she lifted her silver-white hair that was curled up by the wind behind her ears. "In the past, Enid asked me the same way, but her curiosity was different from yours. She thought that I was so ambitious, whether I was planning another conspiracy."

With that, Joseph and Virginia both laughed. Since Yusevka's enlightenment, Virginia's return from Middle-earth, the relationship between the two of them has become very good.

"Oh, my God." Yusevka smiled and wiped the corners of her mouth: "I was surprised and panicked at the time. I didn't understand why Enid suspected me like this. What did I do wrong."

"Because she is such a person, planning conspiracies all day long, and dealing with people similar to her every day, so she thinks other people are like her." Virginia suppressed a smile and tried hard to say sternly. : "She has always been like this."

"Don't do that, Vinnie." Yusevka shook his head: "Enid is very sad now, and Zelin is also very uncomfortable, I can see it. Let this matter as soon as possible, don't become Zelin. He’s already very tired after dealing with so many things. Let him rest at home, okay?"

"Okay, okay, the eight holy spirits are on top, you are always so kind, Joseph."

"There is not much I can do for Zelin, and I don't want to bother him." Yusevka touched his face, with a faint smile on his cheek. "He is my hero, no matter what, I will never leave him, just like he never left me in Yanan. Faced with such a terrifying enemy, he did not give up for me, obviously I can't do anything. Bring him..." After indulging in his memories for a while, the doctor suddenly raised his head: "What's wrong, Vinnie, are you sad lately? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

"I'm just a little unhappy." Virginia scratched her cheek. "I'm here to help take care of the castle, but he stays outside to buy gifts for other women."

"You can tell him directly. I believe Zelin will give you an explanation and apologize to you." Yusevka said kindly: "But I think he may just be communicating with locals. Didn't you find out? Once he has money, he often presents gifts or entertains when dealing with other people. This is how he is. When he has good things, he remembers to share it with other people. When he encounters problems, he will first blame himself for the mistakes. I am very Worry, this time Enid's affairs, whether he will find the cause in himself. It is not his fault."

"Enid still owes Miss Gnaiya a large sum of money, but I... how can I stand to say such a thing." Virginia cheeks flushed and stomped her feet: "If you let Ge Miss Naia knew that I told Zelin this way, and she would come over and say the same to me the next day, and Enid. After all, they had already lived here when I decided to stay in the castle. Some time."

"You." Yusevka smiled and patted Virginia on the shoulder. "How about I make a bet with you?"

"What are you betting on?"

"I bet that Zelin came back alone this time."

"How is it possible." Virginia rolled her eyes: "When will he come back without following other women, this time there are definitely a lot of them, maybe there are elven beauties in another world."

Yusevka looked suspicious. "Did he mention this in his letter to you?"

"No, he just said in the letter, how good his life is in another world, how many wonderful scenery and strange and friendly races. You know, in his letter to me, he just discussed with me about the transformation of the castle. "Virginia changed the subject naturally. She could never tell others about trading with the Ethereal and secretly monitoring Zelin: "I guess, but in the past, he would either bring back the wounded or bring back the wounded. Friend. How could it be possible to come back alone?"

"Don't you know him? Even if he is in great trouble, he won't tell his family. That's good. If you win, I will promise you one thing. If you lose... .." Yusevka thought for a while and stretched out a finger: "After lunch today, help me wash the dishes."

"Of course no problem...Hey, look, is it him over there?" Virginia pointed at the figure on the mountain road in the distance. She raised her hand, put up a shed in front of her, and tiptoed up. . "Ha, Joseph, you lose, there is still a shadow behind him, uh..."

Before Virginia could finish speaking, she suddenly realized that the shadow behind her was a bit too large by a human standard.

Holding the reins of the Griffon, Zelin walked step by step on the snow-covered mountain road. Obviously, there was a snowfall not long ago. In winter, the Mahakam Mountains are always covered with silver. The Carbon Mountain, which is located at the center and the highest peak, is covered by snow all day long.

As he walked, Zelin reached out his hand and fumbled inside the package. After a few seconds, he took out a piece of jerky and threw it up. The Griffin leaped up suddenly, bit the dried meat in midair, raised his head, bitten a few mouthfuls, and swallowed.

"I'll take you here, my friend, some businesses still need me to go back and continue to look after." Tuvis, who followed the Griffin, stopped: "Azeroth's business will get better and better. I look forward to cooperating with your business. Are you sure that I am not allowed to build a virtual spirit node in your castle? In the future, you can go directly to Azeroth through the node instead of bypassing other worlds. In business cooperation, if It can reduce shipping costs and greatly increase profits."

"No, compared to business, I agree with safety first." Zelin waved his hand. "If you are still willing to continue to purchase goods, you can come here to find me, but don't follow other people behind you, I don't want the news here to spread to the world."

"Your world is really weird. It's covered in fog. It's difficult to show characters who can travel through the astral world on their own, but it's also very safe. Few people in many worlds will notice here." Tuvez said. It reminds Zelin that when dealing with Wigwarts, he saw a dead world full of mists. "Let me say, this is like a poisonous mushroom, inconspicuous, not worth mentioning, it will not block anyone's way, but if you get a bite, it will also make the attacker feel troubled."

"It's best not to attract the attention of those who encounter poisonous mushrooms and want to take a bite." Zelin spread his hand. "The alliance I met this time is willing to reason with me, but in the future, if you encounter a group that is unwilling to reason, you must use another method to calm everyone down, and I doubt that someone knows how to bypass you. Of these. But who can tell? Goodbye, Tuvis, and good luck."

"Good luck also, my friend. I hope our cooperation can continue." Tuvis took two steps back, and suddenly he seemed to have thought of something. He stepped forward again, lowering his voice. "For the sake of our past cooperation, I have a message here that I am willing to sell it to you at half price, how about it?"

"News?" Zelin frowned: "What news."

The griffin behind him shook his feathers, shaking off the snow on it. Snow fluttered in the gray sky again.

"This kind of information product will lose its value if you let others know it." Tuvis pretended to be mysterious: "I am doing this for your good. I believe this news can help you, for example, dissolve your castle. A possible crisis within. The price is fair, and only ten Azeroth coins are needed."

"Your piece of information is enough to buy a full-body plate armor in Azeroth." Zelin snorted, reached into his wallet, counted out ten gold coins, and put them into Tuvis's outstretched hand. "Tell me, what secret do you hide again?"

Chapter 228 Reunion Again

After nearly four months of absence, Zelin could hardly recognize the appearance of the castle today.

Under the auspices of Virginia, the castle underwent a new round of renovations. The city wall is thicker and stronger than before. There are triangular battlements erected every four meters on the city wall, and a gargoyle statue sits behind each battlement. The gargoyles squatted down behind the battlements, like neat decorations, but Zelin knew that if necessary, these gargoyles would immediately recover and kill the enemy.

"Miss Serana helped create this." Virginia introduced to Zelin: "You said in your letter that you don't want the gargoyle to appear in front of ordinary people, so I considered this method. Put the golem in an important position. It can also cover the golem to prevent ordinary people from fearing when they discover it."

"Very good." Zelin reached out and touched the rough gargoyle, his head and shoulders were dotted with unmelted snow: "How did you contact Serana?"

"I've been thinking about the gargoyle problem, so after the holiday at Eritusa Academy, I went back to the sky and visited Miss Serana." Virginia and Zelin walked on the wall together, In the courtyard, Siris was busy cleaning up the past training ground and used it as an animal pen for the griffon. The site was spacious enough, and before coming, Tess repeatedly asked that griffins must not be kept in tightly sealed places.

"These gargoyles are cheaper than golems, although they are not as versatile as golems. I went to Miss Gnaya, but after she took the core of Lomune’s golem, she gave it to Yinie. Germany."

"Well, I understand..." Zelin turned around, looked into the distance, raised his fingers and pointed at a low-rise brick building with a vault on the right side of the castle's main building. "What's that?"

"Which? Oh, that is the garden."

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