In the room, Amelia lay on the bed, staring at Zelin, who was chatting with Hawke in the courtyard, and sighed lightly after making sure that Zelin was not going to come to see herself. This letter came back quickly, unlike the past, it took several days to reach the castle. But it also means that the situation may be worse than she expected, so much so that Chapei will attach so much importance to the letter she sent out.

After reading the opened letters, Dik Sicher, who was sitting on the upholstered bench, put on a bath towel, straightened his arms and legs, and sighed in a relaxed manner.

"What letter did you read?"

"It's nothing, a little girl wants a May Day gift. How can the kind Uncle Ruben sit and watch?" Dijkstra moved his shoulders and handed the letter to the **** steward standing behind him: "Everyone, how do you feel? Like?"

"It's a good winter, Sigi." The dwarf Carlo Varese was lying on a soft bench like him, steaming in the pool beside him. "Reminds me of Mahakam's cave hot springs. Only the most noble and wealthy families can enjoy the warmth brought by the spring water on the days when the mountains are covered by snow. Ha, you are better here, there is more hot water than hot springs."

The dwarf looked at the women beside Dijkstra, pinching his shoulders. "It would be better if there were a few dwarf women with a good body. I will warn you first, you are racist here, Sigi."

"Stop it, Cleaver, everyone knows that you love weapons and fighting more than women." Dikoscher seemed to hear some funny joke, and a wave of fat belly appeared. He knew that the name of the dwarf in front of him was not called Clifford, and Clifford was the axe on his waist. But using sharp weapons to describe the dwarf gang boss clearly couldn't be more appropriate.

There is a joke circulating in the alleys and dark taverns of Novigrad that Carlo Varese, one of the four gangsters of the local gang, is actually the best spokesperson for racial harmony. However, this principle of his is selective practice. Clifford is very convinced that he has long been integrated into Novigrad's civic life, so he has full rights to run his own business. Anyone who is dissatisfied with his business scope or business style, whether he is a human, a dwarf, or a halfling, will be regarded as an abominable racist. There is only one fate for racists, and that is to be thrown to feed the dogs, but before feeding the dogs, they have to cut off all the fingers of those people with Cleaver. At the time, this was just a joke, but surely no one would be willing to verify the authenticity of the joke.

"I have prepared a few good axes here, which are said to be made by the goblin of Thor Tisha. I heard that the goblin’s city is full of steel and furnaces. The amount of coal burned is comparable to the amount of forged steel. In the last country, even the carts were made of metal. You can help to see if these axes were made by goblins. If not, I would tie the liar to a rock and throw it into the bay."

"I will probably take it home for two more days. If it is a real goblin, I must use the best means of identification." The dwarf held out a finger. "Like my Clifford, that's the best weapon!"

"I have never understood why people of our status should touch the weapons that the inferior talents would use." A soft voice came, and on the third bench, his face was pale as if it was smeared with powder. The man held two women in his arms and touched them with his hands up and down. The two women barely smiled on their faces, the fear that could not be concealed in their eyes, and the bruises and bruises were pinched everywhere on their chests. "Do you still need to do it yourself? Nishiki, send some women to my villa tomorrow."

Cyprian Willy II is one of Novigrad’s most dangerous criminals. After killing his father, he inherited his father's casino, fighting arena and brothel-as well as his father's sadism, cruelty and shamelessness, and casually inherited his father's nickname. People call him Hawthorne behind his back, which means son of a bitch. But he didn't seem to care about it. After all, who cares what a mouse that can be killed casually thinks.

"Sometimes you have to do it yourself to solve the problem." Dijkstra snorted softly. "No one can be more reliable than yourself, because you will never betray yourself."

"Unreliable people, just kill them." Hawthorne raised his head, with dark circles on his sunken eye sockets. "You always like to waste time on these unimportant things. It is better to raise a bunch of trash than to raise a few birds, right?" He said, lifting the woman's chin on the left. ""

"You came to us not just to enjoy your bathhouse, right?" A slightly rich man sat by the bath. "Go ahead, what are you going to do, Sigi?"

"Oh, my sire, I think your spy has already told you all the news." Dickos bowed pretentiously.

"There will always be more or less news in my court."

Francis Bellin, Novigrad has not been ruled by a king for more than two hundred years, except for the current king of beggars. Manage a group of thieves, beggars, homeless people and street orphans all over the city. Every bankrupt is his subject and must be his subject.

Dixie waved his hand, and the steward in the compartment led the other women to stand up and leave. When the last woman walked out of the room, he stood up.

"Recent wars have burned to the eyebrows. Everyone, the emperor, the king, and the leader of the fat pig have also sent a guy named Manji. This is a baptism of fire. Everyone, avoid being burnt to death. The way to do this is to tell others that Novigrad has the final say."

"Manji? I've heard of this name." Beggar Wang narrowed his eyes slightly: "His most famous technique is to pull nails and peel people. I heard that he is famous for peeling off a witch. I heard After the news that he is coming to Novigrad, is he not subordinate to Chapei?"

"Obviously not, according to the information I got." Dikoscher recalled the information in the letter: "This Manji is obviously here to seize power. He may not just want the position of a bishop, maybe he also wants a vault key. ."

"Those **** hypocrites have already robbed a lot of money in Novigrad!" Cleaver clenched his left hand and smashed his right hand: "Goddamn **** still wants to continue taxing my legal industry?!"

Hawthorne said nothing, and lowered his head listlessly.

"Don't worry, my friend. A good friend of mine, she told me, our good old man, Chapei, doesn't seem to be going to catch it this time." A fierceness flashed in the eyes: "We have to make a joint statement first, and then cut off all the hands that want to reach into Novigrad!"

Chapter 2234 Underground Network

Novigrad’s announcement quickly spread to every corner of the eastern end of the mainland, and the city’s traffic arteries and the surrounding crossroads were plastered with most of the signed announcements signed by the citizen council.

The announcement declared Novigrad as a permanent neutral city to avoid being involved in the war. The city council announced that the army is prohibited from entering within a radius of twenty miles of the city. Any army that enters will automatically be deemed to have declared war on Novigrad, and Novigrad will join the other party to protect itself. If the city is attacked, Novigrad will use up his last gold coin and fight until the last ship sinks to defend the city’s independence and freedom.

Every city councilman swears in the name of many gods.

"City councillor? How many guards does the councilman have?" Amelia snorted disdainfully, and threw the letter into the brazier. "Look at the members' signatures on this bulletin. This means that the four underground gangs in Novigrad have reached an agreement. Only members of the Eternal Fire church have not signed them. Obviously, the underground gangs and the church have not reached a consensus. However, , I think the members of the church may not know who to listen to."

She could see the real meaning of this announcement. It’s very simple. No matter whether it’s Rydania or Nilfgaard, Novigrad has no strength to resist the attack of either party. Joining the other party is tantamount to seeking a dead end. When the other party is in the identity of the savior, it is absolutely not. Will allow such a prosperous city to continue to be independent. What is really important is the last few words. Once the city is attacked, the real owners will burn Novigrad’s fleet and steal the vault, so that the attackers will not get any practical benefits, but will fall into offensive neutrality. In the bad reputation of the author.

Nilfgaard’s army is very strong, but most of the fleet is only sailboats. The only task of the navy is to project the army. The Nilfgaards wanted to get the Novigrad fleet so that they could fight Redania and Skellig's navy on the sea. And the Redanians also want to get Novigrad's fleet, so, together with this city located in the estuary delta, Ladovide will build a strong line of defense on the Ponta River.

This is the most important neutral method. Either it is extremely powerful, or the jade is burnt.

"Sister, our business hasn't been doing well these days."

In the basement of the Floating Harbor Hotel, Amelia stared at the fire in front of her, her tender cheeks hung with undue indifference.

"Recently Manji bought a new batch of anesthetic powder?"

"Yes, eldest sister." A man in his thirties with thin cheeks bent over, with a pleasing smile on his face: "The Nilfgaards occupied Vizima, and as a result they hanged many anesthetic powder dealers. The price of anesthetic powder has gone crazy now. As a result, Manji still took the goods at the price before the war. I heard that he also ordered the witch hunter to kill several powder dealers and rob them of their goods. Now no one plans to fight with them. When dealing with the church, I haven’t heard of anyone from the church buying goods in the past month.”

Amelia sat leaning on a chair, surrounded by several anesthetic powder dealers of different ages, but each one was much older than her appearance. In the same way, everyone's eyes are full of awe. In the past, no one regarded this young girl as a thing, and there were many people who wanted to abduct her and sell her to other places to make a fortune. However, after many unruly men died miserably in various places, no one dared to disobey her request.

Mysterious, powerful and indifferent.

No one knows her details, and no one knows what kind of power she has. Where are you from? Who are family and friends? What is the real name? Know nothing.

But there is no doubt that anyone who tried to fight her died.

"So the war affected underground trading, right?" Amelia groaned under the tip of her little nose. "So Eternal Fire has changed from selling anesthetic powder to having to buy anesthetic powder?"

"Yes, eldest sister." Another drug dealer in his twenties chuckled. "In the past, the eternal fire's drug dealers were all in Vizima, but in the first half of the previous year, a demon hunter smashed it. Later, they built a new one outside the city, and they just hit the Nilfgad. After coming over, the camp was destroyed again. In addition, the sales in Aden were also destroyed by the war, and there were very few things in Kevel. It was too cold there to be suitable for planting materials. As a result, the eternal fire is now in Redania Before a new production factory is established in China, it can only be purchased everywhere."

"Very well, now you have all the anesthetic powder from all channels in your hand run to Ridania." Amelia subconsciously rubbed her fingers, as if she was trying to pinch something: "Remember, set the price higher. "

The faces of the traffickers around him were stiff.

"Big sister, one will buy it at all. The church requires low prices. Who dares to buy high prices?"

"I said someone will buy it." Amelia snorted coldly, and she looked around. "Any comment?"

After the others left, Amelia walked out of the basement and waved her hand, but it didn't make any sense to disperse the smoke in the basement. It seems to be always in smoke here. Perhaps the situation has improved recently. The war has made everything scarce, including people’s favorite tobacco.

Of course she would not spend her own money to buy these hard-to-sell goods. The war will never last too long. Years of war have caused the farmland to lose its owner, and the living materials of this world have been tightened to the limit under the oppression of the war. Monsters raged, wars destroyed villages, and corpses attracted more monsters. She could tell that when the snow melted, it was the time for a decisive battle. Otherwise, even if the king and emperor above want to continue fighting, the people below will find a way to pull down their war-crazy monarch, and then negotiate peace based on their previous performance.

So when the war is over, no matter how high prices are, they will definitely fall after production resumes. However, at some point, for organizations that are not short of money, what they worry about is not the price, but the availability.

Many of Chapei's people did not dare to disobey Manji, but before Chapei was deprived of power, they did not dare to disobey the bishop's order. After all, Heimfa’s order was to send Manji to Novigrad to capture spies, not to deprive Chapei of his position. Before the situation became clear, the people below would never dare to stand in line or express their attitude. In the healing church, she has seen too many such situations and faced it once.

In her letter, she asked Chape to mobilize the gold in the Novigrad church vault and use the crown to buy anesthetic powder at a high price in Redania. She believes that Manji should be looking for evidence of Chapei's crimes and find ways to seize power. A large flow of funds will definitely attract his attention. After all, unidentified funds usually mean corruption, and this is the best offense. Large or small, it all depends on where and when it is used.

When Manji focuses on the flow of funds outside of Novigrad, she can prepare for the next step in the city. Cha Pei was willing to spend this money to solve the trouble she encountered, and the money would eventually flow into her pocket. She didn't mind accepting part of it as a reward, and by the way, caused some trouble to the Eternal Fire Church.

Anyway, no one she knows likes this church, do they?

Suddenly, she felt as if she was hitting a wall, holding her forehead and staggering back a few steps. She raised her head and just wanted to ask why someone was standing in the middle of the road, and then her open mouth turned into a smirk again.

"Zelin? Why did you come here?"

The demon hunter stood at the base of the stairs, with his hands interlaced on his chest, slightly tilted his head and narrowed his eyes to look at Amelia in front of him, without saying a word.

"Well, that... Is there something to go back and talk about, okay?"

Two hours later, in the castle, Amelia was lying on the bed, her **** red. Yusevka sat on the edge of the bed and opened a bottle of ointment.

"Have you gotten into trouble again? Well, if it wasn't for the academy's closure, I should find a way to send you to school and study with the teacher for a while." Yusevka sighed and applied the cold ointment to the red skin. , Amelia buried her under her arm and took a breath.

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